Why Vote FOR Hillary

I asked Trail Mix supporters of Clinton for reasons to vote FOR Hillary:


  • Flatus: Vote for this–vote for NATO–the alliance that has kept us out of the III-rd World War; that flew air defense missions over the United States and Canada immediately after 9/11, and continues to support the same mutual defense mission in Afghanistan. … I like to view Hillary through the lens that shows others whom I admire enjoying being in her company. I have no doubt that, had they been only a generation apart, that she and Eleanor Roosevelt would thrive in each others company. And our country would be better for it.
  • Tony: Then we can vote for the Supreme Court. Women’s reproductive issues, Gay rights, Civil rights including voting rights and much more. All great things to vote for.. Oh and voting for the first woman to be President. A woman so qualified too. Not chump change
  • Jamie44: I am voting for calm sanity from a probably moderate program with a woman already proven to work with both parties. If I could I would toss the extremes of both parties out on their ear so that we stood a chance of actually getting something done. … Whether she is your political cup of tea or not, she is at least sane, brilliant, hard working and seemingly decent and kind within at least normal human behavior. I want the woman to clean house. Hillary is liberal where I want her to be liberal: LBGQ rights, reproductive rights, education, health, and infrastructure.
  • Jace: I’m voting for her because I want to see a couple of decent appointments to the court going forward. I would be perfectly satisfied to see Citizens United overturned and the voting rights act restored. Damned right I’m voting ‘for’ Hillary.
  • Whyskyjack: I will vote for HRC because she is solidly based in the 21st century. She recognizes that we need to invest in our people to compete in the world, She will promote open trade even as she recognizes that the American people do not support the TPP. She doesn’t just advocate for gender rights but she changes the rules for them. She is a hand up liberal not a hand out liberal. Too many folks out there, are stuck in the last century. the world has moved on and if we don’t realize that then we will become the world’s greatest losers. I don’t want to be a loser and i don’t want the boys and girls that catch the bus on the corner to be in a world where the USA is a loser. It is a tough world and we have to get off our asses and compete. HRC has demonstrated that she understands this.
  • HRCresolute

  • Katherine Graham Cracker: Poor children’s health insurance. the rights of children with disabilities to be part of main stream schools. … I am voting for someone who for once will make issues of low income women as important as those of any industry.
  • PatD: As for her positives how about the political courage displayed publically (when few did/do) of standing up to the nra, actually trying to achieve universal health care (and did achieve for children) and apologizing in person on camera over and over out right saying she was wrong about Iraq vote and about email server? how many other politicians have had the guts…
  • Pogo: I’ll vote for Hillary if for no other reason because of SCOTUS appointments that would fall to the RW. However, in addition she supports the LGBT community and advocates for rights and protections for that community, she has been a strong advocate for women and children, and unlike drumpf, she has demonstrated the ability to acknowledge her mistakes. She may not have been able to help get healthcare reform passed as first lady, but she made the effort against incredibly strong odds. She may have voted for the Iraq authorization for use of military force, but she explained at the time why she was doing so and has acknowledged that it was a mistake. She voted against Bush’s tax reform package.
  • Rebellious Renee: Clinton is the only person from all the candidates in both parties that ran for the nomination that mentioned the lost people of coal country in this election. She also supports an overturn of Citizen’s United.
  • Solarcrete: the only reason that im voting for Hillary is b/c of the Supremes
  • xrepublican: I’m voting for the village that raises children, and against the corporation that bleeds the village just to bloat the CEO’s ego.


  • 1. SCOTUS
  • 2. Sympathetic to the wishes, wants, hopes, and aspirations of women and minorities
  • 3. Solar power
  • 4. Knowledge of how levers, dials, and buttons of government work
  • 5. She approves of science and empirical research.
  • 6. National parks, monuments, forests, etc.
  • 7. I want to see the saudi tyrant kiss her (and his wahabbi morals police try to behead him for doing so)
    patsiVOldSeaHag: Patsi was Trail Mix’s most fervent feminist, a devoted Hillary supporter and much like Hillary she didn’t back down in the face of a debate. It energized her.

