Happy Day After National Farm Animals Day!

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Soon and late the day is coming,
Tyrant Man shall be o’erthrown,
And the fruitful fields of England
Shall be trod by beasts alone

Rings shall vanish from our noses,
And the harness from our back,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips no more shall crack

Bright will shine the fields of England,
Purer shall its waters be,
Sweeter yet shall blow its breezes
On the day that sets us free

[Anthem from Animal Farm by George Orwell]
National Farm Animal Day

Anticipating April Fool Foolery


from raw story:

When Anonymous declared “total war” on Donald Trump in early March, the hacktivist group set a countdown clock, calling on “everyone to target Trump websites” on April 1. But that may not have been its real objective.

Regardless of what, if anything, is planned for April 1, the actual attack may have already happened. That’s because the hack appears to be not of any website or technology but rather of Trump himself.
Whether or not Anonymous succeeds in dismantling – or even tries to attack – Donald Trump’s websites on April Fools’ Day is probably irrelevant. By cleverly goading Trump into calling for a law enforcement response against people who have only distributed already-public information, Anonymous has already begun to undermine his antiestablishment brand. That’s a pretty good trick.

The Three-Fifths President

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

A few threads back our fearless leader floated a theory that just might explain the unprecedented disrespect shown the President by the Republican Senate. They view him as 3/5 of a president keeping to their vaunted “constitutional originalism” … for indeed, back in those days a black man was considered only 3/5 a person. So that answers why his administration was only valid in their eyes for 57.6 months. After that they could care less.

r72813obamaAs usual Craig was spot on. Too bad he wasted this insight on us instead of on the air with the Iman so that it could have been heard by a larger audience. But perhaps there’s a book in it or at least a full fledged thread devoted to the outrageous disregard the Senators have for the 65,455,010 voters of 2012.

GOP Debate Tonight
CNN 8:30pm ET

Hugging the Pander Bear

By PatD, A Trail Mix Contributor

Not on the endangered species list is the pander bear, the political pet of all potential potentates. So bear with me and prepare to bear out the season and hunt the critter where ere he/she be. Mixers, let’s see how many we can run up a tree.

Panda-bear1For example, take last night when “BET Explores #BlackLivesMatter With Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders
Are the candidates pandering, promising, predicting, preparing, portraying phony selfies and/or all the above?