So Long Ted

Donald Trump Addresses GOP Lincoln Day Event In MichiganFiveThirtyEight: “Donald Trump’s romp through the Northeast corridor last week shattered all expectations. It also positions Indiana’s contest today as a desperate last stand for Ted Cruz and the #NeverTrump movement.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

tony, thanks for finding this. priceless and worthy of repost:

Rachel Maddow on why Clinton stands out: ‘She’s more like a president than any other candidate’
Michele Corriston

nice coming from someone I suspect really burned for Bernie at the beginning. plus Rachel is one of the better interviewers, debate moderators and journalists with a sense of humor mixed with gravitas.

8 years ago

Yes, Pat, i thought it was telling.. Rachael was definitely all in for Bernie. I think she’s seeing the other side of Bernie now..

8 years ago

alexandra petri outdoes herself with ted as satan in “paradise lost”


another must read today

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Adios Ted!  I will be glad when we no longer have to hear about his father’s immigrant underwear.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Overstayed DNC house guest, Sanders, should be next…but, he keeps talking about his agenda…he is looking more like a mooch now that the money is drying-up.  He had no chance to run as an independent and has done a good job of hijacking the dems.  I blame DNC Debbie…she is not a good leader or very perceptive.

8 years ago

The best get for Maddow was finding and interviewing Bill Bogert after running his commercial from 1964:  Confessions of a Republican that helped defeat Barry Goldwater.  It is so applicable to this year, that it is downright scary.  Even the mention of the KKK.


8 years ago

Jamie, that was sooo chilling.

today’s menacing drumpfsters spouting hate are reincarnations of all the hate spouters we’ve seen before. like a scary locust specie that goes underground after the election and every four years emerge noisily destroying everything in their path.

8 years ago

Two weeks ago Indiana seemed competitive. Perhaps it still is, but I have my doubts. If Trump gets an early call and wins big Cruz is all but toast.Me thinks Carly didn’t help him much, nor did running all over the state with Mike Pence, who is the very poster child for the republican establishment, that Trump supporters detest so deeply.

8 years ago

Jamie, btw, there’s another race during derby week called the ken-ducky derby.  here’s a clip of the 2012 event:


in addition to horses and ducks, they’re also racing steamboats on the ohio in one of the oldest river traditions,  Kentucky Derby Steamboat Race . Come aboard the Belle of Cincinnati and be a part of riverboat history as it races the historic steamer, the Belle of Louisville.

8 years ago

The radio station that I worked for had a ducky race for charity every year at the local water park.  We would “sell” the ducks for a donation and then dump thousands of them into the wave pool and let them do the rest until the winners made it down a chute.  It was always lots of fun as kids would hop in after the fact to “rescue” the losers.


8 years ago

The Tony nominations came out this morning.  Hamilton can pretty well back up the truck in June to cart away all the little gold statues.


8 years ago

The morning joe types seem to be unanimous in their ridicule of Cruz for engaging the Trumpsters at his rally. I see nothing wrong in it. In fact, I think it shows the mockery Trump is making of our electoral system. Good for Cruz. I hope it gets him a bunch of votes.

8 years ago

Florida Florida Florida.

Do we blame or laud Henry Flagler for this?


8 years ago


Jamie the ’64’ clip is amazing. “either they’re not republicans or I’m not”

The rational mainstream republicans didn’t leave the party the party left them, all that was left were the practitioners of the politics of paranoia. They took over the party then and they own the party now.

8 years ago

SJ, Flagler has taken enough abuse over the decades. It is a seasonal economy that argues for low wages that make cost of living inexpensive for snow birds. That along with ubiquitous air-conditioning that makes life bearable during summer months.

8 years ago


Just joking on how one state plays such a key part in our Presidential elections. Henry Bradley Plant was a cousin on my mother’s side, so we can take *some* credit/blame too.

19th century industrialists really were the men who built America.

