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4 years ago

a breath of fresh air and sanity wafts from SCOTUS


The Supreme Court late Friday rejected a California church’s challenge of the state’s new pandemic-related rules on worship services, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s liberals in the 5-to-4 vote.
Roberts wrote that state officials such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) had leeway to impose restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus, and had not singled out places of worship for unfair treatment.
“The notion that it is ‘indisputably clear’ that the government’s limitations are unconstitutional seems quite improbable,” Roberts wrote. He was referring to the standard that challengers must meet to enjoin enforcement of the state order.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan also voted to deny the request for intervention from a Pentecostal church near San Diego but did not join the statement by Roberts.
He added: “The precise question of when restrictions on particular social activities should be lifted during the pandemic is a dynamic and fact-intensive matter subject to reasonable disagreement” but entrusted by the Constitution to elected officials closest to the situation.


4 years ago

I saw that at WaPo last night but was too tired and lazy to read it after reading the banner and thinking thank god the court got that one right. 🙄 Yeah, somehow the phrase seemed to fit even for this heathen. 

4 years ago

Karen Tumulty hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head on SFB’s looting/shooting comment:

It might be possible to see Trump’s appropriation of Headley’s doctrine as a coincidence, if he did not so frequently repeat other racist dog whistles of the late ’60s. He speaks about “law and order” and the “silent majority” the way that Richard M. Nixon did, as the 37th president pursued the notorious “Southern Strategy” — by which Republicans won the states of the former Confederacy by stoking racial fears in the wake of desegregation.

i guess we’re stuck with the race baiting asswipe for 8 more months. 

4 years ago

Sturg, as Bubba said:

Anyway, like I was sayin’, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich… That- that’s about it.

That Bubba wh’unt so dumb. 

4 years ago

given what’s being reported about outsiders vandalizing CNN hdqtrs in atlanta and looting in Louisville, what X-R reported in the wee small hours on last thread rings clear as to what is behind some of this pandemic of pandemonium:

A clergyman friend of ours, who is a pastor not far from Precinct 5 in Mpls, emailed me : Minneapolis Police told a close colleague of mine that three of the first people who were arrested in Minneapolis in connection with the burning and looting are skinheads from Michigan — super-bigoted racists.  When asked why they were rioting, they admitted they were trying to incite Blacks to destroy their own communities!

4 years ago


4 years ago

excerpt from NYTimes article “Sprawling protest movement treads line between Justice Agenda and Chaos” :

Minneapolis has a core group of anarchists, residents say, describing them as white activists of the Occupy Wall Street mold, challenging the moneyed elite in a city with a high concentration of Fortune 500 companies.
One man in particular has become a focus of those who believe that outsiders could be trying to discredit the protest movement and its goals. Dressed in all black, with a black gas mask and carrying a black umbrella, “Umbrella Man,” who appears to be white if otherwise unidentifiable, was filmed breaking windows at an AutoZone store.
People sympathetic to the protests continue to view figures like “Umbrella Man” with deep suspicion.

4 years ago

When I heard that “protesters” were vandalizing and trying to break into CNN HQ I scratched my head and called Bullshit. Not believing in coincidence I didn’t believe protesters who were protesting racist killer cops with whom our racist asswipe president is aligned with would coincidentally target the very news organization president asswipe targets most often. 

4 years ago

Can’t think of the shrimpers without Guy Clark


4 years ago

XR “I missed remarking on the 567th anniversary of Constantinople becoming Istanbul : May 29, 1453.”

4 years ago

and can’t think of shrimpers without thinking of shrimp creole and jambalaya

4 years ago

wouldn’t put it past PUTIN to be fanning race flames, done it before

4 years ago

Lieutenant Dan!

4 years ago

xrep & patD – Re: skinheads from MI trying to incite black folks to destroy their own neighborhoods—-It seems like that should be a big headline.  Get folks looking who started the destruction and their end fans.   Why was the National Guard called out?  They can’t do anything except stand there.   They aren’t law enforcement, right?

