22 thoughts on “Ruth”

  1. Sonia sees her colleagues as family. wonder what role she ascribes to RBG: big sister, loving aunt or wise matriarch.


    “When you’re charged with working together for most of the remainder of your life, you have to create a relationship,” Sotomayor said. “The nine of us are now a family and we’re a family with each of us our own burdens and our own obligations to others, but this is our work family, and it’s just as important as our personal family.”

    Sotomayor said she is not letting personal politics get in the way of working together.
    “We’ve agreed in quite a few cases, we’ve disagreed in a bunch, But you know, let’s see.” she said.
    Sotomayor also commented on the current divided political climate. She said people forget the most important thing is shared “human values.”
    “We all have families we love, we all care about others, we care about our country, and we care when people are injured,” she said. “And unfortunately, the current conversation often forgets that. It forgets our commonalities and focuses on superficial differences whether those are language or how people look or the same God they pray to but in different ways.”

  2. as seen by SNL

    Pete Davidson and Chris Redd rap a tribute to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

  3. this from a guy who calls Acosta rude and disrespectful of an elected office.  too bad his WH access pass can’t be taken away

    usa today:
    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Twitter Sunday crudely mocked a California Democratic congressman who will likely be taking over the House Intelligence Committee next year.
    “So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!” the president said in a tweet Sunday.

    NY Times:

    ‘Mr. President, That’s a Good One’: Congressman Replies to Trump’s Vulgar Tweet


  4. the dem rep’s full quote and others from that  NY Times report:


    The post quickly set off reactions on social media, as some critics assumed that the president had deliberately misspelled the congressman’s name to make it sound like a vulgarity.
    “The Office of the President was made for better things than an infantile tweet misspelling a congressman’s name like a curse word,” tweeted Walter M. Shaub Jr., the former top ethics watchdog for the federal government who resigned last year after going head-to-head with the Trump administration.
    Mr. Schiff himself also fired back. “Wow, Mr. President, that’s a good one. Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions, or did you write this one yourself?” he wrote, referring to Mr. Trump’s lawyers drafting written answers to some of Mr. Mueller’s questions.

    The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday evening: Was it a nickname? A typo? Both?

  5. John Oliver discusses the growing number of authoritarian leaders around the world, their common characteristics, and whether or not one of them is currently our president.

  6. the hill:
    The White House is threatening to again pull CNN correspondent Jim Acosta’s press credentials after a court-ordered temporary restoration expires at the end of the month, the network reported late Sunday.
    “Friday’s court ruling means that a temporary restraining order is in effect for 14 days. But [White House] officials sent Acosta a letter stating that his press pass is set to be suspended again once the restraining order expires,” reported CNN senior media correspondent Brian Stelter.
    CNN argued in a statement provided to Stelter that the action would threaten “all journalists and news organizations.”
    “The White House is continuing to violate the First and 5th Amendments of the Constitution,” the network stated. “These actions threaten all journalists and news organizations. Jim Acosta and CNN will continue to report the news about the White House and the President.”

  7. looking back re wh press conf, daily beast a year ago:

    John F. Kennedy—born 100 years ago on May 29—pioneered the live, televised, no-holds barred press conference that became a staple of the modern presidency. His approach provides both lessons for, and a stark contrast with, the way that President Donald Trump has met the press.
    Kennedy held an extraordinary number of press conferences, 64 in all, in his too-brief time in office, an average of two a month, showcasing his always congenial even if sometimes contentious relationship with reporters.
    “He was articulate, thoughtful, handsome and hip, a man who could think on his feet,” says Sid Davis, who covered Kennedy and served as Washington bureau chief for NBC News and the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company.
    It was a breath of air after the Eisenhower years, when reporters had to wait for clarification of what the president said before quoting him directly. Eisenhower had “a syntax problem” that resulted in “the Hagerty Rule,” says Davis, named after Ike’s press secretary James Hagerty and requiring reporters to hold off on quoting the President until the transcript was cleaned up.
    Because Kennedy spoke for himself, often and in clear, crisp sentences, Pierre Salinger, his press secretary, “never had to go out the next day and say, ‘what the president meant to say was…” recalls Melody Miller, longtime spokesperson for the Kennedy family.
    His press conferences were such a hit that almost immediately the White House moved them to a larger venue, a State Department auditorium that could seat 800 or more. The White House press corps grumbled at first, afraid every “yahoo” would attend, but quickly settled into being part of the show.
    Kennedy and Salinger were ahead of their time in understanding the mix of news and entertainment, and JFK played this new on-air role for an American president to the hilt. He had fun toying with media titans in exchanges that were never mean-spirited, and let the voters in on the joke.
    May Craig was a popular foil. One of the few women in the press corps, she was fearless, and she wasn’t young. “She was a draw,” says Davis. “People wanted to see this grandmother take on the president.”
    A columnist for the Portland Press Herald, she had covered FDR and, as a war correspondent, WWII. She was second only to The Washington Post’s David Broder in her number of appearances on “Meet the Press.” She always wore a hat and dress gloves, even on television.
    Kennedy handled her questions deftly, shuffling a bit at the podium as though she had really zinged him, putting his head down, bashful-like, before responding. In one memorable exchange, she asks, “What have you done for the women according to the promise in the platform?”
    “I am sure we haven’t done enough,” Kennedy replies to appreciative laughter from the mostly male press corps. “I strongly believe in equal pay for equal work, and I’m glad you reminded me of it!”
    “We were props to some extent,” says Davis, who said Kennedy had his favorites and those reporters could count on getting called upon. Salinger, the press secretary, was known to plant questions. …

