Vuvuzela Blowout

New York Times:

It was the first time a team had scored 13 goals in a World Cup game — men’s or women’s — and the margin of victory was the largest for a match in either tournament.

Washington Post:

— the most lopsided victory in World Cup history for men or women.
Nine is the largest margin in men’s competition, recorded three times.

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5 years ago

Trump administration quietly makes it legal to bring elephant parts to the U.S. as trophies

More destruction of an endangered species courtesy of Stinky Zinke.

5 years ago

I’m a women’s basketball fan at U of South Carolina. I bristle when I hear someone refer to the players as girls or ladies. I call them WOMEN. I would tolerate our Combatants or the USC Amazons. But Ladies or Girls, never!

5 years ago

patd…  saw that in the W. Post yesterday….  all I can say is WOW!

5 years ago

The women’s team has been remarkable and consistently so. That USSA has paid them so little is disgraceful. I wonder whether it extends to the coaching staff. I guess it does. Sad.
XR,  I don’t see Maher censoring anyone – well, maybe that Milos guy. I see him trying to get those holding more extreme positions to stop pillorying those in their own party who lack their liberal purity instead of calling the repugs whose views are abhorrent to task. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Maher is a wwell paid contrarian and political correctness is an ugabooga that means nothing
a vague attack on people because you can  
Maher and others who support him are just pick pick pick on nothing because they are too lazy to go after the real problems
Biden ‘s position now changed is that it is alright to have an abortion if you are rich but not if you are poor
not too mention his statement that women do not have the right to control their own bodies
he is a loser his numbers are already dropping
people do not want someone from the 50’s
in many ways he is like fatass the golfing president

5 years ago

Chris Froome has crashed out of the Dauphine during a morning training run prior to today’s time trial. He broke his leg and won’t ride the Tour de France. Bummer.
As they say, one person’s misfortune is another’s opportunity. I would have said the field was wide open this year with or without Froome. He would likely have had the legs and fitness to contend for his 5th Tour win, since his 2019 season had previously focused on France. But age and the presence of G Thomas creates questions as to which rider Ineos would support, since Thomas is the defending champion. Froome’s absence now creates a bit of a free for all and many teams will have their sights set on breaking up the Team Ineos (previously Sky) choke hold on the race.
Thomas, Dumoulin, D Martin, Pinot, Barguil, Nibali, Porte, Yates, Qintana. Lots of excitement to look forward to next month for cycling fans.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I thought they were supposed call really lopsided games –this can’t be doing much for the morale of the Thai team

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I haven’t heard Maher say much about the Mueller Report….I guess making ridiculous statements about “political correctness” is better cheaper and easier.   Maher doesn’t like women much so I don’t expect much from him.  He has a long history of macho behavior with women

5 years ago

I give. I’ll shut up. I don’t share your opinion and would rather sit and watch the river flow – which I’m doing at present – than argue about it. And I’m not going to start picking at candidates who I don’t support but may next year. It’s counterproductive and just feeds the repug monster. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

We don’t have to feed the  Goopers — we have people like Maher attacking Dems for no reason other that he can 
The midterms indicated people do not want the same old thing

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The Condom remains a butt kissing liar

I wonder how much and how the Mercers are still paying her

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Biden has to run on his record no matter what he and his pals think
This is just a bunch of bullshit to give him some kind of path to the nomination
Just say no to Joe
I see we can talk about Amy’s bad temper but not Joe Biden’s bad record

Sherrod Brown should have stayed in the race

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I think Sherrod Brown is the real deal on employment issues that Biden is only a pretender on

5 years ago

Pat, nope. Paris is tomorrow. It’s the Reuss River in Lucerne. Stunning city, beautiful area. 

5 years ago

Bohicket Creek you can watch flow and ebb, flow and ebb, flow and ebb, ad infinitum 

5 years ago

You want to watch the river flow around here you gotta take a little trip and pack a little lunch.

5 years ago

I won’t pick at any Dem candidate either, Mr Pogo.
The lesser of 2 evils has become manchin in preference to trumputin.

5 years ago
now he’ll use kim against FBI informers

5 years ago

If I ever get another dog I’m going to name it Amerigo Best Poochie.

5 years ago

trump, mcconnnell, & ryan lied :
GOP leader concedes tax cuts may not pay for themselves as 2019 deficit grows

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

where is Paul Ryan  I’d like to hear what he has to say for himself now

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

travis – I saw a tweet stating he crashed and then another saying a possible fracture.  But was busy the rest of the day. Sigh.  Froome is not destined to do The Tour.  I wish him a good recovery.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Ryan is on the board of Fox  perfect

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Britain’s four-time champion Chris Froome suffered a fractured right femur, a fractured elbow and fractured ribs in a high-speed crash that has ruled him out of the Tour de France.

5 years ago

Well…  I watch Maher and will continue to do so…  he seemed depressed for awhile when trump got “selected”…  but now he’s funny again.  
and oh yeah…  I agree with him about the Dems eating their own because of stupid purity tests…

5 years ago

Sturg…  you pick the best names for dogs!

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

We aren’t talking about purity tests we are discussing issues.  I would like someone who is a leader on women’s health issues not someone who has to have his mind changed.

5 years ago

The last thing i want is a totalitarian party with candidates selected by palace guards or palace eunuchs. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Just sayin’ some people’s positions are blowing in the wind.    He should be a proud anti abortion Democrat — there are a few others

5 years ago

I think a Warren/Castro ticket could lead Dems to 60 or more senate seats.
So could a Harris/Franken ticket.

5 years ago

Ryan is on the board of Fox  perfect – Ms Cracker
Good. They’ll be ruined.

5 years ago


Harris/Castro looks good.  I would like that one or Harris/Klobuchar.  Harris/Frankin would be fun, but the noise would be terrific.