FOX Sidelines Herschel

I fast forwarded thru 5 hours of Fox last night, and Walker no longer exists on their air. Previous night they were in full throttle defense, now he’s totally ignored.

Closest they got was a Hannity segment bashing Warnock with a pack of lies but no mention of the Walker story.

Me thinks they’re privy to GOP internal polls that probably show he’s toxic.

Fits my longtime FOX rule: When they run out of ideas they just pretend the story doesn’t exist.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

40 thoughts on “FOX Sidelines Herschel”

  1. benched for off-field behavior? 

    scratched because he itched?

    craig calls out fox for sacking quarterback or was that a punk-rooskie play?

  2. speaking of faux news, vlad’s BFF purveyor, today is putie’s 70th birthday.  for the occasion let’s indulge him with this which unearths old footage and was reported by newsweek back in april:

    In 2010, a number of A-list celebrities attended a children’s charity benefit in St. Petersburg, Russia and were in the audience when Putin took to the stage to sing a rendition of “Blueberry Hill” by Fats Domino.
    Kevin Costner, Sharon Stone, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Gérard Depardieu, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel can all be seen in the crowd cheering on the politician’s heavily accented take on the rock ‘n’ roll classic.
    According to The Guardian, this group of actors were booked to attend the event by Samuel Aroutiounian, an entrepreneur who specialized in bringing Hollywood talent to Russia.

    SNL, this cries out for a parody looking like him singing it.

  3. in other news

    President Biden made history today by pardoning all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession, and Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s lies continue to catch up to him as the election approaches.

  4. the russians are coming! the russians are coming!

     Russians flee by boat to Alaska after Putin’s military mobilization – The Washington Post

    Two Russian nationals fleeing President Vladimir Putin’s call-up of military reservists landed by boat on a remote Alaskan island in the Bering Sea and are seeking asylum in the United States, the state’s two senators and U.S. government officials said Thursday.
    The two appeared this week at a beach near Gambell, a tiny community on the northwest tip of St. Lawrence Island about 40 miles from mainland Russia, where they reported having fled “to avoid compulsory military service,” a spokesperson for Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) told the Associated Press
    Murkowski and fellow Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan said the incident has exposed a need of greater security in the Arctic, where Russian military ships and aircraft have increasingly asserted their presence. Seven military vessels from Russia and China were spotted in the Bering Sea last month sailing in international waters.
    “We are actively engaged with federal officials and residents in Gambell to determine who these individuals are, but right now, we already know that the federal response was lacking,” Murkowski said. “Only local officials and state law enforcement had the capability to immediately respond to the asylum seekers, while Customs and Border Protection had to dispatch a Coast Guard aircraft from over 750 miles away to get on scene.”

  5. russians and others in other news today in WAPO

    The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to imprisoned Belarusian human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski and two human rights organizations — one Russian and the other Ukrainian — in what the Norwegian Nobel committee said was an effort to promote “a vision of peace and fraternity between nations” amid the war in Ukraine.
    In addition to Bialiatski, who has been detained in Belarus without trial since 2020, the two organizations sharing this year’s prize are the Russian human rights group Memorial and Ukraine’s Center for Civil Liberties.
    The Norwegian Nobel Committee focused on organizations documenting war crimes and human rights abuses. It is the second consecutive year that a Russian entity was celebrated with the prize.


    “Trump-backed Republican Blake Masters sought to dodge questions about whether he scrubbed from his website material supporting the former president’s false claim that the 2020 election was rigged.”

    During the debate, Masters did manage to bring up CRT, Obama, gender pronouns and woke-ness in talking about voting rights. Dog whistle? Nah. Tornado siren summoning all racists, homophobes, misogynists, and fascists.

    “During a debate that frequently fizzed with tension, Mr Masters struggled to say if he had taken down that material, and also removed a more hardline position on abortion rights..”

    So, I guess Masters decided not to keep it…


    “In Arizona, Blake Masters backtracks on abortion and scrubs his campaign website”

    Five takeaways from the Kelly-Masters debate in Arizona

    “…invoking the culture wars and suggesting news outlets and Big Tech could have impacted how people voted in the last election.”

    “…referencing Masters’s comments calling the military “totally incompetent” and saying there was “rot.”

    Yeah, Masters went after General Milley during the debate, too.

    “He [Masters] wants to privatize our water. He wants to send our water rights to Wall Street. He wants to send your Social Security savings to Wall Street,” Kelly claimed.

  8. I’m surprised Sarah Palin didn’t sound the alarm about those 2 russians. I mean, she HAD to have seem ’em,  eh?

  9. no senate without Georgia –hmmm do you suppose Walker will have a terrible accident

  10. It’s just a call to Repugz to circle the wagons around Walker, no matter what.
    BTW, a man telling a woman to have an abortion because the timing is “inconvenient” for him, is still a man controlling a woman’s body. 


    “A top-of-the-line Russian nuclear-powered submarine has gone missing from its harbor in the Arctic along with its rumored “doomsday weapon,” according to multiple reports.”

