Trump Pimps Tiger

I thought it seemed weird that Tiger Woods played golf with Trump. Why would Tiger associate with a president who obviously relishes trashing black athletes for any reason?

Well, it turns out Tiger is in a business deal with Trump, designing a Trump golf course in Dubai (a questionable foreign business venture for a sitting president, btw). And Trump tweet boasted, name dropped Tiger as his golf partner on Friday.

Tiger has enough public relations problems to risk this. But Trump paid for his loyalty, it seems.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

Tiger.  Another dog.

7 years ago

In like Flynn, part deux.

7 years ago

Adios, Tiger……it was nice watching you play a stupid game when you were a kid, but those days are gone.  Now your playing with fire is just: Sad.

7 years ago

Went and saw 3 Billboards……..weird, no ending…..was good all the way up to the no ending part.

7 years ago

I thought the deadbeat’s businesses, like his hotels, and his golf courses for the under-privileged Oil Tyrants, were held in, and run by, a blind trust. Maybe that blind trust wasn’t deaf.

Maybe tiger hopes he’ll have something going with the first lady.

Maybe I wouldn’t care about any of this shit, if it weren’t such a rich resource for lowdown jokes.

7 years ago

About the trashing of black athletes……Tiger has objected in the past to being referred to as “black”.

7 years ago

Dubai is a scandal with its imported slave labor and money laundering hotels and banks.  The perfect location for our sadly diminished criminal President.

7 years ago

Time magazine sick burns Trump for saying he passed on being man of the year:

Time tweets:

The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.

7 years ago


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump says that Time magazine was contemplating naming him the “Person of the Year” for a second year in a row but that he pulled himself out of the running because he didn’t want to participate in an interview and photo shoot.

“Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named ‘Man (Person) of the Year,’ like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot,” Trump tweeted on Friday evening. “I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!”

Richard Stengel‏, a former Time editor, responded by tweeting: “Hate to tell you but that PROBABLY means you’re NOT Person of the Year. They just wanted a photo shoot. But I’m sure you still have that fake TIME cover somewhere in storage.”



I do so hope…beyond hope even… that time’s person of the year is bob Mueller if for no other reason than to make the twit nervous.

7 years ago

ny times Diplomats Sound the Alarm as They Are Pushed Out in Droves
WASHINGTON — Of all the State Department employees who might have been vulnerable in the staff reductions that Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson has initiated as he reshapes the department, the one person who seemed least likely to be a target was the chief of security, Bill A. Miller.
Republicans pilloried Hillary Clinton for what they claimed was her inadequate attention to security as secretary of state in the months before the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Congress even passed legislation mandating that the department’s top security official have unrestricted access to the secretary of state.
But in his first nine months in office, Mr. Tillerson turned down repeated and sometimes urgent requests from the department’s security staff to brief him, according to several former top officials in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Finally, Mr. Miller, the acting assistant secretary for diplomatic security, was forced to cite the law’s requirement that he be allowed to speak to Mr. Tillerson.

7 years ago

#MeToo as the sea change Persons of the Year. A tsunami of the voiceless overtook the formerly business as usual & in the process helped change a cultural norm.

With kudos to Tarana Burke for an exceptional hashtag, Alyssa Milano for spreading the word. Also to Rowan Farrow & in extension Mia Farrow, who raised a son with values & a social conscience.

Under this President where a woman is devalued to the shape of her t&a, a shout out to her being a whole person with equal value would be most profound. Holy cow, it’s 2017.


7 years ago

Courage is a beautiful thing, especially when you know someone has your back. Or a few million. Or billion. ???

7 years ago

“Holy cow, it’s 2017.”

sjwny, and only 100 years ago, can you believe,

Ten Suffragists Arrested While Picketing at the White House
August 28, 1917

Women started parading in front of the White House for “woman suffrage,” women’s right to vote, during January 1917. On August 28 of that year, 10 suffragists were arrested. The women wanted President Woodrow Wilson to support the proposed Anthony amendment to the Constitution, which would guarantee women the right to vote. They started off standing silently, holding picket signs reading, “Mr. President, what will you do for Woman Suffrage?” and “How Long Must Women Wait for Liberty?” Riding through the White House gates, his wife by his side, President Wilson customarily tipped his hat to the protestors. [continues]

hard to believe we’re still having to march on the prez.  