8 years ago

bah…  bye…


8 years ago

blueINdallas wondered if we Trail Mixers were related; a fun question. Besides H.B.Plant, my maternal cousins include Aaron Burr, Benedict Arnold & Jay Gould. Most of the Gunpowder Plotters were shirt-tail cousins. Finding out these facts can be adventurous, as relatives of the past tended to prune the “offending” branches away. Discovering this stuff today is a combination of Uh-Oh/ laughter. Somehow Great-Grandma failed to see the humor …

8 years ago

Poobah, brand damage, brain damage…there’s a difference with the GOP?

I’ll have to review the “put coal workers out of business” backtrack link.  I heard she apologized for phrasing it that way.  It’s a dense subject and one of the 2 gube candidates here is running on a “not giving up on coal” message.  Tell it to Columbia Natural Gas.  CNG is putting coal workers out of business much more than non carbon based energy sources, although wind appears to be growing here – there are windmills on a lot of ridgelines. The coal industry has concocted the war on coal marketing campaign to cover for the market forces that are marginalizing coal in the region and to elect pugns. It ain’t going away anytime soon, but every Kw produced by another, cleaner and/or cheaper source is one Kw not produced by coal.

I doubt that Cruz goes anywhere other than on the campaign trail anytime soon.  After watching him try to engage with Trump supporters, I can’t see reality creeping in.

8 years ago

flatus, i too “think it shows the mockery Trump is making of our electoral system” and give ted some credit for facing his opposition close range which is something that the drumpf doesn’t do… in fact he doesn’t even schmooze much up front and personal with his rowdy supporters.  they’re always kept at guard arms length.


drumpf even praised the guy even tho’ he would have had such a protester removed from the scene if not condoned being beaten at his photo ops.

8 years ago

Not sure if he was related to Benedict, but I have Thomas Dickens Arnold (1798-1870) Tennessee Congressman elected as an Anti-Jacksonian to the Twenty-second Congress (March 4, 1831-March 3, 1833); an attempt was made by Morgan A. Heard to assassinate him on May 14, 1832, as he descended the west steps of the Capitol; was made brigadier general of the Tennessee Militia in 1836; moved to Greeneville, Tenn.; elected as a Whig to the Twenty-seventh Congress (March 4, 1841-March 3, 1843); chairman, Committee on Claims (Twenty-seventh Congress)

8 years ago

pogo, coverage on that Hillary coal miner confrontation in daily mail apologizing “profusely”
Clinton released a $30 billion plan last fall aimed at aiding communities dependent on coal production and investing in renewable energy there. She’s promised that her husband would focus on revitalizing the region.
But her efforts haven’t been helped by a remark she made during a CNN forum in March, when she said she would ‘put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.’

8 years ago


Tomorrow afternoon 2:30 pm Pacific Time is the Post Position Draw for the Derby.  Pick your horse before then please.

8 years ago


Put me down for Danzing Candy to finish the race

I think my last years pick is still trying to find the finish line.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I cannot believe anyone thinks that  Bernie Sanders would serve on a Donald Trump ticket and that it is even a good idea

Republican voters it turns out are incredibly stupid

8 years ago

Well it took a lot for Bernie to lose Rachel Maddow, but he managed so I wouldn’t put a Trump VP nod past him if he thought that was the side his bread was buttered.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t put much credence in anything Maddow says. The only “Progress” Maddow cares about is the progress of $ into her bank account. She sees which way the tide is going & rides that wave. Integrity never haunted her conscience, provided she even has one. Smart lady, shallow soul.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Jamie…I would like to ride with RR on Brody’s Cause.  My Mom’s maiden name was Brodi, Brodie or Brody depending on the document.  She was born in 1922.

8 years ago

Jamie, Cohen says in that Globe article you linked exactly what I have been saying for the past month.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Eventually Jane and Bern will realize what their campaign has been saying behind the scenes…the super hero has been exposed and the money is drying-up.  A revolution with polls, no more. Sanders would melt in November against any repug.  If he wanted the independent vote?  Run as an independent.  Rejection is not easy on a swollen ego.   Feel the burn…democratic rejection.

8 years ago


Have to totally disagree.  It was Maddow who kept the Flint water crisis alive in the face of a whole lot of government stone walling until it finally got the attention required.

