User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
An Idiot In The White House Matters
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
Checked out the mask poster. I’m a circle beard guy, and all along I thought I had a goatee. Who knew. Looks like SFB’s airbrush needs adjusting – he was really deeper orange for the coronavirus campaign address to the nation last night.
Klobuchar has the right idea: Put a medical professional in charge. Pence is not the droid we were hoping for.
Fill your meds, lay in a supply of water and canned goods. We’re on our own here, folks.
How many primary voters will be alive and well in November? My co-worker thinks it’s fine to travel; he says the virus is “leveling out,” so he’s going overseas. Huh?
pogo, IMpotus complained the energy efficient bulbs make him look orange. maybe that’s why he’s only been to the WH press conf room 2 times in these 3 long long too too long years.
speaking of the crazed germaphobe, a nifty dirty trick would be for some in the crowd at next rally, presser or public harangue to put on surgical masks and scare him off the stage.
… according to a survey released on Thursday by St. Pete Polls.
The poll shows Biden pulling ahead of the pack in the Sunshine State with 35 percent support. Meanwhile, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg fell into second place with 25 percent support.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has taken the lead in polls nationally after back-to-back wins in the New Hampshire primary and Nevada caucuses, is running in a distant third in Florida. The St. Pete Poll pegged his support in the state at 13 percent, a sign that the recent traction he has enjoyed in other states isn’t translating in Florida, where voters will cast ballots on March 17.
patd, what bullshit. CFLs (remember them?) typically had lower Kelvin numbers than incandescent bulbs they replaced, but were generally within the lower range of incandescents, so they tended to appear yellow – arguably making a red faced guy look orange. Unless the WH stockpiled the shit out of CFLs, they are using LEDs now. The buzz on LEDs is that they are generally whiter – typically having a higher Kelvin number than the incandescents they replaced, and can be as much as twice the K number- meaning they are much whiter or bluer. Only in SFB’s science denying mind could the energy efficient bulbs make SFB appear orange. And it doesn’t do the same to the pasty white guys that flank him, sooooo,,,,,,no.
Oh, the St. Pete poll shows Biden ahead at 34% but losing gobs of support to Bloomberg in FL as compared with the FAU poll 6 weeks before. Bernie is treading water at 13-16 %. My biggest concern is CA for Joe. Bernie and Lizzie could end up getting all the delegates there, which would put Joe way behind the 8 ball from a delegate standpoint, and at present, with Bloomberg pulling 21% in NY, Joe might have no viable way to recoup that.
31000 absentee ballots have been returned. All before the people who said any dem decided the only dem was Biden who will be the worst candidate and guarantee that Sfb will have another 4 years
SC sec of state. Another 30k still out
IOW, not a single ballot returned reflects a known choice for or against Biden yet. I get it. Sounds like you’ve boarded the Bernie train. Have a nice trip.
So theNapa/Solano corona virus case is the first one where they don’t know how it was transmitted. This the issue that could defeat Trump. He is totally incompetent. His Katrina
Heck of a job Mike
Steyer is my favorite billionaire
He has done a lot of community based projects. Including a community bank
he teamed with Parkland students for voter registration.
As between Bernie & Liz there’s no question in my mind, but I’ll believe that when I see it, and she’s not running against Bernie. She’s running against Mike, from whom she won’t herself any votes. I don’t see it moving her way unless she starts competing with Bernie before the revolution votes.
I recall when the things were starting-up in the early 80s. They were trying to gain support from prison guards by saying they could make their jobs safer by reforming the often dismal conditions under which prisoners were being confined.
any chance that different vocal tone I heard in IMpotus (talking both at the India and yesterday’s pressers on the virus) was a respiratory problem about to get worse? from the furrowed brow, he looked to be in pain, to have a head cold and/or about to panic from potential germ exposure.
BiD, at least orderup & hoard whatever medical prescriptions that are a must have for you. china makes (or use to make before virus) a lot of the pharma stuff & med equip and aren’t able to produce & ship as much now or in near future.
