Trump Caught Red Handed

[The Washington Post] Key Mar-a-Lago witness said to be former White House employee, a Navy veteran and Trump’s personal valet.

“A person with knowledge of the movement of the boxes at Mar-a-Lago said that after they were taken to the residence, Trump looked through at least some of them and removed some of the documents. At least some of the boxes were later returned to the storage room, this person said, while some of the documents remained in the residence.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

32 thoughts on “Trump Caught Red Handed”

  1. sure hope DOJ put Walt in the witness protection program before wapo/nyt published his name or at least taped a full interview under oath and obtained an affidavit as insurance against witness tamperingin the extreme.  

  2. on topic, david horsey’s op ed and toon in seattle times

    The former Big Cheese sets his own trap

    If I steal your car and hide it so that you cannot find it, when the cops come knocking on my door it is not much of a defense if I claim the car really belongs to me, since I have no proof of ownership and you do. And hiding it makes things look especially bad.
    It is also no defense for former President Donald Trump to claim the hundreds of classified documents he took from the White House and hid away at his Mar-a-Lago mansion belong to him, since federal law clearly states that they belong to the government. And yet, weirdly, he persists in that claim and does his own case no good.
    Now, even more damning evidence has come to light. According to the Washington Post, a Trump employee has told the feds that he moved boxes of documents from a storeroom to a hiding place within Trump’s residence at the direction of Trump himself. In other words, the ex-president took a personal role in concealing the documents so that the FBI could not find them.
    There is a term for that: <>obstruction of justice. And there is a term for the case against Trump: a slam dunk. 

  3. Is the room in the alternate universe room starting to shrink?  Are all the floors slanted upward? Is there a nice seat on the no longer gold throne, or has it no seat any more?  Although replying to the committee is more like him throwing a finger at them, it is all the other attractions I like more.  I can only think there is a mechanical voice constantly bleeping “danger Will, danger Will” to remind the moron things have finally caught up with him.

  4. Stephen Colbert just finished watching the tenth live hearing of the January 6 Committee and he recaps all the chilling moments including the surprise ending where the committee issued a subpoena for the former president to testify

  5. BB, time will tell. I just hope there isn’t too much of it. My take is that this wine has aged long enough and I don’t want to see it go to vinegar. 

  6. Looky there, we caught us a witch!

    Despite what I think of Pence politically, he was smart enough to know not to get in that vehicle.   Based on yesterday’s hearing, I’m surprised they didn’t forcibly kidnap him.  Orange Adolf knows how to get mob loyalty; it sure sounds like there are folks who were on the payroll who need to be charged.

  7. It still makes me queasy to remember how that no sooner had biden won the election in 2020 some began to agitate for removal of Nancy as speaker.  “Younger blood” they’d opine……it really pains me to think of where this country would be without Nancy By-God Pelosi. 

  8. I did manage to see most of the hearing.  IMO, the committee has done a spectacular job.
    Trump is a mega ego maniac… but luckily for us… one without a brain.  God help us if someone with that type of ego, but with a brain, ever does get elected.
    So even the SC doesn’t want to mess with his chaos any longer….   good!  ~~~Hope it made trump’s day.~~~

  9. Bivalent booster acquired, ready for the holidays and the enclosed spaces in which they tend to be celebrated 💪🇺🇸

  10. Good luck.  I had mine on Sunday and I was down until Tuesday with the usual fever, headache and chills.  All five shots were rough, but beat the alternative.   In between shots 4 & 5 I had very mild symptoms for two days and tested positive; I’ve had worse head colds, so I guess the vax worked.  Got a flu shot last week, too.  

  11. RR – The monster with the brain is named Ted Cruz.   DuhSantis is just an evil putz. You can tell by his arrogant hairdo, just like Tom DeLay and that guy from Chicago, Blagojevich.


    Wow! This is a long clip of J6. I was at work that day and have only seen very short, but disturbing, clips of the insurrection. This is frightening and infuriating; I hope everyone of the insurrectionists does time and loses their livelihoods. They have cancelled themselves by fueling their hatred with the words of an orange baboon.