7 years ago

Women picket in front of the White House in 1917  

it takes time, 100 years and counting.
suffer the little ladies.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

tiger a victim?   Reputation?  He had 120 affairs while married to Elin before she took a golf club to him.  He recently was found asleep at the wheel with flat tires on his benz?  A danger and a safety hazard to humans.   He makes way too much money. like potus pg’er.

7 years ago

100 years…… dad was born in 1917…….time flies……..

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A beautiful morning glory to the trail.   I saw a ‘falling star’ this morning, but it is not an explanation for the bama boom….it is being heard around the world.

Or maybe it is a sign…an uneasy read on Moscow Mueller.  The candles flickered on the altar when I read it…just a chill.   However, given his age and point in history to save the reputation of the fbi?   I think Mueller will carry out the deed to dump trump, lock-up the gang responsible for the election heist.

From the lengthy article —
During his final months as FBI director, Mueller was again enlisted to help with a thorny matter in U.S.-Russia relations.
In the summer of 2013, the White House asked Mueller to negotiate the release from Russia of Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who stole volumes of classified material on U.S. surveillance operations at home and abroad. Snowden had fled to Moscow after leaking the data to journalists.
Unlike the Cold War spy cases, the U.S. did not offer a trade. The Obama administration wanted Moscow to return Snowden as part of a diplomatic “reset,” an ultimately unsuccessful effort to improve relations with Russia.
Lisa Monaco, the White House’s Homeland Security advisor, tasked Mueller to talk to Alexander Bortnikov, head of Russia’s internal security and counter-intelligence service, the FSB.
For at least a week, Mueller called Bortnikov’s office, starting at 3 a.m. in Washington. Each time, the FBI director was turned aside without getting Bortnikov on the line.
“Mueller just kept calling over there, like begging to talk to the guy,” said a former official. Instead, Snowden was granted asylum in Russia.
The unsuccessful outreach offered Mueller insight into Russian intelligence, who U.S. officials say helped hack and leak Democratic Party emails last year in an effort to undermine U.S. democracy and to help Trump’s campaign.

7 years ago

Is this Brown Saturday?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

To ladies of a hundred years ago?  Thank you.   To Johnny Appleseed?  Thank you for your contribution to temperance, the stablemate of the woman’s vote.    Prior to the the 19th Amendment?  Only drunken men were able to vote?  ‘How’ vote rigging worked in the olden days.


7 years ago

It’s a pretty good sign of just how effing stupid and miserably devoid of common sense humans are that women had to FIGHT for the vote…….

7 years ago

Tiger was charming when he was young but the glitter has long since worn off. Now he’s just a mangy dog like his golf buddy! Just remember, Tiger, when you play with dogs you end up with fleas!

Re the Time pole: I think it’s most likely that the SFF “passed” on the person of the year because he saw that Mohammed bin Salman was leading the voting by a huge margin and the #MeToo women’s protest was ahead of him too. He’s a baby and he can say someone else won because he passed on it. Frankly, Time should give up the practice because their premise for voting can mean almost anything. When someone sees a glossy picture and a great big headline on a magazine saying 201x Person of the Year I think most assume that means he/she is a good, decent human being who has accomplished great things. In reality it is just someone who has affected or dominated the news that year. By that standard, Hitler and Stalin and many others would have been (and probably were) fine candidates over the years. In case anyone wants to see the up-to-date results of the pole so far it’s available and updated here

7 years ago


100 years…… dad was born in 1917…….time flies……..

This is why genealogists tell everyone they are responsible for 200 years of history.  If the stories you heard from grandparents and parents aren’t passed on to children and grandchildren, then that history is lost forever.  It is the stories of every day lives that are at the heart of the identity of a people.  The big movers and shakers involved in major events, but those are just dates.  The tales of the people are the soul.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Let us hope that trump is literally ‘out of TIME.’