    “NATO has reportedly warned members that Russia’s Belgorod submarine no longer appeared to be operating out of its White Sea base, where it has been active since July. Officials warned that Russia may plan to test Belgorod’s “Poseidon” weapons system…”

  12. Sounds like we need to contact Scott Glenn to get the USS Dallas on the hunt for Belgorod.  Worked for the Red October.
    Walker – it would be hard to find a candidate who better exemplifies today’s repug party.

  13. Poobah, that’s akin to giving a chef dog shit to cook and firing him because the dinner tasted like dog shit.

  14. My email feed from Time reports that Americans were killed by guns in 2021 at the highest rate in 30 years.  That would be the last year of the GHWB administration. Welcome back.

  15. Thanks to that scotus decision, gun violence is going to go off the charts, and so will officer-involved shootings because police are going to assume everybody they encounter has a gun, so be careful how you carry things like sandwiches and wallets, no sudden movements

  16. But, pogo, don’t you know they’re blaming Biden.   Republican gun lawlessness has turn the US into the wild west. 

    Greg Abbott has done nothing since Uvalde.  No special session for that.  Oh, but he did sign permitless carry in Texas, so…

    “Parents of survivors of the Robb Elementary School massacre in Uvalde, Texas, have filed a federal lawsuit against multiple entities – including the gun manufacturer, school district and city – for a host of allegations, including negligence and recklessness.”

    “Lawyers for the families say the manufacturer for the gunman’s weapon employs aggressive marketing tactics that recklessly endanger children.”

    “Days before the shooting, the complaint notes, the Georgia-based company tweeted an image of a toddler holding an assault-style weapon with the caption: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

    “Motorola Solutions, Inc.’s radio communications devices, which were used by some first responders, “were defective and unreasonably dangerous because they did not contain adequate warnings or instructions concerning failure during normal use,” said the claim.

    “The plaintiffs are seeking punitive damages and a jury trial, among other relief.”


    “Mayor Eric Adams has declared a state of emergency to help respond to the city’s migrant crisis, which he told reporters Friday will cost the city $1 billion this fiscal year.”

    The Earth has an overpopulation problem. It’s not just about folks moving around. The Earth can not support the population. Climate change refugees, and even those escaping war/political regimes — it’s all connected.

    “As of the first week of October, Texas has spent more than $18 million busing migrants – who have been processed and released by immigration authorities in Texas border communities – to Washington D.C., New York City, and Chicago. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced the program in April as part of his response to the Biden administration’s immigration policies, and acknowledged that taxpayers were likely to foot the bill.”

  18. BID of course they are blaming Biden.  The 1993 high water mark was exceeded in 2017, 18 & 19 and spiked in 2020, increasing by 14% over 2019.  Bear in mind, the majority of gun deaths in the US are suicide.  Pew Research. 2014-16 marked a dramatic rise that plateaued in 17-19 then jumped again in 20 and 21.  The rise began from 2000 to 2001 and has continued since.  The biggest takeaway I see is that what has jumped during the Dumbass years and continuing to the present is the murder rate from 2016 to the present.

  19. BTW, the PL lawsuit against Motorola seems particularly weak to me.  The Uvalde parents would have to prove that there’s connection between the lack of an adequate warning that the things sometimes don’t work in normal use that caused to some degree the failure of the cops who did not go in to save the kids.  I don’t see how in hell they would ever convince a jury of that.

  20. One of the little intelligence community blog posts had something about a russian submarine recovery ship moving from port a few days ago.  It can service subs and other things.  There was a guess about it going out to help find some sub perhaps Belgorod.  There is always some issue with the russian subs that makes them not float very well when on fire.  But, that is speculation.  It could be the sub is looking for a couple of dudes making it from russia to Caribou Barbie’s shack.

  21. That lawsuit rolls in every entity present on that horrible day in Uvalde.  I didn’t realize that was even possible; I thought it would have to be multiple suits, each with a narrower scope. 
    There was an issue with equipment in Uvalde.  BETO brought that up with Abbott during the debate.  

    Uvalde Asked For New First Responder Radios In 2015, But Was Denied

    “Fox San Antonio recently received emails from 2015 showing that county leaders in Uvalde, Val Verde, and Kinney Counties asked both DPS and Governor Greg Abbot for funds to replace a failing first responder radio system. Help was denied. Communication issues contributed heavily to the tragedy in Robb Elementary…”

    “The counties’ system was built in 2003, part of a series of federal grants following the September 11 attacks that aimed to better prepare first responders for emergencies. However, nearly two decades of Texas heat, age, and the bitter ice storm of 2021 had severely damaged the equipment. By the time the shooting started at Robb Elementary, there were huge holes in the communication network.”

    There’s that pesky, ice storm, again, Greg.

    “There has been no word yet on whether the governor or DPS will take this opportunity to upgrade and repair first responder systems in the affected counties or any other place in Texas.”

    But Greg can spend $18 million to bus migrants to blue states.


    “Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday appointed former U.S. Secret Service agent John P. Scott as the Texas Education Agency’s first chief of school safety and security, a position the governor created in response to the Uvalde mass school shooting that left 19 students and two teachers dead.”

    School has been in session for over a month, Greg. It’s a good thing there’s an election coming up, or he still wouldn’t have done a damned thing.

