“Imagine putting you back on a four-day week. What does he think this is? The 20th century?”

— George Jetson

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

What is the future of countries which have moved beyond the industrial age and into the information age?  A world where increasing population is looked at as abnormal as there is no need for millions of unskilled or trade skilled workers?  Lands where dangerous and dirty jobs are not performed by humans, but by highly specialized machines, or robots?  Like it or not we are already in that world.

Growing up in Detroit a constant joke was “he is going to end up in the paint room” when someone who dropped out of high school future was talked about.  We all knew that the paint room was where auto bodies were painted on the assembly lines.  It was unhealthy and known to cause serious brain damage from the fumes of the paint.  It was were those who were unskilled were hired, and the paint rooms had plenty of turnover as most failed there and ended up dying young.

The paint rooms are now the home of extremely high technology paints and job specific robots.  People are not needed there anymore.  The cost of health care is cut to almost nothing as there are no more brain damaged former paint room employees.  The products are almost uniformly perfect, paint flaws are a rare exception now.  And, robots do not strike.  Okay, United Auto Workers rarely strike anymore either.

farmerHow about on the farm?  American farms are wonderfully productive.  Tremendous output.  One farmer driving a huge tractor does the work of dozens.  Farms are huge corporate endeavors.  Harvest requires more truck drivers to haul the corn or hay or soybeans than driving the combines.  The exceptions are the tender crops, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries.  Those are picked by hand, but the research is always trying to find a machine to replace the immigrants who toil right now.

Retail?  Your computer does not complain that you are looking at too many shirts.  In store, the so called “brick and mortar” locations, cut costs with reduced inventories, try finding half sizes in shoes, and fewer staff, checkout is one register at a door, not in every department.  The competition is high and can be mean.  Specialty stores are fun to walk through, but you know the price is always better online.  Do you purchase something just to help the store owner stay in business?

Chinese steel is how America is built now.  There are a few steel producers in the U.S. still making the hard stuff.  But, they produce mostly high tech steel for special use.  Coal is dirty, making steel is dirty and dangerous.  I do remember back when the steel the Chinese made was terrible.  Products frequently broke, and then the Chinese imported American steel makers and the output increased in quality.  There are still many articles of low quality, but those are considered use and dispose of anyway.

I used to think bulky and heavy household goods could not be profitable if made outside the U.S.  Toilets for instance.  The products are made of clay, fired and glazed.  Cheap.  No need for skilled labor with high wages.  Then I saw products from Chile or Argentina cheaper than American made.  Unless they were being dumped in the U.S., dumping means selling cheaper than cost with the difference made up by the government, something else was going on as I expected those countries to have higher labor costs than China.

Electronics might have the parts made in the U.S. and the final product assembled outside of the U.S. Although an assembly line is used, it is not staffed by robots, but by humans.  One of the stories floating around last year was an entrepreneur who was going to make a new electronics assembly plant in an eastern state (Ohio maybe), he had hesitation because there was no “skilled” labor available.  Please forgive me for rolling my eyes.  Training might take several months, my electronics training was enhanced by camera repair training, working with very tiny and extremely delicate parts, declining to train his work force was a laugher.

So, where are we in 2017 America?  A land of thinkers?  A land of doers?  A place where education is rote and dictated by Congress.  No one works here?

autoNot exactly.  Factory output is high.  Auto plants are pouring out cars and trucks too.  American ports are expanding, both for imports and exports.  What has changed is the drop out of high school and get a middle class job at the auto plant or work on a farm.  Today’s auto and truck mechanics are more than wrench wranglers.  They need to use high tech tools on high tech machines.  They use logic in troubleshooting in ways their fathers and grandfathers never did.  Of course there is the down fall of relying on machines and computers to do work.  Someone walks in with an old marine alternator and asks the counter clerk to test it.  The counter clerk has no clue what to do because the part is not in the computer database and the failsafe, foolproof tester cannot be made to work without the database.  That is due to the dumbing of sales.  No more middle class auto clerks, lowest wages and no need to know anything about vehicles because the computer knows it all. (I digress)

America is not failing.  America is great.  A lot of low input people bought the Republican lies and now we have a con artist ready to take over the reins.

Take back America is what we Dems talked about in 2007.  It is time to dust that slogan off and start yelling it again.

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First one to find me a Supreme Court Justice gets a free corned beef sandwich.

