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4 years ago

One way to get out of the debates


4 years ago

Goodnight Craig

Oregon Democrat OD
Oregon Democrat OD
4 years ago

Trump has been around so many unmasked people in recent days; this could be a really big problem!

4 years ago

Gee, how could this possibly have happened?  Stupid shits. I guess Karma really is a bitch. A very sweet bitch. Thoughts and prayers, right? ~~~

4 years ago

To help prevent the transmission of COVID, close the lid on your toilet before flushing, thank you.

4 years ago

Thoughts and prayers indeed….I’m praying alright, hard.    😉

4 years ago

OSH, you are welcome to join my prayer group. Of course as an atheist prayer isn’t something I do a lot, so you bring the chocolate and I’ll bring the wine. Close enough, right?

4 years ago

To help prevent the transmission of COVID, close the lid on your D’umpster before leaving, thank you.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

It is hard to know if this is fake news due to the Peter and the Wolf life of the con man
Even if it is true we still cannot rely on any information coming from the WH
The whole of this is probably going to be larger than we can imagine
If it is true how can they explain that SFB has the hoax to the cult member who do not believe it is real?
senate majority leader must be enjoying the day.
How many staff members are spreading the hoax too?
Schadenfreude for all those people his inaction has killed.

4 years ago

“You get close and things happen.”

D’ump blaming those pesky law enforcement folk for “kissing” him.  his deflection ploy to ward off rumors about being too close to most fav staffer perchance? 

4 years ago

BB, if it’s true then there should be a lot more folk going into quarantine.  take a look at all those pictures this last week of the many close MASKLESS encounters with him.   also what about his edicts of no masks in WH while meeting with him – not sure the ventilation in some of those rooms is up to new prevention standards. 

4 years ago

usatoday via msn:

Because of his age and obesity, Trump is in two very high-risk groups for developing severe COVID-19 disease, hospitalization and death.
At 74, the president is five times more likely to be hospitalized and 90 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than someone between the ages of 18 and 29, according to the CDC.  
Trump is 6-foot-3 and at his last reported medical checkup weighed 243 pounds, giving him a body mass index of 30.4. That’s just over the line into obesity.
Adults with obesity have triple the risk of hospitalization due to a COVID-19 infection, according to the CDC. This is in part because obesity is linked to impaired immune function and decreased lung capacity and reserve. usatoday:

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

I cannot imagine any reason that he would not get the virus because of his actions, and inaction. The big question is whether bobble-head gets it too.  Something that has been one of the internet questions is why hasn’t he had it before now?  Probably lucky.  But when you are constantly juggling chainsaws eventually you might catch one on the chain and not the handle.

4 years ago

getting the sympathy vote could be his new october surprise

or maybe just a way to campaign from comfy white house digs and not have to deal with all those “disgusting people” he said he’s glad he doesn’t have to shake hands with anymore due to virus.

4 years ago

now what for those armed and standing-by knuckle draggers?  how will they respond to their great white hope coming down with covid hoax?


Blue Bronc
4 years ago

I have met, at a good distance, many people who flat out told me that COVID-19 was a hoax and did not exist.  These are also members of SFB cult.  They are adamant that the virus is a hoax.  What will be interesting today is how they react to their leader having the hoax.  And, the flotus being sick with it too. 
When cults are hit with a reality like this the results will be staggering for them.  What do they do now?   I need to do some research.  Cults have never been a topic I cared to look into before.

