User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Getting Over It
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
“The immigration debate continues to dominate the news — families separated, children in cages, and now, people are going hungry,” Trevor Noah said on Monday’s Daily Show. No, not the migrants — Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because she works for an “inhumane and unethical” administration.
“I know that you guys are cheering,” Noah told his audience, “but I’m sorry, I think that was the wrong thing to do. I think what the restaurant should have done is treated her the same way she treats the press: They should have just brought her an empty plate, and then when she says, ‘Uh, where’s my food?’ you go, ‘Oh, it’s right there. … The chef told us there’s food, so there must be food there, and that’s our position.'” Actually, he added, “asking Sanders to leave was probably the nicest thing they could have done.” He explained why, then mocked her assertion that she treats people with respect.
Noah concern-trolled the Trump staffers who “can’t get anyone to swipe right on them” on dating apps, then hit his point: “Honestly, I feel bad for Sarah Sanders and her people. Some restaurants won’t serve them, people on dating sites prejudge them before even giving them a chance, and every time they step outside, they’re made to feel like they don’t even belong here. It’s really horrible. But on the plus side, now the Trump administration has a taste of what it’s like to be a minority.”
meanwhile back to thread topic… well, sort of wapo:
The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved the first drug derived from marijuana, which will be used to treat two rare and severe forms of childhood epilepsy.
The drug, called Epidiolex, is an oral solution containing highly purified cannabidiol (CBD), which is one of scores of chemicals in the cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana. The drug contains only trace amounts of the psychoactive element THC and does not induce euphoria.
Epidiolex was approved for patients age 2 and older who suffer from Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes. Both cause uncontrolled daily seizures and put patients at high risk for other physical and intellectual disabilities, injury and early death.
Two, mayoral candidates killed within 24 hours. (I’m not even sure of the name of the mayor of my ‘burb.) I do know that the hacienda wants a bribe to get anything done over there.
Reelected to a six-year term in 2016 alongside Trump, the conservative Pennsylvania senator has emerged as Trump’s sharpest antagonist on trade policy — pushing legislation with Corker to take back Congress’ power over trade deals and straining to defend NAFTA from the erratic president.
Toomey’s eagerness to engage in a battle that’s dividing the Republican Party has drawn regular phone calls from Trump and invitations to the White House, where the senator and the president have politely, but pointedly, disagreed about Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs on U.S. allies and his threats to go further. And even if somehow Trump can be persuaded to exclude Mexico, Canada and Europe from the tariffs, Toomey says he will not give up on returning trade authority to Congress.
“We’ve crossed the Rubicon,” Toomey said in an interview. “It’s going to do and is already doing real damage, so I think we’ve got a responsibility to stand up and push back.”
Toomey also rejects Trump’s constant complaints of trade deficits, noting the the United States’ GDP andstandard of living far exceed those of countries Trump says are getting the better of the United States.
“The president describes a deficit with another country as theft. I believe the president couldn’t be more mistaken about that,” Toomey said. “You want to shrink a trade deficit, there’s an easy way to do it: Have a recession.”
First, Trump signs order reacting to the backlash over separating families. Now, Sanders reasserts “no tolerance” policy after backlash from conservatives. But in the end, of course, blames Congress.
“We’re not changing the policy,” Sanders said at Monday’s daily briefing. “We’re simply out of resources. And at some point, Congress has to do what they were elected to do.”
Canada has its coping mechanism. What’s yours for the Trump era? I am focusing on physical therapy from hip surgery, much more fun than thinking about Trump — except on the days Mueller seems closer to throwing his ass out, even if that’s just fantasy.
Rachel Maddow shares an exclusive look at the first non-government video from inside a facility that serves children who have been taken from their parents by the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” border policy.
Rachel Maddow said: What I want to say is while what you just saw is the first smuggled video footage from inside one of these facilities it is likely to be only the first. All right? There will be more. When you take more than 2,000 children forcibly away from their parents and then you don’t make any concerted effort to return those kids to their families, when the government essentially abducts a very large number of children including babies and then scatters them all around the country to all these different facilities with no concrete plans to give them back to their families, that is too big an operation to keep secret.
from msn news:
Senate Republicans have proposed legislation that would lift rules that prevent children from being held longer than 20 days in custody. It would add 200 immigration judges to more quickly process the claims.
