By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
Two days too late for Cinco de Mayo, but beautiful none the less. A wonderful example of the rich musical tradition from our neighbors to the South. Enjoy the music, and as always enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
Two days too late for Cinco de Mayo, but beautiful none the less. A wonderful example of the rich musical tradition from our neighbors to the South. Enjoy the music, and as always enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
Amazing how Italian Mexican music can sound. ?????
jace & pogo, this isn’t as beautiful to hear, but banderas is beautiful to behold
I am kinda fond of his female costar- Salma Hayek. Actually, I very much enjoyed the music from that movie. Los Lobos wrote it and it very much sounds like much of the “authentic” Mexican music I hear when I go to the Yucatán.
Slow morning around here. Words of advice, watch out for ticks. The little monsters are all over the place in the woods. And the initial treatment for Lyme disease is quite a kick. Doxycycline hydrate, a tetracycline, good for fighting malaria, periodontal disease and STD’s along with Lyme disease.
Good day for another nap and playing a few vinyl albums. Maybe a few of the acetate 78’s too.
how’s that bum leg PatD?
Beautiful contribution to our Day of Rest.
Hope PatD is resting comfortably as well.
They may be mated for life. They may be on their third set of Eaglets at the Arboretum, but boy oh boy when the First Lady wants to land where Mr. President is sitting … Look Out!!!
I don’t know if others are having problems, but the site is loading slow and having trouble posting without reloading.
Another reason you may be glad you are getting old:
Ha, ha, the joke is on me, I linked the wrong work. Jeeze!!
IT was supposed to be this one! For Pete’s sake! Grrr!
Jamie,my internet tubes are ok? Others having trouble?
Jace, you want me to swap out the video with new link?
No idea if this is the same couple that disappeared a while ago but we are back in the dove nesting business as of this morning.
Aw. They don’t pick safe places to nest, but they are beautiful.
Loved SNL’s take on Meeker & MoJo.
Next week, Melissa (Spicer) McCarthy hosts.
Paul Ryan is such a liar.
No mention is made of drug prices. Why?
Can Collins of Maine help fix this mess?
An occasional hiccup
Universal healthcare coming to California oh my…there are already too many people here
No thanks. Both good works. Live and learn. Proof read!?
Looks like France dodged the bullet we didn’t.
Why not let France’s new president be leader of the free world? We need a break.
Macron does a smash hit on Marine. Thirty-seven points. That is a trouncing and a mandate. I wonder how the orange wonder is taking it. He probably will announce that the Dem’s interfered in the election and hacked somebody’s email account.
Technology travels on. Nine years ago I bought a thirty-two inch LED television for about three hundred fifty dollars, on sale from three hundred ninety dollars (I have the notes so I know the prices). Today I purchased a forty inch LED television, not as many inputs, for two hundred thirty dollars. It is clearer, lighter in weight, and handles the over the air television stations better. And, if the receiver was newer it would be one unit of the intelligent system of media units. Roku Premier units are wonderful. All this is building to me getting rid of cable television in a couple days.
I like over the air television. Straight in, no delays or compression. Audio is better too. The cable company offered me a better deal, or rather cheaper deal. The big problem is that is drops my internet speed, seventy-five instead of one hundred. Bah. Considering the only thing I watch on television now is the am weather and occasionally the pm weather, I once again, do not need cable television. I was here in 2008 when I realized my bird watched more television than I did. Now my cats watch more than I do. Gale, the all weather dog, sleeps during the day and only watches with me in bed.
Merkle & Macron are co-leaders since we have nothing to offer at the moment.
BiD – very true. What may also happen is a leader from Britain may come out of their election. With a fruitcake as our prez I can be assured of idiocy and no leadership from the U.S.
Renee, CLE sweeps Toronto. Boston v. Washington next.
And Washington ties up their series with Boston.
BTW Didn’t drumpf change his support from Le Pen in the semis to congrats to Macron in the final – after Le Pen distanced herself from drumpf?
BB, weren’t all the OTA stations converted to digital in the “great realignment’ a few years back? Now, what drives me to distraction is that when my local NPR outlet plays audio discs, their hardware is so crappy that massive amounts of rumble are faithfully reproduced by my excellent setup; not so with my own library unless they were carelessly produced–not a rarity in early stereo days.