Abbott: Texas prepared in ‘unlikely event’ Biden federalizes National Guard | The Hill
This week, the Texas National Guard appeared to ignore a Supreme Court decision approving the removal of the razor wire barriers, and continued construction along the border. Abbott has justified his decision, while criticizing Biden for not enforcing immigration laws.
The governor cited the constitutional authority a state has to defend itself against invasion, as the surge of migrants arriving at the border continues.
Republican governors in several states have backed Abbott in his standoff against the federal government.
Abbott told Carlson that the state has deployed members of the Texas Department of Public Safety “as well as other law enforcement officers” paired with National Guard members from other states to the border — but said having even more would help.
Attribution: Texas vs U.S. by Dick Wright,
the hill:
Texas border: Greg Abbott joined by GOP governors, invoking confederacy. (
Extremists Call for ‘Civil War’ and ‘Secession’ Over Texas Border Ruling (
interesting comparison of constitutions et alia
In Brazil, the politics of grievance has its limits. Here in the U.S., Donald Trump has proven it doesn’t.
click here for his monologue: Dementia Don described as Bill reacts to the top stories of the week, including Oscars drama and America’s aging presidential candidates.
new votevets ad in PA
Atlantic’s anne applebaum speaking of real war in real time
Is Congress Really Going to Abandon Ukraine Now? (
“… the actions of just a few congressional Republicans could help stop a series of bad decisions from morphing into a worse one. This is their chance to make America serious again. Do they have the courage to take it?”
– anne applebaum –
Throw Greg in the river.
This Texas story is especially notable because there are right wing legal “scholars” claiming that Supreme Court rulings can be ignored because the power of judicial review is not in the Constitution (it isn’t). Ignoring court rulings is part of the Trump agenda in their written planning documents for purging DOJ etc. And he is conditioning his public to the idea of sidestepping courts now by making a mockery of the judicial system in the cases against him.
Tip o’ the Hat to Lone Wati and CBob.
Fun reading all the comments bashing this “sloppy” NYT article about the appeal.
Like I asked earlier in the week, is TX seceding? Like I said yesterday, I’m surprised SFB hasn’t told Abbott to back off; he needs the situation to be as bad as possible.
Craig – Is it possible that Greg’s little stunt could prove beneficial; a test balloon that can be shot down instead of going the way of the Hindenburg if tRUMPsky (or any Republican aligned with Project 2025) were to be elected?
Look at what Elise Stefanik removed from her site before the recent VP speculation. But caught on screenshot before disappearing. She called for prosecution of those she now calls hostages.
Biden is being his usual overly cautious self in regards to Texas and as a result runs the risk of being road kill. He could take control of the National Guards in question, he is commander in chief over them. Then arrest anyone who resists lawful federal authorities doing their duty. Also point out to those issuing orders that they run the risk of being in rebellion and will be prosecuted for it.
What has become obvious with these folks is once you start prosecuting them they back down, but until it gets real they take full advantage of the situation.
Craig, just be sure to get her current versions, they are the ones that will be political suicide in the long run.
Also, isn’t there some qualified Democrat who can cause her problems in the general election, or rational Republican to primary her?
Biden is extremely cautious but I also trust that he and his advisors will have the resolve to strike when the iron is hot.
I remember Biden’s patience during that debate with Paul Ryan, and then later the “Will you shut up, Man?”
Old Joe seems to be pretty good at this stuff.
Considering it takes little provocation to rile up confederate rebels there’s good reasons for Joe to take cautious perhaps slow steps to move on the secessionists at the border. Once Joe’s done being overly cautious, and made it clear Greg Abbott is nuts, he will move with alacrity.
Many cakes have been ruined by baking them too hot and too fast.
Oh, good…..Saturday. Time again for:
[Drum roll, please]
sturge, this svengoolie?
Son of Svengoolie – “The First Episode!” (1979) 💀
[remastered – see below] Here’s where it all began, in a galaxy far, far away . . . no, not really, but rather in the city of which Berwyn (“Berwyn?!”) was and is a major suburb (not to mention a long-standing running gag): the debut of Son of Svengoolie on Chicago’s own WFLD Channel 32, with Rich Koz in the title role, picking up where the original “Sven” (and Mr. Koz’ main mentor), Jerry G. Bishop, left off some six years before. This maiden edition featured the 1969 made-for-TV film “In the Year 2889,” (marked down from $29.95. narf-narf-narf…) (weird to think that the movie was only 10 years old at this point!) As this is from a master tape, we only see the show opening and the very first between-movie-scenes “break” sketch – and sadly no station ID’s, promos or commercials, nor the film itself.