4 years ago



WASHINGTON — President Trump revealed early Friday morning that he and the first lady, Melania Trump, had tested positive for the coronavirus, throwing the nation’s leadership into uncertainty and escalating the crisis posed by a pandemic that has already killed more than 207,000 Americans and devastated the economy.
Mr. Trump, who for months has played down the seriousness of the virus and hours earlier on Thursday night told an audience that “the end of the pandemic is in sight,” will quarantine in the White House for an unspecified period of time, forcing him to withdraw at least temporarily from the campaign trail only 32 days before the election on Nov. 3.remain on the ballot at all.
Mr. Trump’s positive test result posed immediate challenges for the future of his campaign against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, with barely a month until Election Day. Even if Mr. Trump, 74, remains asymptomatic, he will lose much of his remaining time on the campaign trail. If he becomes sick, it could raise questions about whether he should 
The White House did not say how long Mr. Trump would have to remain isolated, but it canceled his plans to fly to Florida for a campaign rally on Friday, stripping his public schedule for the day of everything except a midday telephone call “on Covid-19 support to vulnerable seniors.” Appearances at rallies in Wisconsin on Saturday and in Arizona on Monday also appear sure to be scrapped, and the next debate, scheduled for Oct. 15 in Miami, was left up in the air.
During late-night conversations, aides to Mr. Trump were discussing whether he should give an address to the nation on Friday from the White House or find some other way for him to reassure the public. But the aides were still in a state of shock as they absorbed the news, and there was no immediate word on how far the infection may have spread among senior White House officials, who generally do not wear masks in deference to the president’s disdain for them.
There is no one closer to Mr. Trump than Ms. Hicks, who returned to the White House this year after leaving her position as communications director in 2018, and on Wednesday traveled with the president on Air Force One to Minnesota. She began feeling sick around the time of the campaign rally he held there, according to one person familiar with the events, and was quarantined on the return flight to Washington, where she disembarked from the back entrance of the plane.
Her positive diagnosis came on Thursday, according to the person familiar with her case, but the White House made no announcement about the situation, and Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, who had also been on the plane and exposed to Ms. Hicks, then held a briefing with reporters without mentioning it or wearing a mask.
Only after Bloomberg News reported Ms. Hicks’s condition did Mr. Trump confirm it during an appearance on Thursday night on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, where he said he was waiting for his own test results.

4 years ago

so everyone on that  air force one flight needs to be quarantined, don’t they?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

patd – it is looking like Air Force One was a flying test tube of virus.  A good guess is there will be a lot of testing going on.  My fear is the idiots may have infected the Air Force crew.
I wonder if flotus is letting SFB near her hide out in the East Wing?  She appears to have disliked him before, this must make that move to a different level.  No more hand holding?

4 years ago

Is everyone else who was around Hopey in quarantine?   Is everyone else who has been near SFB and M in quarantine?  Is it all a hoax to avoid a debate?   Zoom debate.  It can still be done.
If he has been with Yertle and others, and if they have been near others in Congress who are in line…   
Has he been near AG Barr?   Amy  Culty?
Everything he touches turns to COVID-laced poop, but I’m still not buying it.
It’s either a hoax or a God is a Democrat. 
In a the TX  water supply, in a fight, who would win: COVID or the brain-eating amoeba?

4 years ago

Pogo- that’s a deal!  First time in these Three plus years I finally have a bit of hope, less dread of the days news to come.                😇

4 years ago

Bink is right, of course.  I know water out of my tap smells like a swimming pool.  They’ve amped up the chlorine, like crazy.
We have a one-at-a-time policy at work. 

4 years ago

4 years ago

He never releases his medical records.  We don’t know even what happened to him last fall. Nothing but glowing reports of Orange Julius’ good health…ever.
This really seems odd.  

4 years ago

So I woke up this morning and turns out it wasn’t a dream. ~~thoughts and prayers~~

4 years ago

If he doesn’t go golfing the next, two weekends, I’ll say it wasn’t  just to avoid a debate. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Oh, yeah.  There is no way fatso weighs two hundred forty-three pounds.  Maybe three hundred forty-three pounds.

4 years ago
4 years ago

In years past, Chief Master Sergeants and Sergeants Major and Master Chief Petty Officers would be making triple sure that every military person from their commands is accounted for and being repetitively tested. I see no reason to think this practise will have changed.

4 years ago

The Lord works in mysterious ways!  Has he started his bleach injections yet?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Phillip Bump at WashPo has a very good article up reviewing the situation and why we cannot know what is really happening to SFB.