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    Author: craigcrawford

    Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

thank you, craig for compiling our pro side.  perhaps ping, bid, purple, bink et al can come up with a specific pro list for their candidates.

as for thoughts on her main opposition, it’s hard to live up to grandma’s edict of “unless you can say something nice about a person don’t say anything at all” but maybe we can try to preface each anti remark with acknowledging a positive trait.  (example: he has good posture, always stands up straight but too bad he seems to only stand up for straights)

8 years ago

and thank you Jamie for that insert about the foundation…. how zero $ have ever been paid in salary/compensation to bill or hill; but that the foundation has made it possible for  27 million people to have clean drinking water, 46 million children educated, and 110 million women and children receive health care.

amen to tim kaine’s “Before you go out attacking a charity, why don’t you come clean about your own business dealings? Why don’t you tell us who you are in debt to?”  [mentioning the 650 million drumpf is in debt to china and goldman sachs]

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
8 years ago

Hillary is running for President of the World.  I would vote for Hillary if I want anyone to come to the USA and get free healthcare paid for by U.S. / you and me.  I would vote for Hillary if I want to continue the same policy that allows elite access.  I would vote for Hillary if I choose not to address the significant issues in our inner city.  I would vote for Hillary if I want these same non US citizens that now have healthcare to also have the jobs.  I would vote for Hillary if I refuse to review the facts of her lack of honesty and trustworthiness.  I would vote for Hillary if I did not want to keep the American Values to go and do everything possible to protect American lives and excuse her going home and going to bed.  I would vote for Hillary if I was concerned more about what others thought in the world versus what is best for America.  I would vote for Hillary if I allowed the double standard regarding respect for Women – what she says and does are not the same – She is not an example of equal pay and she is an enabler of a well known …..  OK we all know the truth about Bill but refuse to discuss – WHY?  Maybe Bill is the puppet master?

I would not vote for Hillary — I am not with her as she is Not for U.S. first!

(note – when asked by the pollster I did not claim to be with Trump)

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
8 years ago

Off to the capitalistic world that provides the fuel and innovation making all of this possible!  Craig I will respond to your why Trump in the next few days.

And Woo Hoo everyone !!

8 years ago


“Why did no one care that Bob Dole was majority leader and his wife ran the Red Cross?” said Carville, blaming the extreme downsizing on public pressure and a double standard for anything Clinton-related. “Every columnist can take a great victory lap,” he fumed. “I will lay back and mourn for those who will die because they’re not going to get the vaccines they need. I guess at some point, politically it probably makes sense — but I’m embarrassed to be around my children for saying they should do this.”


Pressed on whether the Clinton Foundation should have clamped down on foreign donations before Clinton became secretary of state, Carville responded, “If you ask me as a political adviser, of course.”

“If you ask me as a human being, eh, I’m not too sure. As a human being I think the foundation does an enormous amount of good. From a strictly political standpoint, yeah,” Carville said, invoking his Catholic sixth-grade teacher to say, “somebody is going to hell over this. Because somebody, now I’m not saying here—or somewhere is. This is saving people’s lives.”

8 years ago

from bipartisanreport: Elizabeth Warren Announces Election Altering New Role For Democrats

…she has been “working on a new presentation on how the playing field got tilted against America’s middle class — and what we can do to fight back

.….the Senator is keeping this in mind by pivoting out to more general issues, ones which are important to those voters who will likely decide the election – middle class voters such as those among the community in which Warren will speak and those who live in the serious swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

With Warren noting that she wants to “try out” the message this Thursday, she will likely soon be taking whatever presentation she unveils this week on the road for the Clinton campaign.

Delivering a compelling pro-Democratic message around these issues would help convince on the fence voters to throw their whole support behind the Democratic Party, not only voting for Hillary Clinton, but Congressional and local level Democratic candidates as well.

Ford O’Connell, a GOP operative and former McCain presidential campaign adviser, effectively commended the Senator while speaking to the Boston Herald:

‘While Warren relishes her attack dog role on Trump, there is a concern among Democrats that Trump could still find his mojo. And if this race ceases to be about Trump’s personality and becomes about the issues, then Democrats backing Hillary are going to have to shift tactics, including Warren. This presentation should be seen as Warren’s attempt to get ahead of the curve.’

8 years ago

What flavor is Trump Kool Aid today, Ping?

8 years ago

Loved Begala this morning pointing out how many of those “scandalous” meetings with Hillary were with Muhammed Yunis & Melinda Gates   I mean really the evil of it all trying to heal and feed.    On top of that he speculated on how many people involved with the Bush “Points of Light” or the Dole “Red Cross” probably crossed this same line.

