Sunday Serendipity

Yo-Yo Ma doing a tiny desk concert, playing 3 Bach suites for cello

Set List

J.S. Bach: “Prelude (from Suite No. 1 for Solo Cello)” , “Sarabande (from Suite No. 6 for Solo Cello)”, “Gigue (from Suite No. 3 for Solo Cello)”

Enjoy, Jack


43 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. and now to break the mood

    News anchor David Muir (Andrew Dismukes) checks in with Kamala Harris (Maya Rudolph), Tim Walz (Jim Gaffigan), Doug Emhoff (Andy Samberg), Donald Trump (James Austin Johnson), JD Vance (Bowen Yang) and Joe Biden (Dana Carvey) at Harris’ and Trump’s campaign rallies.

  2. Weekend Update anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che tackle the week’s biggest news, like SNL kicking off its 50th season and New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams indictments.

  3. We really liked Maya and the other performers in cold open but thought the writing a bit lame. For a while we’ve thought SNL should  shift resources from on-air talent they seldom use to hiring better writers.

  4. Yes, for all of the time off and everything that’s been going on, it was less than stellar.  Even WU was tired.   Bowen Yang as JD was a great choice. 
    There is a movie coming out about the show’s origins called…”Saturday Night.”  It looks spectacular.  

    Cornyn added: “If I’m in a position to make the decision, I’m not going to schedule a vote on some wild-eyed radical nominee, which I know she would love to nominate. But that would be my intention.”
    John Cornyn, pffft!  I still can’t believe MJ Hagar didn’t win.   She beat the pants offa him their debate.   He’s done nothing for Texas.  He does nothing but obstruct progress/vote the party line.  Worthless POS like the rest of ‘em. 
    I hope everyone votes blue all the way down the ballot & the Russo-Republicans are history, but…

    “Meanwhile, the GOP is heavily favored to win the Senate in November since the map is tilted in their favor, with Democrats having to defend seats in three red states, along with seven other competitive seats. They only have two pickup opportunities — Texas and Florida — and those are seen as long shots.”

  6. I lost respect for Maher years ago when he praised Bush43 for going hell-bent-for-leather into Afghanistan.  I am doing all I can to get people I know to come over to our side, but Trumpers are steadfast in wanting a criminal convicted rapist to be their dictator.
    When I was touring all over the Southern U.S. playing baseball 50+ years ago, Asheville was my favorite city. The professional baseball field was beautiful and well kempt, and the city was vibrant even way back then. To see the devastation there, in that city that was voted “most-livable” or something year after year, made me sad and stunned. My grandson Anthony is a medic whose company responds to tragedies around the nation, so he’s in North Carolina now doing what he does.Seeing the areas from New Bern to OBX being ripped to shreds is also touching, as we stayed in New Bern for a few months shortly after I retired some 20 years ago and vacationed at OBX many times.All I have to complain about is another blown out tire…a tire with just 4,000 miles on it. Luckily Walmart had one tire my needed size in stock but I had to wait 2 hours there in the store before my turn came up. I walk with canes or rollator so I grabbed a sit-down electric cart and toured sections of the Super Walmart I never visit. This was my first time ever driving a shopping cart like that. It won’t be my last I suppose. I have learned one thing: I will never again buy a tire brand like the brand that has caused me a couple headaches in a year’s time. No need for me to post the brand name; maybe others love the brand.Well, capital punishment is being bantered about today on the talk shows. I heard Trump vows to execute every person on the nation’s many death rows. Oh yeah, also to execute “his” generals who left him, So be good and don’t mess up and end up dead on a table with black death coursing through your veins.Trump is bellowing he cannot lose unless we cheat. So let’s get to cheatin’! Anything to keep that orange monster away from power and hooded, shackled, and cuffed on his way to prison for life.

  7. The pics of the devastation are showing up now.  It will be years before permanent rebuild is completed, and there will be much that cannot or will not be rebuilt.  Maybe a sign, but not the place.  Whenever the House returns to do anything will be a good time to listen to the protestations of the price tag of the rebuild of the South.  Those magats will be losing again.


    “He once again called out the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) app—a mobile application that hosts a single portal to multiple CBP services, including a space for immigrants to schedule appointments to present themselves at a port of entry and for carriers to request cargo inspections.”