Interesting idea, Poobah. As I see it based on what’s been going on in the polls recently Lizzies’ s votes will go largely to Bernie and ?Mike’s?, Amy’s and Pete’s will largely go to Joe (if one of them doesn’t pull into the lead next week). Lizzie knocks Mike out and they go to Joe. Not looking good for Amy or Pete (and I do hate that), so in all likelihood we’ll be looking at either Bernie v. Joe or Bernie v. Mike if Lizzie’s gambit doesn’t work. Regardless, as it stands right now it looks like the unpledged delegates are likely to decide this at the convention.
There should be a town hall every week, on every station, even when there isn’t an election in play. Just go from town to town and discuss issues with local politicians and their constituents. Reality TV.
Poobah, sort of along the lines of what you were saying about Warren, Jennifer Rubin’s latest.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), with a smile on her face and without raising her voice, eviscerated a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at a CNN town hall Wednesday night, leaving him with egg on his face and many who have been the victims of Bernie Bros’ bullying and dishonesty cheering.
In Charleston, S.C., a Sanders supporter asked if Warren and other candidates would try to deprive Sanders of the nomination if he got a plurality but not majority of the delegates. She pointed out that Sanders’s own position had flipped 180 degrees since 2016, when he tried to solicit the help of superdelegates to prevent Hillary Clinton’s nomination. Back then, he insisted that a majority was required with the participation of superdelegates.
Sanders’s supporter tried to deny the indisputable facts. Warren sternly corrected him and continued to admonish Sanders to play by the rules he helped draft. It was a tour de force performance:
Have I mentioned that I really do not like Bernie?
Special education is extremely challenging, under-appreciated, underpaid work. Only genuinely compassionate and inherently good people even consider it seriously. To have someone with that capacity with a legitimate (long-odds, i’ll concede) chance at the Presidency at this point is a blessing! Yes, please!
If I offended anyone this last week, I apologize, I really meant no harm. It’s not an excuse, just a background fact, I blew up over bernie’s commie-loving rhapsodies, and the events poisoned my mind for days on end.
My question for you today is, towards which candidate is putin actually pushing us ? bernie! or Biden ? If I understand my fellow Trail Hands, many think that trump would swamp bernie! Ms Cracker and possibly others believe that trump would swamp Biden. Mr Hackmer and possibly others think trump would swamp Warren. I think that while Buttigieg would make a good president, he’s an iffy candidate. But who are trumputin’s actual favorites ?
Barack finally putting a thumb on the scale? Me thinks more to come. Former President Obama demands TV stations pull pro-Trump super pac ad attacking Biden in South Carolina.
Pogo, in presidential politics it is known as a murder suicide pact. Kill your joint foe, sacrifice yourself for your partner. What Gephardt did for Kerry against Dean in 2004. Think Liz might be doing something like that for Joe.
I’ve disliked the bernie!bros since they showed up again. But I haven’t disliked the bern himself until this last week. It was admirable that fidel pushed literacy and closed the brothels and casinos. That was year #1. After that fidel became like battista on steroids, with neighborhood spies, purges, torture and killing. In 60 years, Cuba still hasn’t changed enough to put a black person on the ruling council/cabinet. The Cuban government is no more diverse than ours was 50 years ago. Progressive ?For white, male commie brown-nosers, maybe.
“Sanders’s supporter tried to deny the indisputable facts. Warren sternly corrected him and continued to admonish Sanders to play by the rules he helped draft.”
and wish we would hear more of scenes like that with lizzie but media just doesn’t seem to see her as sound-bite entertaining as they do the others.
Sen. Mitch McConnell’s 78th birthday came and went without much fanfare, …
But it reminded me of when the GOP boss man reportedly nudged former Sen. Jim Bunning out of politics for being an almost octogenarian.
Leading up to the 2010 campaign, Bunning, a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher, was a 77-year-old incumbent Republican who was still very publicly planning to run for reelection.
But he told the press how McConnell said, “I was too old, and I couldn’t win.” (Bunning later decided not to run and backed Rand Paul in the Republican primary.)