above published by The Museum of Classic Chicago Television (www.FuzzyMemories.TV), organizer
The MCCTv (FuzzyMemoriesTV) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose primary mission is the preservation and display of off-air, early home videotape recordings (70s to early 80s, mostly) recorded off of TV (in Chicago or other cities now too); things which would likely be lost if not sought out and preserved digitally. If you have any old 1970s videotapes recorded off of TV let us know at:
“Koch officials tell donors Nikki Haley was the right candidate to back, despite early losses to Trump”
“…however, also emphasized that the organization stands ready to shift its resources and say that flipping the Senate from Democratic control is a top priority that grows all the more important if Trump wins the nomination.”
“As CNN reported Friday, some donors who have backed Haley say they are now redoubling their efforts to secure GOP victories in congressional races, following Trump’s big wins in Iowa and New Hampshire.”
As long as network microphone-wielders play and replay endless clips of die-hard magas lined up all day to go inside a trump rally, the rest of us will continue to feel sickened and exhausted.
Holy smokes! I was flipping channels and saw part of this on PBS. How was this not taught as a warning in school?
“Jackie Robinson statue stolen from youth league field in Wichita, Kansas”
“…the life-sized statue was cut off at the ankles and hauled away.”
“…the theft occurred just before the beginning of February, which marks the start of Black History Month…”
It wasn’t just “stolen.” This is likely retaliation for removing statues of Confederates. I hope they catch them and, can they be charged with a hate crime, too?
He was Son of Svengoolie but then he became Svengoolie by a simple twist of fate. It’s a miracle that there is a monster movie host who still has a gig.
GGACP celebrates the Halloween season by revisiting this 2017 interview with one of the last remaining TV horror hosts, Rich Koz, AKA “Svengoolie.” In this episode, Rich remembers some of his famous predecessors (Ghoulardi, Zacherle, Chilly Billy, Morgus the Magnificent) and praises the stylishness and symbolism of the original Universal horror classics. Also, Fritz Feld gets hitched, Eddie Munster goes wild, Vampira takes Elvira to court and Mister Rogers meets the Wicked Witch of the West. PLUS: Count Floyd! “The Mummy’s Curse”! Remembering Raymond J. Johnson Jr! Bela Lugosi gets hypnotized! Gilbert chokes the chicken! And the (arguably) craziest horror film ever made!
Time for a scream.
Thank you for not listening. I have to deal with so much that I need to do that occasionally. There is so much and there is not one thing I can talk about. So by doing my scream I know I have let others know that I has things, and, thank you for accepting the little load.
BB – Scream away.
“Under the soon-to-be-released package, the Department of Homeland Security would be granted new emergency authority to shut down the border if daily average migrants crossing unlawfully reach 4,000 over a one-week span. Certain migrants would be allowed to stay if they proved to be fleeing torture or persecution in their countries.”
“The details remain unclear. But the authority is reminiscent of a Covid-era border restriction invoked by Trump in 2020 that allowed authorities to turn migrants away at the border. It resulted in more repeat border crossers and still placed a strain on the immigration system.”
“Title 42, a public health authority invoked by Trump during the pandemic, allowed authorities to turn migrants encountered at the US-Mexico border back to Mexico or their origin country.”
“But authorities still contended with a high number of border crossings, and thousands of people gathered in northern Mexico waiting to cross.”
“While Title 42 was in place, officials also grappled with a jump in repeat crossers because there was little in the way of legal consequences or buy-in from Mexico, where thousands of migrants were pushed back.”
“Immigrant advocates quickly slammed Biden over his statement — revealing the deepening rift between the president and the advocacy community.”
“If he listened to any of the immigration experts in his administration, he would know that these proposals — shutting down the border, expelling migrants, making it harder to access asylum protection — are not ‘fair’ and will not ‘secure the border,’ they will however cause chaos and human suffering,” she added.
And if this person advocating for immigration would listen, she’d realize not doing this will ensure tRUMPsky gets in, and then it will be so much worse for them.
The best thing that could happen is that folks would hold off trying to come here until next year, but that won’t happen.
Seems maybe it was either NOBLE HOUSE or TAI-PAN where there was a “Screaming Tree” located on the property.
SCOTUS steps in. Border Patrol can cut the razor wire. Emergency hearing scheduled.
Court allows Border Patrol to cut Texas’ razor wire along Rio Grande – SCOTUSblog