4 years ago

IMpotus trying to kill off his own party?  yep, everything he touches dies…

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump called Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday and insisted on a full Republican convention this summer with no face masks or social distancing, according to a spokesperson for the governor.
“The Governor spoke to the President today. When the President insisted on a full convention arena with no face coverings and no social distancing the Governor expressed concerns and suggested a scaled back event with fewer attendees,” said Sadie Weiner, a spokeswoman for the governor, in a statement. “They agreed to continue talking about ways to have a safe convention in Charlotte.”

4 years ago

Louisville courier-journal:

So who was to blame for the widespread damage that upended downtown Louisville at Friday night’s protest?
Mayor Greg Fischer is confident he has the answer.
Louisville Metro Police officials believe “a significant percentage of the protesters came from outside of our city,” an angered Fischer said after 1 a.m. Saturday morning in a teleconference addressing the chaos of the night. They were the ones, he said, who broke windows and took part in looting, which had not been an issue at the protest a night earlier.
“They seem to be people that do this type of activity regularly, unfortunately, around the country,” Fischer said.
“This is a really difficult, fluid situation to manage, especially when you know you have people who are not local who are coming in with the sole purpose of agitating and creating disturbance and division, frankly, between the residents of this community and the police who’ve worked so hard to protect those residents,” Halladay said. “We’re doing what we can monitoring intelligence channels, watching social media, and we hope to be able to identify some of these folks so that we can bring them to justice for the destruction they’ve caused here.
“There are a lot of non-Louisvillians here,” she concluded, “causing significant damage to our city.”



4 years ago

the guardian:

Donald Trump is up and tweeting, and he says that had protesters breached the fence at the White House last night, they would “have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least.”
On Friday night, hundreds of demonstrators gathered across the street from the White House in Lafayette Square. Here’s the AP report:
Protesters hurled pieces of bricks, bottles and other objects at Secret Service and US Park Police officers who were in riot gear behind barricades around the White House. Protesters at times kicked and punched officers and wrestled over the barricades.


4 years ago

For a little more than $500,000 you can eat with Orange Julius at a private home in Dallas, the on June 11th.   Wonder where, exactly?  Wonder what scumbags want to break bread with the lying douchebag?  Wonder what good could be done for humans with all of that money?  Shameful, as TLR would say. Shameful.  

4 years ago

The “blame Putin” refrain is getting silly.  America has plenty of its own assholes fully capable of making poor decisions independently.

4 years ago

Mussolini had good security, too.  

4 years ago

in the Ferguson case Russian bots on facebook, elsewhere provoked both sides to increase the hostility, that was in the Mueller report. it’s not that they cause these things, just take advantage of what’s already happening

4 years ago

i hear Putin has his hands full back home. Anyway, it’s China who benefits from turmoil in America, at this point.
Hey, if you missed Jack’s embed of Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms’ address to her citizens, at the end of yesterday’s thread, check it out.  I don’t know how to repost twitters here.

4 years ago

When I heard that “protesters” were vandalizing and trying to break into CNN HQ I scratched my head and called Bullshit.
Pogo… as Rick and I were watching that live… we both remarked something similar.  Particularly as we saw that white guy trying to break CNN’s window with his skateboard…   we both thought he was getting paid.

4 years ago

lol black people can’t even have their own riot without white people trying to appropriate it

4 years ago

well the mn gov, mayors of st paul & mnpolis, heads of law enf  & national guard sure think that they’re being attacked by domestic & int’l terrorists.

hope you all got to hear their pleas for help in id-ing the agitators.  good coverage on both cnn & MSNBC last couple of hours.

4 years ago

Putin?  How about the skinhead wing of the RNC?

