How do we calculate the costs of the coronavirus collateral damage as we reopen? Is it worth the cost to stay closed or to reopen? Who can be trusted to do the calculation?
On the fringes pushing the gas pedal to reopen are those at one end who are greedy heartless narcissists in well-protected towers and those on the other who are anxious starving unemployed about to lose whatever they call home.
Pumping the brakes or at least wanting to keep the social vehicle in low gear are the first responders, the polled majority and a few governors such as Cuomo, Hogan, Newsom, DeWine, Beshear among others.
more disturbing is the fringe group I left out who neither are the poor who pray for the bread that gives them life nor the rich who long for the bread that makes them richer. you can recognize them by the flags they wave, the swastika swat teams. their eyes are on the daily dead count, particularly that larger-than-should-be percentage which are persons of color.
bink, kudos on that stroke of genius last night
“Let’s just give trump $1 billion out of the stimulus funds to resign. Hell, give him $10 billion, it would be the best investment we ever made.”
and to BiD for naming your GoFundMe the “goEFFu”
can’t think of a better way to spend the stimulus check than using it to stimulate him out of office. to further entice him add a federal pardon and a plea deal with NY like a cherry on top.
back to the thread topic. basically, we’re being asked to calculate the cost of a person, any old person (pun intented). as Gov Cuomo opined the other day we need to ask ourselves just “how much is a human life worth.”
approximately 80,000 to date have been lost due to the virus.
and is your visit to the barber shop or getting a mocha latte really that important for one more to go?
Economics, is not called the dismal science for lack of a reason. For months the calculations have been run. To get this much employment how many people will be lost to sickness and death? Can the GDP be saved with so many tossed into graves? What are the incremental based on X and Z? Minimize deaths and increase profits. All sorts of things going on.
And, if only three people shop or dine or get a pedicure will it be worth the risks of opening everyday?
Live audio stream for the Supreme Court arguments today beginning 7/10 PT/ET
speaking of what also is on trump’s chopping bloc that’s vital during a time staying at home is a life and death matter
As the U.S. Postal Service faces financial catastrophe, John Oliver discusses why the service is so important, what brought it to this point, and what we can do to help.
the guardian yesterday had this to say about the above video:
Patd, how about $1 billion to resign, $10 billion with a pardon
Fauci on schools reopening in the Fall: “That would be a bridge too far.” (Senate testimony on now)
Fauci Senate testimony on death toll: “Almost certainly it’s higher” than reported.
Fauci Senate testimony on current state reopenings: “Consequences could be really serious.”
Fauci Senate testimony to states now reopening: “There is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you might not be able to control.”
I don’t know how Susan Collins can appear on public
K……she’s a republican, easy peasy
My state has started to reopen… slowly. Don’t want hoards of Massachusetts people coming over the border. I can wait for a haircut… no big deal. I did go to a real grocery store this morning. Have been going to the small local one only for about a month. Got most of what I wanted.
CDC Director Robert Redfield Senate testimony: his every answer, on testing, nursing home stats, guidelines, whatever, is they’re going do something “soon”. Haven’t we learned by now this guy is a useless mess?
Sen.Cassidy (hypocrites-ignorant American). So worried about poor children thinks they should be in school. Hey gooper asshole what about some funding for broadband and tablets or computers. Fake concern from a fake senator. Boy Louisiana has the worst teps
This repube state of confusion AKA Tejas is reopening. I feel more at risk now. April has gotten her hair, nails, and eyelashes done. She also bought a car. And she has no health insurance. James went with a friend, who’s been all over the place himself, to a restaurant and hung around near downtown. He says he’s “blowing & going”. God only knows what else they all have been doing and with whom they’ve been doing it. I’m staying away from those two. The dance studio, where there’s intimate involvement, literally & physically, opens soon. April is already signed up. The instructors will become vectors as they’ll be in touch, literally & physically, with many people. The infection & death rate continues to INCREASE here.
I can’t think of one thing that this virus could do for me that would be helpful and improve my heath. Right now I don’t have lung, heart, kidney, nor brain & CNS problems. And I have no blood clotting. Therefore, I’ll continue what I’m doing. I won’t return to dance or the gym which will be opening also. I’ll have patience. Hopefully I won’t coincidentally pick up the virus while deferring my fun & normalcy.
Listening to the hearing, why do repubes hate American people so much? Just because the dictator wants to be reelected? They’re sheeple, toadies, and minions. No brains, no logic, no concern.
They ALL should be voted out in November.
The number of dead is certainly higher, as they will calculate “excess deaths” beyond the norm who were never tested.
Just think of all the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid money that will never be distributed because idiots like Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick would prefer it if y’all just go back to work and let your grandparents die. Gotta figure that into the calculation.
If Trump gets $1 billion or $10 billion at least he will finally be telling the truth about being a billionaire instead of just a money launderer for others.
Define “soon,” please. I guess, if you get sick and/or die it’s the opposite of not-soon-enough.
Not all jobs will come back, so there will be parents home with many children. Make sure they have internet access. Why isn’t it cheaper, anyway? It’s ridiculous.
