
A Democratic nominee who isn’t a Democrat who praised Fidel Castro on 60 Minutes Sunday and wide open to GOP ads he supported communists in Nicaragua, honeymooned in Moscow but never bothered to meet Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn who lived in his state. Really? Trump doesn’t even have to make this up.

Forget twisting your pretzels to defend socialism. They’re going to call him a Communist. Imagine the horror for down-ballot Democrats trying to answer that.

On CNN Town Hall last night Bernie doubled down on praising Castro literacy program, then praises China for “taking more people out of poverty than any country in history”.

Sanders tells The Hill: China has made “more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization.”

Trump campaign will have fun with this: “Bernie Sanders told Ninth Graders the U.S. Committed Acts in Vietnam ‘Almost as Bad as what Hitler did'”. Yahoo News

Meanwhile, on his apparent mission to lose Florida our presumed nominee pisses off Jewish voters. ABC NEWS

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

Seth takes a closer look at some pundits and members of the Democratic establishment panicking after Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucus in a landslide.

4 years ago

from so. Carolina newspaper:

When voters cast their ballots on Feb. 29 in the South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders may find himself getting votes from Republican activists.
In an effort to disrupt the Democratic nominating contest — and push state leaders to close political primaries, which would limit those contests only to voters who register by party — some Upstate GOP activists are encouraging Republicans to participate in the First in the South Democratic Primary and vote for Sanders, a self-described Democratic Socialist.
The plan was first reported by the (Charleston) Post and Courier. But on Wednesday, another effort called “Operation Chaos 2020” emerged, too. That effort echoes one pushed by conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh in 2008 when he encouraged Republican voters to vote for Hillary Clinton to prolong the Democratic primary race against Barack Obama.


4 years ago


4 years ago

Somebody send Bernie a lard sandwich and a shaker of salt.    

4 years ago

US House 32nd District of TX Repug candidate, Trumpsky-lover and stepford wife (whose name I will not use) already made an ad, thanks to Bernie’s love for Fidel.  “…let’s take the fight to the socialist democrats.”    He gets stopped in his tracks in SC.   Stopped.

4 years ago

Fat Tuesday … Have a great Mardi Gras


4 years ago

thanks, Jamie, for reminder last day for sugar.  no cakes cookies or candy for awhile.  not as bad as the worse lent sacrifice one year:  giving up saying disparaging things about anyone – penalty for infraction was having to say 2 good things about the person I had disparaged.  never try that in an election year.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

New stuff in the Firefox browser is worth looking at.  One is built in ad blocking, it operates at s level different from other ad blockers and does not do a complete job, but it is good enuogh to not  be detected.  An add on is called a container to limit what applications send to Facebook, we will see how effective that is over time.  S far it seems to be working.  A new one just showed up, it prevented something from using the graphics processor.  What I do not know, but it must have been up to no good.  Goo stuff.

Michael Hackmer
4 years ago

“Madness” may be the under-statement of the ages to describe this…

I have too many friends (1 would be too many IMO but it is more) who want to vote for Sanders to help him become the Democratic Party nominee against Trump. To one such friend I wrote, “You wouldn’t invite a crazy man with hedge trimmers running around the neighborhood offering free haircuts and circumcisions into your house, would you?… Of course not! You’d put as much distance from yourself and that guy as possible… So… Why would you allow Bernie Sanders to come anywhere near the White House?!?!”

I realize none of our personal idols and mentors are perfect. But what kind of disconnect do you have in your brain that praises a mass murderer because he launched a program to teach people how to read?

I can hear Bernie Sanders now saying, “I realize that some people are critical of Mao Zedong for his policies that led to the deaths of over 30 million people… But people forget… Mao always encouraged children to brush and floss regularly, and get exercise… So, not everything about his regime was bad…”

But folks… Bernie Sanders is part of the problem I have mentioned previously… He, Warren, AOC and others want to transform the Democratic Party into the Urban Socialist Party… As Warren noted following the 2016 election – the Democrats are not going to be the Party of the 1990s. No more compromise… No welfare reform. No crime bills. Etc… AOC has said similar and she is building her own PAC network to fund extremists to win more seats… Sanders does not believe in compromise either… My fear is that the Democrats woke-up too late to the transformation of their Party and that they cannot do anything at this point to stop Sanders…

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Yesterday I had wrist surgery at the VA med center.  Lots of good care and compassionate people.  I am stuck one handed typing which is hell for a touch typist.  Hunt and pwck is not fun.

4 years ago

There really aren’t many people out there who could in one day piss off AIPAC, Israel and the Florida Democratic Party and provide SFB with enough sound bites praising dictators to fill a thirty minute ad buy.  Great work, Bern, or should I say Burn?

4 years ago

BlueBronc…   good luck in your recovery.
Yup…  people misread the anger on the right that led to Trump.  So, let’s hope that it’s not too late to read the anger happening on the left.  This is what happens when both parties leave too many left-behinds.
and let’s hope that if Bernie is the candidate (feeling nauseous) that someone in his campaign has enough brains to paint trump as a commie also.  I’m not hopeful.

4 years ago

Looks like they are starting to write Warrens political obituary for this cycle. 