Bama votes soon — an opine or opiwhine  on the evangelical vote and hypocrisy.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

From the opine I linked above, I noticed the author used the word ‘filth’ in describing the pile of hypocritical poop, bed bugs of mendacity trump supporters bring the the table.    ‘Filth’ was the word I used in my comment a couple of days ago to describe my sis and her hubby, now of the dark side, after our Thanksgiving family meal.   Trump supporters in my local sphere, leave a residue of distrust, disbelief….disgusting racists, silent nazis.   How trump was successful in a coalition of evangelicals and nazis?  putie and his cyber elites.   It has torn our family apart, just like the ruskies planned it.  For the record, my sis used to claim she is an atheist and her hubby is a non-practicing catholic.  Far from evangelicals…my sis even boycotted hobby lobby after the lawsuit over Obamacare.  They claim they voted for Mr. Obama.  So, the change is so strange to me…they are hypnotized like ‘OJ’s character’ in the Naked Gun movie.  They are dedicated Faux News watchers and must receive their instructions from the pretty ladies in the ‘leg chair.’

7 years ago

Tiger isn’t just some dog….  he’s a dog on steroids!

As for Time’s “Man” of the Year….    how about a pink pussy hat.

BlondeW… John Chapman… aka Johnny Appleseed….   was born in a town that abuts my home town.  One can drive anywhere in Leominster, Mass and see Johnny Appleseed Shopping Mall…  Johnny Appleseed restaurant…  Johnny Appleseed Car Wash…  etc., etc.  It’s amazing to see the commercialization of hometown “heroes”.  The worst I’ve ever seen is Hannibal, MS… hometown of Mark Twain.

7 years ago

Leominster, Mass…….did you ever go to The Buttercup?

7 years ago

I seem to remember CBob (Robert Chapman) claiming Appleseed as an ancestor……

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I second RR’s brilliant suggestion of the pussy hat for the cover of Time!

Patd posted a Samantha Bee vid on the kurds and how they loved trump…kurds no more!
The United States seems set to cut off its supply of arms to Kurdish fighters in Syria, in a move by President Donald Trump that is sure to please Turkey but further alienate Syrian Kurds who bore much of the fight against the Islamic State.
In a phone call Friday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Trump said he’d “given clear instructions” that the Kurds will receive no more weapons, adding that “this nonsense should have ended a long time ago,” said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

7 years ago

I’m glad he was Johnny Appleseed instead of Johnny Pruneseed…..

Now if he’d only been Johnny Potseed, I’d claim him as an ancestor too…..

7 years ago

They can’t pick trump …. It would be seen by too many as validation of someone who is basically just a common old garden-variety asshole.

7 years ago

But……..would they dare pick Putin under those criteria?

7 years ago

Hands down……Robert Mueller is the actual Man of the Year.

7 years ago

My choice was/is Mueller. He is the conscience of our Country. He carries the Sword of State. He will slice at the Yellow line.

7 years ago

I think they’ll go with Kaepernick.

7 years ago

What Flatus said.

7 years ago

Nah, they won’t pick Kaepernick……but whomever they pick, it will be a thorn to snag at the trump’s golfing duds.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Time person of the year could be KGB agent Putin as he is the dominatrix of SFB.  That anyone (Mohammed bin Salma) has over fifty percent of the public voting says a lot to trolls and slaves voting often.

One of the most serious failures of the media is to allow SFB to be panned off as a normal person.  Nothing is normal about him. He is a low intelligence bigot and bully.  He already is past his prime and going deep into mental diseases and needs to be put in a cell as a criminal.  The media should skip his screaming and crying and kicking his heels on the floor routines with a simple “and the pretend president had another temper tantrum” or “the pretend president had his [fill in the number] fit this hour”.

Tiger Woods was done when he wrapped his car around the tree.  He is another has been.  What he probably does not know (I don’t know why) is that SFB is going to stiff him his payment and fees.

7 years ago

Ha! Donny twit-tweeted that he doesn’t want to be person-o-the-year because he’d have to sit for a special photo-shoot.   (He doesn’t even realize that it’s not necessarily an honor; it can because you’re horrible.) Pre-emtive sour grapes.  Biggest loser, ever.

#metoo is the way to go…and then they need to include stories of all of the non-famous harassment and abuse, not just the shiny actresses.  Not that it’s not a big deal for them; they are human.  It’s just that it’s finally getting attention, so the media needs to to a better job to include others.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

trump should be disqualified from the cover of Time as he has all of those phony mock-ups of the cover at his golf courses.

The homeless civil war statutes should be on the cover.  Or better yet?  A basket of deplorables.

7 years ago

Or the newly elevated Emperor of the Pacific, Xi JinPing

7 years ago

A good delving into Chinese and English people interaction was TAI-PAN, by Clavell

7 years ago

Sturg….  sure I went to the Buttercup…  one of my favorite clubs back when I was 18 and 19.  It’s actually in my hometown of Lunenburg.   It was torn down years ago and now there’s a credit union on the site.