    Orange Adolf’s base will learn nothing from the J6 hearings. They are listening/watching it through the filter of the alt-right/neo-fascist media.

    As Mitch McConnell said, he doesn’t care if it’s tRUMP Republicans in office, he just wants to retain power. Do not trust Republicans. They are fascists and we will lose our democracy because they are too morally weak to turn on their mob boss. As TL Rich used to say, shameful.

  13. BiD, wasn’t it Ron Johnson who said it was like a group of tourists, staying in the rope lines as they were going through the rotunda taking pictures? Sure didn’t look that way to me.

  14. Weren’t some elected officials seen taking them around on a recon mission prior to the J6 break in?  
    The fact that these idiots filmed themselves vandalizing and stealing things.  Brilliant. 

  15. The fact that these goobers all went to washington dc looking for trouble instead of just going into the backyard with some Buds and burgers has been beyond me since the first day it happened. I was in a big fancy hiuse with 3 different armies trying to work around each other and my phone bleeped a news bulletin showing the goobers invading the capitol….I said to the room “They’re storming the capitol.”Jordan, the electrician says, “What state?”  And i says, “The big one, DC.”  Everybody but the mexicans looked at their phones for a bit and then everybody went back to work. Weird day.

  16. Ok, here’s the “negroni” video that is subject of every 3rd article in my news feed, no tik tok account required 🫡

  17. Common

    Zarathustra’s like “i have good news and bad news”

    ‘ok, give me the bad news first’

    Zarathustra’s like “the bad news is the good news” 😆

  18. The first one i got and the only one i had for a long time was the common and i enjoyed all that language he used. Years later after reading more of the guy i come across a kaufmann translation of one of them…..maybe WILL TO POWER (Book of the Year 1973)
    But anyway, all of a sudden kaufmann’s ragging on the Common version as being waaaaay inferior so shit i go get a kaufman version but by then i guess I i must have been over it cause i never read it.  

    But i still lke all the “thee’s” and “thou’s”


    “Fossil fuel protesters throw tomato soup on Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ in London gallery”

    “Two young women from the campaign group Just Stop Oil threw the contents of two tins of Heinz tomato soup over the painting, which, the group said, has an estimated value of $84.2 million.”

    “Friday’s incident is the latest in a series of protests targeting famous works of art in a bid to draw attention to the role of fossil fuels in climate change. In July, members of Just Stop Oil glued themselves to a copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” at the Royal Academy of Art in London.”


    “Musk’s SpaceX says it can no longer pay for critical satellite services in Ukraine, asks Pentagon to pick up the tab”

    “So far roughly 20,000 Starlink satellite units have been donated to Ukraine, with Musk tweeting on Friday the “operation has cost SpaceX $80 million and will exceed $100 million by the end of the year.”

    BS! Tax Musk and all of his corporate entities! And don’t let him pay with dodge-y crypto, either!

    Hmmm, is Musk now intentionally helping Poo-tin? Maybe US sanctions on Musk and his inner circle.

  21. The fight of the century, which did not happen, would have been great.  I expect Speaker Pelosi would have used some of the Baltimore street knowledge to knock the orange off the orange moron.  And, the idiot would have just tried to do a classic bitch slap.  Yeah, give me anyone from ‘Charm City” against a fat stinking criminal.
    Newest meme from our Speaker, “I’m gonna punch him out and I’m gonna go to jail and I’m gonna be happy.”

  22. So Dumbass posted a 14 page rant about the J6 final hearing. And he didn’t even mention that the committee voted to subpoena his fat ass. Stupid muthafuggah. 

  23. BB – And we would’ve started a GoFundMe to bail her out!

    Help me out here, please.  If someone pays for a hotel or something, and then someone else pays you their part via Venmo or Zelle or PayPal, you get issued a 1099-K if you are sent more than $600 for the year.  It’s NOT income, but it gets reported as income, starting this year.  Isn’t that BS that now we have to handle this vacation sharing stuff with checks or cash?

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