Mind Melding


President Joe Biden’s sit-down on Wednesday with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and other congressional leaders comes as the White House accelerates its efforts to reach a bipartisan infrastructure agreement — or at least aims to show it’s trying. But McConnell is plainly stating in advance that he’s not interested in the plan as proposed.

The president’s meeting with McConnell, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy is the first formal gathering of the “big four” congressional leaders since the president took office — a late start after a tumultuous new year. But the timing is crucial for White House’s outreach on Biden’s two-pronged $4 trillion American jobs and families plans.

At the center are Biden and McConnell, two stalwarts of the Senate who have traded expressions of friendship but whose ability to find political common ground seems limited. In a Washington controlled by Democrats by the slimmest of margins, it’s unclear if they actually need each other to accomplish their political goals.


Foxitis. Foxmania.

Addicted fox user derangement is a 21st century phenomena commonly referred to as F.U. or U.F’d syndrome.

Symptoms: inability to think for oneself, uncontrollable urge to lie, unable to discern reality, increasing aggressive behavior and obsessive compulsion to storm government buildings.

Epidemiology: highly contagious, episodic, acute or chronic

Treatment: Change channels often, watch PBS and listen to NPR at least one hour daily, read national newspapers and expand social contacts to include a variety of viewpoints.

Prophylactic and potential cure to alleviate pain of withdrawal and possible recovery:

  1. remove from home and vehicle all items triggering the disease.
  2. daily chant 10 times every 8 hours “trump is a sore loser.”