Transgender Pride Flag on Rainbow Outhouse on highest peak in NC
Transgender Pride Flag on Rainbow Outhouse on highest peak in NC

— Leo McGary, West Wing

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Looking at the two cases the Supremes recently gave certioari – sex offenders not allowed to use social media,  Packingham v. North Carolina, 15-1194, and transgender children using the restroom,  Gloucester County School Board v. G.G.

They would not bring these in unless a consensus has been sort of agreed to in at least a 5-3 ruling, striking down the school board, as a tie ruling leaves it open until they get a nine Justice court. Also, the court feels comfortable stepping out against the far right pressure, even with the giant pumpkin with a dead orange possum on its head possibly ending up in the White House.

The social media restriction sounds like a no brainer.  It will not hold.  It is too hard to enforce and a First Amendment issue.  How do you stop someone from communicating?  I have friends who no longer use email because they use social media, usually Facebook.  Can the felon be forced to use certain communication techniques or methods?  What if a fool stated the felon could only use telegraph?  Fine, fifty years ago.  But, not available today.  Use a landline, but no longer available in places today.  Unless a prosecutor comes up with something novel, the restriction is gone.

The potty problem is more contentious.  But, the bulk of the Justices do not live in a vacuum, they can see there is a new world taking the place of the old, and trying to stop that takeover is a loser.  They have been doing the support of the change for a few years now.  And there is no reason for them to go backwards anymore.  Scalia is gone and his heavy thumb on Thomas is too.  Not that it is an improvement that the Justice is asking questions now.

The case of the Virginia school board dictating where a transgender male student is to go to pee is also looking like a loser.  Although the stay was issued supporting the school board by a 5-3 decision, it was by a Justice stating he voted for the stay to bring the case in later.  Well he and the other liberal Justices have found their conservative supporter.  Otherwise I would have expected to see them bring the North Carolina case and another opposite case sometime later, once they had a nine Justice court again.

A decision for the transgender youth to use the restroom will carry a great deal of significance beyond the school board case.  It will be used to knock down the North Carolina case, no peeing in this state you freaks, of the McGory fame.  The same will be used to strike away the other states who setup road blocks to the Obama order to allow use of restrooms and other gender specific locations by transgender school children.

Photo credit: Outhouse courtesy of Neil Gottlieb

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Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.  The Lorax, Dr. Suess

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Banned book week has once again arrived.  Each year the power of the Internet has shown light on the various efforts to ban books in school libraries, in public libraries and from the printer’s presses. The ‘net provides communication between the smallest villages and the largest cities about efforts to prevent writings from being seen.

Censorship is a step towards subjugation of the people. If children are not allowed to learn, and seeds of dreams are not sown, the results are a people fettered from knowing their potential.  Hiding what others have written, does not make a world, quite the opposite.  Taking a thought from others and multiplying it many times is what makes a great world.

i-read-banned-bookThis year’s list from the American Library Association:

The ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) receives reports from libraries, schools, and the media on attempts to ban books in communities across the country. We compile lists of challenged books in order to inform the public about censorship efforts that affect libraries and schools. The top ten most challenged books of 2015 include:

  1. Looking for Alaska, by John Green
    Reasons: Offensive language, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
  2. Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James
    Reasons: Sexually explicit, unsuited to age group, and other (“poorly written,” “concerns that a group of teenagers will want to try it”).
  3. I Am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings
    Reasons: Inaccurate, homosexuality, sex education, religious viewpoint, and unsuited for age group.
  4. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, by Susan Kuklin
    Reasons: Anti-family, offensive language, homosexuality, sex education, political viewpoint, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“wants to remove from collection to ward off complaints”).
  5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon
    Reasons: Offensive language, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“profanity and atheism”).
  6. The Holy Bible
    Reasons: Religious viewpoint.
  7. Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel
    Reasons: Violence and other (“graphic images”).
  8. Habibi, by Craig Thompson
    Reasons: Nudity, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
  9. Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan, by Jeanette Winter
    Reasons: Religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group, and violence.
  10. Two Boys Kissing, by David Levithan
    Reasons: Homosexuality and other (“condones public displays of affection”).

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We don’t propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded

and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere. — Lyndon Baines Johnson

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

putintrumpAll the deep brotherly air kisses and love between the old guy wearing a shedding rat as a hairpiece and the old KGB agent keeps bringing one thing up.  The old Soviet wants to destroy America.  Whatever the bloater has in mind, and his mind is one thing that could use a bit of chemical treatment, thinking Putin is going to make a favorable deal is nuts.

He is old enough to know how the Cold War went, and how it destroyed many countries around the world.  His business dealings also show he is stupid too.  The blowhard is being played by Putin and the Russian mob.  As he will not release his tax papers we can assume that he his more Russian than American.

