President Obama’s Iran Deal keeps Hillary Clinton in knots, especially considering that she helped pull the strings she’d now like to unravel. Speaking on Monday to the Israeli lobby AIPAC, which fiercely opposes the agreement, believing it actually empowers Iran, the former Secretary of State briefly mentioned her support for it, but mostly went out of her way to saber rattle, seemingly questioning the effectiveness of the accord she backed, even threatening force against Iran.
“Iran’s continued aggression, a rising tide of extremism across a wide arc of instability, and the growing effort to de-legitimize Israel on the world stage — are converging to make the U.S.-Israel alliance more indispensable than ever.”
“We face whether we will have the strength and commitment to confront the adversaries that threaten us, especially Iran. For many years, we’ve all been rightly focused on the existential danger of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon. After all, this remains an extremist regime that threatens to annihilate Israel. That’s why I led the diplomacy to impose crippling sanctions and force Iran to the negotiating table, and why I ultimately supported the agreement that has put a lid on its nuclear program.”
“We must maintain the legal and diplomatic architecture to turn all the sanctions back on if need. If I’m elected the leaders of Iran will have no doubt that if we see any indication that they are violating their commitment not to seek, develop or acquire nuclear weapons, the United States will act to stop it, and that we will do so with force if necessary.”
“Iranian provocations, like the recent ballistic missile tests, are also unacceptable and should be answered firmly and quickly including with more sanctions.” Transcript and Video
- Slate’s Michele Goldberg: “Speech Was a Symphony of Craven, Delusional Pandering”
- Jerusalem Post: “Clinton shows AIPAC supporters she knows what troubles them about Obama”
- VOX World: “Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC speech: hard-line pro-Israel rhetoric, status quo Obama policies”
Human Rights Campaign endorses Republican Kirk over Tammy Duckworth. HRC is a money machine to support a top level of employees. A post on DailyKos covers the issue very well. Disclaimer: I have had several disagreements with HRC over the years and will not write more on this failure.
I appreciate the Daily Kos piece explaining what’s behind HRC’s (Human Right’s campaign) shameful act.. OMG supporting any Republican over a Democrat especially when they claim to support LGBT issues just shocking.. Not one dime they will ever get from me.. Ah but that’s the point, they could care less about my coins when there’s big Corp cash to be had..
bb and tony, y’all gave me a terrible scare this morning. please make sure to distinguish this hrc from that hrc. hillary rodham clinton is not (may I repeat not) the human rights campaign aforementioned idiots.
wouldn’t surprise me if that was a purposeful endorsement of kirk not to help him so much but to confuse folks like me to jump to bad conclusions about tammy and hillary.
Pat, lol.. I noticed while typing my comment and included Human Rights campaign after HRC.. Funny
The good HRC, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has a few things I disagree with. It is the other HRC which I vehemently disagree with on many issues, a few of which affected my life. I will not bother with the bad HRC anymore on this site.
Tony – Todd may be starting a trend which should have happened a long time ago. End the pandering and free publicity. If he wants to play then he needs to be on the field. Same with all the rest of ’em too.
solar, here’s one for you
The Human Rights Campaign is obviously operating in some sort of parallel universe – endorsing a pugn with a 39% record on LGBT issues over Tammy Duckworth is simply insane – except in a universe where money sets the rules. But in fairness, if Kirk weren’t a pugn, you’d tag him a dem on a host of issues.
goper candidates react to attack
A beautiful morning glory to trailmixers. I spotted this on google news — urban birds are smarter, healthier than their rural counterparts. Are the Clintons to blame?
Seagulls and other birds stealing stuff. Sam the Seagull and the Doritos is a famous classic.
Once again another terrorist attack to remind us why electing a president with foreign policy experience is imperative in this modern world. My heart goes out to our good friends in Brussels.
It seems that the old axiom of “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” has been lost on our good friends in Israel. And so it goes…
Today is World Water Day
The whole issue of Flint, MI and follow up reports of bad delivery systems throughout the US highlights the need for safe water. There are many places throughout the world where access to water is a crisis.
You can survive for quite a while without food. You can only survive a few days without water.
“As long as there’s, you know, sex and drugs, I can live without the rock and roll.” – This Is Spinal Tap
As long as Politicians choose to suckle at the teat of Big $, PACS, Lobbyists, who needs to work for an honest open government? This isn’t directed personally at any one current/potential Servant of the People* (*define ‘People’.) There’s enough poop to share. A gracious plenty.
