Cat In The Box

By Jamie, a Trail Mix Contributor

Copies of this wonderful story by Dana Michel of the well loved little grey cat are very rare and you can’t have mine.  More than a half century ago, this was my daughter’s favorite book because it went up and down from the little cat in the box on a chair in the room in a house on a street with five trees in a city in a state in a country in the whole wide world and back down again to the box on a chair each trip going from the detailed & specific to faster and faster as adjectives and adverbs were omitted to speed the trip until finally you got to “Now Go To Sleep”.  She loved it for its view of the safety of the little box to all the places outside her door.

Little gray cat inside a square box. Square box on top of a big striped chair. Chair in the room. Room in the house. House on the street. Street in the city. City in the state. State in the country. Country in the world. Oh, where in the world is my little gray cat?

In the world a country. In the country a state. In the state a city. In the city a street. On the street a house. In the house a room. In the room a chair. On the chair a box and inside that box is my little gray cat.

So how is this political?  I’ve come to the conclusion that Conservatives, Libertarians in the US and the extreme right wing movements around the world, simply don’t have a clue how big anything is, and they really need to read this book.   Their views barely reach beyond the limits of their family to the street and colors every issue from employment to taxes to refugees.  They need to read this book.  The Liberals, Democrats and general left wing see the big big picture with a wide wide world of variables, possibilities and interests, but forget that many of those issues can feel like an alteration of all that is normal in a culture and that the majority of people live and look at a street with five trees.  They really need to read this book.

So where are you on the spectrum?  How to adjust to a globe that in communications and movement is shrinking almost by the second?  How does your view from the little box on the chair to the whole of the globe color your political attitudes?

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‘I Got The Fever For Some Ham Hocks’

— Goodie Mob (Soul Food Remix)

By Blue Bronc, Trail Mix Contributor

Can I call the Bern to go find where my ham hock went? How about Hillary coming to town and making me a big bowl of ham hock, beans and greens? No need to bother with the Republicans. To them, anyone who would eat a ham hock is not one of their voters (this is guessing they even know what a ham hock is).

All day I had been dreaming of a smoked ham hock in a pot meeting with a pound of split green peas, on onion, a few carrots and celery and some chicken stock. Okay, some thoughts for hot dogs. Not hot dogs in a plastic package which have a shelf life longer than my truck. Hot dogs and a smoked ham hock from the local Dutch/Amish Market (some confusion as both labels are used interchangeably). Hot dogs with a crunch, a smoked ham hock that is big and meaty.

While I was getting a turkey leg to smoke and a pile of chicken leg quarters, someone moved my grocery buggy. Little did I know that, when I took my cart and rolled over to buy a pack of hot dog buns. Hot dog buns that you do need to eat or freeze today. My cart with my hot dogs, smoked ham hock and two pork chops was not where I tossed my chicken and turkey parts.  I got home and had two pork chops and a pound of bacon.

hamThere is something about being in the midst of a couple dozen Amish men, women and children that I enjoy. I have been lucky enough to have grown up visiting their villages and towns since I was a young child. Their lives are very enticing. Oh the lack of anything beyond 1890 is something well known. The other parts of their lives are what I like.

Why would anyone not like a utopian socialist religious society like the Amish? Plenty of fun things to do. Milk cows. Muck the horse barn. Sew your own clothes. Sounds good so far, eh?

Republicans are fervently not Amish. The whole share and work together to make a better day causes them to freak out and stain their drawers.
How about Democrats? Amish? No. Some parts sound good, but being nice to each other every day and sewing your own clothes seem a bit much.

Bernie? How about Bernie in the old Amish community? Nah. He is a socialist, not a utopian socialist, which includes religion. Not that not being religious is a problem for a good share of Americans. His foreign events policy would be interesting to them.

Can you imagine living in a world where the pace is the speed of a horse and you have to do a lot of wood splitting to stay warm in the winter? A place where there is no television, radio or internet.

A place where you do not have to hear or see politicians like the group we have today.

The Truth Is In The Headlines

By Blue Bronc, Trail Mix Contributor

Coyotes tripping on psychedelics could be terrorizing California’s posh Marin County — Raw Story
Do we live in an already-dead ‘zombie galaxy’ and don’t know it? — Raw Story

So where do we fit Trump into today’s headlines? A few things happen to be bigger than a blowhard and his Alaskan camp follower. Speaking of which, Palin disappeared faster than a rain drop in Niagara Falls. I wonder what he is so afraid of to disappear her so fast. She can speak as much trash as he can, but doing it while blinking.

Reading these two stories convinced me once again we spend too much time thinking and not enough time sitting back and watching Mother Nature do her thing. In this case she is playing with stoned coyotes and converting galaxies into the non-living. While we are concerned that HRC might lose the election to someone, TBD, who is just slightly more popular than farts in an elevator (that could be one of several in the clown car). A change of perspective is needed.

wile-e-coyote-5000806Due to a media that lives in false equivalencies the polls cited almost always have something about how Trump is more popular than a good beer belch and HRC is about to be indicted for BENGHAZI* or hiding TS emails on her computers. First, Benghazi is a thousandth rerun of a used car commercial. It is not going anywhere, because there is no there, there. The email thing is partly dumb thinking, but also how things worked.

Reading the reports of the latest “classified” emails makes it sound just like the others which were supposed to be classified. Maybe they are, but not until years after the unclassified original emails were sent. Often things are classified well after the action, which may or may not be important. Considering the time duration, this sounds like someone she had pissed off is doing a little payback. I do not see the email situation as important.

So, in the scheme of how life works, I would rather have an old HRC running the show than any one of the idiots riding around in the clown car. Those fools are completely out of this world or universe. More like they are riding in a Zombie Universe, only now showing up on our Earth to confuse low intake voters.

As for the loud mouth, perhaps that mouth had been used like the shroom eating coyotes? It might explain some of the rude behaviour and stupid things said.

*you have to see the movie, and not the trashy thing on the big screen a few weeks ago