26 thoughts on “Herschel’s Oops”

  1. The pastor v the football player: can Raphael Warnock tackle Herschel Walker? | US midterm elections 2022 | The Guardian

    When Democrat Raphael Warnock won his election last year, he celebrated his success as a reflection of America’s promise.
    Only in this country could the son of a Black woman who once spent her summers picking cotton experience such a dramatic rise, becoming the first African American to represent Georgia in the US Senate, Warnock told his supporters. He implored his new constituents,in the wake of a historically divisive campaign season, to embrace the values that made his win possible.
    “Will we continue to divide, distract and dishonor one another? Or will we love our neighbors as we love ourselves?” Warnock said in his victory speech.
    Just hours later, a group of Donald Trump’s supporters breached the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s election….
    Even with his time in the Senate, however, Warnock does not have name recognition over his Republican opponent. A former professional football player, Herschel Walker is best known for the Heisman Trophy he won in 1982 while playing for the University of Georgia Bulldogs. Walker helped the Bulldogs win a national championship in 1980; when he left the school, the team retired his jersey number, 34.
    That fame, combined with Trump’s early endorsement, allowed Walker to easily secure the Republican nomination in May. His team leans hard into his celebrated football record, offering hats to supporters that say “#34 for ‘22”. At a rally last month in Rome, Georgia, attendees waited in a long line to take photos with him.
    “I’ve watched him since I was six years old with the Georgia Bulldogs play football, and he’s really a great guy,” said Stephanie Nichols, a 48-year-old voter from Rome who carried a football she wanted Walker to sign.
    That storied history seems to be enough for many Georgia voters to overlook his controversial, and often nonsensical, comments on everything from the pandemic to abortion access, which Warnock has seized on in his campaign ads…..
    “At the end of the day, a lot of this is a nationalized election, and it’s much more about what the Democrats have done over these last two years when they’ve been in control versus what Herschel Walker may have done in the past,” said Jay Williams, a longtime Republican strategist based in the Atlanta area. “You could put a potted plant against Warnock, or you could put a potted plant against Walker, and all the Democrats would vote for the potted plant or all the Republicans would vote for the potted plant. It’s really that kind of election.”

  2. a biden “oops”on the lighter-hearted side of yesterday’s news

    the hill:

    President Bidenappeared to share a lighthearted, R-rated exchange while caught on a hot mic as he met with Florida officials and residents affected by Hurricane Ian.
    “No one f—- with a Biden,” the president appeared to say with a laugh as he had a seemingly friendly conversation with Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy on Wednesday.
    Biden made the F-bomb comment after Murphy shook his hand, thanked him and told him to “keep the faith.”
    While much of the conversation was inaudible, Biden was seemingly echoing words of wisdom he had been told over the years.
    “You’re goddamn right,” Murphy chuckled in response as he took off his sunglasses during the brief discussion with Biden.
    “And you can’t argue with your brothers outside the house,” Biden added.

  3. Well, Herschel may have “not at all” identified the woman who came forward anonymously saying he encouraged her to get an abortion and paid her expenses to do so. Well, it seems the universe of possible accusers got considerably narrower yesterday when she said she is the mother of one of his children. I wonder if he can sift through the what, 4 mothers of his kids and figure out which one he sent $700 and a get well card after her abortion in 2009 then later had a baby with. Maybe Newt can help him if he’s too confused by the confusion from his many concussions.  Hint, the kid is 13 years old or less.

  4. KIMMEL: “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard the “our candidate has brain damage” defense. Sometimes these concussions cause abortions. You don’t know what they do. When Newt Gingrich is in your corner, you suck.”

  5. hey aaron, a more relevant story might be the GOPer’s declining demand for sanity

    Herschel Walker, and the GOP’s declining demand for morality in leaders – The Washington Post

    What’s clear is that the party has evolved considerably since then, toward a version of itself that can accept the likes of Trump and Walker — and overwhelmingly.
    In 2011, the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) asked whether people thought an elected official who committed an immoral act “can still behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life.” (Journalist John Dickerson pointed to these findings Wednesday.)
    While half of Democrats said they could, just 36 percent of Republicans said the same — a finding in line with the GOP’s emphasis on morals over the previous two decades.
    But by 2016, things had changed substantially. With a vulgar, thrice-married alleged adulterer at the top of the party’s ticket, the number of Republicans who said such an official could fulfill their duties nearly doubled to 70 percent. And by the end of Trump’s term as president, that number stood at 71 percent.
    The shift was driven by the evangelical Christians who had once pushed the party to embrace morality. While in 2011, just 30 percent of White evangelicals said such a candidate could fulfill their duties, that number in 2020 was 72 percent. Among the major religious groups, this one went from the least tolerant of such a candidate to the most tolerant.
    Democrats, by contrast, are about where they were in 2011. While back then 49 percent said such a candidate could fulfill their duties, in 2020 that number stood at 47 percent. (There was a momentary uptick to 61 percent in 2016.)
    A final poll we’ll note here is a survey from The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation, in 2012, when Republicans were more insistent upon morality. It asked whether “Americans are too tolerant and accepting of behaviors that in the past were considered immoral or wrong.” While half of Democrats agreed with that statement, 77 percent of Republicans did.
    Today, it’s Republicans who say they’re more tolerant of immoral behavior, at least in their politicians. Whether it’ll be enough to salvage Walker’s fledgling political career — which independents will also have a major say over — is another matter.