But Trump has repeatedly dismissed the need for more judges, and did so again Monday.
“You know what it leads? It leads to graft,” Trump said. “It leads to a lot of other things.”
Craig… after a winter where I just couldn’t focus on my work… I am happily weaving once again and thoroughly enjoying color. For me.. it’s the perfect antidote to trumpty dumpty.
Now here’s the sort of thing that keeps the faith for me …
Bloomberg: Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into collusion allegations
Happy to see Mueller has finally been convinced to allow at least a trickle of leaks. The propaganda war against him has turned public dangerously close to 50/50 positive-negative on the probe. We need these hints that big stuff is coming to prevent further poisoning of the well or his final report will be politically dismissed (might already be too late).
My prediction: Mueller will accuse Trump himself of money laundering, even if he’s not among the indicted. Maybe the ole watergate tool: Unindicted Co-Conspirator.
The Harley issue is blowing up at WaPo. It is incredible the volume of comments being generated. In the time it took me to post a 3 line comment 135 comments had loaded.
Travel ban is a go! I say it is time to move north before the judicial makes us stay and not able to migrate north to our sane neighbors. Pity the poor citizens who moved to Belize.
I guess dem voters really didn’t believe trump would replace our entire judicial with tea baggers. It is here and now. Migration? Usually, no country wants old senior citizens, but Trudeau could make it happen with new laws and enticements as seniors bring all of their wealth with them.
On to November and the dems better get better. Time for slogans — vote dem, better than phlegm…trump sucks, dems don’t. It is pretty pitiful the situation we find ourselves in. Not much of a united tsunami.
Farmers in America are killing themselves at record numbers. Like some horror flick, citizens are offing themselves in increased suicides. Is it all about the money? And is this the artificial stupidity that humans think the repugs will revitalize the economy? The gop under mcconnell and trump are looting the goodies again as they did during the bushie years. This time there may not be a recovery. I can tell you most Americans lost a lot during the grand recession with no time amass their fortunes for retirement. Instead, greedy repugs took before the cache was complete, whole again.
From the article —
“Think about trying to live today on the income you had 15 years ago.” That’s how agriculture expert Chris Hurt describes the plight facing U.S. farmers today.
The unequal economy that’s emerged over the past decade, combined with patchy access to health care in rural areas, have had a severe impact on the people growing America’s food. Recent data shows just how much. Farmers are dying by suicide at a higher rate than any other occupational group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The suicide rate in the field of farming, fishing and forestry is 84.5 per 100,000 people—more than five times that of the population as a whole. That’s even as the nation overall has seen an increase in suicide rates over the last 30 years.
BlondeW… if Trudeau does allow older Americans to emigrate to Canada… for the first time, Rick and I have said we will consider it if trumpty dumpty gets re-elected and/or the blue wave doesn’t materialize in Nov. We’d consider going to the Maritimes where I have a ton of relatives that would receive us with open arms.
Never did I ever think I’d actually say the above on this or any other blog. But it makes us feel better to have a plan.
A few years back i purchased a great book about marijuana by Uwe Bleshing, ph D.
CHI-The cannabis health index. It links the science of Medical Marijuana with the art of mind-body consciousness. The information contained in this book can cure any decease that is known…combine it with the right diet, physical executrices, meditation, herbs, spices. super foods, music, vibrations therapy, I even practice a form of hand yoga called mudras…they are a lot alike acupressure……take all of this and do breathing (hundred ways to breath for health)……you wont need to go to the doctor, unless it was for an real emergency.
This where the future is going towards…….it going back to the ancient health practices……this is where education should be taking us to in the USA……
The politicians that want to make mj legal are going about it the wrong way…….they just waited it out until it will be forced on them to pass it at the federal level for the VETS…..the vets sell the medicine that they get at the va for cannabis…….
The politicians should argue that the federal government already has several food-based cannabis that is accepted.
Just a cpl of them are Black pepper Ashanti pepper (from Africa…i found a place over by New York)…has 57% of cannabis in it for medicinal….Cannabis Sativa only has12-35%…..regular blk pepper has about7 or more %age in it…..there quit a few foods that have it….even mexican oregano has about 5%…i sprinkle it on everything…..even by Budweiser….
