All Critters Craven and Small

Also known as critterville’s GOPer caucus –
except for it’s only truth tellers Rep. Cheney and Rep. Kinzinger

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3 years ago

…nice obit for your Pops linked in yesterday’s thread 🛣

3 years ago

Hawley is as dangerous to democracy as they come.  
They are going hard on Liz so that none of the other goose-steppers who may be on the fence break rank. 

3 years ago

Watching the Liz saga reminded me of a conversation from the late 80s when I told a deeply conservative acquaintance that Rush Limbaugh was a racist.  He told me that I just didn’t get the “jokes”.  He didn’t get just how evil a growth that had infested the GOP dating from the Dixiecrat move to the party had become. 

We are now seeing the outcome as the weeds have overgrown anything decent that still remains until even any semblance of fiscal and public conservatism is destroyed in its wake.


3 years ago

90 Years old Today – Say Hey! Willie Mays


3 years ago


Speaking of small creatures, the butterflies are dying courtesy of Agribusiness feeding an ever larger human population

The Monarch Butterfly Emergency


Blue Bronc
3 years ago

Rolling Stone has a list of the top one hundred television comedy programs.  It was a nice review of the last sixty-five years of television.  We can all disagree about the correct ranking of the shows, what might be funny in New York is a loss in Denver.  What is good is the large list so we can choose many of them with the hope that a few are not behind a paywall.

3 years ago


I love the new series as I did the original series and the books.  There are differences that I think are the result of modern life allowing for slightly more graphic or just expansive story lines that could only be hinted at in the original books from the early 70s. 


3 years ago

Cyber Ninjas certainly strikes me as very Trumpian organization to do the AZ recount – Completely inexperienced, utterly incompetent and thoroughly biased (not to mention secretive).  Hmmm, I wonder what the (predetermined) outcome of the audit will be?

3 years ago

DOJ to cyber ninjer goobers:
“Hope you boys are taking real good extra special care of those ACTUAL BALLOTS.   Wouldn’t want you fellers to run afoul of the LAW”

Blue Bronc
3 years ago

Pogo – Stupid gqp does not know that the million extra bamboo ballots were turned into placemats and sold in Texas after the election count.

3 years ago

…looks like rover might have discovered life on Mars, so that’s significant 🤷‍♂️

3 years ago

Original series! because it also, unbeknownst to us at the time, had the fifth doctor.   PBS re-aired the old series before the new one and I just really love the old one best.
(Did you know the fifth doctor is the tenth doctor’s father-in-law?)

Best TV series: Northern Exposure

3 years ago

“…she is pro-Trump. And that’s all that counts these days in our coalition. And I think we are a coalition, not a party today, because there are plenty of the Trump folks, the MAGA folks who are not true Republicans.”

3 years ago


David Tennant (the tenth doctor) and Georgia Moffett now have five children.  Her father is Peter Davison (The fifth doctor)

The whole family has many years of stage, film and TV appearances. 

Peter Davison