4 years ago

usatoday via msn:

“The situation in Minnesota is no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd. It is about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great cites,” Gov. Tim Walz said in a morning press conference.
Walz said he spoke with the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on Saturday, as well as with mayors across the country, and was “fully mobilizing” the state’s National Guard for the first time in Minnesota’s history. Walz alleged that the protests were fueled by elements of domestic terrorism, ideological extremists and international destabilization.
Meanwhile, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said protests in the city Tuesday were largely peaceful and organized by Minneapolis residents, but that the “dynamic has changed over the last several days.”
“I want to be very, very clear: The people that are doing this are not Minneapolis residents,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said.

Every person arrested in his St. Paul on Friday night were from out of state, Mayor Melvin Carter said in the morning conference. “What we’re seeing now is a group of people who are not from here,” Carter said. “We don’t know these folks.”

4 years ago

Keith Ellison said that 80% of the arrests were people who were not from Minneapolis

4 years ago

Bink, you nailed it with your 1101 comment.
LOL really LOL

4 years ago

I think there are things that we all need to remember,

all the Russian bots can do is amplify what is already there. 
 The right wing doesn’t have a monopoly on idiotic behavior
 Yes there are probably right-winger/racist groups stirring up shit.
 But this is a real problem for the Democrats
but thank God Trump is in charge. The man who can screw up the proverbial wet dream.


4 years ago

btw, I tend not to believe politicians who are in deep shit. Good example is the mayor quoted above. 

4 years ago

Brad Parscale:

We have witnessed again the media’s relentless twistingrepetition of President Trump’s words, and the Democrats seizing on that, to take the entire nation down the worst road imaginable,” Trump reelection campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. “Twitter also played a role by Correctly mislabeling the President’s tweet and fuelingcountering the President’sattempt at misinformation. . . . Their behavior is necessary reprehensible and should be roundly condemnedapplauded by all Americans.”

I struck through his prevarications and inserted the appropriate words (italicized).  Stupid prick. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

They had maga hats on their pockets

4 years ago

Where are the Black Panthers?  Angela Davis is still alive. Remember 1968? The young news reporter last night was high pitched and all a twitter about the fires in Atlanta.  He disbelieved. He’d never seen anything like it. That’s because he’s too young.
From Nick Hanauer, 2014. He’s writing about money.  financial inequality with is Covid deaths, pandemic unemployment, and police brutality.  It’s all inner connected.
“You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.”

4 years ago

In Kansas city you can tell the idiots from the intelligent protester. The smart ones aren’t gagging from pepper spray. 

4 years ago

So, Minneapolis PD lied about the circumstances of Floyd’s death in their police report, and then lied about the circumstances concerning the arrest of the CNN crew.  Both events caught on camera.   Seems like they lie about everything if they feel it would behoove them.

4 years ago

Bink, that’s one of the problems.  Lying. No one trusts the police….or almost anyone anymore. 

4 years ago

bink, it’s not just the white mayor of minneap & white gov of MN talking about the outsider well-organized terrorists.  the black mayors of atlanta & Orlando & st. paul among others are concerned about the exploitation of and hiding behind the rightful protesters.  using them, burning the neighborhood businesses, exposing them to a deadly virus.

4 years ago

i was just reacting to knee-jerk Putin-blaming, patd.  As Jack understands, at a certain point the onus is on Americans to not be so easily-manipuable.  

Putin didn’t murder George Floyd, and Putin didn’t record it happening, either.

If a Russian internet-troll can inspire this much chaos, we’re doomed, but i think that’s ridiculous.

4 years ago

it’s not an either or situation.  all of the problems are possible to be going on at the same time – — systemic law enforcement abuse, domestic & int’l terrorist taking advantage/opportunity, media sensationalism and partisan haymaking.   multi-ring circus.

a pandemic pandemonium

4 years ago

Fair enough💪❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

“a pandemic pandemonium”  Yep!

4 years ago

BTW, latest from NASA


Weather is “no go” for now, but meteorologists predict there could be a clearing in the rain later in the countdown. The next decision point for the launch team will be prior to propellant loading operations, which will begin at about 2:47 p.m. EDT or about 35 minutes prior to launch.