4 years ago

Speaking of the Lord, this comment is making the rounds:

RBG just argued her first successful case before the Lord

4 years ago

he he…

4 years ago

BiD…. love the one you posted about believing it if trump doesn’t play golf for the next 2 weeks!
new drinking game…  take a swig for every time you read the word “Karma” on the internet.  You should be really soused within minutes.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

It would be lying to wish SFB well.  I will not lie or even be concerned.  The idiot wants me dead, I have no sympathy for him.  I care that he might have infected the Secret Service agents or the military crew who fly the helicopters and Air Force One.
Of interest is those “mild symptoms” SFB is experiencing has resulted in no tweets or retweets from the imbecile for over nine hours.  I wonder how his golf card will read this weekend?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Where did Hope Hicks get it.  And really is this just an excuse to get out of the debates
Also the ad with Melanoma from the Lincoln group. How about those pinprick pupils loos like she is not being best

4 years ago

according to one of the wh press corps who was on air force one during all of this, mark meadows, maskless as usual,  came back to shmoose with them in the cheap seats.  the press guy was mad about not being told or contacted about the likely exposure problem.  he, like others, only found about it pn the news.  also biden and campaign staff were not notified asap by WH.   

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Will fat ass be shooting up bleach

can we watch

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Ronna Romney McDaniels is a fatty hope she doesn’t have too many problems. Of course anyone who would sell out the Romney’s for the Trumps.    Deserves what they get   

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Another business casualty of the pandemic.  Denver Ski Train won’t run.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I know it’s a terrible thing to say.  I hope he dies

4 years ago

hey if there is another debate… here is how to watch it…

4 years ago

and maybe trump will finally wear his mask….

4 years ago

Ha! A MAGA told me SFB has it and I said I didn’t believe it. It’s a hoax to get of the debate.  Pissed ‘em off!

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I have never really liked John Meachem and began to actively dislike him during the Iraq war when he said we have to keep at it because much “blood and treasure” has been invested  For a historian he hasn’t learned much from the past

           Today he said John F Kennedy was only good looking because he had Addison’s disease and took cortisone  it made his face fuller and better looking.  WTF

4 years ago

The look on my face today:  Resting karma face with a trace of, prove it to me.
He did sound like he had a bit of a cold when he threatened not to go back to MN, come to think of it.

4 years ago
Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Craig – I was thinking of the same thing.  The last tweet that looked genuine was a very long time ago. 
What we are seeing is an explosion of infections, just like happened to an East Lansing bar earlier this year.

4 years ago

It’s a hoax …..avoid the debates and then say how it was nothing at all….piece of cake, virus is over.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

BID – Since I first saw that the virus invaded an empty skull this morning about four am, I have been smiling and chuckling and occasionally laughing.  The sky is bluer, the breeze fresher, even the kitty litter box smells like flowers blooming. 
I have been checking out transgender peoples social media and very few are not wishing ill to the idiot.  One or two respond with “karma” to some of the posts, but for the most part there are few not willing to let the idiot experience a touch of Hell in his body.
What is becoming clearer is that his activities of the last week have infected members of the Senate, the president of Notre Dame, many others we have yet to hear from and his family.  Reporters are posting their research into the people who are on the contact lists.  By tomorrow morning we should have a nice who is who of those SFB really likes.

4 years ago

The greatest vote suppressor would be if trump were to die before election day. And, we don’t want him to escape the humiliation of a Greenish Blue Tsunami with hurricanes, icebergs, landslides and Big Oil-sized red sinkholes.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

What a great thing if fat ass infecting so many people they lose the nomination of Amy Culty Barrett who gets sleazier the more we know


4 years ago

We’ll never know how he really is, physically health wise, just like the movie, “Dave”.  Mabbe Alex Baldwin will be called in to sit in?
I hope he lives through the election, assuming he really is positive,  to make it simpler and less chaotic. Has anything ever not been chaotic with him?
This could be his “saving face” way of exiting a loosing election? Most men want to “spend more time with the family”.  LOL They don’t know their wife’s name nor how many kids they have.
I’m so impressed by Nancy Pelosi as time goes by. She is so gracious all the time even about Trump being positive. She has people to make her breakfast and put on her makeup and drive her to work, I’m sure. But she’s coherent and extremely knowledgeable about government and has memory about everything. And the thing is, she’s had 5 natural babies and is freaking 80 years old! I’m so glad it’s her and not AOC at this time. She doesn’t have the experience nor the temperament I think to be as gracious as Nancy during all this chaos and confusion. Nancy is calm and not an alarmist.