    “They have a phone app so that people can come into our country… these are smart immigrants, I guess, because most people don’t have any idea what the hell a phone app is,” Trump said at the Prairie Du Chien Area Arts Center in Prairie Du Chien, a city of about 5,500 people along the Mississippi River.
    This should be on EVERY real news channel.  Don-Old is straight up lost. Silver alert! 

    “This is not the first time Trump has targeted the CBP One App. Earlier this month, Trump posted about it on his Truth Social account, calling the service the “Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals” and vowing to close it.

    “According to the CBP website, the CBP One App was launched on Oct. 28, 2020—when Trump was still President.”

  9. I will watch the debate(s) but I probably need a 30-day Donald Diet. I am stuffed to the gills with his scare-mongering and it’s working: I’m terrified of him. Scared of him and the numbers of otherwise normal folks who can’t or won’t see how dangerous he is – to themselves. Those of us who’ve already lost loved ones by his policies and practices are all too familiar. 

  10. He’s not in a happy mood heading into his Erie speech momentarily. All this posted just within the past hour…

    Donald J. Trump


    I seldom watch Low Rated Bill Maher but, when I do, I marvel at the fake laughter on the Show. It sounds like a bad “Laugh Machine,” it’s so obnoxious and disgusting, just like him, always laughing no matter what is said. Real Republicans hate it when Fox puts Crazy Bill on, far too often, to show that the Left “agrees” with us. Fox ought to GET SMART, and not use LOSERS like this! Also, they shouldn’t allow negative Ads.

    To all Rapists, Drug Dealers, Human Traffickers, and Murderers, WELCOME TO AMERICA! It is important that you send a THANK YOU note to Lyin’ Kamala Harris, because without her, you would not be here. We don’t want you, and we’re going to get you out!

    CNN will not put on a Republican Conservative, nor will MSDNC. But Fox is constantly putting on Liberal Democrats to counter previous guests from the Right, thereby nullifying any message Why is Lyin’ Kamala Harris in San Francisco, a City that she has totally destroyed, at fundraising events, when big parts of our Country are devastated and under water – with many people dead? She is openly acknowledged to be the Worst Vice President in History and, as President, she would be even WORSE!they may happen to give – The Fake News is already unfair enough to Republicans, we don’t need it from Fox, also.

    There’s something wrong with Kamala, I just don’t know what it is — But there is something missing, and everybody knows it!

  11. And he just topped it off with this.. 

    Donald J. Trump


    Sep 29, 2024, 1:31 PM

    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

  12. “They have a phone app so that people can come into our country… these are smart immigrants, I guess, because most people don’t have any idea what the hell a phone app is,” Trump said at the Prairie Du Chien Area Arts Center

    yet another quote from the dimwit-who-would-be-king that should be every headline

  13. The continuing descent into extremely racist rhetoric is an indication that trump knows he’s performing poorly
    it’s really important to follow-through and vote to get as many congressional seats as possible.  Home-stretch, hang in there

  14. “It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”

    Joseph Heller, Catch-22

  15. Here’s why it’s important that you vote, even if you live in district or state where you think your vote doesn’t matter:

    The republican party has embraced a kind of mindless, reductive racism that enables itself if left unchecked- it grows like a cancer if no one tries to address it.  That party has made it a tentpole because they have no popular policy goals, and the all of the polling indicating the unpopularity of Project 2025 illustrates that
    So, unable to run on policy proposals (they are literally running against their own reproductive -rights record), the only strategy of republicans is racism and pandering populism.  
    Here’s where you come in- your vote for an alternative to such a backward approach, ESPECIALLY IN A RED STATE, is a condemnation of racism and the exploitation of it for political gain, and republicans MUST BE informed, through the ballot box, that racism will not be tolerated by the electorate and is not a viable electoral strategy.
    wise man once say: “sometimes all that’s needed for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing“

  16. Craig – He just bound and cast himself all of his evil minions into the abyss.  Yeah, it was for the benefit of evangelicals, but I’m calling it what is.  He just cursed himself. 

  17. Lots of the usual craziness in Trump’s Erie speech today but here are a couple of standouts…

    Just imagine the ramifications of what he is saying here, stuff I had not heard before or at least not put exactly this way:

    “The police aren’t allowed to do their job. To stop crime, you need one really violent day. One rough hour and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.”

