
In 1918 Mussolini called for the “emergence of a man ruthless and energetic enough to make a clean sweep”. Wikipedia

Putin is Hitler, Trump is his bitch.

Arturo Toscanini: “Mussolini wanted the people to believe that he not only conducted the orchestra but that he also played all the instruments.”

Sir Horace Rumbold, Britain’s ambassador to Berlin when Hitler came to power: “Many in the diplomatic corps have a feeling that we are living in a country where fanatics, hooligans and eccentrics have got the upper hand.”

President’s Day not worth celebrating this year. Not even worth a new mattress.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

Craig, That is scary.  Instead of ads poking at Trumpsky’s fragile ego and pointing out his lies, maybe Bloomberg should do a scary ad/history lesson.   You know that many of those folks at the NASCAR race/rally had grandfathers who fought in WWII.  The why has been forgotten and our democracy has been taken for granted.   Doomed to repeat history?

4 years ago
4 years ago

Stephen Miller got married.

The bride wore white and the audience donned their best sheets.


4 years ago

I certainly hope some of the stuff in the investigation into Rudy’s buds traps him up and pulls him in. What a prick he is.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Barr – 1,100 former Justice Department prosecutors telling you to GTFO is something that should give you pause.  Your actions will not be forgotten.

4 years ago

4 years ago

The eyes….

4 years ago

Millions served during the WWII years of 1939 to 1945. Millions suffered and died. There are so many seminal moments and so many people to remember from that era.
The last member of Colonel Doolittle’s raid on Tokyo in 1942 passed in April 2018 at the age of 103. 
Now I’ve read that there are only 2 remaining survivors of USS Arizona, which was sunk at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 1942. Donald Stratton died on Saturday at age 97. Lou Conter and Ken Potts are the last.
It is the nature of time that they leave us. World War II continues its inevitable march out of living memory.

4 years ago

…lazy comparisons, at this point.  Have fun trying to make these points to fauxnews watching suburban Republicans.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Sfb likes Bill Barr. The only cabinet member who is fatter

4 years ago

When Republicans complain about their tax-dollars going to welfare programs, remind them they also pay for trump’s golf trips, too.

4 years ago

When they complain about liberals wanting “free college”, remind them they vote for people that have everything handed to them by daddy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Mrs. Greenspan repeats bullshit. There was not chaos in the Iowa caucus there were only stupid sheep posing as reporters. Baaaaaaa Mrs greenspan

4 years ago

When they compare romantic stories of their poor sweet European immigrant ancestors to “criminal aliens” seeking a better life, today, ask to see their genealogy paperwork.  
…bet they can’t find it, or “one of their relatives has it”.  Yeah, sure!
Anyway, i doubt calling trump “hitler” won’t swing any votes.  

4 years ago

Bloomberg has a new ad up, of course, for Presidents Day.  It starts with JFK’s “ask not…” and ends with Trumpsky saying something like, ‘how about if I take his money and screw him and do nothing for him in the end.’    I hope the ads drive Trumpsky over the edge.  

4 years ago

Bink, You think calling SFB Hitler will swing votes? If so I’ll wear a button. 

4 years ago

No, but i can tell you that if you call or imply that people are stupid, you just make them angry and more likely to act to spite you for that reason alone.
I’m not spending the next 8 months doing that.

4 years ago

Come to the light, Republicans.  We’re more fun to hang out with (and you know it😉)

4 years ago

Bernie’s folks are saying that’s this “Bernie Bro” stuff is not coming out of their camp.  I’m sure there are rogues in the bunch, but are the bots from Russia? If Trumpsky wants to run against Bernie, could the angry bots be Republican-based, meant to see discord in the party?
Basically, anything a candidate does not say in an in-air interview or stump speech, on a debate stage, or, in a verified ad…don’t trust it, and,  don’t feed the many nameless trolls.  

4 years ago

I think Amy Klobuchar has the perfect “energy” to take Donald down in a debate.  

4 years ago

BiD, according to the mueller report, the Russians sent some help in 2016 to Bernie and to jill stein.   don’t know why they’d stop doing same this time.

4 years ago

No, but i can tell you that if you call or imply that people are stupid, you just make them angry and more likely to act to spite you for that reason alone. I’m not spending the next 8 months doing that.
Bink….   Amen!

4 years ago

BTW….  watched Andrew Zimmern’s new show on MSNBC last night…   “What’s Eating America?”  It was about how immigrants pick and process our food and if we get rid of them, then our entire food system will collapse.   It was excellent….  I highly recommend!
Next Sunday night it will be about how climate change is affecting our food systems.  I’ll be watching.

