Why aren’t insurance companies punishing unvaccinated customers? Surcharge, denial of benefits, or at least lowering premiums for vaccinated. Unvaccinated idiots must be costing them a fortune.
CNN: C-17 pilot in Kabul yesterday with 900 refugees on board asked by air traffic control if he had enough power to take off answered “Watch me”. Nothing more kick ass than our Air Force pilots!
hard to choose between the above and this one for the morning’s cartoon. tho’ this one better amplifies the mood of fearless leader’s thread:
“The airline said that as of November 1, unvaccinated staff will pay up to $200 a month more for their company health insurance, depending on the coverage. It will also limit the number of sick days unvaccinated employees are allowed to take if they contract Covid-19. It will also require unvaccinated employees to take weekly Covid tests.“
Of course, Greg Abbott has issued an EO banning vax mandates by most state-run agencies and businesses. I wonder how it would impact American Airlines, since DFW is their hub? Maybe that would mess with a tax subsidy?
Hospitals should start doing triage based on vax status. You don’t get admitted without one. Vaccinated folks may have need of an ICU bed, too.
voices from the edge (make that over the edge)
Is it fascism? Is it communism? It is somehow both? Jordan Klepper hits the streets of NYC to see why some people are up in arms about the new vaccine mandate. #DailyShow #JordanKlepper
I’m wondering about the security of the vax apps like Clear.
craig, don’t forget increased co-pays which might be a way to go for the medicare/medicaid recipients who are unvaccinated.
on the surcharge front:
Unvaccinated workers could end up paying $50 more for health insurance — per paycheck – CBS News
From WaPo:
Good on her. Nothing is as kick ass as a pissed off Federal judge.
One of my favorite emails I get is from the folks at the “Task and Purpose” blog. A news blog on all things military.
They pointed me to this article that is about a training program , as they describe it, for “how not to marry to marry an asshole”.
It is a reminder that the military deals in reality and has a unique ability to take young people who have trouble fitting in our mdern society and makes useful productive employees out of them.
So whatever happened to the Arizona vote “audit”? I haven’t heard anything about in at least a couple of weeks.
a human interest story from the Task and Purpose folks.
Never mind – I did some surfing and found info on it. This won’t likely be resolved for months – and CyberNinjas is stepping into what to me sounds like deeper doo than they thought. They are getting ready to experience what they most fear – sunlight.
And from CNN:
(CNN)The report detailing the findings of contractors who conducted Arizona’s sham “audit”of last year’s election results — which had been expected Monday — will be late because three of the five members of the auditing team have tested positive for coronavirus, the state’s Republican Senate leader says.
Cyber Ninjas Chief Executive Officer Doug Logan, whose firm was hired by the Republican-led Arizona Senate to audit the 2.1 million votes cast in Maricopa County in 2020’s presidential race, and two other members of the five-person audit team tested positive “and are quite sick,” Senate President Karen Fann said in a statement.
Logan and other members of his team were often seen during the recount process without masks. It is not clear whether those who tested positive had been vaccinated. CNN reached out to Cyber Ninjas requesting comment.
Ain’t irony wonderful?
It looks like the American people, are promasks. If it is that way in Florida it is that way across the nation
If the Democrats don’t run with this one in every state, they just need to go home.
From the Plum Line at WaPO
Yup… like all Boomers… I have a scar…
The supplemental policies for Medicare will hit the unvaccinated in the wallet if nothing else.
The insurance companies taking the lead is absolutely the way to go. My employer, like many, will only say it’s important in meetings…just like strongly recommending masks in meetings. Let the insurance company be the bad guy.
“Over the past eight months, leaders at the University of Texas at Austin have been working with private donors and Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to launch a new think tank on campus that would be “dedicated to the study and teaching of individual liberty, limited government, private enterprise and free markets.”
They could call it tRUMP U 2
Explosion at Kabul airport.
Do we have low jack on the helicopters and humvees we’re leaving behind, if not kill switches.
It would be nice to bomb the crap out the artillery left behind, making it useless to them.
Let’s see if Orange Adolf will back the blue and agree that he was to blame.
4 U.S. marines killed
so will potus’ threat of “swift and forceful” response also apply to isis-K (or whoever sent in the suicide bomber) for killing 4 marines and injuring 3 others?
wapo as of 1:35 pm
