State Of The GOP is Pitiful

Marjorie Taylor Greene yelling at Biden

UVA’s Larry Sabato nails it: “The behavior of a sizeable group of Republican legislators tonight was outrageous and disgusting. Their screaming and catcalling at the President was obscene. Free speech? Sure. Decorum and courtesy? DEAD. This was unthinkable when I started watching SOTU in the ’60s.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

62 thoughts on “State Of The GOP is Pitiful”

  1. KO:  Biden’s speech “a masterpiece”

    “President Joe Biden absolutely KILLED The State of the Union last night.
    At his finest, at his most robust, at his most combative, in his element, in the arena, throwing punches, blocking the hecklers, and unashamedly exploiting the undeniable advantage of having the only microphone in the room, he delivered a masterpiece.”

  2. Word has it that before tonight’s speech, Kev asked Republicans to act like civil human beings. Their behavior shows that they do not respect him, either. 

    I look at that pic of mtg and I hear, ‘soo-eee, pig.’

    Getting Republicans to go on record that they wouldn’t touch Social Security or Medicare was brilliant. I’m not sure they actually realized what they were doing.

    Thunderstorms here so I can’t sleep, so now I’ll listen to KO thanks to Sturg.

  3. Absolutely, Joe worked the crowd like a barker at the carnival.  He sparred with the reds and won every turn.  The SS and Medicare segment was brilliant.  I have been watching these SOTU events since I was a little kid in the 1950s and this one was the best.  We knew Greene was going to act up, but did you see Boebert, the diminutive hawker of AR-15 possession by everyone, shake her head in disgust when Joe declared, basically, a war on assault rifle possession?   Joe is stronger than ever, at his pinnacle.

  4. POLITICO: Republicans Turn Themselves into Props for Biden

    “Republicans put the spotlight on themselves — through extraordinary rudeness. With boos, taunts, groans, and sarcastic chortles”

  5. USA TODAY: “Dark Brandon shows up at State of the Union, mops the floor with lost Republicans.
    Biden went off script regularly, parrying GOP lawmakers who heckled him, at one point backing the party into a corner and getting them to swear to protect Medicare and Social Security benefits.”

  6. the guardian:

    The speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, has shared a photo of Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Rishi Sunak meeting at London’s Stansted airport.
    Stefanchuk posted to Twitter:
    A meeting of strong leaders. A meeting of leaders of strong countries. A meeting of friends and allies.

    President Zelenskiy also shared the same image on his Telegram account with the caption:
    The United Kingdom was one of the first to come to Ukraine’s aid. And today I’m in London to personally thank the British people for their support and prime minister Rishi Sunak for his leadership.
    King Charles III to meet Ukrainian president
    The King will hold an audience with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy today, Buckingham Palace has said.
    The audience between the King and President Zelensky will take place at Buckingham Palace this afternoon.
    In a surprise visit, Ukraine’s president Zelenskiy arrives in the UK today on his first visit since Russia’s invasion to address parliament and meet with prime minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian troops being trained by British armed forces.

  7. “That’s always been my vision for the country and I know it’s many of yours’, to restore the soul of the nation, to rebuild the backbone of America, America’s middle class, and unite the country. We’ve been sent here to finish the job, in my view.”

  8. 72 percent of viewers had positive reaction to Biden speech: CNN flash poll | The Hill

    More than seven in 10 viewers of President Biden’s State of the Union address had at least a somewhat positive reaction to the speech, according to a CNN flash poll

    The poll found 72 percent of watchers had a positive view of the speech, with 34 percent saying it was very positive. It reported that 28 percent of watchers viewed the speech negatively, with 10 percent saying it was very negative. 

    Still, 71 percent of watchers said the policies that Biden proposed in the speech would move the country in the right direction, while 29 percent said it would move it in the wrong direction. Going into the speech, only 52 percent said Biden’s policies will move the country in the right direction. 
    Pollsters found the largest shift among those who do not approve of the way Biden has been handling his job. Only 7 percent of those respondents said before the speech that Biden’s policies will move the U.S. in the right direction, but 45 percent said so after. 
    Just more than half of viewers said Biden struck the right balance ideologically with his proposals, while 38 percent said they were too liberal and 11 percent said they were not liberal enough. 
    About two-thirds of watchers said Biden did not address racial injustice in his address but, notably, more white viewers said this than people of color, 72 percent to 58 percent. A majority of survey takers said he did not address the U.S.-China relationship or inflation enough. 
    The survey was conducted by text message among 552 U.S. adults who watched the address. The margin of error was plus or minus 5.7 points.