4 years ago

And, Pooh-tin has probably told his puppet, Trumpsky, to talk up Bernie.   Bernie was only big last time because Elizabeth Warren didn’t run.  She would’ve shut him down.  Now that Klobuchar is running, I just don’t know that Warren has what it takes to take down Donald this time or not.  Early voting starts here tomorrow.   I’m gonna wait a bit.    We’ll see what’s what on Wednesday night.   

4 years ago

BTW warren went down to GA to work on stacey’s senate campaign, biden touted her for v.p. and Bloomberg gave her Fair Fight pac $5 million. not surprising she was asked about veeping on the view today:

There’s been a lot of veep buzz around Abrams, who served as minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. She said if asked, she would join the Democratic ticket — but added that no one has asked her, yet.
“It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, ‘Oh, no, I don’t want it,'” she said. “Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work.”


4 years ago

more Stacey from above link:

On Monday’s episode of “The View,” the hosts asked Abrams about this donation and the hundreds of millions of dollars Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, has spent during his presidential campaign.
“I am grateful to any person who contributes to Fair Fight. We have more than one hundred thousand contributors. His check just had a few more zeros on it,” she said. “We appreciate that because as I said, I’m not endorsing anyone … My job is to make sure no matter who shows up, that they get to vote for who they want.”
Abrams defended Bloomberg’s colossal campaign spending, saying, “I think that for once we actually know where the money is coming from.”
“Every person is allowed to run and should run the race that they think they should run, and Mike Bloomberg has chosen to use his finances. Other people are using their dog, their charisma, their whatever,” she added. “I think it’s an appropriate question to raise. But I don’t think it’s disqualifying for anyone to invest in fixing America.”

4 years ago

I generally pass on the comments to the authors of the stupid comments from offensive SFB believers at Wapo, although I must admit that I’m exceedingly critical of SBF, his spawn and his sycophants in Congress and the Cabinet, oh, and Trudy.  If that’s calling or implying they are stupid, I suppose I’m guilty as charged, but what I try to do is counter with facts – quoted and sourced when I’m not too lazy.  

4 years ago

speaking of tempting the GA talent

4 years ago

Pogo…  I took Bink’s comment to mean Trump supporters.  If I’m wrong… I’m still taking it that way.  I’ve been seeing friends on FaceBook that never talk about politics all of a sudden calling the other side stupid or other names….   and I’m talking about both the right and the left.  Politicians are fair game, IMO.  But I’m refraining from calling “regular” people anything.   I admit, it’s getting harder and harder to maintain this stance…    but as they say….  things worth doing aren’t always easy.

4 years ago

As aforementioned, Yahoo is the most popular news-portal on the web, and its comments sections on each article are repositories of hate and disinformation.  Some of the most awful stuff you can imagine.  
Verizon owns Yahoo.  Why do they allow this?  What can be done about it?  If you, the reader, hosted a forum, in your home, let’s say, would you allow anyone to yell terrible, hateful things and drown-out everyone else?  Why does Verizon allow their network to be an easy-access portal to hate-speech?

Just curious.

4 years ago

Oh, and DISNEY, which just edited its entire back-catalogue of animated films to remove or put in context the racist tropes they contained, now has some association with Verizon (not sure of the particulars on that) which essentially provides an unmoderated platform for racism 10x more poisonous than anything in a Disney film.
Why, Disney?

4 years ago

ok im done, pardon✌️

4 years ago

Yahoo is the most popular news portal? That is sad, and I apologize to all of you who use Yahoo for news, Bink said not to call you all idiots but really?
I suspect the numbers may be inflated, while I go through the Yahoo universe on a daily basis it is only to get to my long used email accounts.  21 years ago I created my first yahoo email address. Still use it.

4 years ago

Image result for emperor nero


4 years ago

I never go to Yahoo. I get a CNN feed and Mrs. P gets AOL news. I stick with WaPo and NYT and go to a few others for local and regional issues that percolate from other sources. Comments at all of them are harsh. 

4 years ago

Which of those have unmoderated and unfiltered hate-speech, Pogo?