8 minutes ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

lyrics to above

1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4, Ow!

People moving out, people moving in
Why, because of the color of their skin
Run, run, run but you sure can’t hide

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Vote for me and I’ll set you free
Rap on, brother, rap on

Well, the only person talking about love thy brother is the(preacher)
And it seems nobody’s interested in learning but the(teacher)
Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration,
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

Ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today
Woo, hey, hey

The sale of pills are at an all time high
Young folks walking round with their heads in the sky
The cities ablaze in the summer time

And oh, the beat goes on


4 years ago

If only Black America had an inspirational leader that also happened to be the first black U.S. President (also, a two-term President) to provide the movement with desperately-needed national leadership, that had more important things to do than go on Letterman.

4 years ago

For those interested in real time coverage of launch, Discovery Channel on the case

4 years ago

Poll of launch teams say a go in 46 minutes. Fuel insertion just approved. 

4 years ago

I’m watching the NASA Channel. Everything is go for the launch in about 43-minutes. Green across the board.

4 years ago

The last time I watched a launch it was the Challenger.  I’ll pass on this one until after they are up safely


4 years ago

…was fortunate enough to see the last shuttle launch from the beach, that launch was also very touch-and-go amid heavy cloud-cover, was surprised they actually launched that day, given the weather.

4 years ago

Weather looks good 

4 years ago

I get ya Jamie. I watched Challenger explode standing on the roof of Orlando Sentinel. Human launches scare me ever since. Can never forget how the plumes loomed in the sky for hours. 

4 years ago

The propellants are hypergolic. I was trained with them for my first Army job. Ours was a meaner combination of propellants than used today. We used Aniline as the fuel and Red fuming nitric acid as the oxidizer. Unsymmetrical d-methyl hydra-zine was used to kick everything off. Exceedingly dangerous chemicals.

4 years ago

I’m with Jamie. Challenger.  Just heard that some other rocket thing exploded. Risky stuff.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I love shrimp
Billfatass Barr said the bad demonstrators were leftists when we all know they were right wing Trumpers

4 years ago

Ha Sturg, your shrimp boat just another space ship.

4 years ago

Gotta love Florida weather. Just like the virus it rules the time line. 

4 years ago

I was returning from a nighttime city commission meeting when I saw a beautiful launch from the 15th floor outdoor walkway of our Gulf of Mexico condo. I had just finished a class at USF St Pete when Challenger and Crew met their fate. I was glad I couldn’t see it from my car.

4 years ago

Lying fatass!   The si-called “leftists”’have nothing to gain from destroying neighborhoods.  It fixes nothing.  Bill Barr is an effing commie-supporter. “…hijacked…for their own, violent agenda.” Ummm, that would be the nazi-wanna-be idiots who support SFB. His lies support tRump whose prez’duncy supports Pooh-tin’s agenda to raise the status of Rusher in the world by causing discord that weakens other countries. Pooh-tin is the real, lame-ass…but he’s smart enough to manipulate tRump.    Nope.   The appropriate response to anything come from the current administration is just one word.  NOPE.

4 years ago

Got ‘er done 

4 years ago

Remember Christa 

4 years ago

Craig…. thanks for the heads up about Discovery Channel.  I was trying to watch the launch on MSNBC.  I don’t need to see trump and Barr.  
Challenger was a sad event for N.H.  The planetarium in Concord, NH is named after Christa Mcauliffe.

4 years ago

As most of you know I was raised a Florida space geek. Every launch, good or bad, makes me cry. 

4 years ago

Had to rewatch launch five times to stop crying. 

4 years ago

…can attest that pictures or video can’t convey how bright that chemical reaction is- almost blinding, like the sun.

4 years ago

Cry like no one is watching, good Sir😭❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

We will be a space faring nation. This is what our kids should be watching. 

4 years ago

Every time they talk about ‘major burns’ my mind diverts to MASH.