Hemp seed, Hemp oil…..great stuff. in te rms of nutrient content….hemp seed is about 35% protein, 50% fan….the food typs…and 12 % carbohydrate…..probable one (the third one i think) of the worlds source of complete protein ……just behind….only marine… no….not the marine corps…pay attention….the algae marine plankton……AFA blue-green algae….or for less expensive spirulina…..they exceed hemp in protein…..
I would say that hemp, hemp oil, medical mj is a great way to beat any illness………I take at least 2 table spoons per day….along with 2 tble of chia seeds perday……when i get regular sleep…i feel like im 40 yrs old…….that when im gone for the whole day…….maybe some smart politician could teach us how to avoid Drs…..self heal….and avoid UN-nessacary medical bills…….
Forgot where…but in China, or Japan….think its China…..they have “Non-Medicine-Hospitals)…they actually cure people using many techniques that would be laughed at here in the west……Karate, ti chi, kung fuey, were first ……yoga is mainstream….meditation is gaining by leaps and jumps…self care should be taught at all levels of school….starting from the womb until we die at at average age of 120…..
Before i let all of the solar energy out of me……..i am going to try to write a simple outline…maybe a book for my family to have … going to try and leave something behind…..that will take care of them when im with my pal……EL CHAMUCO…..partying and having a hot time. None of that eternal Mass stuff for me……..hey do you think that they have confession heaven for eternity…….Ground Hog Heaven……….day after day……rambling now…..later
Just read yor plan about going to Canada…….tell Rick, Rick…..that im a coming with…….remember…you two did adopt me a few yrs back…..will bring Judy….thanks MAW…..
So, could Trump now just amend his travel ban to include all Central American countries & Mexico…to help him refuse asylum to anyone from those countries?
If the UK doesn’t reject his visit, I hope they get to fly the giant, baby Trump blimp.
Like football, trump is blowing-up motor cycles. Changing the dialog while he sells-the us-out to china. mattis on his end of the junta (kelly is holding-up the domestic end) is visiting china — the first visit of a Pentagon chief since hagel went in 2014.
From the article —
Since Xi hosted Mattis’s predecessor, Chuck Hagel, in 2014, China has launched a second aircraft carrier and outlined plans to build a “world-class” military power by 2050. The Trump administration, meanwhile, has replaced Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” with an “Indo-Pacific” policy that looks to draw India into the regional security framework as a counterweight to China.
From bloomberg’s ‘tracking trump’ site. No matter what? It is too late to undo this guy’s chintzy branding from our government, our institutions and history. The incredibly cheap logo of a “T” emblazoned into our flesh.
Today’s SCOTUS rulings should point out in clear relief the importance of the last election and what kind of country we are moving toward under republican rule. If what came out of the Supremes doesn’t motivate you to do everything you can to flip congress in 2018 and flip the presidency in 2020, you get what you deserve. (I am fighting an almost overwhelming urge to … well, you know).
My cousin Jimmy from York, Pennsylvania worked for Harley-Davidson most of his adult life. He retired about ten years ago. On the last thread, Pogo, mentioned how the cost of the tariffs is going to the bottom line consumer cost to purchase a new motorcycle. More than ever, it is the cost of the retirement, the pensions, and in some cases healthcare as the company is no longer a union shop since trump.
Baby boomers kicked to the curb, hurry-up and die. The real trump policy for the wave of retirees coming for their money as promised.
So instead? We demonize a company that is getting its profits eaten and the phony tax cuts did nothing for them except to drive them to cheaper economies to supply friendlier economies with product. The average citizen left holding and accountable for the big debt bill of the tax cuts.
There are many good reasons to be concerned about America being destroyed. The greedy old perverts want Civil War II to settle Civil War I and put the slaves back to work in the fields. What they cannot see is that the pendulum is swinging back, and very fast too. The gop is about thirty to thirty-five percent, the other five percent saying they like what SFB is doing are not of party but are true KKK types (these are rough numbers from looking at current party affiliation).
The problem is our Constitution writers were balancing city life to country life and gave the edge to country life. Currently, during the primary season, the white supremacists/authoritarians/bigots/misogynists and the rest of the gop have the slight edge to keep the Senate.
Larry Magid a local tech guy with a segment on local radio said he didn’t think the sales tax would make a difference. People are already paying it and a few more (and more all the time) online stores are setting up brick and mortar operations.
It’s the reporting that businesses have to do that will kill some smaller guys. Some states are easy. TX wants to know your sales & it’s a flat rate (8.25, I think).