Kentucky’s senior senator has never publicly denied making the comments and skirted questions about meddling in the 2010 race at the time.
If you’d asked me 6 months ago, I wouldn’t have guessed that I’d be rooting for Joe. Not that I bear any animus towards him. I just prefer the women this time. They’ve been brilliant, classy, energetic, and though they’re sometimes hard to listen to, I think that makes them seem more trustworthy than at least some of the men. Anyway, this election cycle has been like a typhoon meeting a 9.0 earthquake, it’s rushing, changing and pounding every second.
Gov Abbott giving a Coronavirus presser. Community watch: local officials and medical personnel are to turn ya in if ya seem sickly. OK. The trees are blooming here and everyone sounds sickly; it’s allergies.
Still, I am gonna try to be prepared, but I think folks are gonna clean off the store shelves in the next, few days.
Renee, hope there’s good snow for Rick and hot tub, wine and deep discounts at Lahout’s for you. (I love that place).
I will not panic over Coronavirus – I’m more likely at this point to be hit by lightning while playing golf – and I quit playing golf over 5 years ago. I’m more likely to panic over (1) the prospect that Bernie may pull off the Dem nomination and (2) the fact that the market has dropped 13% (3785 points) in a week. Nervous days for folks with retirement $$ in 401(k)s. (In reality I’m not panicked over the drop – it was a correction after a 3 1/2 month sugar high – at least that’s what I’m telling myself.)
Just checked my 401(k). So far, I’ve just lost my employer’s match. I really don’t like the thought of the Pence clearinghouse for Coronavirus intel. Sounds like some kinda commie BS.
Ya know, the person in California, a woman, who says she wasn’t around anyone with the coronavirus could be lying. There’s this immigrant nightmare thing in this country. Who knows?
Anthony Fauci is being muffled. He has to clear what he says with that eminent researcher and doctor, Mike Pence. Fauci’s 79. Wouldn’t surprise me if he just quits or retires. Bad for we the people.
Fun fact. Pense’s experience with MERS, which he touted as his bonafides as coronavirus czar when the MERS epidemic arose in the US in 2014? Remember that epidemic? Didn’t think so. It was very easy to miss, unless you happened to know either of the TWO people in the US who contracted it. One in Indiana and one in Orlando. Yep, 2. Feel better about dumbass’ VP’s experience with infectious disease control? I’m sorry for this, but godfuckingdamn.
I’m watching a show on AHC, the title and description of which is”Hidden History of the Moon Landing” President Lincoln initiated a series of events that culminated in the moon landing.
Now I respect Old Abe, but I have to admit this is a bit of a stretch.
trump knows more than the generals, economists, climatologists, prosecutors, brokerage house experts, neurologists, crime statisticians, bible experts, meteorologists, judges, accountants, historians, diplomats, the Pope and now we can add epidemiologists.
When do repubikkklan$ start sacrificing pigs to his golden image ?
Margaret Chase Smith 70 Years Ago
On June 1, 1950, Smith delivered a fifteen-minute speech on the Senate floor, known as the “Declaration of Conscience,” in which she refused to name McCarthy directly but denounced “the reckless abandon in which unproved charges have been hurled from this side of the aisle.” She said McCarthyism had “debased” the Senate to “the level of a forum of hate and character assassination.” She defended every American’s “right to criticize … right to hold unpopular beliefs … right to protest; the right of independent thought.” While acknowledging her desire for Republicans’ political success, she said, “I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny—fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear.”
Where is Senator Margaret Chase Smith when we need her ?
Okay, I’m going to get some pain pills and shuteye now. May you all sleep well and safe, and arise refreshed and ready to take over the world for truth, justice and the American way.