Just don’t wear your good shoes.
Tony…your 7:00am comment about the beautiful, Jewish baby….Hillary can make the same claim! I understand that Chelsea and Ivanka are friends…just like Bush and Trump’s sons. Chealsea and Ivanka — last year and now. It is always difficult for the children of the wealthy and famous to lead normal lives.
Since the President is in Cuba, it might be a good time to be there in spirit: Ry Cooder and The Buena Vista Social Club
Unless Chelsea or Ivanka converted to Judaism, the baby isn’t Jewish. Sorry about that. The inheritance is matrilineal and it’s not retroactive.
I had a girlfriend who married a Jewish man but she wasn’t Jewish so their son wasn’t. Many years later after they were divorced, she converted but married a non Jewish man. Their child is Jewish. Who needs to watch soap operas, just ask me about friends and relatives. ?
Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky
Prez’ address in Havana is spectacular.
Hillary’s response on Belgium terrorist attack
Just for comparison Drumpf’s response:
Since it is World Water Day, this picture is worth a few thousand words, but I’ll keep it to a minimum. Due to a combination of drought and increased water demand in the surrounding states (specifically California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona) Lake Mead’s water level has been lowering drastically in recent years. The white line visible around the land mass is where the water used to be.
Alexandra hits one out of the park. Vote for Cthulhu, excuse me, Trump.
I visited Lake Mead a few years ago, probably around 2010. It is dramatic from ground level. I’m sure it’s worse now, but here’s a USA Today article from June, 2015. It makes the point pretty dramatically. If it copies, here’s a link to Google images of Lake Mead.
You don’t need to go to a horror movie. Just read Donald Trump’s meeting with the WA PO Editorial Board
And this is cool. Put your cursor over the 2000 image and watch what happens.
Jamie, after Boulder Dam was constructed, the water level in the lake was raised much above the planned year-to-year maximum level in order to safety check the stability of the structure. The result of the hyper-fill of the lake was the bleaching of the stone walls forming much of the lake’s perimeter.
As I recall, when the damn was constructed, agreements were formed between the Federal government, the states you named, and, I think, Mexico, on the disposition of the waters, the electricity, which would have priority during drought, tap water or electricity, etc..
Pogo, that site you found on Lake Meade is really neat. Today, the water level is 1082-ft which, from the graph in your finding, puts it right at about the bottom of the 1965 drought. If someone had a sod lawn in Vegas, it’s toast now. When we were their the first time (69-70) the people who could afford it were converting their yards to fancy quartz and cacti, etc. We lived on Nellis AFB so we had shade trees and weeds.
The level is very low, but the officials aren’t panicking. It’s been lower and they are saying there is sufficient water for residential and irrigation needs for now. But stay tuned.
RW panic begins to set in or civil war – which JoeS sees from 30,000 feet. I love this.
Every time I see comments about water and the west I’m reminded of how one of my all time favorite books, The Milagro Beanfield War, is still pertinent today even though it was published back in 1974.
(yeah, I tried to link to the title on Amazon, but it didn’t exactly work… Jamie, I suspect it’s because you and I are on Macs and use Safari as a browser)
After their recent missile test, Iran said it was not threatening Israel because there was no need; Isreal would collapse on its own. He said that America was the enemy.
~Nice work with that Iran deal Obama administration.~
reuters covers obama speech U.S. President Barack Obama delivered an impassioned appeal for political liberties in Cuba on Tuesday, including freedom of expression and religion, as he spoke directly to the Cuban people in a historic address broadcast throughout the Communist-ruled island. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
Ivanka did convert. I don’t know about Chelsea.
from esquire: Paul Ryan’s Latest Speech Said One Thing: He’s Running
He took the stage at AIPAC, and he began courting delegates from the great state of Florida.
Of all the barefaced pandering that went on yesterday, and Hillary Rodham Clinton was singing in tune Monday afternoon, the face of Ryan’s pandering was the barest of all, and not just because he’s lost the scruff he was cultivating a few months back. This was a guy doing more than rattling the saber. He was swinging it around his head until the air whistled. And, yes, this was a guy who’s still thinking about being president, no matter how many non-facts he burbles out on the topic to various interviewers.
A sad day for Brussels.
