QAnon believer who led Capitol mob sentenced to five years in prison – – Axios

This is the guy whose mob the Capitol Police officer blocked from attacking Pence, they got within 40 feet of the VP. The officer got the mob to chase him instead, diverting them from Pence’s location. One of the many heroes that day.
Meanwhile: January 6 defendant arrested for allegedly planning to kill FBI agents who had investigated him – CNNPolitics
lock them ALL up including you-know-who and you-know-who’s little helpers
Parody Written and Performed by Randy Rainbow (Based on “Yesterday” by Paul McCartney and John Lennon)
heilman yesterday on nicole wallace show said instead of sending lumps of coal to his enemies this christmas he’s sending them one of those ridiculous NFTs (see top right of thread). can’t imagine why he would waste $99 bucks plus line the pockets of the grifting carnival barker selling them. easier and cheaper to just make his own with a little cut & paste. something on the order of what mary trump did according to newsweek:
more suggestions from cartoonists
[this one depicting lincoln in the middle and teddy roosevelt swinging from the vine – don’t know who other one is supposed to be, washington/jefferson?]
stephen’s take
The former president is jumping into the red-hot NFT market with his own trading card line, the current president doesn’t think he’s too old to run for re-election, and Elon Musk lied when he said he wouldn’t ban the Twitter account that tracks his private jet.
The gopenoids dont care about ANYTHING he’s said or done–the ONLY thing they care about is that he seems to lose elections.
in a more serious vein
Can politics kill you? Research says the answer increasingly is yes. – The Washington Post
BREAKING | NBC News: Edward Kelley, 33, awaiting trial on charges tied to assaulting police at the Capitol on January 6th, has been charged by the FBI with obtaining a list of law enforcement who investigated his alleged crimes and later discussed plans to kill the investigators.
What’s going on in N.C.?
NC? Since when?
I lived in NC oncet. But that was 1969, a whole different world. Most I knew liked to go to Nags Head and such, but I’d already seen by then quite enough sunny beaches, thank you, so I never made the scene.
The 2022 Bulwer-Lytton prize winners
I used to visit there paddling in the Nantahala River and hiking along the AT. It was lily white. And what little time I spent in Raleigh-Durham felt like Birmingham in the 60s, but without dogs and fire hoses.
Our river at the
time was the Pasquotank. (sp)
“They Must Be Held Accountable”: Former House Members Urge Ethics Investigations for Current Representatives Involved In Jan. 6 Riot | Vanity Fair
The officer’s name is Eugene Goodman
Alex and I agree. Too much Musk and too much Trump, and we can’t just avert our eyes.
It’s been a very long tim e since I saw the People Versus Larry Flynt and had forgotten (a) how good it is and (b) what an incredible cast it had. James Carville, Larry Flynt and Courtney Love at the top of the improbable list.
The DOJ has charged nearly 1,000 of these bozos . I’m wondering just what their record is at this point. I have yet to hear of one defendant winning.
They have so many hides on the barn door , their gonna need a new barn.
A diversion from the rest of the stuff,
If you are interested in Big Band Music, by modern bands, I suggest the Royal Marine Bands, His (formerly hers) Marines. It is fun listening to Big Band with real Big Band.
Trading cards ??
As a grift this is officially palookaville .
Even Bannon jumped off the ship. And that is one fat rat..
The dumpster fire has jumped to their giant mountain of worn out tires the GOP once called “ideas and principals”.
And that thing is going to burn for years. Pouring out a lot of black smoke and soot.
BB –
First LP I ever bought was Glenn Millers Greatest Hits .
In The Mood I was about 8 years old. I did it hunting empty Coke bottles 5 cents each , and the name of where it was first filled on the bottom.
That was always a twofer for me when you bought one , first thing, you looked at the bottom to see it’s journey to you, and when you found an empty the same thing.
There was a lot romance in a Coke bottle back then.
Now off to hear Penn. 6-5000 .
Glenn Miller was lost Dec. 15 1944 .
The band played the gig in Paris 76 years ago tonight.
The 101st Airborne was in the backs of Duce and a Halfs headed for the Battle of the Bulge, my dad was driving one of those Studebakers.