Tracey Ullman once did a skit featuring a woman on a boat in choppy waters who sees a giant head of lettuce ahead and shouts, “Oh No, It’s Iceberg!”
This might not be a Titanic night for Hillary Clinton but it certainly is not the night many of us expected.
Donald Trump clearly has turned out voters who weren’t reached by pollsters, perhaps millions of disaffected Americans who don’t usually show up.
Win or lose, Trump gets bragging rights (not that he needs a justification to brag). Win or lose, it’s a stunning blow to the Clinton camp’s confidence.
You need to also question the 4th estate and the elitist. Regardless the support for Hillary is not what we have been told it should be.
Who would have imagined that it will all come down to Nevada.
This reminds me of the Gov race in Az in the mid 1980’s when an LDS candidate who was a car dealer and bishop in the Mormon church won the Governer election. Most folks just stood around for weeks saying “what happened”. The LDS vote was phenomenal and outside of any polls. It was totally unexpected. As a side note, Mecham was impeached and removed from office a year later.
Florida called for Trump
Florida does not look good for Democrats…
I was looking at the CNN county maps and I think she should win Michigan. In the three counties in and around Detroit, she should gain 300,000 more votes than Trump…
It’s not just wall street that’s going to crash if the unthinkable happens. This could be worse than Brexit. I haven’t been able to watch more than a minute or two at a time. I feel sick to my stomach. I never thought this country could even come close to electing the next Hitler. I pray I haven’t overestimated my fellow citizens.
So sad you have that opinion. You are wrong.
North Carolina now called for Trump
Trump wins Utah
this is terrible
the Trump supporters aren’t down trodden Americans they are Americans who want to trod on others
and that includes you Ping invading the medical privacy of others on the basis of what some religious belief that you hold and they don;t…forcing your beliefs on others…is that what you want?
this country was founded on religious freedom
I do not understand why the personal attacks. So Sad
If you are referring to abortion. I believe in choice but after 20 weeks I believe the unborn child is a life
no personal attack
you are invading the medical privacy of others based on your beliefs
and it seems to me the Trump campaign was based on demeaning others and restricting their rights
if the shoe fits
Ping: Don’t feel bad for me, feel bad for yourself and your country.
Watching George Stephaclinton on ABC and he is such a worm. I am enjoying this element. He should also lose his job. You still friends with him Craig?
HRC never went to Wisconsin after winning the Dem nomination. D’oh!
Do not blame the victor – Hillary is major flawed candidate. She is losing as much as he is winning.
If ponies rode men & grass ate cows,
And cats were chased into holes by the mouse …
If summer were spring & the other way round,
Then all the world would be upside down.
Would this crazy year end up anyway else?
Will Rudy be Attorney General or Sec of State (I’m assuming Christie isn’t available for a while)
Craig: Is there a tally anywhere yet on write-ins and third party votes? I’ve seen a lot of comments about people writing in pretty much anyone they can think of including themselves, friends, relatives etc. Just curious if the numbers reflect any of that.
joy reid is great
Hey George Stephahillary – It is not the biggest upset yet, But if it does happen it is because you are FLAWED and arrogant, trying to lead the electorate with your identity based politics.
#dump ABC and Stephahillary
If Wisconsin goes Red, Governor *Asterisk may be on his way to a sweet Cabinet job. Secretary of Labor, anyone?
Wisconsin called for Trump
It is DONE !!!!
No Crow for me
Projection 270 / 268
As a white male within a few years of at least semi retirement I will not be personally afflicted by having drumpf as president and a RW Supreme Court, but much of what I believe makes America different from most of the rest of the world is compromised if not set back by decades if not a generation .
I feel bad for Russ Feingold
Martha Raditz is a criminal. She WILL BE FIRED !! Cokie Roberts a little sanity.
ABC YOU ARE A DISGRACE….. BOYCOTT ABC with the fear and lies.
Wisconsin not called
Rudy Guiliani as attorney general that is scary
Well, off to bed. I’m afraid I’ll wake up to a huge national headache.
Is it possible that Russia is hacking into our voting machines? ???
Correct – Wisconsin edge Trump – not called yet, Hillary still has a chance.
I might eat crow, but a small portion.
Still anyone could win !
What is the Clinton path?
She has to win most everything including Wisconsin, PA and Michigan
And the fact the Blue Wall has not been called is very disturbing for Hillary.
Zephyr Teachout lost her race for Congress.
Trump is winning the suburban women. They do not like Hillary.
A lesson of this night for Democrats is one I tried so hard to get across long ago, but gave up: Abandon rural America at your peril.
Craig, Not just rural but also suburban. In 4 years the result might be different as the population continues to become big city. Also the focus on identity politics is also a failed approach.
Scenes of crowd at HRC Javits Center really sad. Some just wandering away.
Chuck Todd – Give him credit he is being factual. Not pulling the emotional lies and fear that Martha on ABC. DUMP ABC !!!