    Maybe by today’s standards, reporters got too close to the president, but then so did the voters.

  8. daily beast:  
    Senate Democrats Sue To Block Matt Whitaker From Serving as Attorney General
    This is now the second legal action seeking to stop the now-acting AG from serving any longer
    A group of Senate Democrats is suing to block Matt Whitaker from serving as acting attorney general on grounds that his placement in the post was unconstitutional.
    The suit, which is being filed by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, is the latest and most aggressive salvo against the Whitaker appointment. Last week, the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel defended Whitaker’s promotion in a memo that drew immediate criticism for its expansive understanding of the president’s power. That view is in hot dispute, including from the state of Maryland, which petitioned a federal judge to stop him from serving on constitutional grounds.
    To legally challenge Whitaker’s appointment, the plaintiffs will have to show they have standing––meaning, that his appointment violated their rights. The question of whether this select group of Democratic senators has standing on grounds that Whitaker’s appointment violated their constitutional right to advise and consent the president on cabinet-level appointments will undoubtedly be debated. David Rivkin, a constitutional lawyer who served in the George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan administrations, told The Daily Beast previously that to win this kind of suit, the Senate would first have to vote to claim standing as an institution.
    “The stakes are too high to allow the president to install an unconfirmed lackey to lead the Department of Justice – a lackey whose stated purpose, apparently, is undermining a major investigation into the president,” said Whitehouse in a statement. “Unless the courts intercede, this troubling move creates a plain road map for persistent and deliberate evasion by the executive branch of the Senate’s constitutionally mandated advice and consent.  Indeed, this appointment appears planned to accomplish that goal.”

  9. Yes, RR, I saw that photo of her in the CNN documentary that I finally got around to watching last night. I think even this Supreme Court is headed toward some case that will repudiate Trump in a major way, and I think she will be a big influence on that outcome. He embodies just about everything she has battled her entire career, and at least Roberts, maybe others on the right, might honor that.

  10. If the Supreme Court is family Kavanaugh must be the baby of the family — the one everyone thinks needs an intervention

  11. My late sister did her four years at Bryn Mawr, also graduating in ’53. She fit the stereotype of the that school, but I bet she would have benefited from going to Cornell instead.

  12. Damned russians are riled up.  I don’t remember posting anything that should have them putting a full blown attack against me, but, they are.

    Justice Ruth has a heck of kick just to say it out loud.

  13. The Supremes are treating the WH press conferences as if they are public accommodations – like restaurants or Elks Clubs.

  14. XR, so the WH can’t exclude women and blacks?  Ummmm, wasn’t the public accommodation conceit based on equal protection?

  15. Shooting at Chi’s Mercy Hospital. At least 4 wounded, including a cop. The cop is in critical condition.

  16. So ivanka fucked up and used a private email account to conduct federal business. Where have I heard something like that before?  What BULLSHIT!

    Did I forget to say LOCK HER UP?

  17. So McCaffrey calls SFB an 8th grader in his BS comments about McRaven. Do I even need to note that SFB is an asshat?  I didn’t think so.

  18. So ivanka fucked up and used a private email account to conduct federal business. Where have I heard something like that before?  – Mr Pogo, Esq

    Better waste 4 years investigating her emails, like the ripups did to HRC, right ? HA!

    Anyway, the threat of ivanka hearings would put the russian saboteur-in-chief into a 12 cylinder, nitro-assist supercharged, gala tizzy extravaganza.

    so, let’s beat him over the head with that threat for the next 6 weeks.

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