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4 years ago

Jeff Weaver …🙄 perfect Bernie campaign official. 
ok, so let’s assume that MI & PA come back and the dem candidate holds all the states Hillary got in 2016. If WI goes to SFB what state can the dem candidate pick up to get to 270?  Oh, And if Bernie is the candidate, you can forget Pennsylvania. What’re your thoughts?

4 years ago

Warren and Steyer need to go.  Biden,  Buttigeig and Klobuchar stay in..  Bloomberg I’m not sure.  I think he’s starting to benefit Bernie.

As far as Bernie is concerned, listening to the hectoring old coot for four years is horrific to contemplate.  I left after one hour simply because all the hand waving and yelling made me hope he would fall over in the middle of the show.


4 years ago

The most difficult thing I can think of doing for Lent is to “bless, and curse not.” OK, I’ll try it.   Bless the USofA  and protect her from those who would intentionally or unintentionally do harm to her institutions and her people.     Well, that does feel better than wishing for lightning strikes and lard sandwiches, but not sure I can keep it up until Easter (and beyond).  I think it’s a good way to create new, long-term habits.  Also, it doesn’t preclude me from pointing out things that…what would be even harder would be to “judge not.”   That, I can not do.   

4 years ago

Maybe someone should ask Bernie the question Craig raised yesterday.  How are you, Bernie Sanders, going to get anyone in Florida to vote for you?     Bernie seems to be listening to the echo chamber he has created, not realizing that there are multitudes not backing him.    Bless his heart.   Well, maybe Bernie doing Bernie will turn off voters going forward.       Tom is taking votes away from Joe.    Maybe Clyburn will give Joe some help today.    Of the moderates, I like Amy the best.   She had a better night than Vegas, but not as good as NH.   

4 years ago

Some folks are worried about the Coronavirus and the market.   Some, like me, are more concerned about the size of the doctor bill.  In other countries, they don’t have to worry so much about the economics of staying well.     Wash your hands and keep your distance, folks.   

4 years ago

Now Sanders is claiming there were paid for plants in the audience to boo him.

Talk about Trump II with the conspiracy theories.  

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Occasionally mentioned is that Sanders will not release medical information.  He is hiding something serious.  He always looks like he is going to pop a gasket, which would be inconvenient in late October. .  He also is shady about the Russian support issue.  And, he is old.
Biden is old and has lost a few steps.
Amy is still my choice.  Warren is second.

4 years ago

Bernie’s quite the snowflake.  He just can’t conceive that other candidates’ supporters could possibly do to him what his supporters spend all day, every day, doing to the other candidates through blogs and comment sections to online articles.  If it ain’t open adoration he’s having none of it.  And the look on his face when he said “Really?” was the same look you can see at any old folks’ home from a pissed off octogenarian who doesn’t like the rice pudding he got for lunch.  I have a buddy who’s now practicing in DC but used to practice in Charleston, WV.  He used to talk about the clients who came in and were always angry and aggressive.  He’s say they’d come in and be angry about everything – the line that I remember him relating about one of his clients – a 70 something male – is that  he came i, sat down, and in response to the usual opening pleasantries, he said “I PARKED THE CAR..I DID!” and did so as if he was pissed off about having to do that.  
So what the fuck is it with Warren and Bloomberg?  He isn’t who she needs to beat to become the nominee.  I don’t know whether she’s just trying to show how strong and determined she is, but geez, train your fire on someone who’s going to matter after next Tuesday.

4 years ago

of course sanders wouldn’t accept it.  he’s not a team player, never has been – just a delusional egomaniacal angry old white man.  i wanna upchuck every time i hear him talking about his fantasy revolution. 

4 years ago

they all stay in until the money runs out, probably after Super Tuesday the drop outs begin. could just be Bloomberg and Bernie left.

4 years ago

oops, forgot to mention his victim complex. 

4 years ago

Pogo, my only guess is Warren camp discovered she can raise a ton of money online with the Bloomberg attacks, probably not so much attacking Bernie. And they’re desperate for cash. Over 1,000 paid staffers in Super Tue states, that’s a lot of overhead.

4 years ago

As expected Clyburn endorsed Biden

“I know Joe Biden. I know his character, his heart, and his record. Joe Biden has stood for the hard-working people of South Carolina. We know Joe. But more importantly, he knows us. In South Carolina, we choose presidents. I’m calling on you to stand with @JoeBiden.”