You laugh, you scoffers, but you are underrate yourselves. The Great Myth tells us in Bereshit/Genesis that the Creator spoke (chanted/sang/breathed) the stuff of the universe into being. You’re the same stuff the stars are made of, and you are able to move that stuff around in your world. In the Garden, the Creator modeled our ancestors (both male and female) in It’s Image, so metaphorically, you have the Creator’s finger print’s all over you. It enlivened your ancestor with the Creator’s own Spirit (Breath). The point is, that YOU are the Hero of this Great Myth. You are the descendant of G!D, and your work in this world of ours is to return to/remake our lost Garden. Creation is in your ancestry. You can do it. G!D is rooting for you.
from last thread: “The Pence Plan: If you get sick, it must be God’s will. If you don’t recover, you must not be praying hard enough.”
BiD. also for the if-you-don’t-recover group, pence declares you’re a witch, an anti-trumper and banishes all your family from the land.
Checked out the mask poster. I’m a circle beard guy, and all along I thought I had a goatee. Who knew. Looks like SFB’s airbrush needs adjusting – he was really deeper orange for the coronavirus campaign address to the nation last night.
Klobuchar has the right idea: Put a medical professional in charge. Pence is not the droid we were hoping for.
Fill your meds, lay in a supply of water and canned goods. We’re on our own here, folks.
How many primary voters will be alive and well in November? My co-worker thinks it’s fine to travel; he says the virus is “leveling out,” so he’s going overseas. Huh?
pogo, IMpotus complained the energy efficient bulbs make him look orange. maybe that’s why he’s only been to the WH press conf room 2 times in these 3 long long too too long years.
speaking of the crazed germaphobe, a nifty dirty trick would be for some in the crowd at next rally, presser or public harangue to put on surgical masks and scare him off the stage.
Mike Pence’s defining moment as governor? Enabling an HIV outbreak — HuffPo
patd, what bullshit. CFLs (remember them?) typically had lower Kelvin numbers than incandescent bulbs they replaced, but were generally within the lower range of incandescents, so they tended to appear yellow – arguably making a red faced guy look orange. Unless the WH stockpiled the shit out of CFLs, they are using LEDs now. The buzz on LEDs is that they are generally whiter – typically having a higher Kelvin number than the incandescents they replaced, and can be as much as twice the K number- meaning they are much whiter or bluer. Only in SFB’s science denying mind could the energy efficient bulbs make SFB appear orange. And it doesn’t do the same to the pasty white guys that flank him, sooooo,,,,,,no.
New Monmouth SC Dem poll (2/23-25)
Biden 36%
Sanders 16%
Steyer 15%
Warren 8%
Buttigieg 6%
Klobuchar 4%
Oh, the St. Pete poll shows Biden ahead at 34% but losing gobs of support to Bloomberg in FL as compared with the FAU poll 6 weeks before. Bernie is treading water at 13-16 %. My biggest concern is CA for Joe. Bernie and Lizzie could end up getting all the delegates there, which would put Joe way behind the 8 ball from a delegate standpoint, and at present, with Bloomberg pulling 21% in NY, Joe might have no viable way to recoup that.
Looks like the SC voters aren’t on board with the revolution.
The current poll doesn’t reflect the fact a lot of people have already voted and not for Biden
KC, you know this how? Citation to your source would be fine.
31000 absentee ballots have been returned. All before the people who said any dem decided the only dem was Biden who will be the worst candidate and guarantee that Sfb will have another 4 years
SC sec of state. Another 30k still out
IOW, not a single ballot returned reflects a known choice for or against Biden yet. I get it. Sounds like you’ve boarded the Bernie train. Have a nice trip.
I certainly am not on the Bernie train. But I am not on the train of the pity candidate who can’t win
I voted already. Not for Bernie and certainly not for pathetic Biden. I voted for Liz. I prefer Amy but the odds weren’t good
So theNapa/Solano corona virus case is the first one where they don’t know how it was transmitted. This the issue that could defeat Trump. He is totally incompetent. His Katrina
Heck of a job Mike
Steyer is growing. He seems like a genuinely decent individual. Opinions? I so much want Pete to succeed, but…
“I voted for Liz”
Hoo-ray, KGC! Thank you❤️🇺🇸
i feel it happening!
Steyer is my favorite billionaire
He has done a lot of community based projects. Including a community bank
he teamed with Parkland students for voter registration.
