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The Vikings are coming !

Kon-Tiki man Thor Heyerdahl’s son builds a Viking boat and has a plan to go with it.

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5 years ago

sturge, thanks.  what a work of art.

5 years ago

5 years ago

NYT best of late night:

“I’m honestly not shocked Pence was involved, because he does whatever Trump tells him, right? You see Trump is — he’s Homer Simpson, right, and he basically picked Ned Flanders as his V.P.” — TREVOR NOAH, on Vice President Mike Pence’s possible involvement in the campaign of political pressure directed at Ukraine’s government
“Well, Mike Pence, you can’t be surprised that the [expletive] you pledged your loyalty to is now throwing you under the bus. This isn’t a case of the carriage turning back into a pumpkin because he’s always been a pumpkin.” — SETH MEYERS
“Officials close to Pence insist he was unaware of Trump’s efforts to press Zelensky for damaging information about Biden and his son. All right, I‘m sorry, but that’s just insane. Of course Pence knew about it. You think Trump kept this a secret? The guy can’t keep his mouth shut about anything. He probably ran over to Pence’s office immediately to tell him about it just like a kid who figured out how to type ‘boobs’ on a calculator.” — SETH MEYERS

5 years ago


5 years ago

carl Hiaasen Miami herald:

You know you’re in big trouble when your lawyer needs a lawyer

Imagine you’re a seasoned, white-collar defense lawyer with a stellar reputation. Your practice is sailing along, and in South Florida there’s no shortage of wealthy Medicare fraudsters, money launderers and corporate embezzlers who’d love to hire you.
Then one day the phone rings. An old friend and former law school classmate is in trouble. His name is Rudy Giuliani.
He wants you to help.


… do you really need a frothing, undisciplined fool for a client?
Jon A. Sale does not.
The Miami-based attorney has built an enviable resume that includes many years as a federal prosecutor, going all the way back to the Watergate investigation. As a defense counsel he’s well respected by judges and peers.
He avoids the limelight. Doesn’t posture. Doesn’t blabber. Usually his clients pay attention and behave.
But now he’s got one who can’t stop yakking and is pathologically addicted to seeing his own twitchy face on TV. By his own actions, Giuliani has made himself the most visible stooge in the Donald Trump impeachment comedy.
Rudy’s worse than a loose cannon. He’s a meandering cluster bomb.
However, the fact he wanted Jon Sale to be his attorney is proof that he’s still got a few functioning brain cells.
Sale’s chore will be dealing with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which recently subpoenaed documents from Giuliani relating to his contacts with certain Ukrainians.


So not only will Jon Sale have to sort through a “very complex” Congressional subpoena, he’ll also have to deal with Ramblin’ Rudy, who can’t seem to keep his story straight, or his mouth closed.
“Stop giving interviews,” might well be Sale ’s first piece of legal advice, followed by:
“Please shut up,” followed by:
“Rudy, I’m begging you. Enough already,” followed by:
“Okay, are you hard of hearing? I said zip it,” followed by:
Duct tape.
In a brief, low-key interview with the Herald/Times, Sale said: “I have known Mayor Giuliani, and he’s been a friend of mine for a long time.”
Then he added: “This not my first rodeo.”
Maybe not, but this time he got stuck with the clown.

5 years ago

I am sure Sale got a huge retainer. If tRudy goes silent it will show he may have 2 functioning brain cells – the 2nd telling him to follow the lawyer’s advice instead of the voices in his head and the clown texting hm.

5 years ago

Dead on Sturg. Now where might someone who has the goods on his mob boss “client” get money that might keep him from spilling the beans?  Hmmm, I wonder. 

5 years ago

vlad maybe?

back in 2017, this at USNews:

The Richest Man in the World Could Be Putin

The controversial Russian leader could be quietly worth more than Bill Gates, but how that wealth is calculated is controversial.

5 years ago

Rachel seems to think some of that putin fortune comes from Russian oil industry which he controls.

see her new book “blowout”

5 years ago

speaking of $$

chicago trib:

Elizabeth Warren raised $24.6 million over the past three months, relying largely on a massive small donor operation to solidify her status as a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The Massachusetts senator’s haul, announced on Friday, is just less than the $25.3 million her chief liberal rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, posted during the third quarter. But together, the fundraising numbers illustrate the financial strength of the party’s most progressive wing and a rejection of more traditional approaches to pressing donors for money.
The White House hopefuls who have relied on frequent high-dollar fundraisers reported numbers that lag behind Sanders and Warren. Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday he raised $15.2 million during the third quarter. California Sen. Kamala Harris reported $11.6 million during the same period. Pete Buttigieg, who has combined small donors with traditional fundraisers, raised $19.1 million.


Both Warren and Sanders have consistently attracted armies of small donors, many of whom contribute online. Warren’s campaign said its quarterly totals came from 509,000 donors offering 943,000 donations. Her campaign has $25.7 million cash on hand.


