da Swamp

by XRepublican, a Trail Mix Contributor

It’s obvious that the trumpoviches believe that the Civil Service Act created the swamp. He intends to replace it with a spoils system.

The rest of us think that the swamp was the sea of lobbyists that cover DC to an average depth of approximately 5′ 10″. This and the pool of retired generals now comprise all the candidates to fill federal offices.

This Administration is at war with President Chester Allen Arthur, a man on the make who became clean once again.

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This is how Democrats apologize!

By Dvitale300, a Trail Mix Contributor

I would not think anyone of sound mind and national spirit would believe the “stunt” pulled by Kathy Griffen was cute nor funny. Griffin is often times an edgy comedian who steps to the accepted edge of comedic normality.

At the end of this video, Griffin issues a profoundly honest apology statement over the picture that she posted.  While that does not instantaneously absolve her of guilt and responsibility – she did step up and issue the apology.  She’s been fired by CNN and a number of other media / financial outlets – as she should be.

But let us also think about how Republicans apologize when they step over the line.  In April, President Trump hosted a well known ‘over the hill’ rock star at the oval office.  This rock star, Ted Nugent, suggested the assassination of President Obama; a statement that opened up a Secret Service investigation.

So – kudo’s to Griffin for stepping up and apologizing (and I’m not supporting what she did).  But the republicans have consistently showed a lack or ability in owning up to their own obscene actions.


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I think I’ve found the cure

By Whskyjack, a Trail Mix Contributor

For what? You ask? For Trump burnout, I think me and possibly half of America are just tired of it. We are tired of his stupid tweets, his insults to our allies, his idiotic staff and Republicans trying to cover for him.

But we are also tired of all the over-the-top obsession by the media. The over-the-top reactions by liberal activists and facebook fanatics to every little rumor, slight and piece of crap uttered by some back water Republican

Really, enough already, where are the adults?

But I think I found a cure. True, it’s one of those sappy ideas that reminds you of 50’s TV.

Go out in the garden pick a hand full of strawberries and put them on a bowl of oat meal.

Then step out in the morning sun and enjoy the lilies

Or do as I did this weekend, hang around some young people. My niece’s oldest boy graduated from high school (my how fast they grow up) and the family all gathered to celebrate. There is a cluster of cousins about the same age, some younger, some older. What a marvelous group of energetic dynamic young folks. All with drive and determination, from the students to my niece, a recent college grad who is legally blind and planning to start her own business.

From what I saw our future is in good hands.

Now if we can just … never mind.

I think I’m going to go back outside and look at the lilies. They are gorgeous!


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