76 thoughts on “Trump Calls Harris “So Fucking Bad””

  1. as to the thread topic,

    one can take some comfort in knowing that so far we are a nation that allows a citizen, even a convicted felonious one, to disgracefully disparage without reprisal a leader of that nation. 

    4th July Pictures, Images, Graphics - Page 2

  2. This is the extended, 90-second version of Coca-Cola’s “It’s Beautiful” commercial featuring a culturally and linguistically diverse America.

  3. Happy Independence Day to all.
    May it in not be our last one! 

    Eff the wanna be-tyrant toddler and those who support his orangeness.

  4. who do these lines which describe a king from whom independence was declared this day 248 years ago remind you of:

    The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
    He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
    He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
    He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
    He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
    He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
    He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
    He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
    He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
    He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
    For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
    For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
    For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
    For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
    He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us,….

    hint hint

    Attribution: It’s good to be the king! repost by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

  5. some of this guy (john mark dougan)’s work could be enhancing the dem turmoil as well as other divisions throughout the populace so beware of what is out there:

    A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans (bbc.com)

    A network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers is pumping out fake stories as part of an AI-powered operation that is increasingly targeting the US election, a BBC investigation can reveal.
    A former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind it.
    Our latest investigation, carried out over more than six months and involving the examination of hundreds of articles across dozens of websites, found that the operation has a new target – American voters.
    Dozens of bogus stories tracked by the BBC appear aimed at influencing US voters and sowing distrust ahead of November’s election. Some have been roundly ignored but others have been shared by influencers and members of the US Congress.
    Experts say that the operation is just one part of a much larger ongoing effort, led from Moscow, to spread disinformation during the US election campaign.
    While no hard evidence has emerged that these particular fake news websites are run by the Russian state, researchers say the scale and sophistication of the operation is broadly similar to previous Kremlin-backed efforts to spread disinformation in the West.
    “Russia will be involved in the US 2024 election, as will others,” said Chris Krebs, who as the director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency was responsible for ensuring the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.
    “We’re already seeing them – from a broader information operations perspective on social media and elsewhere – enter the fray, pushing against already contentious points in US politics,” he said.

    also see

    Former Police Officer Using AI to Generate Fake News Stories, Sow Discord Among Americans (msn.com)

  6. I love POTUS Joe, but wouldn’t it also be delicious if Orange Adolf effed around and found out. 

  7. Joe is not yet out and i think he has the support to remain. We hear a lot from the drop-outers….they get lots of air play but the support for Joe is mounting and will be heard.  “Mini-primary”?   Yeah, ok; but no thanks.
    We have our candidate and the split will not be over who kicks Joe to the curb but rather only be between those who support our guy and those who enable the Slimeball who wants to call him a “broken down pile of crap” by trying to bring him down.  That’s like my opinion, man.   Elections have shown that the polls quite simply do not invariably predict the actual outcome. When it comes down to the wire most Americans are smart enough to know where their vote should go without any polls telling them what to do. Go back and check what the July polls for elections since Nixon have to say about the vote in November.  “Broken down pile of crap”? Pure projection. And Joe ain’t out yet, so happy birthday America, Joe Biden has your back.

  8. These days I feel more like Frederick Douglass than Thomas Jefferson. Instead of celebrating a declaration of independence it seems more like we need to get it back.

    “Had I the ability, and could I reach the nation’s ear, I would today pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.” — Frederich Douglass (July 5, 1852)

  9. Why couldn’t they get this straight? AP: “White House saying Biden saw a doctor days after the debate. But just yesterday his press secretary said he didn’t have any medical exams”

  10. mmpadellan



    If you were playing a drinking game while watching this White House press conference and had to take a drink every time a reporter re-asked Karine Jean-Pierre “is the President going to drop out of the race,” you’d already have alcohol poisoning. A worthless pack of buzzards,

  11. President Biden and VP Harris just concluded an hour-long private meeting at the White House with twenty-four Democratic governors. Participating governors just came out, saying that “PRESIDENT BIDEN IS IN IT TO WIN IT” and reaffirmed their commitment to working together to ensure that President Biden and VPHarris defeat maga in November


    Noel Casler
    Spend 5 minutes around Trump and the first thing you realize is how dumb he is, ditto his kids. The next thing you realize is he’s a racist, then a sexual predator. Then a criminal. He basically reveals all this very quickly to anyone who is paying attention. Folks generally have one of two reactions, there’s ‘yes Sir, Mr Trump’ of greasy dudes who think it’s cool and there’s the moral folks who are disgusted. He’s a conman. Vote Blue.

  13. Sturg, sorry but I was struck by how only three of the 17 governors actually in the room went to the cameras outside to voice support. I seriously doubt that’s what the WH was hoping for. I’m sure they wanted the optic of all the rest standing behind them at least.

