New Hampshire Now

By Cathleen Decker, Los Angeles Times:

Among Republicans, the race shifts onto ground dominated by more secular New Englanders after weeks of appeals to Iowa’s evangelical voters. A New Hampshire race that days ago appeared destined to define which of a quartet of establishment Republicans would rise to challenge Donald Trump will offer instead a battle between two young senators, Iowa winner Ted Cruz and third-place finisher Marco Rubio, for that mantle.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton only barely escaped a second straight embarrassment at the hands of an upstart movement candidate by effectively tying with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Now she must fight him on his home turf of New England.

That is dangerous territory for Clinton politically, raising the specter that she will emerge from the first two contests with no clear victory. But Clinton will also reinhabit the underdog role that she used to great effect in her come-from-behind primary win here over Barack Obama in 2008.


Nobody Won, Especially America

If I have learned anything in the past year it is that Iowa is a complete joke. There was a time way back in 1976 when I went there to campaign for Jimmy Carter as a college kid that I believed in Iowa as an honest broker and screening committee for our presidential politics. But in the decades since it has become a casino unworthy of the media hype the state has so jealously protected. The time has come for ending this madness. Margins of a few hundred or thousand in a universe only slightly largely than a major league football stadium, in a state so unrepresentative of our nation at large, deciding winners and losers for a population of 300 million? Party hacks bought off with chump change? Roads built to nowhere by presidential administrations owing Iowa their power? Federal expenditures per capita at the top of the food chain? This state is now running a scam on our country that the most scandalous infomercials on cable television wouldn’t dare to present. Its bizarre rules, especially those in the Democratic Party denying secret ballots and banning minority candidates, ought to invalidate Iowa’s oversized influence. Iowa no longer deserves this.


The Truth Is In The Headlines

By Blue Bronc, Trail Mix Contributor

Coyotes tripping on psychedelics could be terrorizing California’s posh Marin County — Raw Story
Do we live in an already-dead ‘zombie galaxy’ and don’t know it? — Raw Story

So where do we fit Trump into today’s headlines? A few things happen to be bigger than a blowhard and his Alaskan camp follower. Speaking of which, Palin disappeared faster than a rain drop in Niagara Falls. I wonder what he is so afraid of to disappear her so fast. She can speak as much trash as he can, but doing it while blinking.

Reading these two stories convinced me once again we spend too much time thinking and not enough time sitting back and watching Mother Nature do her thing. In this case she is playing with stoned coyotes and converting galaxies into the non-living. While we are concerned that HRC might lose the election to someone, TBD, who is just slightly more popular than farts in an elevator (that could be one of several in the clown car). A change of perspective is needed.

wile-e-coyote-5000806Due to a media that lives in false equivalencies the polls cited almost always have something about how Trump is more popular than a good beer belch and HRC is about to be indicted for BENGHAZI* or hiding TS emails on her computers. First, Benghazi is a thousandth rerun of a used car commercial. It is not going anywhere, because there is no there, there. The email thing is partly dumb thinking, but also how things worked.

Reading the reports of the latest “classified” emails makes it sound just like the others which were supposed to be classified. Maybe they are, but not until years after the unclassified original emails were sent. Often things are classified well after the action, which may or may not be important. Considering the time duration, this sounds like someone she had pissed off is doing a little payback. I do not see the email situation as important.

So, in the scheme of how life works, I would rather have an old HRC running the show than any one of the idiots riding around in the clown car. Those fools are completely out of this world or universe. More like they are riding in a Zombie Universe, only now showing up on our Earth to confuse low intake voters.

As for the loud mouth, perhaps that mouth had been used like the shroom eating coyotes? It might explain some of the rude behaviour and stupid things said.

*you have to see the movie, and not the trashy thing on the big screen a few weeks ago


The Elephant in the Room… or should I say election.

By Rebellious Renee, Trail Mix Contributor

Watching the debates or reading about this presidential campaign, one might think that George W. Bush’s presidency never happened.  There is almost no mention of him anywhere.  His policies failed and are still being felt by this country.  He inherited a budget surplus and left office with a deficit.  He de-emphasized government organizations such as FEMA and allowed New Orleans to drown.  He went into Iraq before finishing with Afghanistan and left a quagmire…  and with many more terrorists in the Middle East.  He pushed for greater financial de-regulation which resulted in a collapsed economy.

And what is the Republican response to the above.  Either no mention of his name or whispers that he wasn’t “conservative” enough.  Or worse, such as trying to blame the financial collapse on Obama.  Instead of a little introspection, the GOP wants to double down on Bush mistakes.  I shudder to think of what will happen to this country if a Republican wins the presidency.