4 years ago

from what I hear Biden still has no ads running in super Tuesday states, so he’s going to need a big margin of victory Saturday to get rolling. I’d say at least 15-20 point lead to get a media bang

4 years ago

Amy needs to fold it up and endorse. She has too good of a future as a power in the Senate and maybe a later run possibly 2024.  Staying in does nothing for her and has the real problem of  her being labeled as “being the one who gave us Bernie”.
Really the same for Mayor Pete, time to use all those connections and plan for the future. 
Warren, where do her supporter go, the liberal “Hillary women”? They aren’t an automatic Bernie vote. 
Steyer, the black candidate? God what an ego, get him out of here. 
Nate Silver believes Bloomberg has peaked and may be on his way down. 

4 years ago

I’m sure Amy wants to stay in for Minnesota on Super Tue, but if any chance she’s not going to win might be best to drop out, that would be embarrassing

same for Warren — Massachusetts also on Tuesday

4 years ago

Excuse me as I stretch and yawn… happy to be religious free 😁 
Go, Joe… GO!
I like Liz… but her attacks on Bloomberg last night bordered on silliness… at least to me.
I love Amy… but agree that it’s time to drop out and get behind another candidate.  Same for Pete.  Same for Steyer.
I do see Joe as the best shot to take the Electoral College.

4 years ago

With proportional delegate allocation some who can’t win might still want to collect what they can and be players in a brokered convention

Republicans do winner take all so Trump’s foes didn’t have that option in 2016

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Even Jim Clyburn can’t drag Biden across the finish line first

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Why should Buttigoogoo get out for Biden.   I think the other way around. Buttigoogoo has more delegates

4 years ago

Majority of the “Hillary women” were either for Kamala Harris until her drop out and Amy.  Amy definitely should stay in at least through Super Tuesday.  

I will have seven days between super Tuesday and Washington Primary to decide if I go Amy or Biden.  Biden is probably the most sensible to get to a brokered convention..  

Biden/Harris would be  a killer ticket.



Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Biden should drop out for the sake of the party

4 years ago

Warren goes after Bloomberg for two reasons.  1) To show can take on Trump  2) Because that’s her brand; she’s going after a rich guy trying to cut in line with money, but not doing the hard work of campaigning like the rest of them 
Bernie is definite hiding something, healthwise, God bless him.    (I will gladly boo Bernie after Lent.).  He really doesn’t seem to realize that there is anyone that doesn’t support Trump who will not support him, instead.      I’m starting to think it will just be Mike and Bernie after next week, and, it’ll go to Mike in the end.

4 years ago


4 years ago

OSH, you and me, and Renee (if I might be so presumptuous). I find suppressing my gag reflex to be more and more difficult as the years go by.  
KC, I see you haven’t given up Biden bashing for Lent.  If anyone in the race is likely to do the party harm and should drop out to avoid that it’s Bernie.  But then he doesn’t give shit – he’s using the Dem party as a platform for his vanity run.  No chance in the world he can beat trump in November; no chance he’s got coattails that would bring dem candidates across the line against endangered repugs.  DNC needs to do what the prick accuses “the establishment” of and change its rules so that only Democrats can run on the party banner and stop this fucking nonsense for the next election.

4 years ago

Something about Bloomberg has touched a raw nerve with Elizabeth Warren and I don’t think it’s just Scott Brown.  Warren has talked about her experiences with male bosses in terms of family plans and pregnancy. My sisters and I all encountered the same s&^t. One of my sisters was applying for a teaching job (in the ’70s) and got questioned about what birth control measure she was using! I had the touchy-feeling boss that I wanted to put a well-placed knee in the balls (obviously, it still riles me) but I was stuck since I was putting a husband through school and there were zero jobs available. Bloomberg is the epitome of all that toxic male entitlement. And for Bloomberg’s GF to say “get over it”, I wanted to knock her teeth out. Whoo … got that out of my system.

4 years ago

Pogo… oh yeah you can be presumptuous …   it’s spot on.
I couldn’t believe the dems allowed Bernie to run in the party this year.  Putzes!

4 years ago

The candidate you like should drop out but the one i like should stay in.

4 years ago

For Warren I think it is mostly habit, she has been pounding on the NY financial system for so long it is just easy. And also, he may remind her of some boss somewhere. But from debate performance polls being released today she did herself no favors. May have helped Biden tho.

4 years ago

Nat Silver on his twitter feed speculates that 
A weak Bloomberg, say he polls just under 15% takes votes out of play and may make Bernie a majority winner in many states where Biden should roll. 

4 years ago


My favorite picture from the debate.  It pretty much shows the difference between the men and women and just why I love Amy.


4 years ago

Gotta laugh about Sanders boasting his 4-5pt lead over Trump in average of national polls (barely outside margin of error). Remember Dukakis ahead 17pts going into his convention? He ended up running Amtrak.

4 years ago

Bid: “Bloomberg/Klobuchar?”

I always watch candidate behavior on stage just after debates and noticed Bloomberg made what seemed to be a premeditated effort to shoot across the room, bypassing others, to energetically chat up Amy in front of the cameras while CBS was still on air. 

