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4 years ago

Great cartoon.  The whole idea that you can send a letter to anyone in the United States for under 50 cents is one of the connecting forces of American society as a whole. 


Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Here is a nice article about Molly Ivins. 

4 years ago

1st class mail is $.55 for the first ounce now, but the point is well taken. What would SFB know about the post office?  They don’t host twitter servers, right?  But hey, I never was a big letter writer, so when it comes to letter-type mail I’m a recipient consumer. My informed delivery digest tells me that today I will get 9 envelopes. 6 will be solicitations. Tomorrow I’ll get a package I ordered yesterday through Amazon. Over the course of the week I will send maybe 6 envelopes to pay bills and I will send out at least 5-6 parcels – All but one by priority mail, and none of them costing More than what FedEx or UPS would charge.  Fedex can be cheaper for larger, heavier parcels than USPS, but otherwise USPS wins every head to head matchup, and SFB is determined to fuck this up. 

4 years ago

Looks Like Donald J. Trump is terrified of mail-in votes this November.  Pussy. You do realize that’s why he’s going after them, right?

4 years ago

My great-grandfather was a letter carrier. He took over the rural route from my great-great grandfather who became a letter carrier after he fought for the Union in the Civil War.     Leave the US Postal Service alone, Orange Julius.   Nothing will save your sorry, fat ass in November.  Nothing. 

4 years ago

Kevin Costner’s film, “The Postman,” might be a little too much right now, but…

4 years ago

There are more states than TX.  Hopefully, they will follow suit.  Is there any way Trump could executive order-execute the USPS, so there is no mail delivery?    He’s prolly just tilting at the windmills in his mind, again, but mail-in votes are why he’s swinging wildly at the postal system.   

4 years ago

At least for the primary election here in east bumfuck the county clerk added concern for corona virus exposure as a reason justifying granting an absentee ballot application and sent applications out to all registered voters in the county.  It’s a statewide policy.  From the Secretary of State’s website – “Eligibility and Absentee Voting Information: Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, all voters in West Virginia are eligible to vote absentee in the 2020 Primary Election. ” Be interesting to see what happens in the Fall.

4 years ago

Yes, BiD, we get it – how could we miss it? SFB told us. Trump threatens federal funding for Michigan over absentee ballots   President Trump threatened Wednesday to “hold up” federal funding to Michigan if the state proceeds with a plan to send absentee ballot applications to all of its 7.7 million voters in a bid to mitigate the risks of in-person voting in the state’s primary and general election this year.   Trump did not specify which funds he might withhold, and he has not always followed through with similar threats. His message — delivered in a morning tweet — comes as many states grapple with how to safely proceed with elections. Amid the pandemic, Trump has repeatedly railed against mail-in voting, claiming it is subject to fraud and has hurt Republicans in previous elections.   On Tuesday, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) announced all of Michigan’s registered voters would be mailed absentee ballot applications for the state’s primaries in August and general election in November.   “Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” Trump wrote in his tweet, incorrectly describing the move to send applications for ballots. “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”   Trump tagged the Treasury Department among others in his tweet. … Sherrod Brown’s question to Munchkin could… Read more »

4 years ago

Answer:   As many as it takes.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Here is the website of the coronavirus COVID19 stats and forecast.  This is something that should be on every media page.

4 years ago




FACT: Michigan is not sending absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of elections this year. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced the state would send applications to vote by mail to every registered voter, not a ballot. what Trump said was A LIE

4 years ago

USPS is such a wonderful service, and a true American institution.  Defend it against political arsonists.

4 years ago

If you have holes in your preparation scheme, this week is a good time to fill them while all the dopes think the pandemic is over.

4 years ago

92,333 dead from C19 so far. We should hit 100,000 on Wednesday next week. I’d written Tuesday before, but there was a small and temporary slowdown, or as trump would put it,

4 years ago

Why do i have the feeling Birx threw away what was left of her reputation, yesterday?  The only explanation for magically-declining covid cases is fudged numbers. 

4 years ago

I made this meme yesterday. 

4 years ago

“Sherrod Brown’s question to Munchkin could be repurposed to SFB – “How many American deaths are acceptable to ensure your re-election, Mr. President?” – Posted by Mr Pogo, supra
This combination of perspicacity & gutsiness in the service of the people is why SB was my first very first 1st choice for president.  

4 years ago

A friend of mine said that Trumpy was eating these as well.  🙂

4 years ago

“The only explanation for magically-declining covid cases is fudged numbers. ” – Mr Bink
Thank you, Mr Bink. You took the words right out of my finger tips.

4 years ago

Hydrox : what oreos ought to be.

4 years ago

Says the diabetic guy who gets sick from milk.

4 years ago

patd…   great cartoon!
We just got back from out local plant place.  We bought many veggie plants and a few herbs to go in our garden this weekend.  I got my usual annual hanging fuchsia.  It attracts the hummingbirds…  I hate using those feeders.  It hangs at the end of our woodshed where there’s plenty of shade (which they like).  I can see it from where I sit to eat breakfast.  Love sipping on my coffee watching the hummers flitting around.

4 years ago

Is the WH plan to spread virus even more by Election Day so GOP legislatures cancel elections and pick the Electors? As SCOTUS ruled in Bush v. Gore: “The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the president of the United States.” 

4 years ago

His only plan presently is dead Americans.

Pro quo bono?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago


4 years ago

Operative word eRAT 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Some think Lardbutt the golfing president won’t debate Biden.  Where else will he bring Tara Reade?  