  14. She spoke for all the governors. Until I hear different from the other govs the clip stands as support for Joe.

  15. “All of us said we pledged our support…”. has only one particular interpretation

  16. The answer is always: Attack the right people.

    Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
    —Sun Tz

    If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles.

    —Carl von Clausewitz

  17. It was one debate, one debate where he was absolutely  sucker punched by the enormity of the evil manner in which CNN and that fat slug attacked him with a defamatory barrage of LIES. He was attacked by lie after lie for th whole time during which Tapper and Bash sat there looking like they thought they were actually worth a shit.
    If democrats are looking for someone to attack, look no further than CNN, NYT, Post and trump. 

    Attack the right people.  
    Attack the wrong people and lose.


    Washington Post the same. It is a shocking dereliction of fundamental journalistic responsibility

    Today’s NY Times has 11 stories about Biden and one about Trump laying low. I’ve seen no stories about the many negatives about DJT or the harrowing Project 2025 for weeks, if ever. It’s an appalling disservice to this country.

    Attack the right people.

  19. It has been a week now since the debate and Biden still has not done the one thing that could stop this: an extended unscripted appearance — a Town Hall, one-on-one interview, press conference, anything that demonstrates he is just fine, proving last Thursday night was an anomaly. Apparently they are counting on tomorrow night’s ABC interview with Stephanopoulos to do that.

  20. Joanie vee 


    What the media is doing to Biden falls into definition of sadism, to be clear
    Fact that media is *completely silent* on massive list of trump’s outrageous disqualifications including hard evidence of sexual abuse of minors(!), makes clear this is deliberate character assassination of target, meant to destroy & driven by malignant dark forces gaslighting.

  21. Craig – Biden was fine an hour after the debate, at the Waffle House, and at the rally the next day.  Maybe they planned for Kamala to run all along, and conman Don has been conned.   (A girl can dream.)

    The media has been too quiet about Project 2025, which is what we’re running to stop in all elections. Too many helper monkeys in lower level offices will gladly throw feces at democracy.

    Shame on the media for quiet complicity.

  22. Here’s a great political cartoon if I could draw it:
    on the left a drawing of the orange slug smugly sitting in a golf cart which is stopped with front wheel on a smudged copy of the constitution.
    On the right the President of the United States surrounded by a ring of “media” all pointing their fingers at him.  They’re all screaming: “You didn’t talk good!”
    Its pathetic.

  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/project-2025-conservative-plan-taraji-213610849.html
    “What Is Project 2025? The Conservative Plan That Taraji P. Henson Called Out At The BET Awards, Explained”
    “The details of the plan include further restriction on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, such as banning abortion pills or restricting teachers from using the preferred names and pronouns of transgender students. The plan also calls for eliminating federal agencies like the Department of Education while giving more power to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to step up its efforts to deport undocumented immigrants. Project 2025 would also give the president more power over the FBI and implement a right-wing agenda at the Pentagon, ending DEI efforts while reinstating officials who were removed for refusing to get COVID-19 vaccinations. It would also allow Trump to fire tens of thousands of civil servants throughout the government and replace them with political appointees who would be loyal to him.”
    Why aren’t JOURNALISTS doing this job? 

  24. They’re not doing their job because they’re not being forced to. Why should they? What about our profits?  (Do the readers of newspapers or the viewers of cable news see any of those profits?   No.)
    And all they have to do is POINT THAT MAGICAL FINGER—at Biden    They’re encouraged in that pursuit by Democrats running around in circles like chickens who’ve had their heads removed.  (And by people who get paid great amounts of money—[HERITAGE] to figure out great ways to stimulate headless chickens.)

  25. This Guy to the media:  You just keep ‘em busy over there about not enough flowers in the park or something while we finish looting the factory.  
    You got it, Bossman.

  26. A frustrated Debbie Dingell on MSNBC just now all but begging Biden to ramp up: “He’s got to get out there, show sustained strength, take it on, head on — directly, not hide. And it’s got to be more than one interview’ 

  27. There’s no way in hell you’d ever get me to do a damn thing after 8 o’clock. Doing things after 8 o’clock is not working smart. To get things done you put in a full day and get a good night sleep. (Early to bed, etc). Hell, everybody knows that—you don’t stay up all night playing on the phone and then sleep till noon.

  28. How was he all smiles after the debate?  

    I’m still on team Biden/Harris, and dubious that everyone would get in the same page for a change.

  29. if you think meeting governors behind closed doors instead of the American people on live TV is a good sign…
    well, i admire your optimism, i suppose

    Olbermann has it right as he often but not always does: if the debate was bad, the PR after was worse

  30. I only think the governers are just one more brick in the wall actually. It’s just a bunch of governors who all support the Pres. No more nor less.

  31. Ain’t that a kick in the head …..
    Oh well, I hope they got a good plan.  

    There is a plan, right?