4 years ago

President of Notre Dame tests positive. He was at the White House Coney-Barrett spreader event last week unmasked. Mike Lee of Utah was there unmasked schmoozing and hugging is also positive.

4 years ago

The horrible sickness and deaths of those around him, especially steven miller and bill barr, would be deeeeeply gratifying, even though I want to see barr put away for life for sedition, lying to Congress, etc, and miller put away for 20 years for crimes against humanity. 

4 years ago

x-r if this plays out, Biden will do like Ford did with Nixon, don’t ya think?  Just to move forward.

4 years ago

Speaking of karma, (and irony) got this from Jim, my best friend in Bama:

All of these apply❗️
Irony can be categorized into different types, including verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. Verbal, dramatic, and situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth.

I responded thusly:

And then there’s karmic irony that exists purely to amuse those of us who believe in karma. You may also call it comic irony. 

Now I’ll have that drink. 

4 years ago

Now there are 209,000 deaths.  I would imagine that surviving family members wouldn’t vote for trumpity.

4 years ago

Steven Miller’s (the ghoul) wife, Katie Miller was positive. So  he’s already been exposed to the virus.

4 years ago

a message from heaven…

4 years ago

RR, good one!  LOL

4 years ago

Ms 21,
They could try the pardon, but pardon for what crimes ?  There has to be a valid crime to have a valid conviction. I don’t think issuing pardons for un-convicted persons is more than just passing gas.
Let’s take that to the SCOTUS, if it occurs.

4 years ago

I demand to view the body !  Habeus Corpus, HAHAHA ! If they can’t produce a live trump, swear pence in.

4 years ago

Have you noticed that testing positive for covid has blown 45’s taxes and disastrous debate performance have been blown out of the news cycle?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Ding dong. Is he dead?  

4 years ago

craig,  i think you’re right.   before they wrapped him in the straight jacket they probably had to wrestle him away from tweeting in tongues, keeping his baby hands off the bomb button and calling vlad to plight his troth.   his room at hospital less likely to be ICU than padded.

4 years ago

With the current White house it is a bit like trying to understand what was happening in the  Soviet Kremlin. You have to take what hints they give you and build from there.
Trump has a cough, not a good sign, it means it has settled in his lungs and he is an old f*ck. This is not the mild sniffles, achy lost of taste variety where you are up and active after a couple of days. It doesn’t mean he is ready for a ventilator either.

4 years ago

BTW, I disagree with KGC, a live Trump for the next  35 days is best. after that  eh what ever. 

4 years ago

CNN reporting Trump being treated with experimental Regeneron antibody cocktail previously only available in clinical trials.

4 years ago

Not a good sign ad that to the cough factoid and you have someone with major problems. 

4 years ago

for more info about Regeneron
The 8 gram dose was the study’s high dose.

4 years ago

Ya know from what I’ve been reading this is aggressive treatment for someone with “mild” symptoms

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

No Jack the sooner the better 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

There are many questions and a lot of rumours regarding his health and care.  A funny one is he is being treated with some experimental concoction, good for him.  What that means to me is that he is very ill and there is a lot of concern about his mortal life on this planet.  In a normal world experiments are not performed on those who are symptom mild. 
Next up will be some good old fashioned blood letting and killing a few chickens for entail readings.

4 years ago

Sorry KGC, but if he dies tomorrow all we will hear is positive eulogies.
I want to drive a stake through Trumpism’s heart and the only way that happens is a major defeat of Trump at the polls and he needs to be alive in all his nasty glory to do that.

4 years ago

Going high with a dagger
Biden gave his whole speech in Grand rapids with a mask on.
He ended it this way,

Biden, closing his speech in Grand Rapids, MI: “I want to say God bless you. May God protect the First Family and every family that’s dealing with this virus. And may God protect our troops.”


