A stray dog accompanied Ukrainian fighters of the Odin Unit, as they took cover inside of a building after hearing incoming rounds, during a clearing-out operation of remaining Russian forces #Irpin#Ukraine #war #UkraineWar #Kyiv #Ukrainerussianwar #dog #mansbestfriend @nytimes pic.twitter.com/i3owMLr2p7
— Daniel Berehulak (@berehulak) March 30, 2022

Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks. View all posts by craigcrawford
that doggie in the window: “arf-arf arf-arf!” (translation: slava ukraine!)
Video was made in cooperation with the Estonian Defence Forces … Music and lyrics – Artur Rehi
another song titled “slava ukraine” which is not militarized and rather haunting is described in wiki:
click here to hear for the video of solo viola version of it.
“But just as relief efforts are taking care of Ukraine’s besieged civilians, a parallel network of volunteers, activists, and rescue staff have pulled together to try and shield the country’s pets from the effects of the Russian war machine.”
Ukraine Prez Zelensky strips two Ukrainian generals of their ranks for being ‘traitors’ (freepressjournal.in)
same story reported by the hill also included:
‘toon in honor of the day
Nixon’s Example of Sanity in Washington
I find the digital resistance fighters in Ukraine fascinating. Give this a listen…or use your eyeballs.
Strays living in the wild are known for becoming afraid of thunderstorms. Imagine what bombs do to them.
Russia accuses Ukraine of helicopter attack on oil depot in Russian city | Ukraine | The Guardian
my bet is “… Russian negligence may be to blame” if their facility and depot caretakers are anywhere comparable to the russian troops on the ground in ukraine.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Love that Goethe quote. So apt in so many ways and so many settings these days.
Anoather good month for jobs. WaPo.
Good news – too bad people see gas at $4+ and can’t see the positive side of the equation.
One of the questions I have about greedy old perverts is their new code word “woke”. I know it was used by the Black community as a specific phrase to describe some specific action, which I cannot tell you what that is. I have never bothered to waste my time trying to find out either, because I am sure it is very different than what is being used as a dog whistle by the gqp. And, I come to the game late, never hearing the word used in everyday conversation. Now that it is a common slur invoked by those who I am sure are not woke, other than a new hate term, how long until we can come up with a new word for those idiots to use to make them look even more stupid?
Ummm….how about “assholes”?
Well, that might be over used but it surely fills the bill.
As in: “Oh, look…CBS wants to hire a new Asshole!”
Sturg, RFL…
Make Russia part of Ukraine!
WSJ: Ukrainian helicopters strike a fuel depot inside Russia, signaling Ukraine’s ability to widen field of war. Russia abandons control of Chernobyl nuke station.
Craig – there is a question in the intelligence community (IC) about the strike on the fuel depot, some are thinking it was a “false flag” operation by the russians against their own supplies. Putin has done this in the past, but usually it involves russian people being killed by russians.
I am not disappointed to see that it may be that Ukraine has the military wherewithal at this point to mount strikes outside its borders – to the east. Since we have provided them 1/3 of their military budget in aid and armaments since this stuff started, I’d hope they could do something more than just sit back and take it and mount insurgency attacks on Russian troops within their borders. I hope that the intelligence community’s false flag suspicions are not correct, but I certainly don’t put such stuff past Vlad.
I keep asking whether there is a point that we (collective) say enough and begin helping Ukraine directly.
Boots on the ground? Full-scale WWIII is when. Uniformed Americans cannot shoot at uniformed Russians unless y’all like getting nuked
Yeah… I’m with Bink on this. Giving Ukraine weapons…. yup. But getting directly involved is insane, IMO.
Craig… nice picture. Glad to know that there are people helping with stray pets.