There has to be a circumstance where the usual double standard for the Clintons is just beyond the pale and the Clinton Foundation is it.  You don’t injure others for the sake of greed and power and that is what the Republican Party and Donald Trump are trying to do now or as Begala phrased it, “They started in the gutter and are winding up in the sewer”.


8 years ago

npr: Channeling Sinatra? Trump Says He Has Regrets, But Too Few To Mention

The uncanny resemblance between Trump’s swaggering style and the “My Way” ethos has been noted before. Reddit simply ran the full lyrics back in April, the San Diego Tribune suggested in May that the song be Trump’s campaign theme, and the Bradenton Herald in Florida in June envisioned Trump singing it himself.

Giving another listen to Sinatra singing “My Way” will not clarify all that is uncertain about Trump’s stand on immigration — or about the state of the Trump campaign. But it is more entertaining, and possibly more revealing, than all the statements from Trump’s myriad surrogates on cable TV news this week.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

there should be suspensions for campaign surrogates who lie l

8 years ago

daily mail:
Former President Jimmy Carter said both major presidential candidates are ‘quite unpopular.’

The 91-year-old Carter spoke on the site of a Habitat for Humanity construction project in Memphis on Monday and said in November he’ll be voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Carter, considered a worldwide ambassador for Habitat for Humanity, said he doesn’t like to advocate for particular issues because he works equally with Republicans, Democrats and people of many religious beliefs in his role with the home building charity.

But he did say that ‘everybody knows that I’m a Democrat, and I’ll be voting Democratic.’
‘It’s been an exciting and unprecedented kind of campaign this year, and unfortunately, the way it’s turned out, both choices in the major parties are quite unpopular,’ Carter said. 
‘But I don’t have any doubt that one of the candidates is better qualified than the other.’

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

hmmmmcraig  i think you mean ping

8 years ago

Wow!! I take one day off from the trail and come back to find out that sex is obsolete and giving millions to struggling people the world over is a fatal political liability worthy of a special prosecutor. Yikes, this is a scary world!

By the way I hear Ken Starr is looking for work.

8 years ago


Caig: Pogo, I look forward to your reasons on voting FOR Trump, not just against Hillary, would welcome others.

I look forward to Pogo’s defense of Trump too.  If he can do that then I want him as my lawyer if I get in trouble.



8 years ago

clay jones talks about his cartoon “Trumpen Hooker” at claytoonz:

The liberal website Think Progress has an article describing 12 conspiracy theories Trump has embraced. The site Alternet went even farther and reported on 58.

He’s pushed lies from right wing websites such as Breitbart to gossip from the National Enquirer ranging from birtherism, Ted Cruz’s father being in on the JFK assassination, to Hillary suffering some super secret health issue. Earlier this week he took issue with the MSNBC program Morning Joe and tweeted that hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were secret lovers.

So it’s a bit hypocritical that Trump’s wife has hired lawyers to send out threatening letters to news outlets regarding rumors that she worked as an escort when she first arrived to the United States. [,,,,]

Now I really don’t expect Melania’s Hulk Hogan lawyers to come after me. I’m just an itty bitty, microscopic, rapscallion political cartoonist that’s barely a blemish on the grand face of American journalism. I haven’t even been able to get an angry response or insult from Trump on Twitter and that makes me very sad. Though it would be kinda cool to get the national attention of a legal threat, the accusations of Melania working as an escort don’t pass the smell test. They’re not credible or substantiated. Darn. I haven’t even attracted hackers.

I have not read anything credible that proves Melania Trump ever performed sexual favors for money before she married Donald Trump.

8 years ago

Poobah, me trying to come up with a list of reasons to vote FOR trump?  That is a daunting task – one I’m not up to right now – I’ll start trying to listen to the word salad between the crazy statements and see if there’s any there there.  Maybe if he’d actually take a position on one policy issue I’d have a place to start.

BTW, I think trump’s theme song should be from another Rat Pack member, Sammy Davis Jr. – “I Gotta Be Me”.  Of course there might be one itty bitty problem with that.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

so melenoma was an escort….hmmm the timings about right for Elliot Spitzer to have hired her

8 years ago

What flavor is Trump Kool Aid today, Ping?

Let me take a stab at it, Pogo….    sour grape.

Yeah….  but….  making fun of Trump is so much fun…

8 years ago

Renee, LOL!!!

Trump gathers another 4 Pinocchio award for claiming 58% of black youth are unemployed.

