75 thoughts on “Slogans”

  1. In today’s #JimmyKimmelLiveFromHisHouse monologue, Jimmy talks about people coming together to protest in Hollywood and around the world, the backlash Mitt Romney got for marching in support of Black Lives Matter, the White House’s concern about Trump’s low polling numbers, prominent Republicans backing Joe Biden, and Team Trump looking to build an “army” of supporters.

  2. tRUMP’s wrong (as usual) about the world laughing at us.  the world’s aghast – no laughing matter – with stuff like this reported in their papers

    the guardian

    Protesters across US attacked by cars driven into crowds and men with guns


    Protesters confronted by armed men – including members of the so-called ‘boogaloo movement’ – in different parts of America

  3. Time for this Ohlfahrt to vote in our primary. It’s a shame that National politics is completely overshadowing ‘petty’ local issues that affect our daily lives. How do I choose one eager, committed, qualified local Dem over another? I rejected one last night when a robo call from his parents told me to vote for him because they were the best mom & dad in the world and were wealthy local business owners, etc., etc.. Poor guy.

  4. The Nero thing holds up fairly well:  Never been in battle, raised pampered and rich, fancied himself a celebrity actor, inherited Total control of an empire by way of his parents which he totally trashed,   

  5. Hahahaha on the douchebag

    He’s not a complex idiot…..he’s a compound idiot.

  6. Mr Sturgeone, 
    “Never been in battle, raised pampered and rich, fancied himself a celebrity actor, inherited Total control of an empire by way of his parents which he totally trashed, ”
    Also, ‘went to the right schools’ – Seneca, the Stoics

  7. …rather obvious that municipal police departments are deliberately trying to infect protesters with Covid -19 by arresting them en masse and detaining them in cramped conditions.

  8. This just might be his most deranged tweet ever (CNN reports the source he’s citing is a Russian who worked for a Putin propaganda outlet):

    Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted on Tue, Jun 09, 2020:

    Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN  I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

  9. Well Poobah, there are conspiracy theories that are implausible and then there are conspiracy theories that are beyond insane. This would be the latter. 

  10. gov Cuomo really blasted him this morning for that tweet about the 75 yo buffalo guy.  

    from talkingpointmemo:

    “Not a piece of proof, totally personally disparaging, and at a moment where the man is still in the hospital,” Cuomo said, before adding that the President of the United States has an obligation to “show some decency, show some humanity.”
    Gugino, as of Tuesday morning, was still in critical condition after the shove caused him to fall over, hit his head on the ground and bleed from the ear. Two of the officers involved have been charged with assault.
    Cuomo’s request for a Trump apology came after he expressed disbelief over the President’s tweet earlier in the briefing.
    “What does that even mean?” Cuomo said. “You think it was staged? You think the blood coming out of (Gugino’s) head was staged? Is that what you’re saying? You saw his head hit the pavement. You see blood on the pavement — maybe he fell harder than he was pushed.”
    Cuomo then raised his voice as he slammed the President for his “reckless,” “irresponsible,” “mean” and “crude” tweet.
    “I mean if there was ever a reprehensible, dumb comment — and from the President of the United States at this moment of anguish and anger — what does he do?” Cuomo said. “Pours gasoline on the fire.”

  11. what a stark difference seen in today’s utterances of tRUMP with his mean tweet and of Joe’s soft spoken empathy with the folks grieving at the funeral.

  12. 113,000 people died,
    just to embarrass trump.
    113,000 people died at trump

  13. XR,  repeating George’s suggested slogan along those same lines

    “hey, not everyone died”

  14. i realize i already won, but alternatively:
    ”Biglier.  Dumber.  More Racist.  trump/pence2020”

  15. SFB moved on from faux snooze.  Going full Putin now.  He is watching the Russian cable channel.  (no way am I linking it)
    Happiness is SFB going off into the wilderness.  It is time for those who want  KAOS to take over America to be driven back into the swamp they came from. Fight voter suppression like what is happening in Georgia.

  16. MAGA is the worst. Mocking George Floyd. We must decimate these people in November!

  17. Yes, the orange monster is kind of like an STD only worse cause there are antibiotics for them. If only we could take a pill and wipe him away from the USA. Russia seems a good fit!

  18. John Roberts & SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act Summer 2013
    Georgia, what a Republican shit show. Is this a preview of November?2020 ELECTION Georgia election 'catastrophe' in largely minority areas sparks investigation Long lines, lack of voting machines and shortage of primary ballots plagued voters.

  19. 2020 ELECTION Americans may not know who won the presidency or Senate on election night Stark changes in voting behavior because of the coronavirus pandemic could lead to a delay in results if the election is close.
    You know, I don’t care. A small price to pay for more mail-in voting. Trump must go!

  20. alternatively:

    ”We Already Fucked the Federal Government Up So Hard It’s Not Fixable So You Might As Well Vote: trump/pence2020”

  21. “Just Lie To Your Casually-Racist Friends Who Are Actually Nice People But Are Too Indoctrinated By Their Racist Upbringing And Vote For Biden: trump/pence2020”  

  22. I read that Chairman Xi applied for an absentee ballot in Florida so he could vote by mail this November.  Listed his address as 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL. 33482. 

  23. lol i hear Florida is the place to go if you’re a Republican looking to commit voter-fraud

  24. So, I got a letter today from my old friend The Honorable 50th Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich. He was asking me to join the Association of Mature Citizens of America. It was a free trial membership. And it was to fight the extreme LW AARP. Apparently Newt mistook me for a RW asshole who hates the “radical Leftists who are hostile to everything he [SFB] does or says.”  Self hate. – a wonderful thing. But hey, what a deal. Only 16 bucks for a year subscription for me and my spouse. There’s a backstory. One of these days I’ll post it as a thread starter.

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