30 thoughts on “De-bait Time”

  1. another GOPer fish hooked by de bait

    One hour with Fetterman and Oz: Key takeaways from their only debate (nbcnews.com)

    Oz, who has said in the past that he believes abortion is murder at any stage of pregnancy, refused to offer a yes-or-no answer to questions about whether he’d support a federal ban on the procedure at 15 weeks. He instead said he opposes federal laws that could limit how states decide to approach abortion. But how he phrased the response immediately raised eyebrows.
    “I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all,” Oz said. “I want women, doctors, local political leaders letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

    After the debate, Fetterman’s campaign quickly seized on the “local political leaders” part.

    “Our campaign will be putting money behind making sure as many women as possible hear Dr. Oz’s radical belief that ‘local political leaders’ should have as much say over a woman’s abortion decisions as women themselves and their doctors,” Calvello said in a statement.

  2. example of last week’s tussles and how they’re covered by local media

    CBS Miami

    Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings went on the attack Tuesday in her first debate against Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, castigating him as a serial liar, while Rubio criticized her for supporting President Joe Biden’s economic agenda. Each accused the other of being an extremist on abortion.


  3. for those who missed colbert and the delightful mayor pete aka transportation chief click here for Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg returns to The Late Show for a two-part interview with Stephen Colbert that begins with a discussion about why he’s so excited to deliver big checks to America’s towns and cities as they use federal funds to fix their roads, bridges and more. Stick around for another segment with Secretary Pete!


    and here for more for Stephen asks Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg for his thoughts on the large number of election deniers currently running for office as Republicans.

  4. I didn’t watch any debate last night. For some reason I just wasn’t interested in hearing what I thought was going to be little more than practiced, predictable lines of BS.  Seems like with a couple of exceptions that’s what happened, at least with Oz and Fetterman. 

  5. another leader in another land also had his say yesterday

    The sooner peace is achieved in Ukraine thanks to our victory, the less evil Russia will bring to other regions – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — Official website of the President of Ukraine

    Today we had a very active diplomatic day, events for Ukraine at all levels – the highest, governmental, parliamentary.

    In the morning, I addressed the participants of the Berlin conference, which is dedicated to the reconstruction and modernization of our country. This is already the second such conference, after the Swiss one, which took place in the city of Lugano. We are working to obtain resources for the rapid restoration of our infrastructure, social facilities, and housing for Ukrainians.

    I am grateful to German Chancellor Scholz and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen for making today’s event in Berlin very meaningful. We are waiting for specific decisions. Time cannot be stopped, and winter is coming.

    The Crimea Platform started working in Croatia today – at the parliamentary level.

    This is an additional and very powerful level of functioning of our instrument for the deoccupation and reintegration of Crimea.


    And one more thing.

    Just before recording this address, I spoke with new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. I believe that the partnership between our countries and the already traditional British leadership in the defense of democracy and freedom will be further strengthened.

    Ukraine and Britain have achieved the best relations so far, but there is still potential to increase our cooperation to bring more benefits to our societies. I invited the Prime Minister to visit Ukraine.

    I am grateful to everyone who helps us fight for freedom!

    I am grateful to everyone who fights and works for our victory!

    I am grateful to all our warriors who are now holding their positions, destroying the occupiers and giving Ukraine the most important feeling: a feeling of confidence in our future.

    Glory to Ukraine!

  6. Poobah, I wholeheartedly agree with that.  It wasn’t a pretty sight, but I’m not sure how the de-bait will turn out among PA voters who saw Fetterman struggle at times with his answers and Oz saying local officials should be in the room with a woman and her doctor. (Now that’s a GREAT idea ~~~).  

    Oz is a shyster selling a different brand of snake oil to PA than he sold to all the people who watched him sell bottles of sunshine to people in the dark. 

    If yu can’t see, buy this bottle of sunshine. It’s guaranteed to help you see better.
    What, you still can’t see?

    Oh, but today I can sell you a better bottle of sunshine. 
    What, you still can’t see?
    Well then tune in tomorrow and I can sell you an even better bottle of sunshine, for just a few dollars more. And Oprah loves it

    Sorry for the mixed metaphor.

  7. Oz wants “local” leaders involved in abortion matters?  Like, the Mayor?
    Did he mean to say that out loud?

    Can we talk about him cruelly  injecting into puppies hears so he could see what it did, instead of euthanizing them (still bad) in a less painful manner?
    He isn’t a Pennsylvanian.  He weaponized the medical issue of his opponent, which tells you what kind of a doctor he is; cruel.   He isn’t qualified to serve.  He has no interest in actually serving. This is about his bloated ego and power.
    I hope he not only loses the election, but I hope he loses hugely, and I hope he loses whatever gravitas he has before the campaign.  
    What a disgusting schmuck.  
    From what I saw, Fetterman beat him soundly in the debate.