4 years ago

Going over the scenarios in my head today.
He’s not sick and gets out of the debate, plus, he gets sympathy from some and takes the spotlight of his tax problem. 
He recovers and says it was nothing. Glorious leader is strong like bull.
He has stock in whatever drug he says they gave him.
He’s really sick.  Generalissimo Francisco Franco, still dead.
Which leads to the question, will we have to pay for a state funeral? 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

And Craig for the win.  Fat Ass on the way to Walter Reed

4 years ago

He’s being sent to Walter Reed


4 years ago

Who’s in charge? Pence or Haig?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Okay, who had Walter Reed for the October surprise?  When you are stupid and do stupid things and finally are infected with a deadly disease, in spite of receiving very good medical and scientific advice, tough.  If you spend your time denigrating any and all who are not white supremacists, do not expect those you attack to care.

4 years ago

Regeneron. So, not bleach? 

4 years ago

Jared. Jared is in charge.  It’s a dynasty, don’t cha know.  Actually, Ivanker is jockeying for position against the ragtag team of Junior and the Gargoyle.  

4 years ago

Must be serious.  We still don’t know why he went to Walter Reed the last time. 
I hope he didn’t breathe near Joe.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Here is a WashPo article from a few years ago about covering up presidents health issues.

4 years ago

Now, how about those mail-in ballots?

4 years ago

So now he’s going to Walter Reed – I knew that was going to happen when the all knowing Craig said it this morning.
The question is . . . Is he coming back?

4 years ago

Poobah, because you’re smarter than the average dumbass.
Mild symptoms – that’s what you have as a virus cranks up.  They don’t stay mild if it’s a virulent one.  Ever get the flu?  Starts out nice and mild – like a cold, then goes fucking gangbusters as it replicates and the body starts fighting it. 
The Regeneron cocktail has some promise, but it ain’t no silver bullet.

New data from the biotechnology firm Regeneron seem likely to add to the excitement about drugs called monoclonal antibodies as treatments for Covid-19, but experts caution more data will be needed to know how potentially beneficial the medicines are.
A high dose of the company’s antibody cocktail, REGN-COV2, led levels of the virus to decrease more quickly in infected, non-hospitalized patients, potentially indicating the treatment may help them get better, Regeneron reported Tuesday via press release. Full results will be published at a later date.
“There’s nothing bad about these results, you just can’t say much about how transformative this is going to be,” said Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. As with data from a similar antibody, developed by Eli Lilly, he warned that the data so far should not be enough for the Food and Drug Administration to grant an emergency use authorization.
“This doesn’t cut it, but it’s moving in the right direction, that’s for sure,” Topol said.

XR, think back to Watergate.  Nixon was pardoned broadly for actions of the plumbers among other things.  I believe a president has the power to pardon for crimes that are not necessarily known.  But it does not extend to state crimes – only to federal ones.


4 years ago

They’re replaying the WH version of Weekend at Bernie’s?

Phil Bump on the Trump campaign’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.
And now, off to the house to put the mulcher on the tractor to attack leaves tomorrow.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I hope they don’t have to steal a ventilator from some poor soldier

4 years ago

So after he is  overwhelmed by the outpouring of well-wishing, thoughts, and prayers, he has a massive change of heart and becomes a totally good-hearted liberal.
Like the two Irishmen who walked out of a bar—it COULD happen.  I mean, it could, really.   
Ok, naaah. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

This is not a normal delay.  Notice the chopper rotaters are not rotating.  There is something else going on. The best action is to land, pick up the customer and leave. 
The question is where is bobble-head?  Is he off talking to “mother”?  Or is he in a closet crying?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Why did SFB take the limo to Walter Reed in November and today, very ill, take the hell-of-a-copter?

4 years ago

He was wearing a mask.  lol

4 years ago

It took so long because he hadn’t piled up his hair yet. 

4 years ago



Mary L Trump




I reserve my sympathy, empathy, and despair for those who are sick and for those who have died because they were misled, lied to, or ignored. Wear a fucking mask.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

How about Kimberley Un Gilfoyle   a sexual harrasser fired by Fox after they had to settle a millions of dollars lawsuit because she created a hostile workplace by showing the penises of men she had slept with and other things

4 years ago

Craig was right. trumpity is now at Walter Reed via Marine One. It took 5 minutes.  Why didn’t they drive him? 

4 years ago

Anything going on in the news, today?

4 years ago

It was like a perp walk.

4 years ago

Chaos reigns supreme. As always lately.

4 years ago