But then you get states like CA who want city & county on top of it…and yes, we’ve had to deal with it…and it’s just a mess for a small, internet business to do the reporting to calculate the payments.
Until now, we’ve only had to report to states where we have nexus. It’s about to get more complicated and expensive.
Some of the individual sellers (not really businesses, just folks finding bulk deals on items & selling them through Amazon) will have the honor of paying Amazon for their tax reporting service.
Bottom line, every internet business will feel it, both in labor to deal with tax reporting & paying those taxes. Since most businesses have an internet component, it’s going to have a big impact.
But, since the internet killed Main Street, the states need to get those tax dollars.
Manafort Trial Is to Go Forward, but Judge Warns Mueller to Stay Within Authority
In a preliminary hearing last month, Judge T. S. Ellis III challenged the charges of bank fraud and tax evasion against Mr. Manafort, saying he saw no relationship between the case before him and “anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate.”
But in the 31-page opinion issued on Tuesday, the judge said that “upon further review,” it was clear to him that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, had “followed the money paid by pro-Russian officials” to Mr. Manafort — a line of inquiry that fell squarely in his authority.
Judge Ellis continued to express misgivings about special prosecutors in general, saying that he could only hope that Mr. Mueller did not abuse the powers given to him. “Although this case will continue, those involved should be sensitive to the danger unleashed when political disagreements are transformed into partisan prosecutions,” he wrote.
He also wrote, “To provide a special counsel with a large budget and to tell him or her to find crimes allows a special counsel to pursue his or her targets without the usual time and budget constraints facing ordinary prosecutors, encouraging substantial elements of the public to conclude that the special counsel is being deployed as a political weapon.”
Still, he decided that Mr. Mueller’s team had stayed within its mandate in investigating tens of millions of dollars in payments to Mr. Manafort, even though the pattern of financial fraud laid out by prosecutors began in 2006 and the payments came from political forces in Ukraine. The special counsel’s authorization to investigate “any links” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government covered the payments to Mr. Manafort from Ukraine’s pro-Russian president, Viktor F. Yanukovych, and his political allies, he ruled.
Sonia Sotomayor in her dissent of the Supreme Court’s travel ban decision, lashed out at President Trump, quoting anti-Muslim statements that he made as a candidate and, later, as president
Same old story Men give learned opinion, women get hysterical, Women of color get really hysterical.
Haven’t trusted the NYT since Judith Miller, they proved me correct during the 2016 election and so they continue.
Jack, Sotomayor’s dissent makes Roberts’ majority opinion look like the hack job it is. Hysterical? From a lawyer’s perspective I respectfully disagree. Roberts’ decision is Korematsu 2018. And it sucks.Sotomayor calls Roberts and the majority out on it. Good on her.
OK, I may be in another dimension here but from what I read Whskyjack was not dissing Justice Sotomayor. He was commenting on the attitude the NYT takes on comments like hers. He was facetious & darn good at it. No way was he being sexist: if anything, he was pro intelligent learned women, especially minority women whose voice gets squashed 99.9% of the time by so called learned men & editors that live wayyyy above/apart from the commoners that annoyingly want to exist & thrive in a rich white man’s world & the media that privilege controls so the privileged can continue to control.
“The immigration debate continues to dominate the news — families separated, children in cages, and now, people are going hungry,” Trevor Noah said on Monday’s Daily Show. No, not the migrants — Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because she works for an “inhumane and unethical” administration.
“I know that you guys are cheering,” Noah told his audience, “but I’m sorry, I think that was the wrong thing to do. I think what the restaurant should have done is treated her the same way she treats the press: They should have just brought her an empty plate, and then when she says, ‘Uh, where’s my food?’ you go, ‘Oh, it’s right there. … The chef told us there’s food, so there must be food there, and that’s our position.'” Actually, he added, “asking Sanders to leave was probably the nicest thing they could have done.” He explained why, then mocked her assertion that she treats people with respect.
Noah concern-trolled the Trump staffers who “can’t get anyone to swipe right on them” on dating apps, then hit his point: “Honestly, I feel bad for Sarah Sanders and her people. Some restaurants won’t serve them, people on dating sites prejudge them before even giving them a chance, and every time they step outside, they’re made to feel like they don’t even belong here. It’s really horrible. But on the plus side, now the Trump administration has a taste of what it’s like to be a minority.”