  8. Let’s hear it for black holes!  Sorry… can’t do politics this week.  It’s been raining since we got here.  Tomorrow… our last full day… the sun will shine.  But we’ve eaten some awesome seafood.  And we went to an independent bookstore… we go every year… and bought some great books yesterday.  Got John Irving’s latest… which he claims is his last long book.  Doing the indoor pool and hot tub today.

  9. That didn’t take long. New Fetterman ad: “Dr. Oz would let “local political leaders” like Doug Mastriano ban abortion without exceptions even in cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother”

  10. Craig… yup… 889 pages to be exact.
    I probably won’t tackle it until the depths of winter.

  11. this guy says it’s more than 900 pages, maybe counts both sides of the jacket covers plus the book hard cover front and back

    ‘The Last Chairlift’ review: John Irving’s epic family saga | The Seattle Times

    John Irving’s 15th novel, “The Last Chairlift,” is hard to miss: At more than 900 pages, it rivals the length of “David Copperfield” and “Moby-Dick,” two epics he admiringly references throughout the book.
    But the new novel’s true touchstone is Irving’s own fiction. Indeed, the contents of “Chairlift” may be so familiar — a fatherless son, a headstrong mom, wrestling, the writing life, a nonverbal woman, a transgender friend — that at times it feels like a reboot of his 1978 classic, “The World According to Garp.”

  12. LP takes on ron v. charlie debate

    Oct 25, 2022 Are you nervous from all the lying, Ron DeSantis?


  13. Ahhh… just back from the facilities… I feel so relaxed.
    Jamie… the owner of the independent bookstore in Mashpee knows my tastes… I’ve bought a lot of Irving over the years from her.  When we entered she said…. I’ve got the perfect book for you.  I asked… when did that come out?  She said… today.  I wasn’t aware of it either.

  14. Every Abutt ad starts with a tree falling on him;  avoids mention of banning rape victims from getting an abortion, or even of a medically-necessary abortion; lots of pics of police and military personnel near the border fence.  

    I don’t understand how any Pennsylvanian who isn’t a MAGAt could think Fetterman, despite still recovering from a stroke, wouldn’t make a far superior Senator.   Oz is creepy and cruel and not a Pennsylvanian…or even a decent human being.  
    I helped a store with their magazine merchandising today, and put Oz’s little, trash mag upside down behind something more pleasant.

  15. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/26/business/kanye-west-skechers/index.html

    “…Skechers said in a statement Wednesday that two of its executives escorted embattled musician Kanye West from one of its Los Angeles buildings.”

    “…Ye, “arrived unannounced and without invitation.” It said he was engaged in “unauthorized filming” and he was escorted out “after a brief conversation.”

    “Skechers is not considering and has no intention of working with West,” the company said in its Wednesday statement. “We condemn his recent divisive remarks and do not tolerate antisemitism or any other form of hate speech.”

    “Other companies that have pulled back from West in recent days include Gap, Foot Locker and TJ Maxx.”

    Perhaps a yard sale to unload those ugly-ass shoes, Ye?

  16. Otay – hit a level that stinks.  “That Stinks” I am tired of seeing objects that I used, drove, looked, p’d on and generally used in daily life being labeled or called – antique, ancient, historic, old, restoration possible, vintage and worse.  It sucks seeing numbers of years that are a long time ago, like when I was born.  Sure that was over seventy years ago, but still I am alive and I remember all that, anyway. 
    The hard part is still seeing something, like a dictionary I used in the Fifties, in school, sold as an antique.  The words are still the same, and most are still in use.
    I am thinking this being retired and trying to meld into society again is not going to be easy.  I want the kids, you know those under sixty, to take over and run things better than what my generation and, the older generation those in the Congress, are doing.

  17. BB – I haven’t even been retired for two months and I am beyond bored.  I’m years away from being eligible for ss, but 35 years at that job was 25 years too many.  I will get some sort of job next year to keep myself sane…if I’m not too vintage. I love his Fishbowl app that allows folks to vent about work) shows the differences between the generations. My favorite was a joke about burnout. The boomer take: we don’t suffer burnout; if we turn into bums, we earned it.

  18. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/26/energy/europe-natural-gas-prices-plunge/index.html

    “Europe has more natural gas than it knows what to do with. So much, in fact, that spot prices briefly went negative earlier this week.”

    “For months, officials have warned of an energy crisis this winter as Russia — once the region’s biggest supplier of natural gas — slashed supplies in retaliation for sanctions Europe imposed over its invasion of Ukraine.”

    “Now, EU gas storage facilities are close to full, tankers carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG) are lining up at ports, unable to unload their cargoes, and prices are tumbling.”

    “Despite the recent slump, at around €100 ($100) per megawatt hour European natural gas futures are still 126% above where they were last October, when economies started to reopen from their pandemic lockdowns and demand spiked.”

    “Prices could rise sharply again in December and January as the weather turns colder, providing an incentive for some of those tankers to wait offshore a while longer before coming into port to unload, said Booth.”

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