Give me people who distrust the Communists. People who were not fooled when Putin said he was all for democracy, as long as he was elected.  People who have seen the real world and not one created in the vacuum of an orange covered cranium.

Hillary has seen much of the world, starting with her Republican youth.  I still cannot understand why the Republicans hate her so much.  Is it because she stood by her husband, unlike the fifty percent plus divorce rate of the Republican states?  Is it because she is smart? Maybe because she is everything they are not?

A side effect of being a Boomer is to have lived through the Cold War.  The constant propaganda of both sides.  How horrible the Russians/Soviets are compared to your average criminal.  Those godless people, how could we not hate them.  McCarthy assuring us that the Commies are everywhere and only he can protect us from them.

Today we have a McCarthy wanna be.  But more dangerous.  McCarthy drank too much and died before running for president.  The bloater does not drink, whether or not we can trust that as he lies about anything and everything, so lying about drinking does not rise above anything else he states.

The problem is nothing like Obama bringing an end to the most foolish of embargoes in history.  That Cuba is going to the world, actually Cuba went to the world decades ago, and America finally recognizes the problem of holding an embargo for Miami votes is nothing like taking the Soviets into America through the White House.

communist-star-hiNo sleeper cell is the bloater.  He admits to being under the influence of the Kremlin in his campaign word salad.  Having been in the U.S. military I was trained to be ready to fight in Europe against unnamed forces which probably had a big red star on their uniforms. Although I could not and would not mix up the Soviet star and the Macy’s star (yes there are people who do not shop at Macy’s because they think it is a Soviet store).

I do not trust Putin.  I do not like Putin and his minions.

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“What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?”

“Ask a glass of water!”
— Douglas Adams a Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

I enjoyed the many campaigns from June 2007 to the election in 2008.  I went back and forth between Hillary and Obama until caucus day.  I went with Obama only because he was the professor and steady.  HRC was the politician and steady too, but there was that little extra excitement with Obama. *

The intervening election was so-so.  Romney was the perfect Republican.  White, male, rich, and out of touch with his base.  And Obama did the expected.

Now we have something even more exciting.  In a way I am happy I never have met nor have been in a room with the weird guy with a dead, dyed orange, muskrat, on his head.  He is even out of touch with other  millionaires, but his status is questionable.  Now that his real income and wealth is being talked about he may want to try and become a federal employee, okay retirement and healthcare plans (considering what the Republicans are doing to us), but with the joy of helping others make America better by preventing bugs and disease from entering our country.

There is one problem with this race though. Too bad if you get into a “take a drink” for every stupid thing the gas bag says.  You would start the day with a couple of good ones.  By lunch you would be sucking in water for balance.

Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail Glasses

Dinner and you need help finding your phone to call for a taxi.  After dinner and trying to focus on the televisions.  You are now wondering why you have two televisions because when you left in the morning there was only one and something.  But you are committed to the game and pass out after chugging a bottle of Tanqueray.

The polls are now looking like 400 electoral votes for HRC, and that is the conservative view.  Can she run the table?  George Washington did it.  For fun you can go to a site and play with the map and numbers.  I have Hillary at 451 to the large stink 83.  You can also see a couple of good websites to visit and subscribe too. Lots of info.

If the guy under the poor dead and dyed orange possum does keep on going until November it is possible he will sour so many people, especially the thirty percent which are hard core Republicans, that he too could give do the thing that has not really happened in a few years, a complete run of the electoral votes.  Which would give the Dems the House, Senate and WH for the first time since the last time the Repubs were nasty, nasty.

What it comes down to is the guy is a disaster as a human.  I have not found anything about him funny.  No laughs.  The other day a co-worker and I discussing some issue which involved outhouses, which led to a lot of laughs.  Two holers, three holers, seats and no seat splinters. . . But even though I would compare the guy to something, there is no laugh when you talk about him.

However, the Republicans elected him to run and the Republican leadership supports him.  But, when his Chernobyl hits I will want a lot of popcorn – and gin.

*I gave my tickets, in the politicians section away.  I picked up a ticket which put me in the upper upper deck of Mile High Stadium.  It was a most beautiful Denver August night, warm and dry.  I sat with those who were not the privileged.  I sat with people who saw in Obama a bit of themselves.  If it were Hillary on the stage these Dems would not be where they are.   They spoke Spanish and saw in a man of color their dreams.  We cheered together.  We laughed together. We cried together. I had more fun with these people who were strangers as we met for the first and last time, than I would have down in front with the other politicians who I knew.

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