Trump at the Black Conservative Federation Gala last night in South Carolina:
“I got indicted and lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me”
Watch the Video
He was just getting started.
Trump: “Unlike racist Joe Biden, I spent my entire life working with Black Americans to build buildings”
(He forgot to mention the part about the DOJ suing him for refusing to let blacks rent apartments in his buildings.)
No idea what to make of this — same event.
Trump: “These lights are so bright in my eyes I can’t see people… I can only see the Black ones. I can’t see any white ones. That’s how far I’ve come. That’s a long way isn’t it?” — Video
Or this.
Trump at the Black Conservative Federation Gala: “You know Cary Grant? He was this very handsome guy… Sidney Poitier, I thought he was very handsome right?” — Video
“I’m being indicted for the Black population” — Video
shades of what his cult spread in 2016 from the pot kettle files:
recent op ed from one well known black conservative Clarence Page: On Trump’s befuddling hold on the GOP and the fizzling of the ‘Never Trump’ movement ( I’m so old that I can remember when moderate Republicans such as Colin Powell, former secretary of state, clung to hopes that Donald Trump might “grow” into the presidency. I don’t hear much talk like that nowadays with Trump leading the polls for the Republican nomination again and his remaining opponent Nikki Haley not expected to win even the primary this coming Saturday in her home state of South Carolina. […] That brings a cloud of gloom over what’s left of the “Never Trump” movement, the band of former Republican operatives in groups such as the Lincoln Project and Republican Accountability Project, who have been working since Trump’s 2020 election defeat to prevent his return to the White House. If there’s one thing Never Trumpers have proven, it’s that they’ve never come close to loosening Trump’s hold on the Republican base. “It’s now clear to me that we never had a chance,” my column-writing colleague David French recently wrote in The New York Times. “And the reason is equally clear: We did not truly understand our own party.” French’s confession was that it dawned on him only gradually that animosity — not support for core conservative values — was the prime motivator for today’s GOP. To me, that was a stunning observation, partly because it was so candid in a political world where candor so often is lost in a fog of excuses and sugar-coating. […] If David French and I have lost touch with what’s going on with the rank and file in our parties, Donald Trump appears to have the keen grasp of a master salesman. He gives the people what they want — or at least what they think they want after he sells it to them. Barack Obama offered us “the audacity of hope,” as he titled his autobiography. Trump offers us the audacity of a pitchman, with the entertainment value of a traveling medicine show mixed in. Viewed that way,… Read more »
more about the rally
‘That mug shot is No. 1’: Trump courts Black voters in S.C. with attacks on legal system (
one more ‘toon for the road
Attribution: Commander Bites GOP Impeachment by Rick McKee,
Or, when he said he thought they liked “the white President” better than the “black President” for something he claims to have gotten the US a bargain on.
It was so GD unhinged. And they ate it up. Imagine, there’s an entire roomful of Tim Scott’s ready to express their undying love to this racist.
This orange monster has been repeatedly sued for workplace discrimination, and for refusing to allow black renters in his properties. (He did allow them on construction crews, though. Right?)
How in the heck is SNL going to parody this tonight? How do you do a caricature of a caricature.
If he didn’t need black voters, you can bet he wouldn’t be hanging out with them. Hmmm, would they be welcome on his golf courses?
the only thing that stops a bad guy … is a good jury with conviction and damages in the millions
WSJ: Jury Orders Ex-NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre to Pay More Than $4 Million Back to Gun-Rights Group (
All mocking aside, if the poll putting Dumdass’ support at 25% is even remotely accurate, that is a reflection of an increase in Black support from 16% in 2020. That’s a serious concern in the upcoming election.
R.I.P. Flaco
“Flaco the Eurasian Eagle Owl Photograph by Brian Harnick – Fine Art America”
Flaco, New York City’s beloved owl, dies after striking building | US news | The Guardian
Based on my normal everyday delusions Hickey Nailey will do much better today than has been predicted.
Trump’s CPAC speech at noon being billed as his unveiling of “MAGAnomics” to build a better economy (if he sticks to the script). I have distilled some bullet points from that ought to be hammered home to voters all the way to November because he lies about every one of them all the time.
What America looked like the day Trump left office:
— 2.9 million net loss of jobs
— 6.3%. unemployment
— Highest trade deficit since 2008
— 3 million more Americans without health insurance
— Federal debt up from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion
— Home prices up 27.5%
— Apprehensions at the Southwest border up 4.7%
— Coal production down 26.5%
— Coal-mining jobs down 16.7%
— Highest murder rate since 1997
pogo, bet that increase is made up only of black men which may indicate that, alternatively, the vast majority backing joe are black women, notably the most active and effective in voter turnout.
Black men are shifting Republican, and Democrats need to wake up (
You are correct, Pogo, it is an issue.
The most recent Quinnipiac poll found Biden leading among Black voters 79 percent to 19 percent for Trump. In 2020, according to network exit polls, Black voters supported Biden by a wider margin, 87 percent to 12 percent.
Two groups are down from their numbers for Biden last time: Young Black and Hispanic men. Almost that alone accounts for the slippage from Biden’s 3.8 point win in 2020 to mostly tied polls now. This is where early polls are useful, to identify problems that need addressing, and this one needs addressing for sure.
“Rep. Jim Clyburn, one of the most influential Democrats in Congress, says young and Black voters could easily determine the 2024 presidential election — and that they need to take that responsibility seriously.”