We just got a postcard in our PO Box that had both of us laughing so hard we almost pissed our pants. Since I can’t (and won’t) take a picture of it… let me tell you what it says:
The True Story of Qanon
I was a child victim of the Cabal spoken of in Qanon. They invented the whole saga of Qanon and planned all news and entertainment events 20 years ago. They planned 9/11, the 7/7 bombing, the Ukraine war, and Covid-19 and told me that Luvox cures Covid-19. The minutia of every battle and every action by Zelensky and Putin were planned. They put a mind reading device in me and tortured me and spied on me my whole life. On Good Friday this world will end, possibly by nukes, or MY world will end. Please read the truth in the below QR code. I will be hiding in Kansas. PLEASE share this and email me at……… so I know people are getting my postcards.
This came from a PO Box in Portsmouth NH. And it’s addressed to Postal Customer.
I can only imagine how many idiot NHerites will actually scan that code and/or use the email!
I’m not advocating that US forces go into Ukraine. I’m asking a question prompted primarily (today) by Marc Thiessen’s (idiot) piece in WaPo – but don’t assume I’m advocating any answer. I believe that would be a disastrous move that would give Vlad an excuse to do field trials of tactical nukes, and I’m certainly not in favor of that. And I certainly am not advocating the the US send in troops unless NATO is the actor, hence the word collective, but even then I believe the risk that would trigger Vlad to go into at least theatre level nukes is real. I would however like to see that we are helping Ukraine get what it is asking for – Soviet era MIGs from Poland and advanced anti aircraft armaments to establish in effect a no fly zone over Ukraine. Seems to me that they have sufficient pluck and grit to defend Ukraine on the ground now that they seem to have their feet under them, given sufficient weaponry and other support to do so.
Ah,Spring. A thunder snow storm just passed through.
The murder of Winter continues –
BB – My brother started using “woke” last year. Angry, white man walking.
strategic war analysis aside, the war needs to end ASAP, nothing good comes of it the longer it continues
…and when Putin starts getting really desperate, don’t forget the CCP didn’t do a damn thing to help bring him to the negotiation table, they gave him a luxury box at the Olympics
“does not deny or confirm”
but then under their breath, the ukranians probably muttered “april fool, vlad”
For fun I played around with the 1950 census this afternoon. It will have some challenges because of the scan program reading the handwriting. I needed to correct two of the names I found, but that is easy once you figure out you have to know the line before adding the correction.
It was interesting to see names of family back in 1950. Just seeing my great-grandmother’s name and the apartment address brought back memories of visiting her in her apartment. She had not updated the decor since the 20’s and 30’s. She was seventy-six in 1950. Those twenty watt light bulbs sure were great.
The Dogs of War-
That is one hell of an image. The stairs, the man, the dog,, the window, the lighting. Too bad Life magazine is dead.
The pet rescue story above is just another data point about this war that sets it apart from all others.
NPR ran one yesterday about a city NW of Mariupol receiving their refugees, in cars.
They are so organized to receive them, that volunteer mechanics ate there to try and replace the glass in cars.
The pressure waves from shelling blow the windows out of the vehicles, otherwise they can still run.
The Russians dug trenches around Chernobyl, in addition to churning up the ground with their track vehicles . This just pried open Pandora’s Box again, that Nature had been burying for nearly the last 40 years.
This is why they beat feet out of there. Acute Radiation Sickness. The nasty stuff from that Russian cluster fuck has a half life of 24,000 years.
This is why Trump loves Putin , they have a very long long history of treating their own people like dogs.
BB dang I mid-read your post entirely when I came up with “assholes”. I now see where you were headed about wha to call ourselves fir them to look stupid using. I need to woke up.
I saw that headline , so glad to hear your comments. I thought of my mother when I saw it . It’s the one where I show up in American History for the first time !
If I have it straight , our home address is the Acuff Gin.
Blue in D –
“Woke” ………. tell your bother I’ll take his American history test if he’ll take mine.
And we’ll see who is still “Asleep”.
Fetterman is ahead of Lamb in PA . , by double digits.
And Lamb is a great choice.
