Does Late Night Matter?

I think political jokes on late night talk shows have an impact, and always appreciate PatD clipping them for us. Of course, most Americans don’t stay up to watch live, but thanks to YouTube and other sites their best lines are widely shared.

These days they’re on a Trump roll (Kimmel is off this week) …

“Christmas is almost here, and people are already returning gifts. In fact, last night Colorado returned Donald Trump.” — JIMMY FALLON

“You go, Colorado. Just goes to show you can make good decisions when you’re high.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“After facing comparisons to Adolf Hitler, former President Trump said yesterday that immigrants are destroying the blood of our country and added, ‘They said, “Oh, Hitler said that in a much different way.”’ But you’ve already lost the argument if you have to say, ‘Guys, I wasn’t quoting Hitler — I was paraphrasing him.’” — SETH MEYERS

[imitating Trump] Everyone is saying that I’ve read ‘Mein Kampf,’ but that is a lie: I reached the same conclusions as Hitler independently. And while I’ve got your attention — folks, hold on — while I’ve got your attention, and I’m just spitballin’ here, what say we invade Poland?” — STEPHEN COLBERT

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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1 year ago

good one liners, craig. thanks.

might’ve agreed with ingram had she just said the first part: “No trained lawyer on Earth believes that Donald Trump was engaged in a serious effort …”  

ridiculous, heinous and evil efforts yes, but it was hard to imagine him ever being “serious”

well, maybe when it comes to the grifting, yes.

1 year ago

by the way

happy Yule, y’all!!!

it’s Yuletide, winter solstice and the shortest day of the year!!!  ringing [well, bowing to be precise] it in are the piano guys

1 year ago

Attribution: Trump disqualified under 14th Amendment by Dave Whamond, Canada,

1 year ago

here’s that colbert monologue

Colorado Kicks Trump Off Primary Ballot | Clarence Thomas’ Graft | Trump Keeps Quoting Hitler (

Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled that Trump is disqualified from holding office, we’re learning more about the origins of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ love of bribe-taking, and the former president refuses to stop quoting Hitler on the campaign trail.


and click here for this year’s christmas animation

Donald Trump, on trial for 91 counts of naughtiness, tries a wild gambit: getting Santa to testify that he is on the nice list, pardoning him of all charges. Santa refuses, but that doesn’t stop Trump as he enlists the help of Elon Musk to turn him into Santa himself to clear his name. Can the real Santa stop Trumpy Claus in time to save Christmas?

1 year ago

in case you don’t have time to watch all the above vids, at least don’t miss the “auld lang syne” parody starting at 9:45 on colbert’s chrismas animation . 

perfection parody-wise.

1 year ago

twiXt bewiXed?

Elon Musk’s X back online after global outage | X | The Guardian

The social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has been restored after a global outage on Thursday.
The problem reportedly began after 5am UK time and its cause is not yet known.


Thousands of users reported that they were unable to access the site properly. The website Downdetector, which tracks online outages, had logged almost 4,000 reports about the site and app by 6am in the UK.
Users on X were unable to view posts, instead receiving a “Welcome to X!” message. Users of X Pro, formerly Tweetdeck, had a message that said “Waiting for posts”.
Under the hashtag #TwitterDown, users with access shared memes about the outage, many imagining the Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg celebrating.
The outage lasted about 45 minutes before timelines began to show as normal.
Since the takeover by Musk, attempts to contact X’s press team are met with automatic replies. Initially, these were in the form of a poo emoji but on Thursday the auto response read: “Busy now, please check back later”.
The site has had multiple glitches since the billionaire businessman took over the platform in October 2022. The workforce was cut from 7,500 to about 2,000 within six months of Musk’s takeover.
Engineers responsible for fixing and preventing service outages were among the thousands of employees who lost their jobs.

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

WashPoo editorial board seems to have dropped the bath robe and gone full on maga, or at least put a big toe in the maga tub.  They do not want the court formerly known as supreme to make sfb follow the 14th Amendment along with the rest of us.  “let the voters choose” BS.  The criminal, branded “91”, should somehow repeat his spread the lie of “winning” even after losing.
Put the big fat slob in jail.