  9. Romney on Santos: ‘He’s a sick puppy. He shouldn’t have been there’ | The Hill

    “I don’t know the exact words I said. He shouldn’t have been there. Look, he’s a sick puppy. He shouldn’t have been there,” Romney told reporters after the speech.
    “I don’t think he ought to be in Congress and he certainly shouldn’t be in the aisle trying to shake the hand of the president of the United States and dignitaries coming in. It’s an embarrassment,” he added.
    “He says that he embellished his record. Look, embellishing is saying you get an A when you get an A-minus. Lying is saying you graduated from a college you didn’t even attend,” Romney said, knocking down Santos’s attempt to characterize his conduct. 
    “He shouldn’t be in Congress and they’re going to go through the process and hopefully get him out,” he added. “If he had any shame at all, he wouldn’t be there.”
    Romney said he didn’t intend to confront Santos but couldn’t avoid him. 
    “He was standing right there in the aisle shaking hands with everybody,” he said. 
    Asked if he was disappointed that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has yet to call on Santos to resign, Romney responded: “Yes.”

  10. concluding words in editorial board’s Opinion | The state of the union could be a lot worse – The Washington Post


    In the context of these political realities, Mr. Biden was right to evoke the violence of Jan. 6, 2021, and the attack on former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul — then pivot again to an appeal for bipartisanship, despite heckling from the GOP benches: “We must see each other not as enemies, but as fellow Americans.” Such words are a political necessity for him, since they could win over independents. More important, though, they’re a necessity for the country, which faces both a Republican-created showdown over raising the debt ceiling and growing strains over U.S. support for Ukraine.

    Maintaining at least minimal national unity is indispensable to meet these challenges. Victory on either front will probably take the form of disaster averted, which is not a comment on Mr. Biden’s leadership but on current political reality, at home and abroad.

  11. Multiple posts written and deleted. 
    The former Republican Party is long gone, buried and dead.  What showed up in the House chamber last night was some elitist mob, caring not for America or democracy (as practiced for a couple hundred years).  I struggle to find what they stand for or who they want to represent in the U.S. There has been a lot of media talk about the gqp and corporations, but that is a money supply. As seen with desantis in Florida, they will turn on corporations as large as Disney.
    There has been one ideology in the background, the media does not cover, a constant link to Russia and Putin.  A few investigative reporters keep finding deep hidden links to oligarchs, see “George Santos” and others. 
    Once again President Biden shows why he is the president we need during these times.  During a week in which China has provided serious and comedic work (at the same time) using a balloon creating diplomatic chaos, and then the State of the Union, where the loonies provided their own version of serious and comedic work, he held us together.  I freely admit I was one who thought him too old to hold the Executive Branch.  If he had not had so many decades working in the Congress and the White House, he would have been too old.  But, those many years provided him with special skills and they are wonderful. 

  12. Poobah, Fatass might not want to sling such accusations around.  From the comments in the twitter feed the Desantis images were taken from: from a site called
    I have no idea whether there is any merit to what’s there, but he did revel in going backstage and watching teenage girls change when he owned the Miss Teen USA pageant.

  13. BB, so as Joe said this morning something to the effect that experience means something? Might be something to that.

  14. Craig – They had a FINISH THE JOB logo with three racing stripes ( I guess) was up last night.   Either that was fast work from Team Joe’s graphics department, or they are ready to announce and drop the 2024 merch. 

    Just checked the online store. FINISH THE JOB merch is on the site!

  15. I really LOVED President Joe’s speech.
    I didn’t bother to stay up to see the gop rebuttal….  figured it would be hilarious….  but totally disgusting too.
    ps…  the baboon wore it better!

  16. Kevin’s unresponsiveness or disdain or, I don’t know, constipated ennui maybe, to almost everything last night, as he sat on his delicate perch (don’t piss off a single Republican, Kev) is good campaign fodder.

    Based on his demeanor, Kevin hates diabetics, family leave, and even a reduced deficit thanks to Medicare negotiating for lower drug prices.  Not much for Republicans to campaign on there.

    Republicans love assault rifles.  That’s all they really showed any passion for last night. That won’t play well with most Americans, especially those with kids in school.    And, POTUS Joe didn’t say guns, he specifically said “assault rifles,” so there can be none of the false hand-wringing about taking away all guns.

    The cherry on top was getting them to publicly agree to protect Social Security and Medicare, without them even realizing what was happening.  And, Republicans can’t even use that to help them campaign, because it was POTUS Joe leading the charge.  

    “I love conversion.” -POTUS Joe

  17. As I said last night, Synema was dressed like a yellow, hostage ribbon.  

    Hmmm, maybe that was a signal that she intends to hold Dems hostage on getting what she wants?
    I did notice a lot of bright colors in the audience, with Nancy leading the way in Pantone’s color of the year.

  18. I did not listen to Screech Huckabee Sander’s response, as I have no use for Republican lies, no matter which one is telling them. 

  19. Oh yeah…
    with some republicans wearing assault rifle pins….   I LOVE that Elizabeth Warren chose to wear a crayon pin!

  20. Ooooh, more momentum for POTUS Joe. The POTUS usually makes a televised announcement during the Super Bowl, so that should make the MAGAts toss their chips.  

    I think he announces 2024 shortly after he meets for photos with this year’s Super Bowl champions. You know, WE are the champions.

