Wow, this could (and should) catch on, even in UK…. Barbados has become a republic, replacing the UK’s Queen Elizabeth as head of state.
Mark Twain: “We hold these truths to be self-evident — that all monarchs are usurpers and descendants of usurpers; for the reason that no throne was ever set up in this world by the will, freely exercised, of the only body possessing the legitimate right to set it up — the numerical mass of the nation.”
Time for Australia and Canada to follow the Barbados lead.
“Time for Australia and Canada to follow the Barbados lead.”
seems they’ve already pretty much demoted her to team mascot status or something on the order of (as in our case depending on the pov) the kardasians, lebron james or jeff bezos
a history lesson from monte python
The Repressed Citizen skit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
it’s the “Constitutional Peasants” sketch, featuring Dennis
click here for a fun history of the english monarchy from the horrible histories group
and click here for an even funnier one about the 4 kings george
$10 says Mr. C watched “Spencer” with Kristen Stewart, last night.
How was it??
First chuckle of the morning (I admit I do not give a flying flip about grifters who convince cult members to commit suicide) is some pseudo preacher who did the COVID is a hoax and the vaccines will kill you crap doing the room temperature display of how much of a hoax COVID-19 really is. No sympathies for the grifter. No need to link as his proving that the virus does not exist failed most spectacularly is being noted by the media. Two years of this is more than enough. The virus got rid of another non-believer and gqp voter.
the man who would’ve been king and who might still get there if the media (spoiled and spoon-fed by his daily rantings and now bored with having to actually work for stories) has its way.
Yes, Marcus Lamb has met his maker. His lying, anti-vaxxer lips shall spew no more nonsense…unless they show reruns.
I’m more concerned about Doc Oz playing politics in PA, than Barbados declaring independence (yet, I believe, remaining part of the commonwealth).
If it fawns over a fascist and wants to walk in a fascist’s footsteps…quack, quack, quack…or maybe honk, honk, honk (goose-stepper).
“Covid has shown us that our system is broken,” Oz said in the campaign ad. “We lost too many lives, too many jobs and too many opportunities because Washington got it wrong. They took away our freedom without making us safer, and tried to kill our spirit and our dignity.”
“…bringing back jobs from China and establishing a “secure border” …”
Sounds familiar.
“What’s been even more troubling during the pandemic is his willingness to speak in favor of treatments like hydroxychloroquine that have no merit for the care of COVID patients, going as far as touting the drug on Fox & Friends. As I’ve previously written, he even appeared on Fox and “suggested that the mere 2-3 percent increase in COVID-19 mortality that would come from reopening schools nationwide might be a worthwhile trade-off.”
“Believing he’s going to start standing on principle now means overlooking all the times he waltzed right on by it over the past several years. “
Quack, quack, quack.
…should prolly worry more about your Texas republicans
Ok, hold on, lemme squint real hard and gin-up some strong opinions on Dr. Oz…
…damnit, pooped my pants😒
Fuck you, Dr. Oz.
Hey, it worked!
This one’s growing one, me- chill for the morning with a touch of pep:
Ok, have a good day, all…
…except FOR YOU, “Dr.” Oz😡🥸
good one, sturge. worthy of the trail’s gold star for the day even before the day’s over
at 1st i thought ms petri should have said “vassal” (dic def: a person or country in a subordinate position to another.) instead of vessel, but as i read on she’s soooo right in sooo many ways
Opinion | Woman enjoys last hours before Supreme Court abortion case turns her back into vessel – The Washington Post
Whilst I hold the Golden Star, none shall hunger throughout our land, and Freedom shall reign uppermost in the minds of men. And women.
Australia and Canada pretty much have. The British Parliament has no role and the Queen’s is pretty much ceremonial in signing the bills passed by the governments of Australia and Canada. They do have the advantage of being part of the global British commonwealth and both Australia and Canada reaching separate nations as well. The Empire has steadily diminished since the end of WWII and even the minor role of the Queen will probably end with QE II demise.
Barbados followed the above since 1966 and will now also remain part of the Commonwealth while ending the Queen’s official role.