4 years ago

Hey neither the crazy Bernie bros nor the angry Maga folks are “left behinds” They all are doing quite well money wise.  What we are seeing is the ultimate “revolution for the hell of it” by a small minority in each party that has been able to highjack the party apparatus. On both sides this is about disruption and power. 

4 years ago

Meanwhile the coronavirus is loose on the world. The Iranian health minister just tested positive for it. From what I’ve read we can expect it to spread much like the flu but faster as it is moving through an unprotected population. With the flu half of the population and almost all the healthcare workers are protected by vaccination. 
Some basic numbers mortality rate is around 2% compared to the flu at .05% but nothing like SARs at over 60%. So it is survivable. It seems to be hell on old people and because the healthcare workers were unprotected the system almost broke down in China. We can expect similar problems with our healthcare. 
A good article on the subject from the Atlantic
As with anything like this information is your friend just watch out for the crazies and yes they are already out there.
Wondering what needs to go in my coronaV preparedness kit

4 years ago

Haven’t run across this yet but if it is not out there then it is just around the corner.
Conspiracy 101
What you wanna bet that by November we are in a full blown pandemic and running around in a panic. In such a case, of course, it is too dangerous to have an election…………..

4 years ago

Craig, The State newspaper in Columbia has endorsed Pete and specifically rejected Sanders for cause. The entire opinion pages for the last two days are worth a browse. Here’s the link to the endorsement:

4 years ago

This is Bloomberg’s tonight to lose.  He’s a gazillionaire -and not used to being directly challenges / criticized like we was.  I think he froze up.
If he’s got it in him – he has to shine tonight and kick some a$$.  Appears it may be a Sanders / Biden head to head.

4 years ago

Yep, Craig that is what makes for a good conspiracy theory, Something about human nature, just like the Halloween movie we love to scare ourselves so we suspend disbelief when we run across them.  I could explain  in patient words how it would most likely not happen but all anyone would take away is “but it could!!!”. Then multiply that with a daily bombardment from our social media and even I might forget that I’m the one that started it here today. 
Somedays I’m certain we aren’t hard wired to deal with the vast social interaction that we face with modern technology. After all evolution prepared us to deal with small family groups of 20 t0 30 people. 

4 years ago

Jack…  the trump supporters I know are a mix…  some well off…  and some not.  The most ardent Bernie supporters I know have pretty hefty college loans.  They believe his bullshit about waving his magic wand and poof…  their loans disappear.

4 years ago

Renee, I think those ‘ardent Bernie supporters’ should have their degrees suspended until they demonstrate competency in commonsense.

4 years ago

thoughts on tonights debate, if all the stuff that is showing up on  twitter makes it onto the debate stage, don’t wear your good clothes it is going to get messy.
Looks like Bloomberg is prepared to strap on a suicide vest and take out Bernie. I don’t think he plans on suicide but he is planning on taking out Bernie. And as Liz has become a Bernie bro I expect her to stomp on what little remains of Bloomberg.
If Amy and Pete were smart they would quit the bickering brother/sister act and just sit there being quiet.
And Joe needs to do the most difficult thing in his life, stfu and let your opponents rip each other to pieces. Then make some comment, this behavior isn’t helping beat Trump. Then walk out as the last man standing.
(edit) Oh and shoot Steyers between the eyes as he walks off the stage.

4 years ago

One of my dear nieces earned a PhD doing her research in nursing (she was a BSN with a masters as well as being an RN). It took decades to work-off her debt which she did in isolated reservations in Utah and way up-north to the west of Lake Superior. She made the trip to Ohio for my brother’s ceremonies. I had not seen her since her father’s funeral several years ago. This meeting gave me the opportunity to express my immense pride in her magnificent work.

4 years ago

Liz is not a “Bernie bro.”  Liz is not Bernie, either.  Amazon has killed off so many small businesses that used to pay tax.   They e decimated the tax base, as well as the personal economies of many folks.   Walmart started to kill Main Street and Amazon is finishing it off. There is every reason for there to be a wealth tax.
Using it for education and healthcare just makes us stronger.   You probably don’t want to live in an area with poorly-educated, un/under-employed, unhealthy folks.   Those areas are thriving under Trumpsky.   
If I must vote for Joe, Mike, or snarky Pete in the general, I will do so.  I’d rather vote for Liz or Amy.  If it’s Bernie, I will vote for him even though nobody in key areas will, and again, I live in Texas so my vote in the general doesn’t matter.  Screw the russkies.  Pooh-tin will never understand us.  

4 years ago

Didn’t you hear?  Trumpsky said the Coronavirus is going away.  ~He said it, so it must be true. ~

4 years ago

Happy Fat Tuesday

4 years ago

Jack… that Steyer “solution”….LOL!
BiD…  I’ll still be fat on Wednesday.  Gonna give up what I always do at this time of year…   religion.

4 years ago

This time of the year is the only time I go to church. Every Friday evening, Fish and chips with a beer at St Ann’s Parish. 