You may not agree with her, but she knows what she believes and is more than willing to put her mouth behind it.  Plus she is brilliant and funny.


8 years ago


We can agree to disagree regarding that woman 🙂 That’s what the remote was made for.

8 years ago

Senator Cruz tore into Mr Trump earlier today. Pathological Liar, philanderer were a few of the kinder words he used about The Donald. Somehow I’m thinking this just made Mr Trump bigger & bolder. When will they learn?

8 years ago


No problem.  She has been off the deep end lately and it’s nice to have her back since hers is the only show I still watch regularly on MSNBC.

8 years ago

Cuba cruz would do better to call trump a ‘queer’. That’d swing the hate & cruelty crowd back to him & his mean little godling.

8 years ago

cruzty failed to be sufficiently cruel & hate-filled.

What a LOSER.

8 years ago

“Hamilton” received 16 Tony nominations.

8 years ago

Sjwny –  We may be related through Burr (grandmother 10 generations back was a Burr), but probably through a lot of folks we’ve never heard of before.

8 years ago


If any of your ancestors lived in the Fairfield, Connecticut area 1600s/1700s, odds are we’re related somehow, if not through blood than through marriage. Options were limited, happens in all small settlements.

8 years ago

There’s no place like home.

8 years ago

Welcome back.  Ted Cruz finally had a meltdown against Trump.  Too little too late.  The incredible ignorance of Trump just astounds me.  That people will vote for him is terrifying.

8 years ago

cruz sayz dad didn’t kill JFK.

But how ’bout Vince Foster ?

8 years ago

I’m asking Mort Sahl if he’s heard of any connection between Oswald and Papa Cruz in New Orleans, Dallas or elsewhere. His answer will no doubt be entertaining.

8 years ago

This is rich…. Wolf Blitzer mentioned CNN is fact-checking the National Enquirer Story. So far has not confirmed.

Shoot me.

8 years ago

In reality based news, Senator Cruz called out Fox.

8 years ago

Any exit poll word from Indiana?


8 years ago

He seems to be on his way to the supreme court according to Trump. That’s why Papa Cruz had Scalia smothered. It’s a Texas thing.

8 years ago

I keep hoping some GOP leader will develop the cojones to say that Trump is totally unfit for the office of the Presidency and that there is no way they can support him.

8 years ago


8 years ago


I’m thinking any GOP Leader who did as you wished would soon become a former GOP Leader. Now is the time to start sucking up, not calling out.

8 years ago

Programming note: American Masters, PBS, features a documentary about Janis Joplin.


8 years ago

Are we starting a special death watch for the repub Party this evening ? 

8 years ago

When Pearl wailed that I broke her heart, I knew what a low-down, no good, rat I was.

8 years ago

On the who is kin, any body whose roots go back to colonial days will find quiet a few cousins out there

sjwny, My maternal grand father has roots back to watertown Connecticut, just a piece up the road from Fairfield they then migrated to just  southeast of you in the Jamestown NY area. Then His father moved to Kansas where he meet my Maternal grandmother, she can trace her roots back to  early plantation VA and to the Cherokees.

on my fathers side I think they all have been one step ahead of the law since they fled Wales to live in Holland.  Most all of them settled in the Ozarks in the 1830’s and 40’s.

Jamie, some of  my ancestors moving out of Tenn. in the 1830’s were Heard



8 years ago


The rational mainstream republicans didn’t leave the party the party left them, all that was left were the practitioners of the politics of paranoia. They took over the party then and they own the party now.

In 1964, my first voting year, I was in college and was a registered Democrat.  I did vote for LBJ as Barry Goldwater did scare me because of a threat of a nuclear war on Vietnam.  When LBJ, on March 8, 1965, sent two Marine battalions of 3,500 troops to escalate the Vietnam war, I knew I had been hoodwinked.  After I got out of college and moved to New Jersey in 1967, I switched to a registered Republican. Today I am a Florida “No Party Affiliation” register voter.  As a Keynesian economist I thought Ronald Reagan’s Voodoo economics was pure crap, which it proved to be, but he was a far superior leader to the weak spine Jimmy Carter in 1980.