[above from the week]
meanwhile back to thread topic… well, sort of
The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved the first drug derived from marijuana, which will be used to treat two rare and severe forms of childhood epilepsy.
The drug, called Epidiolex, is an oral solution containing highly purified cannabidiol (CBD), which is one of scores of chemicals in the cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana. The drug contains only trace amounts of the psychoactive element THC and does not induce euphoria.
Epidiolex was approved for patients age 2 and older who suffer from Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes. Both cause uncontrolled daily seizures and put patients at high risk for other physical and intellectual disabilities, injury and early death.
Mexican town’s police force detained after candidate’s assassination
Two, mayoral candidates killed within 24 hours. (I’m not even sure of the name of the mayor of my ‘burb.) I do know that the hacienda wants a bribe to get anything done over there.
$10 million worth of pot found, thanks to police dog
En route from CA, where it’s legal, to Chicago. (No border wall, no problem.)
Russell Crowe to star as Roger Ailes in Showtime miniseries
A Fox love letter to Trump, in memory of Roger Ailes?
Reelected to a six-year term in 2016 alongside Trump, the conservative Pennsylvania senator has emerged as Trump’s sharpest antagonist on trade policy — pushing legislation with Corker to take back Congress’ power over trade deals and straining to defend NAFTA from the erratic president.
Toomey’s eagerness to engage in a battle that’s dividing the Republican Party has drawn regular phone calls from Trump and invitations to the White House, where the senator and the president have politely, but pointedly, disagreed about Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs on U.S. allies and his threats to go further. And even if somehow Trump can be persuaded to exclude Mexico, Canada and Europe from the tariffs, Toomey says he will not give up on returning trade authority to Congress.
“We’ve crossed the Rubicon,” Toomey said in an interview. “It’s going to do and is already doing real damage, so I think we’ve got a responsibility to stand up and push back.”
Toomey also rejects Trump’s constant complaints of trade deficits, noting the the United States’ GDP andstandard of living far exceed those of countries Trump says are getting the better of the United States.
“The president describes a deficit with another country as theft. I believe the president couldn’t be more mistaken about that,” Toomey said. “You want to shrink a trade deficit, there’s an easy way to do it: Have a recession.”
Do two backlashes make a whiplash?
First, Trump signs order reacting to the backlash over separating families. Now, Sanders reasserts “no tolerance” policy after backlash from conservatives. But in the end, of course, blames Congress.
“We’re not changing the policy,” Sanders said at Monday’s daily briefing. “We’re simply out of resources. And at some point, Congress has to do what they were elected to do.”
Canada has its coping mechanism. What’s yours for the Trump era? I am focusing on physical therapy from hip surgery, much more fun than thinking about Trump — except on the days Mueller seems closer to throwing his ass out, even if that’s just fantasy.
first 3-4 minutes are just an intro so be patient
Rachel Maddow shares an exclusive look at the first non-government video from inside a facility that serves children who have been taken from their parents by the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” border policy.
Rachel Maddow said: What I want to say is while what you just saw is the first smuggled video footage from inside one of these facilities it is likely to be only the first. All right? There will be more. When you take more than 2,000 children forcibly away from their parents and then you don’t make any concerted effort to return those kids to their families, when the government essentially abducts a very large number of children including babies and then scatters them all around the country to all these different facilities with no concrete plans to give them back to their families, that is too big an operation to keep secret.
graft? providing due process leads to graft?
from msn news:
Senate Republicans have proposed legislation that would lift rules that prevent children from being held longer than 20 days in custody. It would add 200 immigration judges to more quickly process the claims.
But Trump has repeatedly dismissed the need for more judges, and did so again Monday.
“You know what it leads? It leads to graft,” Trump said. “It leads to a lot of other things.”
We are getting over it much like the Canadians.
above link for msn piece quote
Craig… after a winter where I just couldn’t focus on my work… I am happily weaving once again and thoroughly enjoying color. For me.. it’s the perfect antidote to trumpty dumpty.
Now here’s the sort of thing that keeps the faith for me …
Bloomberg: Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into collusion allegations
Happy to see Mueller has finally been convinced to allow at least a trickle of leaks. The propaganda war against him has turned public dangerously close to 50/50 positive-negative on the probe. We need these hints that big stuff is coming to prevent further poisoning of the well or his final report will be politically dismissed (might already be too late).