Ted Cruz thinks we should patrol Muslim neighborhoods to prevent radicalization. What a horrible and ridiculous idea. My neighborhood is very diverse and includes a large number of Muslims. The internet is a neighborhood, too, Ted.
Hmm, about 8% of human DNA actually comes from viruses.
From Bernie’s official Senate site:
I support the agreement that the United States negotiated with China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom and Iran. I believe this approach is the best way forward if we are to accomplish what we all want to accomplish—that is making certain that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon – an occurrence which would destabilize the region, lead to a nuclear arms race in the area, and would endanger the existence of Israel.
From Brookings:
In a major speech at the Brookings Institution today, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered a strong defense of the nuclear agreement with Iran while laying out a comprehensive plan to oppose Iranian influence throughout the Middle East. “We need to be clear-eyed about what we can expect from Iran,” she declared. “This isn’t the start of some larger diplomatic opening. And we shouldn’t expect that this deal will lead to a broader change in their behavior.”
Behavior is referring to their behavior outside the agreement’s terms
I continue to say that an agreement that puts inspectors in Iran is better than no agreement and no inspectors.
He said…, who said, Blue? Are you now quoting Khamenei or is it Iran’s president to gauge the value of the Iran deal that was negotiated by the US, China, France Germany, Russia and the UK and supported by Obama, Clinton and Sanders … and rejected by all Senate Republicans as well as Cheney and Trump? Seems it’s the latter who you are siding with now.
yep, he’s running alright. probably elbowed way to be 1st in line to the cameras/twitter/etc
nyt: Mr. Ryan, the House speaker, expressed solidarity with the people of Belgium and said the country and the United States must work together to confront terrorist threats.
Milagro Beanfield War
It seems to have been a temporary glitch as all is well now. I’m on Mac but use Chrome as a browser as I like the way it is formatter better than Safari.
Since Ivanka did convert, then the Drumpf will have a Jewish grandchild. Chelsea did not per the article I put up so Charlotte is being raised aware to both traditions but if she wanted to follow Judaism, she would have to convert.
Very practical system. Until DNA came along, you couldn’t be sure about daddy, but you always knew who mommy was. 🙂–k-we-got-here–donald-trump
tpm: Host Trevor Noah played a montage of clips, mostly from CNN, showing networks’ preference to show even an empty Trump rally over other news lest they miss a moment of the frontrunner.
Here’s something worth looking at – Presidential Campaign TV tracker. Guess who gets the most time – almost doubling the next candidate. (Hint, it rhymes with trump).
The last 90 days is really telling – Trump 190,000, Hillary 71,000, Bernie 56,000 (all rounded down) Trump almost 3 to 1 over Hillary and something under 3 to 2 over Hillary and Bernie combined. Nothing like free press.
Play with the filter box for lots of fun – Trump is getting about 60% of all candidate mentions in the past month or so – twice as much as Hillary and Bernie combined. Is the press taking sides or is the press just selling soap?
Couldn’t get the Seagull video to play but it reminded me of when we were on fisherman’s wharf several years ago. They had gulls walking all around trying to steal bits of crab if you set your plate down and of course fighting over the offered bits that were tossed to them.
We were by the water and I had a handful of crackers that I was tossing to the gulls. One of the gulls clearly claimed the territory and was busy running all the other gulls off. Mean while one of the resident “homeless” yelled at us not to feed the gull. The gull promptly turned to him and started yelling back and soon the drunken bum and the seagull were loudly squawking at each other. It was funny. While they were so engaged other gulls swooped in and took all the crackers.
Hillary Clinton Refuses to Play the Trump Insult Game with CNN
Some good quotes from the grown up in the room.
BiD – Hmm, about 8% of human DNA actually comes from viruses. Coolest thing to me is my Native American DNA. Next up – Neanderthal. Due to being mammals, dogs and humans share about 82-84%. It probably why dogs are friends forever.
I am listening to one of the local D.C. television stations. I did not know I was afraid of a terrorist attack tonight. Somehow, somewhere, the message did not reach my “be afraid, be very afraid” button. If it bleeds it leads and a reason the media is often held at arm’s length. The same reason they play up the cheap topper hair guy. At least he is once again off the headlines.
BB – Which DNA kit did you use? I’m thinking of doing that, too. I’ve been looking at NatGeo and DNA23.
Pogo – Soap sales, I suspect. Bubbles. Everywhere, bubbles. Trump even got mentioned on DWTS last night, courtesy of Marla Maples.
