We need to remember this is not ancient history. We as a nation have a long history of oppressing others. Often with terror and violence We did it in the past we are quite capable of doing so in the future
Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus is a work for string orchestra and harp by Ralph Vaughan Williams. The composition is based on the folk tune “Dives and Lazarus“
Les Patineurs (“The Ice Skaters”, in German “Der Schlittschuhläufer-Walzer”), Op. 183, is a waltz by Émile Waldteufel.
It was composed in 1882, inspired by the cercle des patineurs (rink of skaters) at the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. The introduction to the waltz can be likened to the poise of a skater, and the rapid runs invoke scenes of a wintry atmosphere. Bells were added for good measure to complete the winter scenery.
Messe de minuit pour Noël (Midnight mass for Christmas), is a mass for four voices and orchestra by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, written in 1694 based on the melodies of ten French Christmas carols. (Wikipedia)
I hope you all have a joyous holiday.
I am headed out of town to visit a sister for a few days. She is having some major health issues and all of her children are coming home for Christmas week. I haven’t seen some of them in a while.
I ran across this video a few weeks back and enjoyed it so much that I saved it for today.