meanwhile, in wait of whether we’re at war again in afghanistan, news of casualties in another war:
Sturgis motorcycle rally linked to more than 100 coronavirus infections amid delta variant’s spread – The Washington Post
Insurance companies suckin’ up more dollars. That’ll fix it.
I know, I know, any old port’s friend of my enema and such.
Dammit. My nightmare we wouldn’t get out before a suicide bomber killed Americans. Dammit
I’m sorry but American citizens still in Afghanistan should have gotten out since Trump’s February Taliban deal to abandon. Not worth another American soldier’s life for them. Get our troops out now!
State Department has been sternly warning Americans all year to get out of Afghanistan. Irresponsible to stay and now endanger our troops. Just like the unvaccinated.
My tank of sympathy has run dry.
Tried to go to that public meeting Tuesday, drove around looking for a parking space . Since a trip to the dumpster is a big deal now , I failed to get with in my logistical range . Turned tail and drove home.
“Once the system moves into the Gulf of Mexico, conditions are expected to be conducive for additional strengthening, and rapid intensification is explicitly shown in the NHC forecast between 48 and 72 hours,” the NHC said.“
NASA scientists spot troubling, extreme melting in Greenland from a plane
A new phrase enters the English world –
Snow Swamps.
Sorry forgot to add the link @ “Mashable”
One last item about that rainfall event in Greenland last week –
The old Dr. Jeff Masters blog at Weather Underground had a moderator named “Gate Keeper” , his trademark phrase was …………..
“Faster and Faster”
OM – Sorry you didn’t get to speak your piece. You could always email or write a letter. It’s a worthy idea. I’d love to know what other ideas they came up with to spend that money.
This summer is the biggest event in the last 12,00 years in Greenland.
The funny thing about it all is gravity , as large mass loses weight it releases the sea level around it. The ocean around Greenland has been higher due to it’s mass. As it’s mass melts that water spreads out across the oceans . That same force is at work in Antarctica on a completely different scale.
It’s a one two deal more water into the sea , and less gravity drawing the sea up around the ice mass.
If you don’t have Paramount Plus, it is worth getting if only for The Good Fight
It just gets better every season.
Last night’s episode was the judicial war between the majority/historical and the individual rights. One can be unjust but the other leads to chaos and destruction.
One divide mentioned that I am very familiar with is the Eastern side of Washington actually belonging in Idaho in representation of issues. Several states are have similar issues. The final scene of the destruction of the courtroom by flag waving freedom fighters was both hilarious and terrifying.
Blue –
This Trump land , I don’t expect much .
Jamie –
I read about that movement to join Idaho . When I drove over the road, I was based at Lewiston . Idaho . So I saw a lot of Eastern Washington. truly amazing landscapes , but dry as bone. Their winter wheat economy is in the crapper .
These fights will become the new normal in the West as climate change grabs everyone by the throat .
The worst air quality in the world the last few days is at Lake Tahoe.
As the fires near the lake , all that ash and scorched soil will be washed into it for years to come.
Jamie – That means you’ll get to see the Tony Awards. I did a free trial of Paramount; I watched almost nothing except the Grammy Awards. I had three months of Peacock Premium for free…and watched one movie. I’d love a freebie of Apple so I could watch the second season of “Dickinson,” but nothing else interests me.
13 dead Marines , and 90 Afghans. hundreds wounded . In Afghanistan they rush you to the hospital in a wheelbarrow.
It feels like we are headed back to that here.
Did Joe screw the pooch ? Yes.
Did Abbott, and DeSantis kill their own voters ?
Absolutely, in far greater numbers. And their sin is not slowing down .
Blues hurricane post –

Corpus Christi



Key West






This one is going to be bad , very bad .
These SSTs are insane . If the wind shear is low , and it is , this one will be a beast. And it will get stronger as it nears the landfall .
I have seen this cartoon before.
This is 4th ann. of Harvey a $120 Billion disaster.
Great minds and all that. I was on a Dire Straits kick today.
joe vs fox’s doocey. wonder how much of this will appear on faux news. probably only a snippet and that will be whatever part that sounds bad.
so the 2 errant congress critters have changed their tune according to politico:
Mike Pompeo takes his own arrows over the Afghanistan collapse – POLITICO
If the Taliban wants us to keep to our timetable, they need to effing help with security. Someone let that ISIS-K suicide bomber through. Sadly, 9/11 is upon us and that will amp up the amount of crazy.
OM – My guess is that IDA will be bad enough to retire her name. New Orleans will get another punch.