I think Bernie is wrong about the Iran deal. I understand he sees it as a lesser-of-two-evils deal. I think it only emboldens them in other ways, and in the long run, it will not stop them from becoming a nuclear power.
Maybe the mosquitos will take us all out. We’re supposed to be scared of that, too, right? 🙂
Which DNA kit did you use?
I used the as it was cheapest. You just have to pay the $ to join the site. NatGeo does the big picture. Ancestry and 23&Me do the closeup. Both have good and less than good (neither bad) points. I will have my genome run through other analysis because neither do a full job, but are getting better. From what I have read online, Ancestry is the way to go on cost, unless you are looking for the possible medical issues. I endorse neither, but would go with the best price. The NatGeo is one that is building the full history of humans and worth looking at as a separate experience.
I am always watching Eagle Cam when I can. A few minutes ago Mom (First Lady) was trying to feed the eaglets. The kids (eaglets) got in a fight so she sat down on top of them. Dad (Mr President ) showed up with more dinner (fish) and a little bit of daddy love. Both of them fed the little ones. Mom is getting a bit of sushi now after Dad took off for some dad time off in the trees. Mom is really hungry after spending all day with the kids. It is fun watching the growth of the eaglets.
I did the Ancestry one and can’t say I was pleased, but I understand it has been improved since I did it about five years ago. I’ve planning to go with 23 in a few months (teeth to pay for first).
When it comes to terrorism, I think someone forgot to install my “Be Afraid” button. The whole campaign of both media and politicians to scare Americans to death for the sake of eyeballs, dollars, votes and military action is just plain disgusting.
Clinton Has Won My Millennial Feminist Vote complete article is excellent.
Hillary in all her glory for kids..
Don’t know if anybody posted this but …………….
Andrew S. Grove 1936 – 2016, Intel
Andy Grove, Valley Veteran Who Founded Intel, Dies at 79
Truly a man who changed the world. and
Just another immigrant from Hungary
Cool video in last link
As I told My Brother in law after his DNA was from some Irish rover and not the Scottish kings, family research said he was descended from.
the official record and the DNA record often have nothing in common.
Or as I rudely put it when someone asks about where my ancestors are from. “given the number of back doors that have slammed back when…………… Who knows.
We were an active bunch what can I say.”
Another good one!
Jamie, you don’t need that button – there’s more than enough fear out there. Erin Burnett was interviewing an idiot Republican Congressman whose solution is that no one comes into the United States without passing a background check for us. Excuse me dumb ass, but if that were applied across the board, no one would go into any country. Jesus Christ, is stupidity a requirement to be a Republican?
Jack, think Andy Grove would have passed a background check? Who knows, right?
If Charlotte wants to be Jewish, no conversion will be necessary in Reform Judaism, the largest of the Jewish movements. About half of all Jews follow Reform.
You are right. I think Conservative and of course Orthodox would require it, but Reform just loves anybody who is willing to show up on Friday night or Saturday morning. 🙂 Of course she is lucky she isn’t a boy. That could get tricky for all three branches. 🙂
When I went to an episcopal school in the eighth grade we were herded into church at the beginning of every school day. One day it dawned on me that a bunch of the kids didn’t know the words and din’t kneel down to pray and whatnot….. I axed somebody and he explained. They’re Jewish.
Once I looked into it and got it kind of sorted out I figured, “I must be part Jewish.”
i always try to copy positive traits and such
Thank you to those who recommended “Beach Music.” I started it today and was transported to The Pantheon to be next to Raphael once again.
“Jesus Christ, is stupidity a requirement to be a Republican?”
Actually, yes.
Jace, that was a rhetorical question. 🙂
So Bernie should have a YUGE night. I wonder how many delegates he’ll make up….
You cannot go wrong with Conroy……after him try DIXIANA MOON by Wm Price Fox professor English at u sc and did a tv show with James Dickey
Conroy used to live up here in St Paul. Alas, we lost him. Now, we’ve really lost him. damn.
Bet that was a show. Always liked james dickey. Ever since he was the sheriff in Deliverance.
I predict Hillary wins AZ (actually, my brother the winter resident of Phoenix made the prediction.)
My niece and her hubby waited in line for three hours to vote in Phoenix
I don’t do rhetorical questions. Correct that, I don’t do rhetorical answers. (Big Smile)