    Can’t wait for union workers in battleground States to hear this:

    “I hated to give overtime. I hated it. I shouldn’t say this, but I’d get other people in. I wouldn’t pay.”


    By the way, I don’t know much about labor law but I think he came real close to admitting breaking the law on overtime pay, when he said “I’d get other people in” 


    “Harris may be the first Democrat to carry voters aged 65 and older since Al Gore in 2000.”
    Boomers remember someone who fought in WWII, and know fascism and socialism are not interchangeable ideologies.

    Orange Adolf tried to cut Social Security and Medicare when he was prez.  Project 2025 aims to make that happen; they put it in writing. Self-preservation, folks.

  19. “Kris Kristofferson believed to his core that creativity is God-given, and that those who ignore or deflect such a holy gift are doomed to failure and unhappiness. He preached that a life of the mind gives voice to the soul, and then he created a body of work that gave voice not only to his soul but to ours. Kris’s heroes included the prize fighter Muhammad Ali, the great poet William Blake, and the ‘Hillbilly Shakespeare,’ Hank Williams. He lived his life in a way that honored and exemplified the values of each of those men, and he leaves a righteous, courageous and resounding legacy that rings with theirs.”

  20. few people knew he was also a Rhodes Scholar

    RIP Kris and thanks for lotsa memories attached to this song of yours

  21. She couldn’t help the timing, but this is unfortunate in the aftermath of an awful hurricane hitting two battleground states. At least try not to release the damn menu to the media!!!!

    Washington Post: “Kamala Harris is at an LA fundraiser with Stevie Wonder, Keegan-Michael Key, Sterling K. Brown, Demi Lovato, Jessica Alba, Lily Tomlin. Alanis Morissette and Halle Bailey performing. Menu: duck egg roll, Goat cheese honey blueberry ball, Beef Wellington, Lobster roll, crab cakes”
    7:48 PM · Sep 29, 2024

    Does sound tasty though.

  22. Me also…devastated as even at age 88 , Mr. Kristofferson should be celebrated for a life well lived.  Many Sunday mornings for the past 32 years I head out to breakfast and just look around, the dog walkers, the power walkers, the kids on scooters and the serious bicyclists, and appreciate still the power of KK’s signature song about Sunday Morning Comin’ Down, sober now…grateful .”He was a former United States Army Rangers captain. He graduated Airborne School, Ranger School, and flight school, served in Germany, and volunteered for Vietnam as a helicopter pilot, but instead was offered a professor of English Literature position at USMA West Point.”
    OK, Blue I. D.  I probably told some stories before of my time as a baseball player.  In the winter of 1967-68, I answered an ad to apply to try out for the touring version of The Indianapolis Clowns, formerly the Negro League team, by then a barnstorming team traveling with a team called the College All-Stars.  After the 1967 riots, especially the bad one in Detroit, the owner decided to integrate the team by having 5 white players on the All Stars.  The tryouts were in Winston-Salem, and a bunch of  white players tried out for the 5 openings. We only had time to field some ground balls, catch some flies, and take maybe 20 swings .  I made the cut and caught, played left and center , and also third base, where I stayed. That first year we played in Comiskey Park, Chicago, one game. I hit a triple 3 bounces off the wall, what a thrill.  We played in probably every minor league stadium in the Carolinas, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.  The second year I played on the Clowns team, as the owner integrated the main attraction by having 3 of us white guys on the Clowns.  The movie “The Bingo Long Traveling All Stars and Motor Kings” with Billy Dee Williams , Richard Pryor, and James Earl Jones depicts vaguely life in the old Negro Leagues and features several of my old teammates: “Midget” Dero Austin, “Birmingham” Sam Brison (Lewis the shortstop), and one-armed first baseman Stevie Anderson all traveled on the same bus I did those two summers.  As I recall, 6 teammates were signed to professional contracts and three almost made the bigs, but stalled in AAA and AA leagues.  Several had glowing stories about their skills published in The Sporting News.  I had 2 invitations, one with the Phillies minor league people, one with the Montreal Expos minor league people, to come to 1970 open tryouts in Florida baseball complexes.  I was done, however, because God and especially Uncle Sam wanted me more, to end up in Vietnam as a medic flying all over hell in helicopters.

  23. Nothin’ ain’t worth nothin’—but it’s free.  

    Also he was.a Captain in the US Air Force.

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