Now is the time for Elizabeth Warren and Andrew Yang. If only they were leading the way. We wouldn’t be headed over a cliff.
my Republican neighbors think coronavirus is over. Shit hasn’t even STARTED.
Fauci Senate testimony to states now reopening: “There is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you might not be able to control.”
Bink, wherever your are, you’re right.
These dopes are going to feel terrible when people they love die from being infected by them, but guess who they’ll blame- people who did the right thing.
They will blame the victims and accuse them of getting it else where
They might be dead too.
A strange phenom occurred in some Medieval cities, when they were hit with the Black Death. There was mass dancing in the streets. They’d get the pneumonic plague and invariably die, rather than staying at home with their rats and lice, getting bubonic plague, and probably surviving.
But what’d they know ? Their polities were all run by trumps.
Bink, you just can’t fix stupid.
I didn’t get a chance to listen to the arguments regarding SFB’s tax return subpoenas. Sounds like classic SCOTUS fare, though, RW asking questions that sound like they think Congress can get them and LW questioning why they should be honored. AS for the Manhattan DA, what I can glean is that their general counsel did a better job than the House’s GC in his argument.
Rand Paul in Senate hearing: “In rural states we never really reached any sort of pandemic levels in Kentucky and other states … outside of New England, we’ve had a relatively benign course for this virus nationwide.”
His own home county in KY has more cases per capita than a majority of New England counties, plus he got it himself!
Rand Paul…
see Pogo’s statement to Bink about how you just can’t fix stupid.
Korean War dead X2 = ‘relatively benign,’ according to runt pol.
Dumbass’ grip on reality apparently continues to slip. I saw last night the CV Rose Garden “update” presser SFB held yesterday. So it ended when Ms. Jiang (WV product – but born in CH) asks him about HIS misleading comments and his response is “You should ask China”? That’s akin to the old non-sequitur “Do you ride the bus to school or do you carry your lunch?” The follow up question from CNN’s Kaitlan Collins apparently pushed him over the edge and he stalked out. What a fucking wuss.
Here’s new Trump flak Kayleigh McEnany criticizing him in 2015, calling comments from Trump “racist,” and saying he was “a showman,” not “a serious candidate’ and adding “I don’t want to claim this guy.”
What a benign sounding Caption “Under fire, President Trump drops his Mar-a-Lago dock plan — for now” for an article in the WaPo Style Section about SFB dropping plans to build a dock at Marla’s Ego.
The more important thing is that the article points out that SFB may not be a Florida resident and that he may have committed voter fraud when he voted by mail for himself in the Repug primary. I’m shocked I tell ya.
“temporary presidential immunity” ???
No! Not from the virus, nor from this.
He’s writing a book: How To Create A Dictator For Dummies
TX AG, Ken Paxton, says some Dallas County rules are illegal and confusing, like wearing masks. Jeez.
Poobah, another crack job by tRumpco vetting its newest appointee. I can just hear her responding to the questions about her critical comments – something like “I do not want to be the focus here. Best President in the history of the US, wonderful leader, blahdy, blahdy, blahdy blah…”
Gotta love Willard for this one, too. He “expects” politicians to lie, but not an admiral. Yep, you can frame statistics any way you want, but good on Mitt for calling him on it.
It doesn’t matter if you open up businesses if everyone hoards cash. You see, humans only have two functions: Workers and Consumers Life ain’t worth living if it’s not about the economy. Christians in name only (I hesitate to use CHINOs) like Dan Patrick, Mike Pence, etc., certainly haven’t shown there is any deeper meaning to life in the USA. You live, you work, you buy, you die.
Dime-store-Ivanker also called Trump a “progressive.” A progressive what? A progressive cancer on America’s ass?
BiD, i think you meant to say “progressing cancer…”.
Let’s be PERFECTLY clear, jay sekulow’s presentation to the SCOTUS was nothing less than a request to make deutsche bank a temporary agency of the White House.
pogo – Actually, he’s an aggressive cancer. But really, in what way is Trump “progressive”?
Ugh SFB is a giant canker sore
I have never heard him called progressive.
He ran as a populist although that was just because it sounded good.
Try ‘digressive.’
We must see and hear only things that praise the anti-Christ !
Sick Hyle !
He’s a demogogue, not a populist. Big difference.
I sit corrected
jay sekulow’s presentation to the SCOTUS was nothing less than a request to make deutsche bank a temporary agency of the White House.
Will republicans approve trump’s commie-istic state-owned banking ?
Sure. rippers have nothing against trump-style commie-ism !
Thank you, Ms Cracker.
And yes, he’s a giant canker sore, plus a chancre sore, plus . . . .
As a White House agency what else will deutsche bank be immune from reporting ?
Ohhh x-r
much more appropriate
I always feel uncomfortable disagreeing with Ms Cracker. She has that habit of being right, y’see.
Good Mornin’, Captain ! Good Mornin’ to you. Huh huh ha huh ha ha.
Well I’m an old mule skinner, etc.
Who would want to lick a mule ? Even one that’s freshly bathed. I mean … yech.