Youth unemployment is higher among blacks than whites, regardless of the method you use. But Trump’s figure doesn’t show how it’s a persistent problem for black youth compared with white youth, and fails to accurately reflect the state of the labor market for black youth 16 to 24 years old.

Per Trump’s math, a 24-year-old college graduate who is actively looking for a job but can’t find one is in the same situation as a 16-year-old high school sophomore who is in school full time and going to band practice or playing on a school sports team when not in class.

And per Trump’s math, more Asian youth are unemployed than black youth — even though Asian youth have a lower official BLS unemployment rate than whites or blacks. So Trump ends up using a calculation for black youth that greatly exaggerates the actual number of people who can’t find a job even though they are trying, while minimizing their rate in the context of Asian youth.

We previously awardedFour Pinocchiosto Trump’s absurd calculation that the “real unemployment rate” is 42 percent — about eight times higher than the official BLS rate. He applies the same junk analysis for the black youth unemployment rate, which defies internationally accepted measures of unemployment while ignoring an actual measure of disengaged youth that could prove his point. We award Trump Four more Pinocchios.

Do you think he believes more Pinocchios is a good thing?

8 years ago

Reuters/IPSOS poll out today puts Clinton up by 12 among likely voters – 45-33% (41-33 in a 4 way race).  Previous R/I poll last week had her up by 5.

8 years ago

pogo, one positive thing to get you started: he looks pretty fit for 70 years old, but then who knows what shape-shifting is going on under that suit & tie. maybe the red-face is indicative of self-awareness, embarrassment for boorishness, and not from hypertension or type A aggression or faux machismo… naah, no way.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I guess  the Condom has  holes in it…they can’t ask for a do-over   toooooooooooo late

8 years ago


tony, here’s the whole speech


Introducing Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in Provincetown, Massachusetts on Sunday, Cher delivered a somewhat rambling speech in which she leapt from Weimar Germany to Brexit to the present election, while fiercely criticizing Donald Trump and his supporters.

She directly compared Trump to past “despots, Stalin, Hitler,” who “said the same things,” she said. “We’re going to make Germany great again.”

A video of the speech was taken by one of the attendees and uploaded on Facebook.

His campaign slogan (“Make America Great Again”) actually meant “We want to make America straight and white,” Cher said during her 16-minute, apparently extemporaneous, speech.

She dismissed the Religious Right leaders that Trump had aligned his campaign with as “zealots.” She said, “They feel like God’s with them and this is their mission.”

Trump didn’t “give a shit about the world,” she said. She said that watching him speak was “like ‘Racist Fun with Dick and Jane.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Kellyann Condom is on Rachal Maddow’s show…..will Maddow shut her down when she starts lying

8 years ago

For what it’s worth, actually seeing more signs of support (bumper stickers, tshirts, buttons) for the Republican nominee lately in my area.

As for reasons voting for/against any particular candidate: does intuition & a feeling of icky vs not-as-icky count? Unless there is a cosmic shift, it’s going to be a Republican against a Democrat. This is it, folks. These are the choices. Third Parties may have had a heyday in the past but count for little today except as a safe harbor for the protest voter.

I had a customer from Canada who told me he felt sorry us: “Both of your candidates are liars.”

Oh what could the October Surprise possibly be …..

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Like Shrub wasn’t a big fat liar

8 years ago

“By the way I hear Ken Starr is looking for work.”

jace, doesn’t help that lately he’s said nice things about bill [see new York times] and Hillary [see mother jones]


8 years ago

It is only fair and reasonable that Mister Trump and His family immediately and irrevocably divest of all assets held in the Trump name with the exception of United States Government securities. The cash received from the divested assets must be invested in United States Government securities.  Post divestiture, each adult family member may draw $100,000 monthly to fund their personal checking accounts. Larger amounts may be had after posting a notice of proposed withdrawal in the NY Times 15-days before the effective date of said withdrawal. The notice must state the amount, ultimate recipient, and purpose of the withdrawal.

8 years ago

sure would help ease the general public’s mind if they could read more reporting on references to Hillary like starr’s “fundamentally honest and trustworthy?” and cher”s what a warm and caring person Hillary is.  but stuff like that doesn’t sell ads and pander to deep pocket sponsors I guess.