5 years ago

also in re lizzie, the hill:

Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden are locked in a three-way tie in the California Democratic Primary, according to a poll released Thursday.
The Public Policy Institute of California’s (PPIC) survey found Warren as the top choice of 23 percent of likely voters in the Democratic Primary, followed by Biden at 22 percent support and Sanders at 21 percent support.
It is a statistical tie as all three candidates fall within the margin of error.
California Sen. Kamala Harris (D) received the next highest support at 8 percent, just ahead of South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) at 6 percent support.


Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Did the old socialist/communist think announcing a heart attack on a Friday afternoon would go unnoticed, even with all the impeachment noise exploding around the tubes?  Nah.  The question is will the old guy have some color back in his cheeks come Monday morning, or will he be as white as a sheet?  My bet is something in the shade of grey, not dead white or pale Caucasian. 
Okay.  Saturday words of advice.  If something looks like bush meat, smells like bush meat, tastes like bush meat and is a bit much to choke down, don’t eat it.  The next day pain is not worth it.  I need to do a better job of cleaning the refrigerator.

5 years ago

Sturg…  god how I love Roy’s voice!
Saw some woman last night on Hardball (sorry, don’t remember her name) talk with Matthews about Hunter B. getting a job he wasn’t qualified for on his father’s name.  They agreed it was business as usual for D.C.  She said if Joe should have resigned as VP, then more than half of the Senate and House should be empty right now.

5 years ago

Uncle Joe is yelling at reporters again. Really doesn’t like being asked about Hunter.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

steve bullock    romney democrat
no thanks

5 years ago

when asked about hunter on these interviews, why isn’t the next thing said “just like Ivanka in China but not nearly as successful, he…”

or “making a whole lot less money off his dad’s position than Eric, Don jr and Ivanka currently does off their dad….”

5 years ago

“whack Job” by Barry Blitt

5 years ago

Pat, that is some very good advice for Joe. Much better than what he’s doing, attacking reporters who ask about it, refusing to answer. And the irony is it was reporters who exonerated him, which he likes to cite.

5 years ago

new Yorker:

The Invention of the Conspiracy Theory on Biden and Ukraine

How a conservative dark-money group that targeted Hillary Clinton in 2016 spread the discredited story that may lead to Donald Trump’s impeachment.


5 years ago

RR, that ‘business as usual” argument you saw presents a very difficult situation for Elizabeth Warren: How to avoid commenting on it when she’s actually running against business as usual in Washington.

I’d put money on her being asked about that in the next debate, should prepare for it.

5 years ago

craig, she has two children who will surely be next on the goper dirty tricks rack for a whack job so perhaps she best stay completely away from the subject as best she can.

5 years ago

Agree, Pat, best to avoid it, but if she appears to totally dodge a question about it in the debate she’ll be open to looking like a hypocrite. Hope she and her team are thinking about this because I will be very surprised if it is not asked. 

5 years ago

stuff like yesterday’s story in the hill are hints of what’s up about lizzie being bidenized (swift boated?)

President Trump mentioned Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on a June call with China’s president Xi Jinping, CNN reported Thursday, citing two people familiar with the conversation.
The outlet reported that Trump mentioned Biden and Warren’s “political prospects” during the call. Both Democrats have been near the top of polls for their party’s 2020 nomination.

Trump reportedly told Xi during the conversation that he would stay quiet about protests in Hong Kong while the U.S. and China pursued trade negotiations.

The record of the call was stored in a secure electronic system where his July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was also kept, CNN reported.
Warren responded to the report Thursday night, tweeting that “the public must see the transcript of Trump’s call with Xi. And we need a leader who will stand up for our values.”
“Trump can say what he wants about me, but it’s outrageous that any president would sell out the people of Hong Kong behind closed doors,” she wrote.

5 years ago

we need new word to replace “swift boated” and to reflect Trumpian times, particularly this annus trumpus horribilis.

suggestion:  “Trumpled”

5 years ago

This might be going too far, what if Elizabeth responded as follows:

I do not think family members of those in power should leverage their status for profit, and no family has done that more than the Trumps (insert a couple of examples) ……

5 years ago

Luckily, Warren needs none of our advice.

5 years ago

Yes Bink, when she was first asked about this on the road she fumbled, had to clean it up, so maybe she’s got traction now.

5 years ago

You’re holding her to a standard that Trump permanently lowered.  She’ll be fine.  I’d hardly deign that “I need more information before answering” is a fumble, compared to the guy who never needs any information before opening his tiny, hateful mouth.

5 years ago

i have a hope- that Americans are tired of being angry all of the time, tired of being provoked and taken for fools, tired of the anxiety, and eager for a more positive general social attitude.  If some of that is true, maybe Warren won’t have to play Republicans’ Game of Slime; she will have to defend against it, either way.

(Also hoping she has a nice pivot-to-center if/when she wins the nomination, to assuage the anxieties of centrists/Bidenists- she seems capable of it)

5 years ago

Even Nixon was in better shape

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Beautiful afternoon in the DC region.  Near one hundred Fahrenheit and two days later in the middle sixties with clear skies.
 Hanger A?  I was over in building 3403 day room.  Off duty and too far to hike, I will put a helmet on while stirring a martini (prevents head wounds on open cupboard doors). 

5 years ago