4 years ago

Did Steyer really invade Amy’s personal space?  i missed it if he did- he sounded polite to me, as a listener.

4 years ago

Want to see SFB’s blood run cold?  Imagine that victory pose be Joe and Stacy Abrams.  Think of the debates – The sitting idiot against a guy who knows something about the world and the whitest man on the planet against a brilliant black woman.

4 years ago

Trump’s virus plan

4 years ago


Michael Hackmer
4 years ago

I don’t like ANY of the candidates I know about who are running for President. Democrats. Republicans. Libertarians… You name it… I don’t like them. I think they are all different levels of horrible.

So… Since I am not biased FOR anyone… Here is who I see in the Democratic Party field NOT surviving after South Carolina and Super Tuesday, which could go down as the Super Tuesday Massacre for the number of campaigns that get eliminated (and the fact that it could destroy the Democratic Party)…


Pete Buttigieg. He is smart, likable, and not bat-shit crazy. But lacks energy and is having a problem expanding his voter base – mostly because black Democratic voters are having a hard time voting for a gay politician. He is projected to finish 4th or 5th in the next round of states. He is done.

Amy Klobuchar. She is smart, is much more accomplished than Warren or Sanders in the Senate, and also is not bat-shit crazy. But she cannot expand her base of support either. Saying your biggest misconception is that you’re boring IS boring. She is projected to finish 5th or 6th or worse in the next round of states. She is done.

Tom Steyer. Outside of South Carolina and his own mind, he does not register. He is smart, but an ego-maniac who is probably a little crazy. He could stick around after Super Tuesday, but why? He is done. But I suspect he will stick around until he does not qualify for debates.

Tulsi Gabbard. Yeah. She is still around and holding events. She is smart, passionate, genuine (probably the most genuine candidate in the race)… And she does not stand a chance in hell. But she has surfed and sang her way into my heart, so hopefully she sticks around. It really does not matter if she stays or drops out at this point. But… She is done and has been done since the DNC screwed her out of the debates.


Michael Bloomberg. People thought he was the anti-Bernie, Trump killer. He is a left-wing New York Republican who became a Democrat. Two poor debate performances, and no clear wins or good showings in the next round of states would kill most candidates. But he’s got sooooo much money. And once the list of candidates thins-out, he will join the Democratic Party’s version of THAT 70s SHOW.

Elizabeth Warren. She tried to show herself as Bernie without the fondness for Castro and Communists. I thought it was clever, but who is she trying to win over? I have said for a long time that she was done following New Hampshire. She has no “big rock” issue and she performs poorly with men. I stand by those assessments. But she is hanging around anyway. She will get killed in South Carolina, which will hurt her momentum. She has no way to win enough delegates to stay relevant. She is close to realizing that she is done.

That leaves…

THAT 70s SHOW – Then There Were Two… Or… SEPTUA-PALOOZA 2020… Crazy Bernie vs Joe Gaffe…

I never thought I’d say this… But… Are we SURE Bill Clinton can’t run again?

4 years ago

I don’t think Trump will agree to debate, so don’t base your nominee choice on that. 

4 years ago

If you’ve got questions fo Mike, call him right now.   833-394-6453

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

SFB.  Build the wall prevent the spread of the  virus 

4 years ago

SFB just found out people die from “What we call the flu.”  Jesus Christ. 🙄

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Oh no Mike Pence who doesn’t believe in science is in charge of the response to the corona virus.  He thinks you get it if you drink beer

4 years ago

Air filters and Hazmat suits would be cheaper, work better, and would spawn a Hazmat fashion industry – win, win, win. 

4 years ago

Hmm. Pence in charge. So what happens if pandemic actually does hit US? SFB has his scapegoat and  reason to dump Pence in favor of Nikki Haley?

4 years ago

SFB is swaying in the background behind Faucci with his trademark WTF is he talking about look on his ugly mug.  

4 years ago

So dumbass’ assessment is something like “May or may not happe, could be large or small.”  Well, that’s comforting. 
Indiana health care model?  WTF is he blabbering about?
oh, and Pense thinks MRS arose in 2014? What a dumfuck. 

4 years ago

TX woman just got back from China and is in quarantine at home.  Her passport was stolen and the US govt was no help, so she contacted the news station in TX.  Her story was heard and someone helped her get an emergency visa and a seat in a transport home.
*Anyway, she said there is a lot China isn’t telling us. She said she saw people falling sick in the street and seizuring.   

4 years ago

The Pence Plan: If you get sick, it must be God’s will.   If you don’t recover, you must not be praying hard enough.  

4 years ago

Best news I’ve heard today is that SFB has a 50% greater chance of dying of a heart attack while in office. KFC is now selling chicken with donuts.

