Sunday Serendipity

Today is Decoration Day for the cemeteries where my parents and grand parents are buried. It is a little town about 50 miles north of here. I will be leaving flowers on their graves this morning. Both cemeteries get by with donations so I will leave a donation too. As I never have and because I have the means, it will be a sizable one to make up for all the times I let others carry the burden.

In remembrance of missing friends and those gone before us today’s selection is: Requiem in D minor, a Requiem Mass by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Have a blessed day, Jack


30 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. on the memorial topic in today’s guardian

    What the last veterans can teach us all as D-Day fades from memory | D-day | The Guardian

    Next month will see the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France, when about 156,000 troops crossed the Channel to fight their way on to five Normandy beaches.

    No one who took part in that day, 6 June 1944, the largest seaborne assault in history, would ever forget the experience. Indeed, many were haunted by memories of it for the rest of their lives. Yet no matter how momentous an event might be – in this case it amounted to nothing less than the securing of western Europe’s liberty – a kind of societal amnesia inevitably deepens with each new generation.




  2. Jack, wonderful piece. Can’t think of a more appropriate one for a remembrance weekend

  3. So Dumbass went to the Libertarian Convention yesterday. WaPo

    Former president Donald Trump encountered an unusually tough crowd at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night as the audience loudly booed him and used noisemakers to drown out his speech.

    The first current or former president to speak at the third-party’s convention, Trump made several major promises to libertarians in the crowded, rowdy room, including assuring the audience that he would appoint a libertarian to his Cabinet if elected in November. But the presumptive Republican nominee also taunted the third party that has typically garnered around 1 to 3 percent of the vote in presidential races, saying they should nominate him if they want to win.

    “Maybe you don’t want to win,” Trump said to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. “Keep getting your 3 percent every four years.”
    The raucous event for the former president marked a sharp departure from the typical celebratory atmosphere at such Trump campaign gatherings, normally full of thousands of supporters who travel from other states to see the former president while laughing and clapping to their favorite, often biting punchlines. Trump is said to derive energy from these trademark rallies and reacts to any disruption by threatening to have that person or people removed.

    Despite the hostile crowd, Trump received his warmest response when he said if reelected, he would pardon Ross Ulbricht, the mastermind behind the online drug market Silk Road, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2015. A Trump adviser was paid to seek clemency for Ulbricht in the final days of Trump’s administration, but no pardon was forthcoming.

    Libertarians, who believe that drugs should not be criminalized, have vocally criticized Trump for not pardoning Ulbricht. Many attending Trump’s speech carried “FREE ROSS” signs.

    What a fucking pander bear. Attention Biden camp,  that last paragraph is a CAMPAIGN ISSUE. No doubt in my mind that freeing a dark web narcotics dealer is something most Americans believe is appropriate under any circumstances. 

  4. I watched all of Trump’s Libertarian catastrophe yesterday. It was delightful to see what happens when he gets outside his cult bubble.

    ‘No wannabe dictators!’: Donald Trump booed at Libertarian convention

    Jeers suggest Republican presidential candidate faces a challenge in broadening his appeal

    The Guardian: “The appeal went down like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults. It was a stunning rebuke for a man who has become accustomed to cult-like rallies where his every word is cheered to the echo.”

  5. here’s how the guardian covered it:

    ‘No wannabe dictators!’: Donald Trump booed at Libertarian convention | US elections 2024 | The Guardian

    Donald Trump, the former US president, has suffered the rare humiliation of getting booed and heckled during a raucous speech to the Libertarian National Convention.

    Trump’s rocky ride at a Washington hotel on Saturday night, including cries of “Bullshit!” and “Fuck you!”, underlined the challenge that the Republican presidential nominee faces to broaden his appeal both left and right on the political spectrum.


  6. Tellingly, so far he hasn’t said a word about yesterday on Truth So-Called. Usually there are a dozen or more self-congratulatory posts and re-posts after his appearances. Guaranteed he will find a way to blame Antifa infiltrators.

  7. He didn’t see it coming and he couldn’t shut it down…nor go to sleep and make it go away.  

  8. I’m curious about Secret Service rationale for confiscating squeaky rubber chicken noisemakers yesterday at the Libertarian convention. Is it the agency’s job to protect former presidents from ridicule? NBC News: Secret Service agents are confiscating the rubber chickens the pro-RFK Jr super PAC handed out to attendees to disrupt Trump’s speech tonight at the Libertarian convention. “No lighters, no water bottles, no noisy chickens,” one agent yelled out to people in line.