8 years ago

Poobah, oh I suppose I could go over to WaPo and mine the comments from the trump trolls and repeat them, but it would be nothing more than an exercise of plagiarism and disbelief in what I was writing. And really, aside from tryin to anticipate arguments coming from the wrong side, what use would that be?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Oh yeah and one more thing.   I am a 70yo woman and I want there to be a woman president in my lifetime

I am happy to vote for her because she is a woman and a damn good one too.   I am not like her.  I would not have stayed with someone who cheated on me.     l did not have the stomach or poker face to be a professional in the political business.   I would never work as hard as she does and I don’t carry hot sauce in my bag.

But I’m glad she does.   And for that political whore the Condom to imply she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without Bill is disgusting.

Clinton’s resume indicates she would have gotten there regardless

the Condoms rise is a result of being the Uriah Heep of Gooper Women

8 years ago

These are the lovely folks supporting Donald Trump.  All I have to say to anyone voting for him … some company your keeping



8 years ago

Now this is what you call “access”…


8 years ago

Ah, gruel for lunch! Anybody want access?

8 years ago

Re Teneo from yesterday: So apparently if you’re in politics in any government position, you cannot appoint anyone you admire who has been successful in any other venture. He/she must, in fact, be someone you in no way have any connection to. You or any of your friends or relatives can never have met them or done business with them and they can never have had any association with any of your enemies either. Finally, in order for said appointment to be considered completely unbiased, you must disclose if you ever bought a tee shirt from any company that ever did business with any other company that may have been associated with this person. And, you better never start a non-profit foundation to help millions of poor, suffering people all over the world and anyone you appoint while in government cannot have been a participant in any of these humanitarian endeavors either! Got it!

This is how absurd these arguments/criticisms have gotten?!? When will it ever end and when will we ever get back to politicians having to address actual issues of world importance?

It’s amazing with rules this stringent that we don’t have anyone insisting that DT produce his tax returns or demonstrate accountability re his business holdings. Could this be a double standard?

Re Why vote for Hillary: Aside from her many political accomplishments, I’ve seen many examples over the last few years of Hillary (along with Chelsea and Bill) boots on the ground in some of the most impoverished areas in the world. Hillary not only believes in helping people but in empowering them to help themselves. She’s been doing this since before she was even First Lady. She puts her money as well as her body and soul where her mouth is. She has proven over and over again that she can work with people of different philosophical and political points of view all over the world and even in Washington (not a small achievement) and is willing to admit when she is wrong and rethink how to accomplish a goal (an even bigger achievement) In other words, she is focused on making the US, as well as the world, a better place for everyone. She’s equally devoted to keeping America safe and respected in an increasingly dangerous & hate filled world. I might add that all the other reasons mentioned by others here are also a given for me. She is respected by world leaders, other than Putin and she’s proven that she can get non-partisan work done with congress. She goes about accomplishing whatever task she’s working on in spite of some of the most vicious, petty, hateful and unprecedented scrutiny that anyone has ever had to withstand and she does it with dignity. None of us here would have been able to withstand the wringer that the GOP has put her through for the past 20+ years with the class and stamina that she has shown, and certainly not the hate mongers among us. I have to ask again why isn’t this kind of scrutiny applied to DT?

And why do we have to repeatedly prove why Hillary is worthy of a vote? Where are the facts that show DT is worthy to be the leader of the free world? The key word there is FACTS!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Good Job Granny!

8 years ago

“It’s amazing with rules this stringent that we don’t have anyone insisting that DT produce his tax returns or demonstrate accountability re his business holdings. Could this be a double standard?”

granny, if it isn’t the epitome of a double standard then the pope isn’t catholic, hell has frozen over and pigs are flying.

8 years ago


Clap!…  Clap!

8 years ago

Granny, I’m proud to be associated with you (and many others) here!

8 years ago

boss, yesterday you said: “Just fess up: Clinton Foundation and Hillary State Dept obviously colluded to trade favors. Huma must go.”

if huma does go either voluntarily or by request, won’t you accuse the clintons of throwing her under the bus showing how disloyal they are to their friends?  and won’t there also be claims of “see, they were guilty and she fell on the sword to remove the proof”?

btw, what exactly and how valuable were those favors that state dept traded?  who got the best deal?

8 years ago


I’ve been reading  about Declan Kelly one of the founding members of  Teneo Holdings. I think I know what has everybody upset.

You see, he was a major Democratic funder who was given a post at the State department, (don’t tell me that shocked anyone) with no salary and no staff  went out and did something. He is my kind of person, He reached into his own pocket, hired himself a staff and  brought real jobs to Northern Ireland.