My prediction: Mueller will accuse Trump himself of money laundering, even if he’s not among the indicted. Maybe the ole watergate tool: Unindicted Co-Conspirator.
The Harley issue is blowing up at WaPo. It is incredible the volume of comments being generated. In the time it took me to post a 3 line comment 135 comments had loaded.
the unintended consequences of being stupid
Now, if only the Harleys could be assembled by God-fearing Muslims in Germany.
Time to drive the old Harley to Canada…settle in Vancouver. Get checks sent to Canadian bank. I assume that is what Nash did.
I’d guess salt on the roads would be pretty hard on motorcycles.
BW, your comment made me think back to the days when Canadian Fords were Windsors and their Mercurys were Monarchs.
Travel ban is a go! I say it is time to move north before the judicial makes us stay and not able to migrate north to our sane neighbors. Pity the poor citizens who moved to Belize.
I guess dem voters really didn’t believe trump would replace our entire judicial with tea baggers. It is here and now. Migration? Usually, no country wants old senior citizens, but Trudeau could make it happen with new laws and enticements as seniors bring all of their wealth with them.
On to November and the dems better get better. Time for slogans — vote dem, better than phlegm…trump sucks, dems don’t. It is pretty pitiful the situation we find ourselves in. Not much of a united tsunami.
North Korea is on the banned list upheld by the Supremes does that mean Little Kim cannot come for a visit with Dotard Don
Farmers in America are killing themselves at record numbers. Like some horror flick, citizens are offing themselves in increased suicides. Is it all about the money? And is this the artificial stupidity that humans think the repugs will revitalize the economy? The gop under mcconnell and trump are looting the goodies again as they did during the bushie years. This time there may not be a recovery. I can tell you most Americans lost a lot during the grand recession with no time amass their fortunes for retirement. Instead, greedy repugs took before the cache was complete, whole again.
From the article —
“Think about trying to live today on the income you had 15 years ago.” That’s how agriculture expert Chris Hurt describes the plight facing U.S. farmers today.
The unequal economy that’s emerged over the past decade, combined with patchy access to health care in rural areas, have had a severe impact on the people growing America’s food. Recent data shows just how much. Farmers are dying by suicide at a higher rate than any other occupational group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The suicide rate in the field of farming, fishing and forestry is 84.5 per 100,000 people—more than five times that of the population as a whole. That’s even as the nation overall has seen an increase in suicide rates over the last 30 years.
BlondeW… if Trudeau does allow older Americans to emigrate to Canada… for the first time, Rick and I have said we will consider it if trumpty dumpty gets re-elected and/or the blue wave doesn’t materialize in Nov. We’d consider going to the Maritimes where I have a ton of relatives that would receive us with open arms.
Never did I ever think I’d actually say the above on this or any other blog. But it makes us feel better to have a plan.
A few years back i purchased a great book about marijuana by Uwe Bleshing, ph D.
CHI-The cannabis health index. It links the science of Medical Marijuana with the art of mind-body consciousness. The information contained in this book can cure any decease that is known…combine it with the right diet, physical executrices, meditation, herbs, spices. super foods, music, vibrations therapy, I even practice a form of hand yoga called mudras…they are a lot alike acupressure……take all of this and do breathing (hundred ways to breath for health)……you wont need to go to the doctor, unless it was for an real emergency.
This where the future is going towards…….it going back to the ancient health practices……this is where education should be taking us to in the USA……
The politicians that want to make mj legal are going about it the wrong way…….they just waited it out until it will be forced on them to pass it at the federal level for the VETS…..the vets sell the medicine that they get at the va for cannabis…….
The politicians should argue that the federal government already has several food-based cannabis that is accepted.
Just a cpl of them are Black pepper Ashanti pepper (from Africa…i found a place over by New York)…has 57% of cannabis in it for medicinal….Cannabis Sativa only has12-35%…..regular blk pepper has about7 or more %age in it…..there quit a few foods that have it….even mexican oregano has about 5%…i sprinkle it on everything…..even by Budweiser….
Hemp seed, Hemp oil…..great stuff. in te rms of nutrient content….hemp seed is about 35% protein, 50% fan….the food typs…and 12 % carbohydrate…..probable one (the third one i think) of the worlds source of complete protein ……just behind….only marine… no….not the marine corps…pay attention….the algae marine plankton……AFA blue-green algae….or for less expensive spirulina…..they exceed hemp in protein…..