7 years ago

Pretty sure that Steinbeck was the kid.

7 years ago

Played the Buttercup in 72 with Joe Savage, The Snake Man…..

7 years ago

Joe Savage, The Snake Man……there’s a story to be reckoned with…..Six months of just-about-the-damnedest-thing-you-ever-seen…..

7 years ago

Post-snakes, Joe is still out there

Air Force captain in the sixties who wanted so badly to be an Entertainer that he actually became one.

7 years ago

Darn  it, I hate receiving the books that I’ve ordered–not always, but so, so often. The reason? The printer’s font is so small that I can not read it without magnification. Yesterday’s example is a magnificent edition of Pepys’ Diaries, The Shorter Pepys, compiled by Robert Latham and published in 1985. It is 1096 pages along with another 50 pages of introductory notes. Every word is important. And I, the reader, am not.


7 years ago

Prologue:  Joe needed to replace his keyboard player and so my friend Crustaceo, the drummer, called me to see if I wanted to sign on for a bit.  I says sure, what’s the gig? He says, “All I’m gonna tell you is….he’s got a snake.”  I says ooooh-kay, see you in Akron.   Drove most of the night and next day, got into Akron bout 4 pm…..I had a week not playing, to learn the gig, and I’d been up all night, road-strung, so went to the motel bar to un-wind, as they say.     Time passes and the band is loading up to head for the Club, Ramon’s, so I hitch a ride, and crawl up behind the equipment cases, speakers, and amps onstage, and go to sleep. At one point, Crustaceo throws a drum mallet at me and wakes me up.  So what I see is the club lights are out, there is smoke, two blazing torches, a powerful strobe-light, a rooster on a perch in front of the strobe-light is flapping his wings and crowing his ass off, and there is a figure between the torches in a death’s cloak, screaming, “Kill!” into a microphone while the band is just turned loose making primal absolutely chaotic noise. I remember the trumpet player making a sound like a wounded elephant or something. As I take all this in….this guy runs across the stage…..he’s bald like Kojak, dressed in a tiger loin-cloth and he has these two huge snakes wrapped around him, and the damnedest thing was the way those two snakes’ heads bobbed along one on either side of joe’s head…..just bobbing along up and down trying to stay level as he ran across the stage thru the torch light, the smoke, and the strobe, and then back out into the audience which, as one, were screaming in fear of the snakes.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Craig – follow up to your tweet – Mueller filed several sealed indictments in the DC court.  Some enterprising person actually looked at the records and noted at least four indictments between Manafort and Grant.  And more numbers to what’s his face, the guy sitting next to the pretend president, the guy no one remembers ever being anywhere, Papadapolis (sic).  What we do not know is what other indictments are filed in the other courts.  Having the sealed indictments means that those lucky people are already in the commode and swirling.  A lifeline might be given to stop them from making new friends in unfriendly prisons.  Most likely what that foreign agent Flynn is grabbing for.

7 years ago

If I were Time, I’d make fried shrimp the man of the year.

But I guess I’ll just settle for another turkey sandwich…..

7 years ago

Craig: According to the voting page: “Since 1927, TIME Magazine has chosen a “Person of the Year,” defined as a person (or people) who has had the most influence over the news in the last 12 months.” As I mentioned earlier it’s much to broad a premise to be an effective gauge of anything. On the voting page you basically vote yes or no to all the choices that are offered. You can vote more than once, but I don’t think on the same day. Supposedly I matched 73% of people who voted but I don’t really see that reflected in their results page so I don’t know how they tally this thing at all. Of course this is all in keeping with my general dislike/distrust of polls and surveys LOL!

7 years ago

bw, rereading your 9:55 comment this a.m., by any chance was this the way your family get together ended?

7 years ago

granny, if the gauge is “Person of the Year,” defined as a person (or people) who has had the most influence over the news in the last 12 months” then I would say the Russian hackers, trolls and bots who globally screwed and skewed the news… and are still at it.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

patd – our little gathering ended early as I slipped out the door shortly after dinner.  Dinner was mostly quiet.  There were indications that a certain person was informed that there would be no talk about anything.  Which is fine with me.  But, with the television volume set on excruciating loud there was little chance of talking.  So one technique to use at the next holiday dinner is to just crank up the television super high and no one can talk loud enough to get into trouble.

