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5 years ago

After two years of investigation, Mueller’s findings about Team Trump can be roughly summarized as follows: Too stupid to conspire. Too incompetent to obstruct.

Dana Milbank in WaPo today sums up the redacted Mueller report.

I learned the hard way that predictions are perilous in the current age: I literally ate a column asserting that Republicans would never nominate Donald Trump for president.
So please forgive this victory lap as I claim total EXONERATION(!) by the Mueller report for my forecast in November 2017that the president and his aides might be saved by their own stupidity:
“With all the documentation of Russian collusion piling up, President Trump’s best excuse may be that his people were too incompetent to organize a conspiracy. Luckily for him, an innocent-­by-reason-of-stupidity defense has the virtue of being plausible. For example, there is clear and compelling evidence that Donald Trump Jr. is dumb as a post.”
This was essentially Robert Mueller’s conclusion as he recounted the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting, for which Russian interests promised “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary” Clinton and Trump Jr. replied “if it’s what you say I love it.”
Prosecutors “considered whether to charge Trump Campaign officials with crimes in connection with the June 9 meeting,” Mueller wrote, but couldn’t “prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these individuals acted ‘willfully,’ i.e., with general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” Specifically, prosecutors couldn’t prove “the participants in the meeting were familiar with the foreign-contribution ban or the application of federal law to the relevant factual context.”
Apparently unaware that this meant he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, Trump Jr. welcomed Mueller’s findings Thursday as vindication. “TOLD YA!!!” he boasted.
Who says ignorance of the law is no excuse?
Mueller’s findings on obstruction were similar: Not guilty by reason of incompetence. “The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” Mueller concluded, listing former FBI director James Comey, former White House counsel Donald McGahn and former White House deputy chief of staff Rick Dearborn.
After two years of investigation, Mueller’s findings about Team Trump can be roughly summarized as follows: Too stupid to conspire. Too incompetent to obstruct.

And it goes on but really, beyond too stupid and too incompetent is anything else necessary?

5 years ago

pat,  I’ll throw you a lifeline this evening.

5 years ago

Use mine wherever it fits.
I can hardly read books any more. It’s weird but there it is. I got Lenny’s book to jump start it, but I’m about halfway thru and stalled. Don’t know if it’s the digital age or the Sturgeone age.  I do, however, still like to see what people are reading.

5 years ago

I’m reading a book club book that’s what I call “chick-lit lite”.  I mean… what did authors who wrote books that were largely moved along by coincidence and poorly written do before book clubs…

I used to do something on Fridays called Agenda Free Fridays…  I could resurrect that again.

ps… the book is entitled The Mountain Between Us (cuz I know someone’s gonna ask).  Do I recommend it….    hell no.

5 years ago

We watched Klobuchar’s and Warren’s town hall appearances on CNN last night.  Both ladies did themselves proud, IMO.  We refused to give any rating to Sanders (who got the coveted 9-10pm spot) and changed the channel.  Wish Mayor Pete was on earlier…  he got the 11pm-12 am spot…  too late for our tastes.

5 years ago

RR, ?

5 years ago

Mayor Pete may have been late, but he was terrific, too. 
I wonder if these candidates knew which Qs were coming ahead of time. 

Mayhappen, 2 years of trumpery has lowered my expectations to near zero, but I thought that the candidates were great – even the least of him. snicker

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Patd – I will try to put together a couple which can be used when needed.  From various levels above me, word has been passed down the mountain path to tell us the administration is reading our online verbiage to see if we are being subservient and giving our stiff arm salute and pledge of allegiance enough.  Something about we cannot disparage an orange monster dictator-wannabe.  I am to be careful about what I write online.  SFB cannot read so that is one good thing.

5 years ago

If you want to see an interesting discussion of waiver of privilege by failure to assert it in one forum watch Rachel now. She’s doing a wonderful job explaining it. Does the name John Dean ring a bell? Trump is fucked.

5 years ago

McGahn was trump’s john dean : the president’s counsel. I can’t imagine that the job could be done under trump or nixon by anything less than a department. The job is to constrain a headstrong nutter, who suffers from delusions of adequacy and grandeur. 
Under Carter the job would have been a sinecure, or cinch, as they say. 

5 years ago

Ms Pat, I deposited a topic and title in the Quick Draft box on the Dashboard. I hope that you or Mr Jace find it to be engaging.