I would say that hemp, hemp oil, medical mj is a great way to beat any illness………I take at least 2 table spoons per day….along with 2 tble of chia seeds perday……when i get regular sleep…i feel like im 40 yrs old…….that when im gone for the whole day…….maybe some smart politician could teach us how to avoid Drs…..self heal….and avoid UN-nessacary medical bills…….
Forgot where…but in China, or Japan….think its China…..they have “Non-Medicine-Hospitals)…they actually cure people using many techniques that would be laughed at here in the west……Karate, ti chi, kung fuey, were first ……yoga is mainstream….meditation is gaining by leaps and jumps…self care should be taught at all levels of school….starting from the womb until we die at at average age of 120…..
Before i let all of the solar energy out of me……..i am going to try to write a simple outline…maybe a book for my family to have … going to try and leave something behind…..that will take care of them when im with my pal……EL CHAMUCO…..partying and having a hot time. None of that eternal Mass stuff for me……..hey do you think that they have confession heaven for eternity…….Ground Hog Heaven……….day after day……rambling now…..later
Just read yor plan about going to Canada…….tell Rick, Rick…..that im a coming with…….remember…you two did adopt me a few yrs back…..will bring Judy….thanks MAW…..
So, could Trump now just amend his travel ban to include all Central American countries & Mexico…to help him refuse asylum to anyone from those countries?
If the UK doesn’t reject his visit, I hope they get to fly the giant, baby Trump blimp.
Sorry for that long post…..but that is what I wanted to say to anyone that have a real health problem. There is many things to fight with.
Like football, trump is blowing-up motor cycles. Changing the dialog while he sells-the us-out to china. mattis on his end of the junta (kelly is holding-up the domestic end) is visiting china — the first visit of a Pentagon chief since hagel went in 2014.
From the article —
Since Xi hosted Mattis’s predecessor, Chuck Hagel, in 2014, China has launched a second aircraft carrier and outlined plans to build a “world-class” military power by 2050. The Trump administration, meanwhile, has replaced Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” with an “Indo-Pacific” policy that looks to draw India into the regional security framework as a counterweight to China.
From bloomberg’s ‘tracking trump’ site. No matter what? It is too late to undo this guy’s chintzy branding from our government, our institutions and history. The incredibly cheap logo of a “T” emblazoned into our flesh.
Today’s SCOTUS rulings should point out in clear relief the importance of the last election and what kind of country we are moving toward under republican rule. If what came out of the Supremes doesn’t motivate you to do everything you can to flip congress in 2018 and flip the presidency in 2020, you get what you deserve. (I am fighting an almost overwhelming urge to … well, you know).
My cousin Jimmy from York, Pennsylvania worked for Harley-Davidson most of his adult life. He retired about ten years ago. On the last thread, Pogo, mentioned how the cost of the tariffs is going to the bottom line consumer cost to purchase a new motorcycle. More than ever, it is the cost of the retirement, the pensions, and in some cases healthcare as the company is no longer a union shop since trump.
Baby boomers kicked to the curb, hurry-up and die. The real trump policy for the wave of retirees coming for their money as promised.
So instead? We demonize a company that is getting its profits eaten and the phony tax cuts did nothing for them except to drive them to cheaper economies to supply friendlier economies with product. The average citizen left holding and accountable for the big debt bill of the tax cuts.
It is now 102 degrees here on the border. Back to decoy news for me while I ponder the cooler Canadian air.
There are many good reasons to be concerned about America being destroyed. The greedy old perverts want Civil War II to settle Civil War I and put the slaves back to work in the fields. What they cannot see is that the pendulum is swinging back, and very fast too. The gop is about thirty to thirty-five percent, the other five percent saying they like what SFB is doing are not of party but are true KKK types (these are rough numbers from looking at current party affiliation).
The problem is our Constitution writers were balancing city life to country life and gave the edge to country life. Currently, during the primary season, the white supremacists/authoritarians/bigots/misogynists and the rest of the gop have the slight edge to keep the Senate.
Interesting to see how this plays out.
Hey SJ
Larry Magid a local tech guy with a segment on local radio said he didn’t think the sales tax would make a difference. People are already paying it and a few more (and more all the time) online stores are setting up brick and mortar operations.