Steyer investing in abusive private prisons a potential deal breaker with black voters..
Eh, so Steyer invested in a shady company, once. So have i🤷♂️
As between Bernie & Liz there’s no question in my mind, but I’ll believe that when I see it, and she’s not running against Bernie. She’s running against Mike, from whom she won’t herself any votes. I don’t see it moving her way unless she starts competing with Bernie before the revolution votes.
Yeah yeah i heard you the first 90 times
go Liz🇺🇸
i’m excited to vote for someone whom i respect and whose candidacy isn’t motivated by vanity, so i’m glad she is still in.
I recall when the things were starting-up in the early 80s. They were trying to gain support from prison guards by saying they could make their jobs safer by reforming the often dismal conditions under which prisoners were being confined.
I’m almost afraid to go to the store this weekend . Is it going to be like when they predict snow flurries in TX and everyone starts hoarding food?
Steyer has worked to correct the abuses in the private prison system
Personally I oppose any privatization of public services
Pogo I gotta wonder if Liz is taking out Mike for Joe. While taking care not to antagonize Berniacs. Biden/Warren?
any chance that different vocal tone I heard in IMpotus (talking both at the India and yesterday’s pressers on the virus) was a respiratory problem about to get worse? from the furrowed brow, he looked to be in pain, to have a head cold and/or about to panic from potential germ exposure.
Fear, hate, and greed are eating trump alive from the inside out. So there’s some satisfaction in that.
Ok, have a good day, haters gonna hate, goooooo Liz🇺🇸
BiD, at least orderup & hoard whatever medical prescriptions that are a must have for you. china makes (or use to make before virus) a lot of the pharma stuff & med equip and aren’t able to produce & ship as much now or in near future.
Biden the third black president has to pick a black woman for vp
He’s already pretended to pick Stacy A and rumor mongered he would pick Kamala Harris
Joe has to get past, ugh, friends-of-Donny, first.
Biden/ Warren. OK, but
I would prefer Warren/Yang
Interesting idea, Poobah. As I see it based on what’s been going on in the polls recently Lizzies’ s votes will go largely to Bernie and ?Mike’s?, Amy’s and Pete’s will largely go to Joe (if one of them doesn’t pull into the lead next week). Lizzie knocks Mike out and they go to Joe. Not looking good for Amy or Pete (and I do hate that), so in all likelihood we’ll be looking at either Bernie v. Joe or Bernie v. Mike if Lizzie’s gambit doesn’t work. Regardless, as it stands right now it looks like the unpledged delegates are likely to decide this at the convention.
There should be a town hall every week, on every station, even when there isn’t an election in play. Just go from town to town and discuss issues with local politicians and their constituents. Reality TV.
Well, at least Steve Mnuchin is on the Coronavirus team. ~I feel so much better about it now.~
Poobah, sort of along the lines of what you were saying about Warren, Jennifer Rubin’s latest.
Have I mentioned that I really do not like Bernie?
Special education is extremely challenging, under-appreciated, underpaid work. Only genuinely compassionate and inherently good people even consider it seriously. To have someone with that capacity with a legitimate (long-odds, i’ll concede) chance at the Presidency at this point is a blessing! Yes, please!
If I offended anyone this last week, I apologize, I really meant no harm. It’s not an excuse, just a background fact, I blew up over bernie’s commie-loving rhapsodies, and the events poisoned my mind for days on end.
My question for you today is, towards which candidate is putin actually pushing us ? bernie! or Biden ? If I understand my fellow Trail Hands, many think that trump would swamp bernie! Ms Cracker and possibly others believe that trump would swamp Biden. Mr Hackmer and possibly others think trump would swamp Warren. I think that while Buttigieg would make a good president, he’s an iffy candidate. But who are trumputin’s actual favorites ?
Barack finally putting a thumb on the scale? Me thinks more to come. Former President Obama demands TV stations pull pro-Trump super pac ad attacking Biden in South Carolina.