I think the thing that has everybody in DC pissed at him is he broke a basic rule, he got off his ass and did something. Can’t be having that happen now can we.



8 years ago

Damn, Jack, these people are supposed to be paid $1.00 per year otherwise complications could arise. Hang the bastard and the Clintons while you’re at it, and, oh, don’t forget Huma; she’s family, too.

8 years ago

And lest anyone forget, what this is about is someone who made a donation to The Clinton Foundation getting either a meeting or a phone call with Hillary. If every politician who had a meeting or a phone call with any donor were subjected to this scrutiny, they would all be kicked out. For instance, if every Republican who received campaign donations from the National Rifle Association was kicked out of Congress if they met with NRA staff or their lobbyists, there would be virtually no republicans in Congress.

8 years ago



(not if you’re Republican)

8 years ago

I’m voting for Hillary because she can walk on water and turn water into wine.

8 years ago



That is probably why the crowd keeps trying to nail her to the cross.



8 years ago

Hey-O!  Give this man a prize!

8 years ago

Who are YOU voting for, Craig?

8 years ago

A non-answer is an insult to everyone that pours their heart out here, every day.

8 years ago

Bink,  Craig has said he’s voting for Hillary.

8 years ago

At various times in my checkered past I have both voted for and worked for Republican candidates.  This whole business over … take your pick ..

Donald Trump & White Power, Anti-Semitic asshole supporters

Right Wing Nut Jobs who think they get to control women’s bodies

Fact deficient deniers of science in general and environmental damage in particular

So called “News” consisting of accusation & supposition for dollars & ratings rather than facts

Failure to care for and develop children

ignorance of infrastructure & lack of prep for the future until it falls around our ears.

And ….the straw itself

The abuse of Hillary Clinton in ways that would never apply to any male of the species while ignoring the massive peccadillos & criminalities of others much worse than the Clintons could ever be.

I have now crossed into active hatred of the Republican party until such time as they clean up their act and kick the garbage to the curb.


8 years ago

Oh and Standing Ovation for Granny!!!!!

8 years ago

“Thought I had been clear about that” -CC


I’m sure you were and I missed it.  Thanks for your response.

8 years ago

Here’s the headline I want to see:

“A.P. Charged with Elder Abuse”


8 years ago

“if every Republican who received campaign donations from the National Rifle Association was kicked out of Congress if they met with NRA staff or their lobbyists, there would be virtually no republicans in Congress”

pogo, they don’t just meet with nra, they sponsor nra-written bills and vote the way nra instructs them to…. couldn’t be quid-er pro quo-er imo.

8 years ago


Good article, It is what I keep running into with this email/Clinton foundation scandal. Once you get past the headline and the opening paragraphs there is no proof,  just lots of speculation like 2 old gossips being scandalized by a young couple holding hands.

8 years ago

“just lots of speculation like 2 old gossips being scandalized by a young couple holding hands”

jack, you mean like a potus strolling hand in hand with a Saudi king?

8 years ago

8 years ago

according to reuters, Hillary is getting her intelligence briefing Saturday.  probably not the abbreviated children’s version they gave the drumpf.  you know the “see vlad. see angela and barak. see vlad run.”

8 years ago

boston magazine: [bill maher is asked]

Do you think Hillary Clinton made a mistake by not choosing Elizabeth Warren as her running mate?

She would’ve been my choice, but look, the Clintons are pretty good at figuring out the electorate. I don’t agree with Hillary on everything, but the most important thing right now is that she win. Donald Trump, as I think everyone who is sane at this point agrees, is like an infection. You don’t fool around with it. So if boring Tim Kaine is what’s going to help Hillary get to the White House, fine. I’m all for that. Yes, I think Elizabeth Warren is terrific and I thought she would be the perfect one because she would bring along all the Bernie Sanders people who feel like, “Oh, if we can’t have Bernie, she’s the next best thing.” She’s practically Bernie Sanders in a dress. I also understand why Hillary, always cautious, thinks, “Let’s not spook the electorate. One woman at a time.” What would happen to the world if there were actually two women at the helm? And maybe she just didn’t want to be overshadowed because Elizabeth Warren, let’s face it, is a lot more charismatic. I mean Hillary campaigns like a hospice nurse, whereas Elizabeth Warren, she’s a great speaker and we love to hear her talk.