There was no love lost with Ronald Reagan’s administration and religious conservatives “Moral Majority.” The Washington Post quoted a high-ranking Reagan staffer, Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, who said the only way any Religious Right leaders could enter the White House would be through “the back door.”  On abortion, school prayer and Justice O’Connor, Reagan contained the religious right without giving them victories.  But the religious right conservative wingnuts did swallow the GOP whole.  Then they kicked out anyone who was not 100% pure with their agenda.  Apparently a number of them joined the Democratic Party.

8 years ago

I’ve been”wowed“………imagine being able to ask Mort Sahl something…….I’d freak just to ask him what time is it……..

8 years ago

Been listening to Toad Crudz……

unforgiveable slug.

8 years ago

Holy Cow. Donald J. Trump, Presidential Nominee.


8 years ago

Welcome to Supreme Court Justice Cruz.

8 years ago

mortonie … reading the tea leaves.


8 years ago

Trump mentioned nominating Cruz yesterday, maybe in humor. It never occurred to me before that.

8 years ago

Dear Ted,


How many times do you have to get your ass kicked before you realize that it is time to fold up your tent and go home?



8 years ago

Mr Crawford,

Laziness, Arrogance on the Clinton Camp’s part or a genuine anti-establishment message from the electorate?

8 years ago

Poobah,  I agree. 3 days in IN and it would be Clinton v. Trump now, but NOOO,  now she has to listen to a month of BS BS.  WTF were they thinking?  A saying about counting chickens comes to mind.

8 years ago

It’s like they can’t anticipate the future, which is mother’s milk for a campaign. You can’t count on your opponent to goof, gaffe or self-immolate. So far Mr Trump is indestructible.

8 years ago

Has she got Mark Penn running things again?  Maybe she forgets 2008.

8 years ago

The Republican Party has now through Election Day to run their Presidential Campaign. For a Party in disarray, they sure have a leg-up on the Democrats.

8 years ago

Umm, i seem to remember Obama not cleaning house in 2008 till the very end(Hillary won California).. Oh and i don’t think arrogance or laziness had anything to do with it.. Hillary in future must run the table to be successful, lol, my bad that’s Bernie task..


I doubt if she had won Indiana Bernie was going anywhere so hear him we must.. Lol, i remember in 2008 at this time the drumbeat for Hillary drop out was getting louder, umm us Hillary folk don’t dare go there because that just wouldn’t be fair..

8 years ago


M*rk Penn. Boo. Hiss. Yuck. What a sleaze. And I say this as someone who didn’t even support her.


8 years ago

Sj, I’m seeing the same wrong headed political strategy that Penn gave her in 2008.  Open comment to HRC, beat Bernie first.  At least fuhchrissake run tv ads.  Trump will be waiting in July.

8 years ago

 1h1 hour ago

The question every Republican must now ask themselves is: Which do you love more, your party or your country?

8 years ago

Let’s all laugh at the sexist pig: Hillary’s negative campaign against Donald Trump will be easy — and true
The Clinton strategy against Trump is to call him sexist, which may be the easiest negative campaign ever

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

For Republicans I would say the country doesn’t even come in the top ten

8 years ago

 4h4 hours ago

I don’t want to congratulate Hillary Clinton on winning the Presidency tonight, but she just did.

8 years ago

I have ranted about Clinton’s team before. g r r r r r r r r r 

Have trump’s last 7 years of tax records on my desk in the am !

G’night, dammit.

8 years ago

I just HATE how we’ll have to listen to bernie’s surrogates yammer on about his resurgent campaign…He’s now won the last two contests…it’s unfayuh that the super delegates aren’t voting for him as the nominee…wall street…

8 years ago

Jamie- was gonna go with dancing candy but will now go with mor spirit please

8 years ago

well that sucks that we have to listen to sanders yet another month anyways…  loved the article you posted jamie about sanders and reality.


the trump people on cnn are absolutely horrifying, they too have a reality problem

8 years ago

new thread