4 years ago

The landing of the booster perfectly within the circle on its barge was most impressive. I expect a big day for Tesla on Monday. Lots of short covering.

4 years ago

Real members of the community cleaning up the destruction caused by interlopers. 

4 years ago

Regarding yours of 1:23, Mr Bink,
You’re right. I’ve seen a lot of exaggerated to outright false police reports. It is unreasonable to expect people to reliably & honestly self-report.
Anyway, there is dancing in the street in Mpls today, and actual citizens are having a neighborhood clean up in St Paul. I hope that people stay positive and stay home tonight. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Well, the launch happened.  Good.  Yes the Challenger disaster was bad, it affected me in many ways.  I have been on the ground (actually in a bunker) for launches of all sorts.  It is truly something wild to be next to a launch.  I am one of those who is still PO’d about killing the STS, shuttle, program.  Those were designed for a lifetime much longer than they had.
In the background news, drowned by SFB and the white supremacists rioting, Merckle told SFB to bite it by refusing to attend the G7 hosted by a criminal.  I would expect all except Putin to do the same now.  Her action is so off the chart powerful, it diminishes the grifter’s standing even more than he had done to himself.

4 years ago

NASA channel will be doing the mission 24×7 until they’re back on Earth. I’m very impressed with their coverage. No commercials.

4 years ago

Setting aside all the insane commentary possible with Biden/Bottoms team, I still don’t think it makes for a good ticket.

She is a very impressive woman but it would still be a totally east coast ticket with a VP  choice who has never faced a state wide election. 

4 years ago

Watched a bit of the protest march up toward Union Square.  A rainbow of folks and they all had masks.  No violence + masks = screw you tRumPooh-tin.  

4 years ago

Maybe a cabinet seat, then.   The Dem bench is deep. 

4 years ago
4 years ago

About all those outside agitators in Minnesota, arrest records show, not so much. Seems to be homegrown talent
Seems KC protestors are embarrassed that only a few of them were arrested last night and are being more confrontational today. 
The police are nervous, They called me yesterday to update me and then called about an hour ago to ask it I had heard anything related to the protest. I just kind of laughed and said no I’m to old to be in on any of that stuff.

4 years ago

The protest in NYC up to Union Square looked like peaceful one.

4 years ago

Glad the launch went well. Too bad about the Lake of the Ozarks COVID exposure, but who could have predicted that?  

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

SFB has wanted to declare martial law.  He spent a lot of time threatening various communities.
I believe his supporters would create problems to allow him to do so.
This is a very scary time 

4 years ago

Just  occurred to me.
I don’t know about else where but Kansas City is having a rich peoples riot, down on the Country Club Plaza. A lot of those folks would be scared to come east of Troost to the Black neighborhoods. Which is a good thing as we have worked hard to get what few grocery stores we have. 

4 years ago

Systemic racism in the complaint against officer Chauvin.   Omission of George Floyd’s pleas as he was being murdered, but his height and weight were included. WTF?   A big, black man who is cuffed and lying face down, and who then has three, grown men kneeling on him…it doesn’t matter how tall he was; he was on his belly.  Oh, right, but he was still black. Minnesota better get its effing act together.   Second degree murder for Chauvin, and, for the other two kneeling on him who could hear his pleas for help.   The asshole who stood by and watched gets charged with accessory to murder before the fact.  Then, clean house in MN and probably most places.    

4 years ago

“…it shouldn’t be the job of small business owners to keep…our community safe from the police, yet here we are.”

4 years ago

Oh, for crap’s sake. In response to Merkle’s hard pass on attending, tRump is postponing the G7 until September…and trying to change the member nations because nobody wants to play with him anymore.  LOSER!

4 years ago

And, all of the protests are going on while Covid is still very much a thing…but because they’ve reopened states, landlords are able to evict folks, again.   Hey, Congress!  Step the eff up!

4 years ago

Camden, NJ police are marching in solidarity WITH protesters.