8 years ago


jack, you mean like a potus strolling hand in hand with a Saudi king?


When I looked at those 2 I did not think of sweet innocent teen love.


Those 2 crusty old bastards haven’t been innocent in years. If they ever were.



8 years ago

 She’s practically Bernie Sanders in a dress. 

Excuse me but Bernie couldn’t even play the game at Warrens level. I may not alway agree with her but I always respect her. Bernie eh, not so much



8 years ago

Love that edit button.


8 years ago

I think Tim Kaine is doing an excellent job. where as Warren is combative he makes the same point with humor, where she uses a club he employs the stiletto



8 years ago


It depends on the environment. It’s gotta be ready. One of the major reasons we were able to do McCain-Feingold was the Abramoff scandal. There’s gotta be some kind of catalyst. Right now all the politicians are happy with a super PAC and the status quo,” McCain said. “But there will be a scandal. That’s history. And it does repeat himself.”

My goodness what happened to ya john, we’ve missed the straight talk express. Where did you go to. Welcome back!



OK this election is just getting weird

8 years ago

Here you go, RR:

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Trump campaign is counting on people who don’t normally vote

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Mrs. Greenspan did a great job of putting the Clinton Foundation story to rest.


8 years ago

Of course if you are invited to attend one of the Koch brothers retreats, they don’t expect to get anything in return not even access.

Ya right!  If Sheldon Adelson writes you a check he really doesn’t want anything in return, it’s just because he likes you. There appears to be something very one sided about this whole money for access and favors thing. Or then again maybe it’s just me.

8 years ago

Craig, So relieved to see that you are just back in the lab!  Thanks for posting Patsi .

Amazing posts Granny , Jamie, Flautus, Too funny Jack, RR, Bink!

8 years ago

Bink…   ROFL!…

8 years ago

Hey summer on the edge of the great plains tennis ball sized hale on the Kansas side.

No tornados but the evening is young



Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Why vote for Hillary?  What the hell do I have to lose?

Meanwhile back in Indiana, pence is home from the trail because of the tornadoes…he has his own disaster to tout.  Let us see how it goes with the federal aid he will need from Obama.  trump should join him and he can stop in Gary to give his speech about reaching out to citizens of color.

Jane’s revolution is not going well since hiring Jeff Weaver….the gossip?  Jeff and Jane!  Revolution fizzles as the relationship heats up.

8 years ago

Never mind there is no severe weather out there just a monsoon down pour

No wind, no hail,  no thunder or lighting.

The weatherman is looking for more funding



8 years ago

7:59 am : Mr pong reads Ms Clinton’s mind. Doesn’t like what he sees.
11:00 am : American Association of Mind Readers points out that Mr pong is an unlicensed mind reader, having failed his certification exam. Spokesperson Bolliver ‘Biff’ Spong said that Mr pong should stick to phrenology.

8 years ago

I think one of the big things we’re dealing with regarding the Clintons is the “ABC” – anyone but Clinton – movement that started with Rush Limbaugh.  Remember in the 90’s when he would get on the radio and snort, grumble, gafaw – and then scream out “CLINTON”?  His ratings would go up a few points every time he did that.

So this thing re the Clinton Foundation – I understand they help people – maybe I’m wrong, but that’s how i read it.  And from every source I  find, the foundation is a 5013C – and none of the Clintons have ever been paid a salary.  Doesn’t that diffuse the personal gain argument?  I sure don’t hear anyone reporting that.

And did anyone hear James Carvelle this afternoon (hawking a new book), when he was asked if he would be playing the role of Trump in the Clinton debate prep?  Carville said “hell no”.  “In order to do the debate prep you have to listen to hundreds of hours of trump speeches and interviews – and then become the man for the prep”.  Carville said there was no way in hell that he would subject himself to listening to hundred of hours of Trump speeches.

Also – still not hearing anything about the scientific hoax known as global warming.

8 years ago

Ahhhhh……Phrenology……..one of those magical words from a youthful time of expanding horizons.

phrenology……..those guys were the lollapalooza of things you come across and look into a bit…….then you walk off and see if the mushroom tea is ready to go…….

“This shit gonna take some computations……..”

8 years ago



Oh oh, the latest Clinton scandal may not be so scandalous after all. The severity of alleged transgressions may have been exaggerated in the reporting. I’m shocked I tell you shocked to learn that such a thing might have happened!

8 years ago


It’s the Clinton rules, situation normal.


everytime I read past the headline designed as click bait.