There goes Iowa. Expected
Penn now swinging back to Trump
ping voices in your head don’t count
KGC – Google Maps and CNN updates
Would appreciate a Post from Mr Mudcat: remembering his spot on writings from last Spring.
Still not over….. NH is a key…. Or Trump must win both MI and WI
If this goes to the assholes, I honestly don’t care if I die tomorrow. In fact I’m hoping for divine intervention. Ping … disgust is to minimal a word for you and yours. I don’t want to be in your abysmal world.
Jamie, You do not know my world and you are making your own choice.
Why the personal attacks again and again and again…
You are needed now more than ever. No one defends & fights for what you believe in better than you.
Sorry Ping
You fought for it. You got it. You and yours deserve what you get. The haters have won and you are among them.
You all also give government to much power. This is why the Dems lost. What really changes tomorrow? Not much.
the only hate on this blog comes from not the Ping! And there seems to be to much hate and personal attacks.
Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.
If Dems lose, the election was rigged. The deadbeat said so himself.
One last comment and I am going to bed.
Stop blaming others. Look to your candidate.
Good Night
Ping, Our candidate was a decent, kind, and generous human being destroyed by men who couldn’t stand a powerful woman. If Trump wins tonight, we have lost. I thought 1968 was the year America got very ill and started going downhill. I was wrong. Tonight may be the day it stopped to exist.
The thought of this human garbage, who demanded the President’s birth certificate, following him into office makes me physically ill.
Don’t blame Clinton. Blame a lousy campaign that failed to nail the repub congress to the insider meme. If, early on, she’d hammered some of Bernie’s nails into the repubs in PA, IA, MO, WI, OH, IN, & MI, she’d have won. The campaign had very different plans.
headline Election rigged for Trump
Trump thanks Comey
I’d say Hillary’s poor choice of the word “deplorables” to describe Trump supporters was a fateful blunder.
I can’t believe Hillary will let those thousands of supporters at the Javits Center wander home in despair without saying something to them.
They were and are DEPLORABLE both the uglies in the basket and the ones like Ping who looked the other way.
Maybe so, Jamie, but saying that probably ginned up the turnout against her.
The Press primarily brought this about, after all you’ve spent a year reminding us how we don’t like her, in the face of all of Trump’s absurdity and hate. Shame on you all.
May have Craig. I’ve been under assault on Twitter for days now by the White Power & neo nazi types. The fellow travelers like Ping have given them comfort and he should be proud of what he has created.
So far about 6 million votes have gone to Green, Libertarian or other. They both alienated a lot of people.
Ping is correct about the media & elites not getting it. Did they try to push their corporate agenda? Possibly. Do these people live in a different America than the 99% and, therefore, fail to understand it? Absolutely.
The media keeps speaking about uneducated voters going for Trump. But when they break it down, there is still a large percentage of educated voters that are in the Trump “basket.” They have been very dismissive of voters who didn’t back the candidate they were pushing.
This should be a wake-up call to both parties. Bernie (before he sold out, along with Elizabeth Warren) could’ve gotten enough support to beat Trump. Hillary could not bring us on board to glorify her, which is all her run was ever about, really.
As for the markets, Brexit made them tumble but then they quickly rebounded.
Trump was a Democrat; he may be more of a Democrat tha Hillary. If he oversteps his boundaries, he will be removed from office & we’ll end up with Pence, who is a hardcore Republican.
But the party machines have nobody but themselves to blame. They misread the room.
I don’t think this is the time for fingerpointing
it’s a time for figuring out what we can do to limit the damage
it wasn’t the deplorable comment but if you have to blame something
it was the media and their need for false equivalency
good for you blue you bit off your nose to spite your face
now you will have no health insurance
there will be no publicly funded abortions
there will be trouble for lgbtq community
social security and medicare are in danger
and Trump will start WWIII just so you could have some petty feeling of satisfaction
You’re blaming Comey for Clinton using a private server in order to avoid the FOIA? She has nobody but herself to blame.
crackers – ACA made things worse across the board. Higher costs, less coverage. It doesn’t need to be a base to work from, it needs a complete overhaul…just like our 2-party system.
Maine had an interesting idea. Why not let voters rank all candidates in the ballot? That way you can vote for someone instead of just voting against someone else.
Hillary made a mess of the ME and created a huge refuge crisis. She was never the answer, she was the problem. Obama’s foreign policy, that’s all her.
There will be a woman president some day. Most likely it will be Nikki Hayley.
ranked voting has existed in cal for years
ACA works for most people and does need some work but
now there is going to be nothing
trump for two years will do everything he can for himself and nothing for anyone else
there will be no healthcare for you the insurance companies who are the cause for the problems will not be offering any assistance rates will be higher and coverage worse
I hope you don’t have a pre existing condition cuz then you will be in the high risk pool
Unbelievable Hillary sent Podesta to tell their faithful at Javits Center to go home, instead of acknowledging what’s happened and thanking them herself. Even as she called Trump to concede.
thank you hillary clinton for all your hardwork I don’t blame you at all for not coming out tonight
we all feel the same way I just want to pull the covers over my head.