4 years ago

Watching @MikeBloomberg on @CNN Town Hall. He’s OK but can’t stop thinking he was the model for Mr. Burns on Simpsons

4 years ago

Dumfuck is back to the flu and is babbling nonsense. Better in some ways worse in others. 

4 years ago

5 people shot and killed in old Miller brewery in Milwaukee.

4 years ago

I’ve switched over to John Fogerty in concert on AXS. I’ve reached my utter bullshit threshold. 

4 years ago

Waiting for Amy & Liz, later.   The free streaming in CNN is limited, which is fine since it flies through my battery life and heats up the phone.  Last night,  CBS streaming was unlimited, didn’t do squat to my battery or phone temp.  

4 years ago

Fortuitous. Fogerty and SFB left their stages at the same time. Back to Chris. 

4 years ago

@MikeBloomberg showing some heart on @CNN Town Hall right now,  not bad

4 years ago

Don’t grab handrails. Great advise from a germophobic acrophobe. Now we know that trump is more afraid of germs than of falls. 

4 years ago

The trump performance was vague and repetitious. He had trouble finishing sentences. Slow, and gushing with praise for the commies in China : working hard, very smart, hard working, etc.
“It could be bad, but maybe not. Maybe it won’t come here. Schumer and Pelosi are bad guys for voting to spend more money on the disease than I asked for, which makes me look bad, and I don’t like that, I can tell you.”
trump also mentioned that there are 2 smart people in his administration; he didn’t name names, so it may just be puffery. However, I’ll guess that he meant jared and ivanka. 

4 years ago

Did I miss anything ?  Oh yeah, cover your mouth and fall down the stairs. Great advise. 

4 years ago

Dallas is ahead of the curve on preparedness, because of the lessons learned when we had Ebola here.   So, maybe containment is better here when it happens. 

4 years ago

DART. Is sanitized against coronavirus?

4 years ago

i repeatedly criticized NBC’s moderation of the debate except it was on CBS.  Oh well, i’m glad it was free and easily accessible on youtube, at least.

4 years ago

Things i’ve decided to give up for Lent:
-Milk products
-Negative energy from small-thinkers
-not booze

4 years ago

Watching @JoeBiden on @CNN Town Hall, at his best on his game.

4 years ago

DART -Ha!  No, but when Covid-19 arrives here, they learned a lot about containment practices dealing with Ebola.  I’m more concerned about hearing about China not letting us know how bad it is, folks convulsing in the streets, etc.   
Lesson: Don’t eat bats

4 years ago

“Put a medical professional in charge” of Coronavirus.    Go, Amy, go!

4 years ago

Bid, ebola is easy to contain, a little bleach water and you are fine.
Nothing they learned with ebola will help with a flu style virus, totally different animal. But having smart people around is way better than the alternative. 
Speaking of smart people , I was listening to NPR and a discussion of what our healthcare establishment was doing and the problems they believed they faced. I at least got the idea that they understood some of the problems and were planning for it. 
Unlike our President who left me with the feeling “we are so screwed” evidently the futures markets also felt that way because  they went  from positive territory to a long slide that hasn’t stopped yet after listening to our fearless leader.

4 years ago

I have always assumed that China was not telling the whole story but I would be careful about too much panic. 
BTW the first independent case of Corvid19 in the US is in California. Don’t know where he got it or where it came from. All previous cases were people who were in China.
update: the patient has been on a ventilator a UC Davis for a week and just now getting tested. Was transferred in from another hospital in Northern CA. The reason for the delay in testing is that they only test folks with contacts to China.

4 years ago

trump says 15 w/coronavirus. Actual : 60 and growing. trump got rid of the pandemic response team to save Mike Bloomberg a nickel. The thousands of dead will be on trump’s head. 
pence to run the virus show. he can’t even talk to a woman on the phone w/o his wife monitoring.
he’ll be a great manager.

4 years ago

trump accomplished the impossible today. he placed blame for the stock market 2,000 pt Dow drop on the debate that happened AFTERWARDS !
This is the first time since the Big Bang that an event occurred because of something that happened 29 hours later.
The fat boy deserves the Nobel Prize for False Witness.

4 years ago

blue, I’m prepared.  I even have face masks but not left over from Ebola. 

4 years ago

Walrus plus Side Whiskers. I cut my beard off recently, so the birds will have nesting material. 

4 years ago

House passes Fed Anti-lynching Bill (The Emmitt Till Bill) 414 – 4
The pro-lynching reps are three repubikkklans — Louie Gohmert of Texas, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Ted Yoho of Florida, along with copperhead Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan. 
I’m surprised that white nationalist steve king (r-IA) isn’t on the list. Maybe he was too busy lynching children to attend.