Pogo, in presidential politics it is known as a murder suicide pact. Kill your joint foe, sacrifice yourself for your partner. What Gephardt did for Kerry against Dean in 2004. Think Liz might be doing something like that for Joe.
I’ve disliked the bernie!bros since they showed up again. But I haven’t disliked the bern himself until this last week. It was admirable that fidel pushed literacy and closed the brothels and casinos. That was year #1. After that fidel became like battista on steroids, with neighborhood spies, purges, torture and killing. In 60 years, Cuba still hasn’t changed enough to put a black person on the ruling council/cabinet. The Cuban government is no more diverse than ours was 50 years ago. Progressive ?For white, male commie brown-nosers, maybe.
Xrepub, I’ve tried to keep an open mind about Bernie but decided he’s a freaking nut job who would lose 48 states and the entire Congress.
pogo, really really loved that
“Sanders’s supporter tried to deny the indisputable facts. Warren sternly corrected him and continued to admonish Sanders to play by the rules he helped draft.”
and wish we would hear more of scenes like that with lizzie but media just doesn’t seem to see her as sound-bite entertaining as they do the others.
I am with you on that assessment, Mr Crawford. Two great minds, a single ghastly thought.
OMG…. I’m not gonna panic over coronavirus. I’m leaving day after tomorrow for vacation. And I’m gonna have a great time! But hey… enjoy your panic.
i voted for Liz🇺🇸
Also, made sure to thank the poll-workers for volunteering!
Renee, I’m betting you’ll be fine – Not planning a trip to China I hope.
Sent Joe another 50 bucks. I might need it more than he does but dammit he’s got to stay in the game.
Chip in for Joe
Pogo…. we’re going to Lincoln for a week… Rick will ski Loon Mt. I’ll say hello to the north country for you… and shop at Lahouts.
If you’d asked me 6 months ago, I wouldn’t have guessed that I’d be rooting for Joe. Not that I bear any animus towards him. I just prefer the women this time. They’ve been brilliant, classy, energetic, and though they’re sometimes hard to listen to, I think that makes them seem more trustworthy than at least some of the men. Anyway, this election cycle has been like a typhoon meeting a 9.0 earthquake, it’s rushing, changing and pounding every second.
Happy Birthday – Twice Over
Gov Abbott giving a Coronavirus presser. Community watch: local officials and medical personnel are to turn ya in if ya seem sickly. OK. The trees are blooming here and everyone sounds sickly; it’s allergies.
Still, I am gonna try to be prepared, but I think folks are gonna clean off the store shelves in the next, few days.
Tom Steyer ad going after Bloomberg.
Bink – Yaaay! Quite a few of us here voted for Liz. She and Klobuchar are the most amazing of all the candidates, IMO.
Renee, hope there’s good snow for Rick and hot tub, wine and deep discounts at Lahout’s for you. (I love that place).
I will not panic over Coronavirus – I’m more likely at this point to be hit by lightning while playing golf – and I quit playing golf over 5 years ago. I’m more likely to panic over (1) the prospect that Bernie may pull off the Dem nomination and (2) the fact that the market has dropped 13% (3785 points) in a week. Nervous days for folks with retirement $$ in 401(k)s. (In reality I’m not panicked over the drop – it was a correction after a 3 1/2 month sugar high – at least that’s what I’m telling myself.)
Just saw the Obama for Biden ad. If this doesn’t help in on Saturday, nothing will.
Bloomberg’s Austin campaign office has been vandalized. Bernie, is that you???
Yep, pour one out for the 401(k). There’s nothing like using legalized gambling as the method for saving for retirement.
Nobody in the admin is allowed to talk about Coronavirus without clearance from Pence. Yikes.
Well, Joe’s ad is just clips of Obama praising him; it’s not an official endorsement, I guess. Kinda like Mike’s Obama ad.
Thank you, BiD. i rocked it for Liz, strutted in there like a Goldman Sachs fat-cat.
Just read that Saudi Arabia has closed Mecca to pilgrims. Iranian Vice Pres has corona. Odd.