1 year ago

No, “late night” doesn’t matter because all of those shows are left-leaning, preaching to the choir, only the Seth Meyers joke was clever

1 year ago

Olbermann is beating the drum that since the 14th provides that potential remedy, automatic disqualification is implied 

1 year ago

Ok, i just want to make the point that the America i live in is mixed, and people of color make it run
Black people work most of the service jobs and Latin immigrants work ALL the construction jobs.  i haven’t seen a “white” person of apparent European descent with a shovel in 20 years

That is to say that there is no overwhelming “whiteness” to preserve and no way to segregate society without collapsing it for everyone

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Time to mention something that is always on my mind in this era of information filtered and throttled by five companies, attempting to make a “horse race”.  The “whatabout”, “both sides”, selective descriptions of polls including the asterisk and a bottom or hidden line which refutes the entire article.  Recently the former solid newspaper, now a putin supporter, had the typical poll showing the orange idiot winning against President Biden.  At the bottom was a line that stated Biden would beat sfb in the poll when it was on people who vote.  Eh? Yeah the people in the poll were “voters”, but not active voters.  Registered, but non-voting.  Give me a break. 

Another is the WashPo holding a poll but asking majority maga do determine Dem politicians. Stink, but you would not see that unless you deep read the article.

1 year ago

BB, bet wapo’s editor board wouldn’t feel the same way about letting the “voters choose” if the argument were over a taylor swift (under 35) or an arnold schwarzenegger (not native born) trying to get on the ballot.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Any qualified voter is free to vote for anyone, qualified or unqualified, right? You can write them in. But an unqualified person is still unqualified and cannot take office, no matter how many votes they receive. 

1 year ago

Late night tv “echo chamber”

Kind of like Fox et allovem are a right wing “echo chamber” 

Like Old Berman is wont to say, “Hit him everywhere you can with everything everyone has, and then hit him some more”.

And by the way, Axelrod’s an ass.

1 year ago

The key to the 14th amendment is that it is AUTOMATIC and the only way to un-do it is 2/3 of House and 2/3 of the Senate.  Without house and senate stepping in insurrectionists are BARRED from being on the ballot.   
The constitution has spoken.

1 year ago

“Joe’s so-called defeats become his biggest wins.”

1 year ago

The only way to not understand the stark reality of the 14th amendment is that if one’s job depends upon such a misunderstanding. It’s stark, it’s plain and does not dance around the issue.  There is not a scintilla of ambiguity about it    If they want to go to war over it, then cry havoc and let slip the dogs…..ENOUGH of their eternal infernal bullshit.   
No insurrectionists on ballots.  

And that includes their Russian collaborators in Congress

First: Cry Havoc.
Second: Give them the war they keep threatening. They are determined to go to war over something, anything, so it might as well be this, now.

1 year ago

During the writers’ strike, my millennial-aged dependents were in a near-total news blackout because all of their news comes from late night and comedy, including John Oliver and Bill Maher.

1 year ago

I don’t see how SCOTUS can overturn Colorado without admitting to their total corruption  They would in effect be saying the constitution is wrong.
When Haley says (as if drooling) “let the voters decide“  is she really that stupid as to think the voters would choose her over the chump?  Or is she just begging to be VP.

1 year ago

Is this a Knight Fork for the SCROTUS?  lol

1 year ago

Sturge, seriously doubt SCOTUS cares how it would make them look. 

Your opinion of me is none of my business.”

1 year ago

Liars defend their lies without worrying about their previous lies. 

1 year ago

The SCOTUS doesn’t care—until they DO care.    There will come a time when the shark is jumped, even for the likes of THEM. 
If you begin piling straws upon the camel’s back sooner or later(in theory) one more of those straws and said back will break.

1 year ago

I’d say SCOTUS is beginning to care a great deal.   Given Alito and Rent-a-Judge Thomas with his neighing filly of a wife they are reaching the point where they will HAVE to care.

1 year ago

I think folks are viewing this Colorado thing in a very narrow view. As it is currently, it is using the same concept that Trump was using to overthrow the election, in that states have the right to decide how they will conduct the presidential election.
It is a dilemma for the partisans on the bench, how do they limit what Colorado is trying to do without hurting their side. Because the law can be a knife that cuts in both directions.
So does the Court do what it should at this time and give clear guidance on the role of the state in elections? (you, back in the back, stop your laughing) It is certainly needed. Or do they punt by saying Trumps behavior doesn’t rise to the level of rebellion.
You know what I’m betting, we are so screwed.

1 year ago

On the subject of the day. 
Colbert made a conscious decision to limit his audience to young liberals. It worked for him and the rest of late night comedy followed. It is a change.
The old Johnny Carson vrs Merv Griffen of the 60’s, where one was a bit more hip and one appealed to the old folks, just doesn’t exist.
Where do you go if you are a bit conservative but not Fox crazy? 
Does the lifetime channel still exist?


1 year ago

Craig, you nailed it. LOL

1 year ago

December 20, 2023 at 8:59 pm

Amendment XIV Section 3.No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold ANY office, civil or military, under the United States, or under ANY State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an EXECUTIVE or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in INSURRECTION  or   REBELLION against the same, or GIVEN AID or COMFORT to the enemies thereof.*But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.   