  32. i say govern with a VP vacancy if Congress refuses to confirm one in an election year

  33. why didn’t any of the so-called journalists questioning joe mental competence try to interview all those folks who talked to him at the waffle house after the debate and before and after the NC rally ? those times were unscripted.  they were up close and personal with ordinary citizens who interacted with him.  if he is so doddery, showing signs of senility, those close encounters would have been the place it would show up and make a story — where are the stories?  must not be any to report.

  34. caslernoel

    The fact that Trump was considered the ‘winner’ for lying solidly for 90 minutes & not being fact-checked once by multimillionaire CNN pundits & then the entire MSM spent a week piling on Joe Biden’s age shows you how much Donald has already remade this country, like it or not.

  35. might be a a lot of us morning people out there who know better NOT to schedule important meetings after 8 pm unless of course there’s an emergency.   I try NOT to engage in anything after 4 pm if possible that involves complicated matters —  but then 4 am is my usual wake up time.  grew up in a family of nothing but morning people.  maybe joe’s circadian clock is set that way too, getting big things done before slug-a-beds even have their first coffee.   

  36. reposted

    Ragnarok Lobster 
    Pretty telling The New York Times is more interested in driving Joe Biden out of the race than they are about a developing story about Donald Trump gang raping teenage girls with Jeffrey Epstein

  37. Maybe the shiv was just a flesh wound. 

    Christine Jackson. 6 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Following a speech thanking troops on the Fourth of July, President Biden REASSURES cheering supporters, “I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!”

  38. Happy 4th. 
    It has been a long day, right now the firefight is going on out there. Dog hiding, cat wanting to go outside to watch.  I just want peace and quiet.  I have been mucking around getting a new server going and turning an old one into a back up server. Busy hands and head type thing.

  39. Hope the so-called journalists enjoyed this final Independence Day, since they refuse to pay attention to Project 2025. 

  40. One thing about those longer posts from Trump .. He doesn’t write them.  The words are too long and the grammar too complex.  His speaking vocabulary is about the level of a ten year old plus swear words.  Someone is writing in the style or expanding on his dictation.

  41. Jamie – Margo Martin or Natalie Harp, most likely.  They are the new Hope Hicks and Ivanker. 

    So many fireworks out in the country.  Thousands were spent on competing parties from the horse farm and goat farm (both families own several restaurants), and the rest of the neighbors had a lot, as well.   The poor raccoons were chattering down by the pond.

  42. Newsome is too presidential already, not a good contrast for him to be making Biden’s points so much more effectively 

    There’s a reason Fox likes showcasing him

  43. Gavin supports the president 
    Oh that’s good. 
    No, that’s bad. 
    How come?
    Hes too presidential.
    Oh, that’s bad. 

  44. lol yup, something like that
    ok vote blue or learn to love the taste of evangelicals’ boots ✌️ 

    Hey, i ain’t happy with the way things are going, i support the Biden admin, will vote for him in Nov. if he’s on the ticket, but i’m also excited for new horizons, staying positive

    A bold new American future where we choose our own destinies without bowing to billionaires or fundamentalists, let’s do this, vote blue 🫡 🇺🇸

  45. I stumbled into a witch doctor’s hut down in South America one time, and the first thing I noticed was shelving full of Mason jars……. I asked him what was all that and he told me, “..Oh, those are filled with politicians brains.”  “Wow”, I said, What’s that one?” Pointing at one of the jars.  “Thats the brains of yello dog democrats.”
    “How much are those?”, I asked”
    ”Those are $15 a pound.”
    “What’s that one?” I asked, pointing at another  
    Those are Republican Never/Trumpets. They’re $28 a pound.”
    ”And that one?
    “That’s  Libertarians, $44 s pound.”
    “Wow, going up, what’s that one?”
    ”That’s maga brains a real bargain at $76 a pound “
    ”Damn,” I swore  “A that shiny one on the right?”
    ”Yeah, he said.  “That’s Democrats who bashed Biden.  $352 a pound”
    I almost fell off my stool  “$352? How the hell can those POSSIBLY cost so much?!?”
    ”Well, you oughta see how many I have to catch to get a damned pound!” He shot back  

  46. It’s been a long day, the little doggie died during her nap. I’ve had dozens of doggies, but it’s always a drag. That’s a damned fine way to go though…

  47. Yup.      Humor is the best medicine, as the Readers Digesy used to advise. 

    Good Dog Nigel
    Arf, arf, he goes, a merry sight,
    Our little hairy friend,
    Arf, Arf, upon the lampost bright
    Arfing round the bend.
    Nice dog! Goo boy,
    Waggie tail and beg,
    Clever Nigel, jump for joy
    Because we’re putting you to sleep at three of the clock, Nigel. 
    —John Lennon

  48. sturge, deepest condolences.  know the feeling.  still miss Bobo a.k.a. the sweetest bestest dog ever that blessed me with her company and compassion.


    btw, NEW THREAD

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