4 years ago

Virtual debate, so the mute button cuts off if you (Trump) blather on.  Can we hook SFB up to a lie detector machine, too, and give him a zap every time he lies/opens his festering gob?  

4 years ago

Heeeeere’s Johnny

4 years ago

Mr Crawford, yours of 11:31 EDT ruined my day.  

4 years ago

Minks, pinks, and stinks. – 1952 campaign slogan

4 years ago

I like the Hydrox cure, It could work. But do you realize how expensive it is for those of us on insulin.
I may have to cash in a CD.
Now there are a couple of letters that show your age.

4 years ago

Ha, xrepub, sorry about that, but think Dems need to prepare for this. These various legislative and court manipulations with elections strike me as a warm up for November manipulations. 

4 years ago

BTW, I successfully gamed my cholesterol numbers, my Doctor was very happy with how good the number looked. 
Break out a stick of butter and celebrate!!!!
Now for my blood pressure and A1c numbers…….
Always something.

4 years ago

 That is why the most important elections are the local and state ones. Those folks really rule the electoral world.
Trump can thunder all he wants but the state and local election officials set the rules.
It is kinda one of our curious things in our system, there are no federal rules, each state is different. Good in one way, Trump can’t cancel the election.

4 years ago

Trump is always behind times. He wants to destroy the post office to get back at Amazon. But I haven’t had an Amazon Package mailed to me in months. 1 was UPS and all the rest was Amazon delivery. Some what inefficient, in that one day they stopped by 3 times.
Ebay still comes by USPS or UPS But not Amazon.

4 years ago

Heck of a job Georgia 

4 years ago

Mr Crawford,
I’m a big boy.
I won’t cry and
I won’t pout.
But if he does that
Watch the body count.
Burma Shave

4 years ago

How do women get minks?

The same way minks get minks.


4 years ago
4 years ago

Jamie, quit talking nasty, lol
Pat, Trump is killing off the nursing home vote, that is his base. The old silent generation and elder boomers.
Talk to my older sister the other day. She and her husband are Craig’s classic  working class who voted Obama then for Trump.
We just never  talk politics around them. But she brought it up, they are pissed that Trump maybe killing them off.

4 years ago

Dems should imagine and prepare for the worst: Trump allowing a virus Apocalypse in November that justifies disrupting the election.

4 years ago

He can tweet but that is it. The law is clear on January 20 he is no longer president. And who ever holds an election holds the house, states that don’t hold an election don’t have a seat.
You all need to be pounding on that one because if you keep up the “OH my God” BS the Supreme court will give it to him.
There are rules  follow the rules!!
Not like they did in 2000.

4 years ago

“Follow the rules” is a very good way to get the conservative middle class on your side. In the end they rule.

4 years ago

And the rules lead to the House and Ms P and the House gets to determine who is a legitimate member and also sanctions the Electoral college count. In the end it all rests in the House. Keep pounding that one so the SCOTUS can’t steal the election. There are Rules and they ain’t part of it.

4 years ago

Still hoping for Prez Pelosi by July 4th, 2020.  I do not  care how it happens.  Do. Not. Care. How.

4 years ago

Ken Paxton is still trying to prevent mail-in ballots in TX.    Hey, if I must risk my health to vote out Fat Bastard, I will regret that I have only one life/vote to give for my country.   And then I will haunt JarJar, the Trump famiglia, Yertle, Devin, Lindsey, and, the rest from the great beyond.  Haunt ‘em hard. 

4 years ago

Yeee-gawdz, Ivanker Junior just graduated from law school.   

4 years ago

lol @ “Burma Shave”

4 years ago

This may be one of the saddest things I’ve seen in a while:

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Wednesday tweeted his congratulations to Tiffany Trump, the fourth of his five children, in support of her graduation from law school. Tiffany Trump took part in virtual commencement ceremonies, along with the rest of the class of 2020, from Georgetown Law School on Saturday.

“Great student, great school,” tweeted the President. “Just what I need is a lawyer in the family. Proud of you, Tiff!” A White House official told CNN Trump has invited his daughter to the White House Wednesday to congratulate her in person.

I wonder if that tweet is about as close as SFB has come to her since the inauguration festivities.  Maybe he’ll buy her a townhouse.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

hurry up people are starving

4 years ago

Only burma shave I remember:
Ma loved Pa. 
Pa loved women.
 Ma caught Pa
With 2 in swimmin’  
Here lies Pa
Burma Shave

4 years ago

Nope. The article says Ivanker Junior goes to the WH holidays and has expressed interest in joining Trump’s real estate bidnuss.   Just like the rest of ‘em.

4 years ago

My BP is up and I don’t even have high BP.   Kids outside without an adult in sight.  I’m tired of nerf projectiles hitting things outside, including my windows.   I’m tired of saying please and thank you to stay away and watch what you’re doing.    Damned people shouldn’t have kids if they aren’t going to watch them.  

4 years ago

I wanna see a picture with both of them in it.

Hey, he sent her a tweet, isn’t that watching her enough?  Oh, wait, you mean the nerf kids, right?

4 years ago

Ivanker Junior prolly benefitted from Daddy Donald’s absence, as would we all.  

4 years ago

“How many American deaths are acceptable to ensure your re-election, Mr. President?”   RE-ELECTION  is the thing and therein lies the King. 

4 years ago

All y’all were pretty funny today. 

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow has had her hair on fire all week!  Good!

4 years ago

All I can say is Burma Shave is my fave.
And I want to see that picture of Tiffany and SFB in the WH. Otherwise I call bullshit. 

4 years ago

Native Americans get the short end, AGAIN!!!