  6. Adding a little more to the issue of getting too many hits to the head, everyday you read of some former, and occasional active, player of contact sports dying way too young.  Although keeling over and not bruising when hitting the floor is rare, it can happen.  Most likely is that Walker is not going to know much of anything very soon.  It is possible that he has deteriorated during these few months in politics and does not remember what happened last week.

  7. As you all know… I’m a big NFL fan.  For the most part, the players are decent guys.  But the NFL has it’s share of total shit heads too.  They are allowed to continue to play if they are good.  After all… can’t interfere with the NFL’s money.  Although we could say that about most anything in this country.
    Herschel Walker isn’t a shit head because of too many concussions..   He’s a shit head because he’s… well…  a shit head.

  8. Walker’s son put a big spotlight on the skeletons in his dad’s closet. 

    Christian Walker to his father: ‘Wear a condom’

    “…the woman who said that Herschel Walker pushed her to get an abortion in 2009 had a child with Walker years later, even after Walker told her it was not a “convenient time” for him.”

    However, his son is a conservative and will probably run for office some day.

    “Christian Walker is the son of Herschel Walker’s ex-wife Cindy DeAngelis Grossman, who has accused her former husband of domestic abuse.”

    Who is Christian Walker, Herschel Walker’s son?

    “Christian Walker was well known by many before the recent videos due to his fame on TikTok for making videos against Democrats and speaking in favor of conservative values and the Republican Party.”

    “As his popularity grew, Walker also decided to become a podcaster, creating a podcast called “Uncancellable” that was number one in entertainment news at one point, according to his Twitter.”

    Family values, people?” Christian Walker said in a video after the report. “He has four kids, four different women, he wasn’t in the house raising one of them, he was out having sex with other women. Do you care about family values?”

    “Had the honor of introducing my dad, @HerschelWalker, last night at Mar a Lago,” Christian Walker tweeted. “I got to preach about how authoritarian and HORRIFIC Democrats are, then got to hug a future senator. Perfect night.”

    Junior may have had a concussion, too, from the sound of it.

  9. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/06/us/migrant-workers-hurricane-ian-response-cec/index.html

    “They’re arriving from New York, from Louisiana, from Houston and Dallas,” says Saket Soni, executive director of the nonprofit Resilience Force, which advocates for thousands of disaster response workers. The group is made up largely of immigrants, many of whom are undocumented, Soni says. Much like migrant workers who follow harvest seasons and travel from farm to farm, Soni says these workers crisscross the US to help clean up and rebuild when disaster strikes.”

    “Many who were traveling in the opposite direction weeks ago are now traveling to Florida to help rebuild,” he says.

    “He calls it a “moment of interdependence.” And he says it’s something he hopes DeSantis and others in Florida will recognize.”

  10. he’s a typical gooper loser  
    a lot of the liars for trump have a fake history

  11. Kid sure sounds angry about his dad being an absentee, but sounds like he was caught up in the Dumbass aura and forgot that for a night.

  12. Speaking of the “eff-word”, what the fuck could be in elon musk’s private correspondences that he’d spend $44 B!LL!ON* to keep them from being disclosed?
    *(xrep homage)

  13. Mark Kelly is smoking that little, dweeb, Masters.  Blake Masters is like a combo of JarJar and Hawley.    Somehow the little prick worked in CRT, gender pronouns, Obama and being woke with voting rights. Dog whistle? Nope, that was a tornado siren. Blake Masters is a fear-mongering, fascist, racist, un-American jackass.

    Ask me what I really think of him.

    The third guy in the debate, Victor, eh, I’m not even sure how he got on the stage. The moderator sure gave him zero respect.

    Go, Kelly!

  14. Poobah, Uncle Joe gets a 5 point pot bump among boomers, kids and wrongfully imprisoned minority folks or I’ll eat my hat. 

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