I imagine most of the Commonwealth just sees it as a salute to history while moving to total independence, particularly since they are probably better off than the US in some respects such as universal health care.
wonder if anyone who was at any of these events during his confirmed contagious period and who contracted covid from the former guy could win a civil suit and be reimbursed for damages including ongoing long covid problems. pogo, what think ye?
Dr Oz. Quack Quack
Amy phoney Barrett
What a creep. this is a person who thinks it is ok to fling racial slurs at work
Yeah… most of my Canadian relatives don’t give a flip about the Queen…
as to what I think…
patd, sure, why not? The old saw is sue everybody for everything. Not sure how a civil suit against SFB would get past the qualified immunity defense he’d raise, but it’d be fun to see it unfold.
Read the WaPo coverage of the MS abortion law arguments and the hot take is that the 6 cons seemed likely to allow the MS law to stand, which would in effect get rid of the viability threshold of Roe but might allow the right to survive. I’ll have to keep an eye out for more learned and serious Court scholars like Tribe and Katyal to weigh in to see what their takes are.
pogo, yeah, I agree it’s likely the court will just draw another viability line in the sand, probably base it on new unconfirmed medical evidence or some such straw to grasp. they’ll continue to chip away until no right except in dire emergencies at all.
Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) Tweeted:
I’m running for Governor because opportunity in our state shouldn’t be determined by zip code, background or access to power. #gapol
Be a founding donor to my campaign:
“OZhole” ……………………… I believe that is the way the queen prognoses it.
I was never a fan of kings and queens. Although , I do have a soft spot for Hatshepsut. How that girl made it into 2,500 years of men running that game on the Nile was a pretty big deal. And her temple has always been my favorite .
It’s 3,500 years old , mid-century modern.
I’m at a loss about Stacy being Gov. of Ga . Unless it’s the veto pen.
The Big Court will do what we all think, that’s why we have what we have. A packed court , and Al Gore sitting in the woods somewhere.
That messy little murder here , that Sturg pointed out last week here, hit GMA , and Inside Edition today after widow’s I-phone images gained some legs.
This “self defense” world theory is about to be tested in Texas.
Why did Jennifer Read release video of the deadly shooting Nov. 5 in South Lubbock? She explains to GMA
The woman shot the video of her husbands murder , and thankfully there were no black men involved.
She’s putting a lot of pressure on the Texas DA’s office.
One hour old –
The SF Chronicle ……..
The state expects NO water deliveries to cities and farms next year. This story is behind a paywall , so I can’t link it.
Unbelievable how fast this new world has over run us.
Tony !
Americans now have the attention spans of a lab rat hunting cocaine in a maze.
Please Don’t Elect Dr. Oz—He’s a Disgrace to Our Profession
Dr. Oz is running for Senate in Pennsylvania. “I greet this prospect with the same enthusiasm I’d have for contracting dysentery,” writes Dr. Daniel Summers.
The water story in the West is about to blow-up this
OM – this is in the LA Times. No water distribution.
My thoughts exactly. I see pieces, where all Joe has done, isn’t resonating with the American people. WTF. Gimme, gimme, and still they don’t see. No more Trump and Republicans. Nothing will surprise me though!
I fear the US is in a deep hole. Taking away the rights of women. Next will be gay rights. They won’t stop.
It’s here. Omicron in California.
“The person was fully vaccinated and is experiencing “mild symptoms, which are improving at this point,” Fauci said.”
“In May, Jackson published a study in the journal Cell Metabolism showing that SARS-CoV-2 infects cells in the pancreas that produce insulin and may even target and destroy them—suggesting that the virus may also cause diabetes.”
“Worldwide, more than 14 percent of people hospitalized with severe COVID-19 developed type 1 or type 2 diabetes afterward…”
Ha ! Ernie Kovacs.
Good one girl.
Tony –
Lucas 1971 –
Lucas and the others were wrong .
This is going to a long bloody fight in the mud, and dust in a fight for a keyhole.
There is this idea from the last century , that we all need each other. The world has been trying to drown that baby ever since, it only grew gills.