  23. i actually watched “Red October”, last night, and the minor villain in the beginning is named “Putin”

  24. BB, not looking for the dudes, but is lurking off shore there waiting for them to come back with help like the plot of that movie i mentioned earlier. 

    The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming – Wikipedia

    Soviet Navy submarine called Спрут […] draws too close to the  coast one September morning when its captain wants to take a good look at America and runs aground on a sandbar near the fictional Gloucester Island, off the New England coast, with a population of about 200 local residents. Rather than radio for help and risk an embarrassing international incident, the captain sends a nine-man landing party, headed by his zampolit (Political officer) Lieutenant Yuri Rozanov, to find a motor launch to help free the submarine from the bar….. [continues]

    perhaps today’s sub ran out of vodka or ran aground or lost esprit d’corps (what with them nuclear armed and the “nuke the uk” talk ) just decided to defect.

  25. putie attempts the boogeyman-gonna-get-you ploy

    Russia Warns Citizens About Black, Gay People if They Flee Country (

    Avideo warning fleeing Russians of imagined interactions in America that is circulating on pro Kremlin telegram channels has gone viral on Twitter.

    The video is broken up into multiple skits where a man, his wife and child are on a plane leaving Russia to permanently live in America.

    The video creates ludicrous situations where it suggested Russians must now be concerned about same-sex couples, black people and vegetarians.

    The video was posted by Twitter user Kermlin Russia on Wednesday and so far has been viewed more than 450,000 times.


  26. 146 million Russians (give or take a General or twenty), but less than half a million views.   Ha!  If they could dub it in English, the Republican Party could use it as part of their fear mongering. 
    Yes, folks, beware of this American vegetarian.  

  27. Being retired from the general workforce, or any work force, frees me from many obligations.  No more security clearances, Backgrounds, political restrictions and so, so much more.  Yay. 
    Oops, misspoke a little.  Having had a clearance and having had exposure or use of classified information means I cannot talk about, discuss or reveal that information.  SFB, having been the top classifier of data, does not understand that.  He never did and freely tossed agents and contacts to their deaths. He saw and was told some of our nations highest regarded information.  He used that as toilet paper for his fat

  28. One, more example of a man trying to control a woman’s body, just from the other side.    

  29. BMC = Big Man on Campus.  That is what he was for his life, until he was no longer a player. Anything he wanted was his, women, happy stuff, you name it. But he had to produce – every game.  Head smashes, yup, you play football – you get head trauma. When you are the star player, you get what you want.  I have no idea what Mr. Walker’s IQ was when he was in elementary school, probably the last time his developing brain was still functioning.
      I do know what having your “bell rung” is like.  It is why I am afraid for my future.  I put it this way “I had my teeth kicked in too many times” (I lived a rather rough life, back when the gangs moved out of the big city to the suburbs); yes I do have to have my front teeth “rebuilt” every five to seven years.
    Mr. Walker is showing what a young life of having your “bell rung” is.  He has no clue what he is doing there.  He has no idea of what he is.  And, he has no understanding of what his masters (republican party) is using him for.  If he was in the Senate chambers and looking around I doubt he would understand he was in Washington, D.C.


    “Top Texas Republicans have been key promoters of “2000 Mules,” a debunked film by GOP political operative Dinesh D’Souza that falsely claims there was significant voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election.”

    “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office, which oversees investigations into voter fraud, screened the movie this summer…”

    “Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and three other Houston-area legislators sponsored a watch party at a local church in June, according to the church’s website.”

    That church should lose tax-exempt status.

    “…Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who has a history of spreading political falsehoods on social media, recently cited the film as part of the reason he continues to believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.
    In June — at the same time that millions of Americans were tuning into the first Congressional hearing on the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol — Miller was scheduled as a special guest speaker at a screening of “2000 Mules” by the Dallas Jewish Conservatives, according to the group’s website.”

    “In May, the Coastal Bend Republican Coalition in Corpus Christi hosted a watch party, citing a glowing review of the film from the Epoch Times, a website with ties to a far-right Chinese spiritual movement that has promoted apocalyptic, QAnon and anti-vaccine conspiracies. D’Souza has written more than 50 articles for the Epoch Times.”

    “Watchdog groups fear the film will fuel chaos in the upcoming midterm elections and could be a pretext for more restrictive voting laws in the future.”

    I’d say that if it’s not close, they can’t cheat, but Republicans are deceitful bastards.

  31. BB, I played football through 10th grade and had my bell ring a few times (and saw stars numerous times and it bought me multiple shoulder dislocations and a Bristow procedure). Helmets then weren’t what they are now. But I really learned what that meant when I rode enduros and hare scrambles when I was old enough to know better. That, aside from seeing stars a few times hitting branches and the like, bought me a hip resurface 25 years later. Loved it then and live with it now. 

  32. lol:

    The Times’ review of the book suggests that’s because Haberman has produced something deeper than the typical Trump-administration tell-all. “This is a book more notable for the quality of its observations about Trump’s character than for its newsbreaks,” writes Joe Klein. But lovers of batshit Trump tales can rest assured that there’s still plenty of gossip in Confidence Man.

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