“Be selfish, young people, and think about your future,” Clyburn, who recently announced he would be stepping down from his House leadership position, told Yahoo News.
Remember the big lineup of Dem candidates in 2020. Remember how dicey it felt going to vote with the virus going full force. Then, remember what Jim Clyburn did right before Super Tuesday to help Joe Biden get the nomination.
My experience on a racially diverse grand jury in Birmingham showed me first hand that voting-citizen Black jurors don’t like crime any more than whites. Hope that still holds true.
Tried to watch some of CPAC but the rampant racism was too apparent. That any of the speakers simply seemed not to realize that what was coming out of their mouths was so blatantly anti-minorities was unbelievable.
Today is the day I drop off my totally-corrupt-it-must-be Colorado mail-in ballot.
Black voters are going to stay away from the Clump in droves. Any polls saying otherwise will be proven wrong. I’d stake my (ahem) reputation on it.
Or to put it another way the black voters are going to turn out in record numbers for Biden.
they don’t need to win the black vote, they just need to suppress it a little
Our open and free elections allow anyone in the world to fuck with them, get your heads in the game
While everyone’s eyes are on Ukraine, Putin is greatly expanding Russian influence in Africa
Today might be a meaningful vote though I know many democrats claiming they’ll vote for Haley just to screw with Slump.
Somehow we’ve started receiving a weekly print edition of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Mr. Ivy has become an avid reader. Every week it’s one more cow and a crossword puzzle.
Yes Ukraine could be just a bloody feint.
And Brump could be just a means of keeping our edges ragged.
And the idiot republicans think they’re actually going to get to be a PART of something.
I can’t help but think that Biden’s men and ladies, all of those who are tasked with paying attention to such things are paying full attention and that they are all on top of their game. I DO sometimes wonder what Garland is all about, but whadda I know…..
I wouldn’t know anything even if I DID know something.
Don’t sell yourself short
All hands on deck
Don’t put all your chips on the ivy-leaguers, they’re out of touch with middle-America
You aren’t, though 🫡
david horsey ‘toon and op ed Theocracy comes to Alabama | The Seattle Times
speaking of consciousness from LP
It’s time to face the elephant in the room. It’s impossible to ignore.
Exit polls just coming out. This shows most voters in today’s primary are idiots.
This afternoon the orange blob called his wife “Mercedes”. Oops. Oh well, the great intertubes said he could have been worse and called her “Beetle” or “Bug” or “Chevy”. Here is a link to AOL
Another exit poll stat showing how out of sync this SC electorate is: 60% are white evangelicals, that number is 15% nationwide
Flaco, the Escaped Owl in Central Park has died after colliding with a building.
that 15% sets the agenda for the other 34%
…and you better hope i didn’t underestimate by 2%
Sump wins…..the question to me is by how much.
Rick Wilson:
Trump had to read the names of his family members off of a note card.
Alex Cole
Fox News: Black people love sneakers, that’s why they will vote for Trump. Trump: People said black people love me because I’m also a criminal.
The Biden Admin currently has a diverse cabinet with many members representing Black and Latinx demographics
trump admin was all white except for one black person, there’s a term for that
Just rejoined the world. Been learning how much more difficult it is to install glass shower doors than I had any idea – and so much more difficult than the YouTube videos would suggest. And Alabama was getting the shit kicked out of them by Kentucky in the background
Gotta drill down and see what of the SC numbers I can misinterpret.
What I see here is a de facto incumbent president leaving more than a third of his own party’s vote on the table and not doing a damn thing to get them back. All we’ve learned in these early states is he owns the MAGA vote and nothing else.
Haley’s going to keep running because she’s heard a little twitter from behind the grapevine that the orange carbuncle is not going to make it all the way thru and that she should keep her powder dry. She probably got the word along about the time she began to speak out hard against the old orange wart.
The fix is in but it’s going to be a delicate operation. Plan on Haley because the head magat is as good as gone.
check out this BS framing from the AP:
No one voted for trump for his “mental capability”
he “cruised”… 🙄
you have to dig for the numbers because the MSM wants to anoint him the nominee
The most secret cooler heads in the gop KNOW that they can’t let him be the nominee.
So they will have no choice but to somehow sink his battleship.
A further twist would be he’s not only aware of the plan.—he too is PLANNING on it. Government-in-Exile.
well that’s one well-kept secret!
like i said, Plan B is a secession movement
like trying to siphon the black/latinx vote, i didn’t say these were good plans, they’re just the available options to a party that represents a mathematic minority
SFB read the names of his family, but he didn’t mention Eric. LOL
“We have languages coming into our country — we don’t have one instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language. These are languages, it’s the craziest thing, they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of,” he claimed.
Lies, lies, lies.
Well, Dumbass’ 30 point polling advantage turned out to be a 20 point win. Polling, it’s the new WAG. She’s still in through Super Tuesday. She’s got the money so WhyTF not?
Americans love an underdog, Nikki!
“The families of Sandy Hook school shooting victims voted overwhelmingly in favor of a plan to wrap up Alex Jones’ bankruptcy proceedings by liquidating the right wing talk show host’s assets.”
“Jones’ general unsecured creditors—comprised mostly of Sandy Hook families holding about $1.5 billion in defamation judgments against the famed conspiracy theorist—voted 100% in favor of a Chapter 11 plan that would methodically liquidate and redistribute his property and cash, while preserving potential legal actions against parties affiliated with Jones and his Infowars program.”
Goody! Next, do tRUMPsky’s assets!