8 years ago


The AP is refusing to name  who they think Clinton met with.

Can we say transparency?



8 years ago


Excellent comment earlier..

A very good read here today..

8 years ago

I have it on good authority that 69 of the 100 people that  Donald Trump met with yesterday  were from NAMBLA.

Hey that is what they tell me.




8 years ago


It must be true after all you read it online. Right?

8 years ago

“Can we say transparency?”


They could, but then that would give away the game.

8 years ago


now that you mention it,

True, I scrolled up so I have now.

Shocking isn’t it





8 years ago

I LOVE this.  Gupta exposes drumpf’s doctor as Harold  Bornstein, M.D., B.S. (Jacob Bornstein, who drumpf claims wrote the letter, died in 2010.).

Btw if you can stomach it, drumpf’s getting a bj from Hannity on fauxnews.

8 years ago


I think I will pass on that one. I’m rude and crude but I have my limits

Just sayin’


8 years ago

There most be some way out of here said the joker to the thief

8 years ago

Jack, I switched to O’Donnell after about a minute.   I was feeling nauseous. And who was his guest?  Glength fucking Beck.  And what’s he saying? Anyone but drumpf.   The world is really reversiNG it’s rotation.   Sun’s gonna rise in the west tomorrow.

8 years ago

Pogo switch to a little guitar music

8 years ago

The mellow version, not certain which I like better

8 years ago

Then there is the kid, kinda like the kid

8 years ago

glad I don’t have to compete with multiple versions of my younger self.



8 years ago

gonna turn this one over to the night watchman, Goodnight all


8 years ago

Jack, you are righteous. Thanks for the excellent selections.

8 years ago

ny Times
Donald J. Trump says he is starting to win over skeptical Hispanic voters, but his opponents are investing in a new advertising campaign in Arizona, Florida and North Carolina to make sure that does not happen.
A blitz of radio ads funded by the progressive advocacy group People for the American Way is set to air in the three states Thursday morning and to run throughout the week. The bilingual ads will feature fearful children asking their parents about Mr. Trump, and they will target Republican lawmakers who are supporting the Republican presidential nominee.
“I’m scared of Donald Trump, Mom,” a child says in English in one of the ads. “Are you going to vote against him?”
The conversation then switches to Spanish, with the child expressing concern about Mr. Trump’s big rallies and the mother responding, “We can’t allow him to win.”

8 years ago

Alexandra petri
Ryan Lochte and the Privilege Tree

8 years ago

here’s some new lyrics to another ear worm to ruin your day

The tweet tweet messages you have for me
she can’t beat the memories you give to me

Take one fresh and tender hiss
(The tweet tweet messages you have for me
she can’t beat the memories you give to me)
Add some stolen email blitz
(The tweet tweet messages you gave-a me
she can’t beat the memories you gave-a me)
One girl, one boy; some grief, some joy
Memories are made of this

Don’t forget a small mad team
(The tweet tweet messages you gave-a me
she can’t beat the memories you gave-a me)
Fold in lightly with a scream
(The tweet tweet messages you gave-a me
she can’t beat the memories you gave-a me)
Your lips do whine, twisted ‘n lyin’
Memories are made of this


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Just in time…softbots…part of the living furniture I dream of…all integrated into a senior bot who can not only get me from shower to couch (the bot is the couch), but also cook a meal on its living plate and spit out my old age pills.   Ain’t the future grand?  As for today?  I have selected google as my AI partner….dropping facebook, linkedin.   As Comey stated, gmail is one intelligent secure system.  When I type to my siblings, gmail recognizes all three…and if I omit one?  Reminds me I am doing so…sometimes, gmail, it is on purpose.  Gmail also reminds me when I state that I am attaching a photo and fail to upload?  Gmail asks…you said you were attaching a photo?.   Just a small step in everyday AI, but I am betting on google for now.

8 years ago

new thread

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Another reason to vote for Hillary?  Science.  I hate to see science get kicked to the curb by trumpence…all the weather disasters and the media gives trumpence a pass on climate change denial.  trump IS alt right…putie is the master behind brexit  and NATO busting.  Angela Merkel is one of putin’s favorite targets and his boy, trump is continuing the same rant here in the US of AA.   trump mocks and mispronounces Angela every chance he gets.  So, when pp writes that Hillary is running for prez of the world?  I sure hope she beats putie!

8 years ago