  21. I haven’t bothered to watch a SOU speech since the middle of the Clinton administration. The big Dawg cured me of that bad habit. I just read the morning after comments. They tell me all I need to know.
    My favorite comment from the morning after crowd
    “I’ve never seen anything like it in a State of the Union speech – they ran at him like a pack of lemmings and, with a wink and a grin, he politely directed them to the cliff. ”

  22. The earth quake death toll in Turkey has risen to 11000. 
    Erdogan came to power as  a result of failed policies in regard to a major earth quake, does this one send him on his way?
    BTW the only border crossing that Russia/syria let humanitarian aid into the earthquake region is closed due to earthquake damage.


    “…a newly introduced Republican bill that would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, a law that includes a number of changes aimed at lowering costs for Medicare recipients.”

    “Unveiled Thursday by freshman Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tennessee), the bill has 20 original co-sponsors and is endorsed by several right-wing groups, including the Koch-funded organization Americans for Prosperity.”

    “The Biden White House argued that rolling back the Inflation Reduction Act, which also contains major climate investments, would represent “one of the biggest Medicare benefit cuts in American history” as well as a “handout to Big Pharma.”

    So, they are going to kill that bill now, based on last night’s promise not to touch SS or Medicare?

    “Good luck in your senior year.” -POTUS Joe

  24. The opinionaters are firmly on Biden’s side but the general reporting was more the traditional equal coverage or barely covering it at all.  Newspapers should die

  25. “I’ve never seen anything like it in a State of the Union speech – they ran at him like a pack of lemmings and, with a wink and a grin, he politely directed them to the cliff. ”

  26. To be fair, McCarthy was no more disrespectful than any other opposition leader i’ve seen in a SOTU, and his trashy caucus is rather representative of a certain segment of Americans

    Emotionally-crippled color-blind people deserve representation, also, so here’s to Sinema. 🥂

  27. To be clear, Kevin’s demeanor when POTUS Joe mentioned certain things like reduced insulin costs and family leave sent a message.  

    He was acting like an asshat for the rabid, Republican base, but everyone else saw it, too, including those in the middle.  
    As last night was not a place for the Speaker to speak, the only thing he had to offer to the viewing audience was 100% facial expressions/body language.  

    Kevin did not do himself or his party any favors.   What do folks keep saying? They are tired of political gridlock. Kevin McCarthy, the face of of obstinance.

  28. i don’t know that a few snotty looks are the equivalent of tearing up a transcript of the speech on the dais, which we all loved, me included

  29. An angry Ron Desantis responds to Trump’s post about him partying with young female students: “I spend my time delivering results for the people of FL .. that’s how I spend my time. I don’t spend my time trying to smear other Republicans.”

  30. Yes, and Nancy tearing up the speech was a calculated move.  She was intentionally sending a message to everyone.   Kevin’s message (to be dismissive of the POTUS without being uncivil like mtg) was only meant for some, as he is a weak Speaker and couldn’t seem overly-civil, but it was seen by all.

    Well, maybe Kevin meant to let diabetics know he hates them and he’s sorry their insulin costs are capped.

  31. Hmm, DuhSantis says he doesn’t spend time trying to smear other Republicans.
    1) Is that true?
    2) That was not a rebuttal to the accusation. 

  32. Maybe i was just happy that Trump’s anointed choice for Speaker of the House expressed his distinct honor in introducing the President of the United States, Joe Biden

  33. Hey, i just wanted to add that i thought it was very courageous of the bereaved father, Doug Griffin, to sit on the mezzanine to help Biden highlight the tragedies of drug-addiction in America. Well done, Sirs 🫡 🇺🇸 
    That is all ✌️ 

  34. speaking of buffoons, remembering the loser former guy’s 2nd SOTU.

    UM, DID HE LIE? – A Parody of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” from Mary Poppins. A commentary on the State of the Union Address. Thanks to Elizabeth Alvarez for the great line “Um did he lie?” And thanks to Bernie Sanders and his people for the research breakdown and the inspiratio

  35. Joe’s speech was amazing. What affected me most were his condolences for the parents of Tyre Nichols, his empathy for all us parents grieving the losses of children, and that he acknowledged our million-plus-and-counting Covid losses. Our incredible daughter was one of those horrible pre-vaccines losses. It will probably never be “over” for us. Thanks, Joe, you do know. 

  36. IvyGreen….
    I am so sorry to read that you have lost a child to Covid.
    You asked a few days ago about how ColoradoBob got his name.  I remember him saying that it was given to him by a co-worker back when he was young.


    “Disney said it would cut 7,000 jobs from its global workforce…”


    “The sweeping job cuts were announced by Iger after the company released better than expected financial results for the fourth quarter of 2022. Disney revenue in the quarter rose 8% to $23.5 billion, edging past estimates of $23.4 billion from analysts surveyed by Refinitiv.”

    “Iger also took steps to reward shareholders, while Disney employees will feel pain from the job cut announcement.”

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