4 years ago

Sorry for the bandwidth, but… along the lines of the calling them stupid comments above…  Ms. Rubin nails it – or them. That query came to mind when Harvard Law school graduate Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) descended into sheer quackery and decided to perpetrate conspiracies about the origin of the coronavirus. The Post reports: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) repeated a fringe theory suggesting that the ongoing spread of a coronavirus is connected to research in the disease-ravaged epicenter of Wuhan, China. Cotton referenced a laboratory in the city, the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” He said the lab was near a market some scientists initially thought was a starting point for the virus’s spread. This is unadulterated nonsense, one step removed from anti-vaxxer rubbish and UFO-spotting. (“In response to Cotton’s remarks, as well as in previous interviews with The Washington Post, numerous experts dismissed the possibility the coronavirus may be man-made.”) * * * Trump has merged the know-nothingism of right-wing populism with a far more dangerous intellectual evolution from defense of limited-government conservatism, which was formerly at the heart of modern conservatism, to outright worship of authoritarianism. Now, far too many conservatives have reverence for executive power and reject constitutional government. Attorney General William P. Barr and his cheerleaders from the Federalist Society embody this frightening development. Donald Ayer, former U.S. deputy attorney general under George H.W. Bush, writes that Barr advocates “the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.” For Barr, limited government means limited checks on the president, the antithesis of the framers’ vision. Ayer writes: For whatever twisted reasons, he believes that the president should be above the law, and he has as his foil in pursuit of that goal a president who, uniquely in our history, actually aspires to that status. And Barr has acted repeatedly on those beliefs in ways that are more damaging at every turn. Presently he is moving forward with active misuse of the criminal sanction,… Read more »

4 years ago


W. H. Auden – 1907-1973


Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.


4 years ago

Bink, my experience is that hate speech is not common, unless calling someone stupid is hate speech, and I assume all the mainstreamish sites are filtered.  For instance, Wapo has commenting rules and is moderated, although it is not human moderation at the first cut, but rather algorithms that pick up on profanity and certain offensive language typically aimed at morons, like calling them a moron, imbecile, etc.  and apparently human moderation based on reports by other commentors that the target comment is offensive or an ad for instance, and you find that out when you try to respond and get a message that the comment no longer exists (although obviously it was there when I’d respond and get that message).  I’ve not been able to get a real grip on the rules, but they are pretty easily gotten around – for instance bullscheisse is never blocked, and people use spacing and symbols for letters, although sometimes that won’t work – like substituting a “$” for and s won’t always get past the censors.  I’ve had a few comments blocked for not conforming, but IMHO they have been mild by most standards – e.g. I’ve had a comment that began with “What in the hell are you talking about?” blocked.  I’ve also had comments blocked that literally quoted SFB’s profanity in the article or opinion piece I was commenting in response to blocked.  Go figure.  I find that the Times tends to be a solid level above Wapo with respect to the level of insults – but I figure that’s only because it has a higher level of readership (maybe).

4 years ago

i don’t understand why FB gets all the (justified) scrutiny but these other media-conglomerates get none.  i guess ill have to finally make a twitter account and try to start some kind of campaign, there, where people will actually see it

4 years ago

The disappointed man speaks.— “I listened for an echo and I heard only praise——FW Nietzsche 

4 years ago

Bink, Facebook and the other conglomerates operate under different clauses of the First Amendment. Freedom of the press is a more difficult nut to crack judicially than freedom of speech when it comes to large media platforms. After four years of Trump, a Twitter platform is probably exactly what you’d like to have an order to put forward your ideas.

4 years ago

From Twitter.

4 years ago

So, many of us made theses Mussolini comparisons, here publicly, and others elsewhere, 4 years, ago.  Assuming it bears repeating, now, why didn’t those admonitions resonate with the broader electorate, and maybe even you, specifically, CC?  How could have we approached that differently so that we may be more effective, now?🤔
There is a progressive advantage in that the political landscape hasn’t changed, dramatically, therefore approaches can be developed with more information. 
Stupidity is repeating behavior and expecting different results, after all. 

4 years ago

nice Corey- wonder where that was 

4 years ago

The average joe and joan don’t know about mussolini. Too complicated. Context is everything, and context it complex. Too much trouble. Y’see, if it happened before 9/11, it’s ancient history.  

4 years ago

I shoulda wrotten, the average shawn and javir’ah don’t know about mussolini, and blah blah blah.

4 years ago

xr, last survey showed only 41% of population even know of Auschwitz.  Mussolini’s nightmare is nothing compared to hitler’s (or stalin’s for that matter).   what are (or are) they teaching in school about such stuff nowadays? anything?  teachers probably afraid they’ll lose their job.

4 years ago