Monday blues in the red?

Markets Business Insider:
US stocks are set to tumble when they open on Monday morning as traders prepared for the next twist in the US-China trade war.
Asian and European stocks slipped with US futures after the economic implications sank in. Chinese officials pledged to take any “necessary countermeasures” and refused to swallow “bitter fruit” that hurts their interests in the US-China trade war, according to Reuters.
“Investors are again growing worried on what China’s response will be,” said Konstantinos Anthis, head of research at ADSS. “A lengthy standoff will start taking a fresh toll on the domestic and global economies.”


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5 years ago

If this was the eighties, we would worry about a disruption in oil supplies but we aren’t as dependent.  So I say help Iran and the Saudi’s get their nukes then they along with the Israelis can  blow each other to hell. It is time we got out of that region anyway.
As to the trade war? Kamala Harris just came out against NAFTA so Trump and the Democrats are on the same page. Which is why Trump wins.

5 years ago

The Dow futures are off 500 pts, of course 500 pts ain’t what it used to be but still a healthy 1.8% drop. 

5 years ago

As Buffett would say in the 70s and 80s and … “Markets will fluctuate.” as he held on to his well chosen assets.

5 years ago

True, and traders panic or bet on panic. 
Now if we were to have another black Monday, down 22%, which would be a 5000 pt drop in the Dow that might get somebody’s attention.

5 years ago

The Chinese now respond with retaliatory tariffs in combination with a “made in China” campaign for their citizens.  Top it off with our exit from the trade agreements that allows all of our former allies Trump pissed off to rush in to gobble up our former share of that market.  We will be lucky to get rid of Trump without getting a new 30s level depression.


5 years ago

So how is this all affecting me? Went to Walmart the other day to buy some work jeans. The price was up about $2 on what had been a $11 product. Not a hardship but a healthy price increase and if everything I buy goes up 20% that is money I can’t spend on other things, a good number of those things have more of an impact on the local economy than Walmart. Like the weekly night out at a good restaurant. 

5 years ago

Of course this could be a boon for our Nafta partners, take all the parts do a minor final assembly stamp the made in Mexico/Canada and ship. Then Jax takes his tugs and barges down to Mexico loads them up and brings them back, off loads them in Houston, rinse and repeat.   So it is good for Jax and Texas too! So Jax, if you are listening, better buy some more equipment. Or better yet just rent it, given Trumps attention span/ weather vane approach to governing this might not be a long term opportunity.

5 years ago

My little portfolio is down 3% so far. 

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Jamie – this cold and rainy day became more sad with news of Doris Day passing.  My father-in-law “fell in love” with her during WWII as he crossed North Africa, Sicily, Anzio, France and Germany.  No matter how her movies went, he watched them, this is after her singing career changed to actor career.  I have several 78’s of her and the Les Brown band and somewhere an album or two.  I know what I will be listening to for a while.  I may even break down and watch one of her rom-com flicks.

5 years ago

Jamie makes a good point, and I’m really a bit surprised the Kamala has come out against NAFTA.  I have been and continue to be an anti-protectionist for exactly the reasons Jamie notes – that trade barriers are responded to in kind more often than not.  In the case of Canada and Mexico, WTF is SFB thinking?  (And yes, I know he really isn’t, thinking not being high on his list of things to do.)  This terrific economy he likes to brag about – perhaps the best in our country’s history (BTW, BS) is based on both import and export trade worldwide.  So our soybean farmers are going to see South American Soybeans supplanting the US share of the Chinese market they used to enjoy.  That, in a rational world would get their attention and focus blame on the orange guy who caused the retaliatory actions by China.  Hide and watch – they will not blame him because they instead will buy his BS explanations.  

5 years ago

I did watch Kamala Harris’ interview with Jake Tapper on CNN yesterday morning ( or was it afternnoon?).  I heard her say that she wouldn’t have signed onto NAFTA.  My take…. at the time,   maybe she would have and maybe she wouldn’t have.  But right now…   she thinks it’s politically expedient to say she wouldn’t have.  That’s the advantage of someone who didn’t have to vote thumbs up or down for things and is now running for prez.
I do like her.  And wouldn’t it be a punch in the gut to trump if he got beat by a woman and a black one to boot.  But right now it’s early and everything is speculation.  Jack… I do hope you are wrong.  I’m not in favor of being royally fucked.  

5 years ago

If I’d bought that stock on margin, I’d be out on the roof ledge, if I were a roof ledge type guy, which I am not, even if I could still get up on the damned ledge. 
Anywhat, so I’ll just sit around until dinner with Sweetie cheers me up again. Que sera, sera.

5 years ago

Now, all you pessimists have made look at the past 18-months of the S&P500. Looks as if we’re coming off a triple high. I would be going long puts in anticipation of a 20-pct drop. But, since I’m trying to be a stress-free retiree, I’m comfortable being 90-pct in cash.

5 years ago

Another day like today and if the Dow recovers, SFB will be able to hail the Dow rising past 25,000 for the third year in a row.  I wonder if he’ll fall back onto his old assertions that the Dow isn’t a good measure of the economy?

5 years ago

Looking at that stock market .. we need some pure joy.  My favorite Doris Day songs from Love Me or Leave Me as Ruth Etting

5 years ago

Since Ten Cents a Dance is a great song, if you aren’t watching Verdon/Fosse, you should be.  Here is “Hey Big Spender” from Sweet Charity.


Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Happiness is finishing making a couple gallons of kimchi.  Two days to burbble and then packaging.  First taste in two weeks.  Life is good.
The day has gone like the last day or many days.  It is like tomorrow and the next many days.  Until SFB is impeached and jailed we will live in hell.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Washington Post will no longer allow you to post that SFB is a Russian agent. Looks like they are now following the rules of make the dictator ruler of your posts.

5 years ago

Ms Bronc, will WaPo allow us to write that trump is a saudi agent ? Or, alternatively, an agent of Mecca ? Can we still comment on his ‘harem ?’ His ‘oriental style’ of luxurious despotism ?

You’d think ‘trump is a russian agent’ would be less onerous. 

5 years ago

P’raps, I should shoulda written, luxurious ‘oriental style’ despotism. 
I’d call the trumpco nation  a despotate, but we still have a few shreds of our republican Constitution left. Obviously, it is a enemy sheikhdom operating illegally.

5 years ago

How about “Gold Plated Tower Trash”?  

5 years ago

We shall have to test WaPo’s censor algorithms. 

5 years ago

Step 1- I posted:

Well, but what if SFB is a Russian agent and DJTJR knows that?

Then an I posted:

Well, SFB is a Russian agent and DJTJR knows that, right?

I think the censor algorithms allow it if you refer to the orange clown as something other than his actual name you can punk WaPo