7 years ago

bbronc, an audacious audio plan as long as it isn’t faux news & co drowning out the conversation

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

At our T-day the food was great and the company wonderful.

At the dinner was a woman whose name I see all the time as she is the bookkeeper for the homeowners association for the ranch –  She was so completely different from what I had imagined –in every single way — it took me a few minutes to adjust to the fact that it was really her.   I had more or less stereotyped her as a bookkeeper and closer to my age – she’s much younger.   It was a good reminder to keep an open mind and not to make assumptions based on nothing but cliches.

As for PG and Tiger -Pay to Play that’s how PG rolls – and I doubt Woods would play with him under any other cirumstances

7 years ago

Bookkeeper……..that only word with 3 double letters in a row word

Unless you count Stooppeeker…..

7 years ago

Word of the Day, by Sturgeone, brought to you by Electro-Lux.


7 years ago

craig, how does your glowing assessment jibe with this report or are you only referring to prior field duty?  last year from nbcnews: Obama Warned Trump Against Hiring Mike Flynn, Say Officials


According to all three former officials, Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn. The Obama administration fired Flynn in 2014 from his position as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, largely because of mismanagement and temperament issues.

Obama’s warning pre-dated the concerns inside the government about Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador, one of the officials said. Obama passed along a general caution that he believed Flynn was not suitable for such a high level post, the official added.


7 years ago

yahoo:  Trump Takes Twitter Swing at CNN, Simultaneously Puts Foot in His Mouth

President Donald Trump once again blew kisses at Fox News and took a swing at CNN, tweeting Saturday that Fox was “MUCH more important in the United States than CNN,” adding “they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly.”
CNN took no time to fire back, “It’s not CNN’s job to represent the U.S to the world. That’s yours. Our job is to report the news. #FactsFirst.”
But what the POTUS may not be aware of is that, according to Norm Eisen, the chief White House ethics lawyer under former President Barack Obama, his latest jab at CNN could be used against his Justice Department in its fight to block AT&T’s merger with Time Warner.
“Dear Dodo-in-Chief: u realize that this tweet is going 2be an exhibit against u in the DOJ -TimeWarner antitrust case right? It also smacks of collusion since u did it on day when Vlad cracked down on US networks,” Eisen tweeted. “For that reason, it may open u to other civil liability.”
Bloomberg reported on Nov. 20 that the Justice Department will file a lawsuit seeking to block the $85 billion merger. The deal, announced last October, would create a media behemoth with assets including the Warner Bros. studio, CNN, HBO, the Turner networks, AT&T’s wireless business and DirecTV. The Financial Times reported earlier this month that AT&T would have to sacrifice CNN to gain antitrust approval for the deal.
Trump has repeatedly railed against CNN as “fake news” both as a presidential candidate and since taking office and opposed the AT&T/Time Warner merger at campaign rallies, while similar mergers having gained regulatory approval in recent years.
Eisen suggests that Trump’s tweet could be used to imply that the Justice Department’s lawsuit is purely his personal dislike of CNN and has nothing to do with antitrust laws. Eisen says that the POTUS’ tweet hints at “collusion” between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who out into law Saturday that foreign media outlets working in Russia must be listed as foreign agents.


7 years ago

the hill: Former Bush speechwriter: Trump’s tweets are a ‘direct attack’ on the safety of journalists
A former speechwriter for President George W. Bush said that President Trump’s attacks on CNN’s international bureau put journalists in danger.
David Frum, Bush speechwriter and senior editor at the Atlantic, tweeted Saturday that U.S.-affiliated journalists operating internationally depend on the U.S. government to protect them and their reporting, and that Trump jeopardizes that when he criticizes the network.
“Inside the US, CNN’s reporting is protected by the First Amendment and the courts,” Frum tweeted. “Outside the US, US-affiliated journalists do ultimately depend on the protection of the US government. Trump’s words are a direct attack on those international journalists’ freedom & even safety.”
Though Trump has feuded with CNN consistently throughout his campaign and presidency, he intensified his attacks in a tweet Saturday that specifically targeted the network’s international wing.
“Outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly,” Trump said.
CNN reporters were quick to respond, telling Trump that their colleagues “risk their lives” covering famines, war and politics worldwide.