Just checked my 401(k). So far, I’ve just lost my employer’s match. I really don’t like the thought of the Pence clearinghouse for Coronavirus intel. Sounds like some kinda commie BS.
The dictator is a presidential pretender, a weatherman, a stock broker, and now a doctor. Aren’t we lucky???
Ya know, the person in California, a woman, who says she wasn’t around anyone with the coronavirus could be lying. There’s this immigrant nightmare thing in this country. Who knows?
Buy 3M
Anthony Fauci is being muffled. He has to clear what he says with that eminent researcher and doctor, Mike Pence. Fauci’s 79. Wouldn’t surprise me if he just quits or retires. Bad for we the people.
They also don’t know how long the virus can survive on surfaces. Grocery carts, door handles in buildings, etc.
Nobody trusts anything coming out of the WH except Trump’s diehard followers.
…their dumb wall doesn’t keep out coronavirus, just hard-workers, hahaha.
“Well, shoot, Earl, maybe the perforated design ain’t so good, after all…”
Finally, there seems to be a tad of bipartisan, medical skepticism with the eminent WH!
Fun fact. Pense’s experience with MERS, which he touted as his bonafides as coronavirus czar when the MERS epidemic arose in the US in 2014? Remember that epidemic? Didn’t think so. It was very easy to miss, unless you happened to know either of the TWO people in the US who contracted it. One in Indiana and one in Orlando. Yep, 2. Feel better about dumbass’ VP’s experience with infectious disease control? I’m sorry for this, but godfuckingdamn.
I’m watching a show on AHC, the title and description of which is”Hidden History of the Moon Landing” President Lincoln initiated a series of events that culminated in the moon landing.
Now I respect Old Abe, but I have to admit this is a bit of a stretch.
Which presidential candidate can harvest the most House and Senate seats ?
Who can re-invigorate Me2, Black Lives, Pussy Hats, various Occupies groups and the Couch Spud Dems ?
i’ll give you one hint: her name starts with an “E”.
I think you are right, Mr Bink.
At your hint, the first thought that spurted onto my cerebral cortex was Elvira, Queen of the Night.
Mrs W needs a little more humor and cuddliness to bring home the most senatorial trophy heads.
trump knows more than the generals, economists, climatologists, prosecutors, brokerage house experts, neurologists, crime statisticians, bible experts, meteorologists, judges, accountants, historians, diplomats, the Pope and now we can add epidemiologists.
When do repubikkklan$ start sacrificing pigs to his golden image ?
Margaret Chase Smith 70 Years Ago
On June 1, 1950, Smith delivered a fifteen-minute speech on the Senate floor, known as the “Declaration of Conscience,” in which she refused to name McCarthy directly but denounced “the reckless abandon in which unproved charges have been hurled from this side of the aisle.” She said McCarthyism had “debased” the Senate to “the level of a forum of hate and character assassination.” She defended every American’s “right to criticize … right to hold unpopular beliefs … right to protest; the right of independent thought.” While acknowledging her desire for Republicans’ political success, she said, “I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny—fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear.”
Where is Senator Margaret Chase Smith when we need her ?
The Dem nominee would do very well to quote Sen. M.C.Smith especially if the nominee is a female Senator.
Okay, I’m going to get some pain pills and shuteye now. May you all sleep well and safe, and arise refreshed and ready to take over the world for truth, justice and the American way.
You laugh, you scoffers, but you are underrate yourselves. The Great Myth tells us in Bereshit/Genesis that the Creator spoke (chanted/sang/breathed) the stuff of the universe into being. You’re the same stuff the stars are made of, and you are able to move that stuff around in your world. In the Garden, the Creator modeled our ancestors (both male and female) in It’s Image, so metaphorically, you have the Creator’s finger print’s all over you. It enlivened your ancestor with the Creator’s own Spirit (Breath). The point is, that YOU are the Hero of this Great Myth. You are the descendant of G!D, and your work in this world of ours is to return to/remake our lost Garden. Creation is in your ancestry. You can do it. G!D is rooting for you.
Bless you all.