My only pause about Fetterman is his sir name. One of the great American military disasters , in fact so bad they named a fort after him.
Red Cloud chopped his command to pieces. Evan though he had 2 guys with him who had Henry Rifles.
The Fetterman I am talking abut made Custer seem like a wall flower. Being a braggart in America ihas a very long tap root.
Weather days off in Douglas , Wyo. . Reading the stacks cause I had no library card.
A very horny girlfriend that worked at the bank. A Failing 1250 Holemaster. Slammin’ Steel on “Crazy Woman Creek” in the Powder River Basin.
That’s the first time I read about some man named Fetterman.
The romance of the West. America bends Nature to it’s will .
Well Nature bats last.
Strug –
Stubbs Bar-B- Que
The number one selling sauce in the country .
I got punched in the face in this place . I was a terrible drunk by then with a bitter mind.
Nite All –
Shiny side Up
Rubber side down
Find a way to smile. It cures an angry liver, saves a lonely heart.
So i sign off here for Judy , Brooks, and Caphart.
Why oh why do we not seee immigration as world wide event ?
Entergy as well ? ( By the way gas here dropped 18 cents over night )
Why is there no voice to knit these things into a larger world ?
And the price of food , that beast is at our door step.
People did not flee to the cities in Syria years ago for no reason , the worst drought they had ever seen drove them.
That is a fact , full stop, period.
The same sort of thing is at work at our border.
The Irish did not flee until there were no potatoes /
People do not abandon their homes lightly , they are driven from them
Drought , storms , and human geed are just like Russian guns.
Until we see this we will never stop the flood.
And just wait when Canada closes it’s borders to the American South West.
I love my country , but :nation sum is a 300 year old tear old idea.
Either we find a way ro live together , or we all die a lone
Sturg, bless you my … bruthuh? It’s all global. Climate, fuel, WHEAT, electronics, immigration … you name it.
I’ve had this convo in bars here with “friends” (lawyers and local businessmen) with Italian and “English” names who look at me like I have two heads while they’re drinking Scotch, Guinness or some other imported spirits or beer, eating lamb, wearing Swiss watches and driving a German car. And they talk ‘murca.” They don’t see it.
The Kraines have showed us that. In a war with the fucking Russian Army who takes care of gerbils, dogs, and cats ?
In all other wars they would be stew.
If I was a young man , i would join this fight.
So what can we do ?
Bomb suits , the Russians fire a lot of duds .
Body armor Nite vision
America is swimming in this stuff. Ask the local cops.
To send it to the Kraines buy new stuff.
The Arsenal of Democracy. 2.O .
Here I am in ‘e heart of Pogo BB CC country…….90 mph let ‘e hummus down and roll.
This is a question of light and dark. Fear and hope .Life and death.
We’ve never seen any thing like it.
This is way I hate Will Shit. And the trails of rich people slapping each other.
“How much is that doggie in the window ? ”
It is an age where things stumble a long right up to the day they don’t.
Putin watched that Omar tape in the culvert , over and over .
When a bunch of his people got their hands on him.
He was in our heads , now President Z is in his head. dressed like Zuckerburg, but with real human body.
There is a lot of pissing on fire plugs in war. It is a mammal trait.
Here I am screaming electrons , and key strokes . down a wire in the dark.
Tesla saw that Edison did not.
We’ve come a long way from the Acuff Gin.
Old guyz see this stuff diff’rently I suppose. Th’ soviets had nukes and backed Chiner while th’ Chinese helped NV and we helped SV – directly and openly – and th’ birds didn’t fly. Spy v. Spy in real time and th’ birds didn’t fly. Now Rusher invades the Uke directly in real time and we help Uke openly in real time and we fear if we don’t pretend we aren’t th’ birds will fly. I must be missing sumpin’. Is Putie that much crazier than Mao and Brezhnev and th’ nuts who ran th’ PRC and CCCP? They struck me as bonkers then.