4 years ago

Jack, a little more information the flu.
CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 29 million flu illnesses, 280,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths from flu.
I went to my doc last week to get cleared for knee surgery and we were discussing overreactions in the US to the C-virus.  He said, yeah, it’s a bad virus – problem is we don’t have good antivirals for it.  He said that there’s a lot of freaking out that is unnecessary (for instance Mrs. P went nuts when she heard that her mom was going on an excursion with the old folks to Chinatown in Seattle to get dinner – she was scared to death her mom would be exposed.) He said even with all the flu vac programs 30,000 people in the US die each year from the flu. 
That said, the death rate is certainly much higher for C-virus.

In the study published Feb. 18 in the China CDC Weekly, researchers found a death rate from COVID-19 to be around 2.3% in mainland China. That’s much higher than the death rate linked to flu, which is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times

(Source is
Just enough information to make me dangerous.

4 years ago

…it will be nice when you panicky fuckers are out of the electorate.

i’ve had a lifetime of terrible presidents, what’s one more?

4 years ago

My pretzels are twisted.

4 years ago

Bink, in what year were you born?

4 years ago

tojo wasn’t aaaalll bad. He taught a generation of Japanese boys how to fly dive bombers.
Speaking of which, in the 1600s Tokugawa Ieyasu made Japan the first fully literate nation. You can’t expect the peons to follow orders, when they can’t read orders.

Fast forward to New Years Eve, 1959 : fidel enters Havana with armed with a literacy program. In a few years the slaves on the cane plantations are able to read Cervantes stalin and Lorca lenin.  

4 years ago

I’m just gonna make a wild guess here :
2020 will be the last year of this century when socialists and republicans will be allowed to run for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.
Like I said, just a wild guess. 

4 years ago

From my personal taste of history, Fidel with his willingness to insert himself into global politics, came very close to being the catalyst of The War to End All Wars. But then very few people today are aware of the Berlin and Cuban Crises. And of the tens of thousands of our military people that were rushed hither and yon, transporting battlefield nukes right along with them in what would undoubtedly be fatal efforts in protecting our shores. I was one of those people. Sanders, who is a little younger than I, was so good at avoiding service that he has no idea why young people continue to serve.

4 years ago

i entered this world under the dark star of Reagan, Mr. F. 

(lol @ your “Tojo” joke, xrep)

4 years ago

I remember my parents listening to the political conventions in 1948, although I had NO idea what was happening. 
I vividly remember parts of the 1952 conventions (I liked Ike, Minnesota loved taft), my parents were all the way with Adlai. It comes back to me like a series of blows on an anvil,
. . . the next Vice President of the United StatesJohn Jackson SPARKMAN !!!” {background roar}

4 years ago

My first strong presidential memory is prefaced by the words, “The President is dead”

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I would rather have Bloomberg than old slow Joe

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Even Tom Steyer would be better

4 years ago

Ms Cracker, I think it’s amazing how Joe’s slowness, Bloomberg’s red-lining, and bernie!’s commie-philia make Steyer look so good.  
Well, this is the way the selection process is supposed to work. Winnow most of the chaff before Super Tuesday.

4 years ago

How in the heck does a hyper-liberal prefer a billionaire purchasing the electorate to a career-Democrat?

4 years ago

I had to reach high school before I heard, “The president is dead.” 
How I long to hear those words again . . . .  Coronavirus, where is thy sting ? 

4 years ago

Ah, Mr Bink, ’tis indeed the world turned upside down. 
I think the charm of the B!LL!ONA!RE is in direct relationship to the despair over the career Dem’s chance of unseating the Beast of the Apocalypse. 

4 years ago 
My old friend Lord Rednaxela of the Uttermost West writes : 
Donald Trump argues that since Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayor should recuse themselves from all cases involving him, since their previous comments indicate they may be biased against him.

If that were the case, and I don’t particularly buy it, I would argue, to the same degree that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, having been appointed to prestigious positions by Trump, can be expected to have a bias in his favor, and therefore should also recuse themselves. 

I reply : 
Yes, and since mrs thomas works for trump, clarence should recuse himself. And since he swore trump in and presided over his trial, Roberts should recuse himself.
That leaves the tribunal of Breyer, Kagan and alito. I like it.

4 years ago

Bloomberg made zero commitments to progressivism in the last debate.

4 years ago

theme for tonight’s debate

4 years ago

KGC, spelling is everything: old sloe Joe

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Sloe Joe.  That’s funny

4 years ago

If you have Prime, make it a point to see “The Remarkable 20th Century”, particularly the three episodes that cover 40s, 50s, and 60s.

I have a feeling the majority of our current politicians, and probably the voters listening to them,  are living there rather than in the real world of today.


Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I think dems should be pointing out Trump fired all the people who deal with diseases that impact the public

4 years ago

I hope moti gave the virus to trump.  Quarantine them ALL !
Lordy, how I wish trump had told those 100,000 crazy bjp bigots just how much he loves to eat their cows.  

4 years ago

Storms are in the forecast for North TX on Tuesday.   Less than 5% had early voted as of yesterday.   Get to the polls, y’all.  

4 years ago

…getting ready for Liz’s Flying Fortress of Truth to rain fire over SC, tonight

4 years ago

…am pumped, now.  Let’s do this!