It’s the reporting that businesses have to do that will kill some smaller guys. Some states are easy. TX wants to know your sales & it’s a flat rate (8.25, I think).
But then you get states like CA who want city & county on top of it…and yes, we’ve had to deal with it…and it’s just a mess for a small, internet business to do the reporting to calculate the payments.
Until now, we’ve only had to report to states where we have nexus. It’s about to get more complicated and expensive.
Some of the individual sellers (not really businesses, just folks finding bulk deals on items & selling them through Amazon) will have the honor of paying Amazon for their tax reporting service.
Bottom line, every internet business will feel it, both in labor to deal with tax reporting & paying those taxes. Since most businesses have an internet component, it’s going to have a big impact.
But, since the internet killed Main Street, the states need to get those tax dollars.
ny times:
Manafort Trial Is to Go Forward, but Judge Warns Mueller to Stay Within Authority
In a preliminary hearing last month, Judge T. S. Ellis III challenged the charges of bank fraud and tax evasion against Mr. Manafort, saying he saw no relationship between the case before him and “anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate.”
But in the 31-page opinion issued on Tuesday, the judge said that “upon further review,” it was clear to him that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, had “followed the money paid by pro-Russian officials” to Mr. Manafort — a line of inquiry that fell squarely in his authority.
Judge Ellis continued to express misgivings about special prosecutors in general, saying that he could only hope that Mr. Mueller did not abuse the powers given to him. “Although this case will continue, those involved should be sensitive to the danger unleashed when political disagreements are transformed into partisan prosecutions,” he wrote.
He also wrote, “To provide a special counsel with a large budget and to tell him or her to find crimes allows a special counsel to pursue his or her targets without the usual time and budget constraints facing ordinary prosecutors, encouraging substantial elements of the public to conclude that the special counsel is being deployed as a political weapon.”
Still, he decided that Mr. Mueller’s team had stayed within its mandate in investigating tens of millions of dollars in payments to Mr. Manafort, even though the pattern of financial fraud laid out by prosecutors began in 2006 and the payments came from political forces in Ukraine. The special counsel’s authorization to investigate “any links” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government covered the payments to Mr. Manafort from Ukraine’s pro-Russian president, Viktor F. Yanukovych, and his political allies, he ruled.
Trump-backed Gov. Henry McMaster wins in South Carolina runoff, CNN projects
T.S. Elliot III apparently disapproved of ken starr’s ‘wide-ranging,’ 5 year long persecution of the Clintons.
Actually, tse3 seems to be fishing for a spot on trump’s crooked Supremes.
From the NY Times twitter feed
Same old story Men give learned opinion, women get hysterical, Women of color get really hysterical.
Haven’t trusted the NYT since Judith Miller, they proved me correct during the 2016 election and so they continue.
All the best to Mrs Jack.
big upset by the left in NY, first-time candidate beats veteran House Democrat. She ran this killer ad that went viral in last few days:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Cynthia Nixon have endorsed each other & appeared together.
re Crowley, big business is not losing a congressman, it’s gaining a lobbyist.
Jack, Sotomayor’s dissent makes Roberts’ majority opinion look like the hack job it is. Hysterical? From a lawyer’s perspective I respectfully disagree. Roberts’ decision is Korematsu 2018. And it sucks.Sotomayor calls Roberts and the majority out on it. Good on her.
I concur with the majority opinion written by Mr Pogo, Esquire, JD.
Jack, your dry sarcasm faked me out entirely.
OK, I may be in another dimension here but from what I read Whskyjack was not dissing Justice Sotomayor. He was commenting on the attitude the NYT takes on comments like hers. He was facetious & darn good at it. No way was he being sexist: if anything, he was pro intelligent learned women, especially minority women whose voice gets squashed 99.9% of the time by so called learned men & editors that live wayyyy above/apart from the commoners that annoyingly want to exist & thrive in a rich white man’s world & the media that privilege controls so the privileged can continue to control.
Earlier in the day saw the headline about “Sanders to receive Secret Service protection.”
Thought wow, Bernie’s 2020 hopes really took off 😉
A couple beats later got they meant the Press Secretary.
Never mind.
It’s after midnight here on the East Coast & a perfect time to watch, if you come across it, Night Gallery’s Camera Obscura episode from 1971.
Some shows are meant to be seen in the wee small hours.