  9. Only one noisy chicken allowed. Big orange noisy chicken.

    Chicken Little’s grampa–Chicken Gross.

    I dig Moat’s Art.

  10. I am really curious as to who on his staff took the screaming monster attack for putting him in front of a real audience?  Someone(s) have to pay for him feeling love from his fans, who were kicked out of their seats. He had been so well protected from reality, not just in his peanut brain, that he probably did not know how much non-cult members think about him.

  11. At first, I wondered if he understood that he was being booed down.  A lot of noise is just loud approval to the delusional tyrant.  
    But then he responded to them.  He did realize they hate him and he wasted a campaign day/out of court with folks who will never vote for him. 
    Orange Adolf tried to chastise the hecklers.  Ooops, that didn’t work.   Ha!  

  12. I just got it…..Boebert is the much younger wicked witch of the west.

    (Sorry Ms Hamilton, nothing personal— it’s just business.)

  13. I know the comedy movies have been made of the idiot facing the hostile crowd since the beginning of time. But, I cannot remember a single one.  No matter, the script for another one has been made. 
    Old sfb with fresh diaper goes up on stage to face what his campaign manager told him would be his crowd.  Earlier the campaign manager team had brought the magats into the room and filled it while the others were in a meeting. Great plan, lots of Libertarian stuff on the walls and making it look pretty for the orange idiot.
    The plan starts to fall apart while the campaign team is making sure ol s in pants is getting trained to walk upright. The Libers see their seats were already full and kick the cult out. Now, with all the cheering mumblers out the real folk are in.
    The big fat stinker is going on stage to a sound he never hears, is never allowed to hear, big BOO.  He walked into a full blown revolt. Hate fills the room. Stupid can’t talk his way out, he is not smart enough. Oh the idiot tries, but his usual garbage fails to change the noise. He can’t go anywhere.  His little pea brain is choking on itself.
    And, finally, in his ear is leave. He can’t. He has to do what is instinctive, fight or flight. He tries to fight, but is out smarted (probably by a rat) and finally gives up. Instead of a full ninety minutes of the same garbage he has spouted before, it was just over thirty minutes.  That has to smart, like a whack with a tennis racket.
    Congratulations to the Liber party people.

  14. Yeah, he eventually knew because he got nasty with them, but he had zero clues walking in. 

  15. It’s hard to smile while a thousand people are telling you to go fuck yourself.  

  16. I swear to god….there’s a twitter video clip showing that orange idiot….wait for it…….He’s saluting effing “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes…….he doesn’t seem to know that it’s not the national anthem.  My question is:  does the guy who is standing next to Scump with his hand over his heart…..does HE know?   

    “Rep. Tony Gonzales called his GOP opponent in Texas a “neo-Nazi” and an “anarchist” intent on “burning the place down” — and said Republican hardliners seeking to oust him are a bunch of “scumbags” and MAGA wannabes.”
    “Gonzales’ runoff underscores the intense GOP divide in the narrowly divided House, where hard-right members have grown more emboldened and willing to derail their party’s agenda if there’s a whiff of compromise with Democrats.”
    “Gonzales, whose district includes Uvalde, which witnessed one of the worst school shootings in history two years ago, later voted for a bipartisan gun safety bill that has become a centerpiece of Herrera’s campaign against him. Gonzales said, “I don’t regret any of my votes.”
    “Gonzales’ massive district — which spans the border with Mexico — has emerged as one of the most expensive House primaries in the country, with nearly $8 million spent on TV ads. His situation is part of a larger trend of House GOP members seeking to purge their own colleagues in their primaries, even though that has long been viewed as a serious breach of protocol.”
    “So far, hard-right candidates have been unsuccessful in defeating their more moderate opponents this cycle. An effort to take out GOP Rep. Don Bacon in Nebraska failed earlier this month when he defeated his conservative challenger, Dan Frei, who was endorsed by Good. In Illinois, GOP Rep. Mike Bost won after Gaetz tried to prop up his challenger, a fight that prompted Speaker Mike Johnson to lobby former President Donald Trump to intervene on Bost’s behalf.”
    “Gonzales said if he wins Tuesday, he plans to respond in kind by campaigning in the districts of Good and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, both of whom are backing Herrera and also led the charge to oust Kevin McCarthy from the speakership last fall. Gonzales said that after Tuesday he will seek to purge the party of mischief-making members.”

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