Orange Adolf directed the mob to assemble, to “fight like hell,” did nothing to stop them for hours, and had continued to promise to get the insurrectionists out of trouble. If SCOTUS doesn’t side with Colorado, we have a bigger problem.

ps – All of the Republicans running for prez are, essentially, propping up Orange Adolf. Are they also guilty of giving aid snd comfort to an enemy of our DEMOCRACY?Shame on Nikki, and RonDuh, and the rest, even Chris Christie.

I’m not a lawyer, but I can read.
****or hold ANY OFFICE, civil or military, under the United States or any state****

1 year ago

Ding ding ding
*But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.   

1 year ago

The chump said:
” given all the crimes Hillary has committed there’s no way she should be on the ballot.”

1 year ago

They think they float above it all. Agree, they will punt and call it a win. 

1 year ago

Ding ding ding*But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.   

They left room for redemption. Problem is, Plumpty is irredeemable.

1 year ago

I think Justice Robert’s is beginning to understand that it’s HIS ass which is on the line here.   

1 year ago

Where the hell is Giuliani living?

1 year ago

In a van down by the river? 

1 year ago

1 year ago

Everything Chump touches winds up living in a van down by the river.   

1 year ago

I wish trump wasn’t on the NH ballot.  I know I scream about this every 4 yrs…  but I hate pollsters.  Once again… our phone is ringing at all hours of the day.  We don’t pick it up… we know it’s just someone wanting to know who we gonna vote for in the primary.
Maybe I should pick it up…and scream FUCK YOU!  It might make me feel better… but then again maybe not.

1 year ago

NBC News Exclusive: Colorado justices face flood of threats after disqualifying Trump from the ballot

As usual, if the war begins—guess who is going to begin it.

1 year ago

Rudy just filed Chapter 11, assets between $1m-10m. 

assets must be his “teeth”

1 year ago

2/3 of both houses – not gonna happen 
When will the GQP realize it’s time to switch horses?   The one they’ve got is gonna drag them to death.

1 year ago

Too late to switch now.  That horse is going to look like Scarlet’s horse when she finally makes it back to Tara. 

1 year ago

1 year ago

Bill Clinton on Hillary’s podcast points out that there are a bunch of republicans doing the Russian’s bidding.  
Restating the obvious, I guess. 

1 year ago

BiD I think that somewhere along the line there will have to be a finding from a court that Dumbass violated the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment for it to be invoked to prevent him from taking office if he gets to the November ballot and, god forbid, he is elected.  There is a secondary issue that has been raised by a former Justice – Salmon P. Chase  – just after the passage of the 14th in the matter of US v. Jefferson Davis – the Court took judicial notice that Jeff as the President of the Confederacy participated in the insurrection and rebellion in violation of his oath when he was in congress.  Whether that will happen in this instance is questionable. A third issue is that there is considerable debate about whether the 14th is self-executing, there being no implementing legislation for the insurrection clause. This is definitely one of those “It ain’t as clear cut as it first appeared” situations.

1 year ago

“Danish labour union joins Swedish strike action against Tesla”

“Danish dockworkers and lorry drivers have stopped unloading and transporting Tesla (TSLA.O) cars destined for Sweden as Danish labour union 3F on Wednesday joined Swedish mechanics in their strike action against Tesla.”

“Tesla is facing a backlash from unions and some pension funds in the Nordic region as the U.S. carmaker refuses to accept a demand from Swedish mechanics for collective bargaining rights covering wages and other conditions.”

“We can’t allow one man or one company to come and say, I want to do this in another way, you need to change your system. If you want to be here, you’re very welcome, but you have to follow the rules,” said Jan Villadsen, chairman of 3F Transport.”

1 year ago

pogo – I guess you actually have to have an insurrection to see if Article 3 of the 14th works.
We had pretty good run, I guess.  
I thought we had checks and balances, but we have too many tools with a fascist agenda installed.   
Yep, DEMOCRACY had a pretty good run before the christo-fascists gained power.

1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago

My bet is that SCOTUS will (by maybe a 7-2 decision) opt for the Pilate way (“i’m innocent of this man’s blood. see to it yourselves”) and let the states according to their own election laws put or not put him on the ballot and declare it’s up to congress to do their 2/3s thing of putting him back on.  in other words “see to it yourselves.  we ain’t touching this tar baby.”

p.s. clarence and samuel squealing like stuck pigs in their dissents 

1 year ago

Bingo, Pat. 

1 year ago