Puppy Love

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor


Thursday was National Puppy Day and the Trail was remiss. However, those cute but not so cuddly Congress critters, in their scampering about and messes made, left us enough today to ponder puppy love and its ephemeral infatuation with the untrained and unrestrained. The first few stanzas of Linda Harnett’s poem so well describes the silliness:

I had a little puppy,
It piddled on the floor,
And every time I mopped it up,
It piddled even more.

He didn’t get the message,
I tried to teach in vain,
He didn’t give much notice,
Oops, there he goes again.

Another little puddle,
To mop up once again,
The place is in a guddle,
When will he ever learn.

I chase him round with papers,
To lead him to the door,
I have to watch his every move,
In case he leaves me more.

And just when I had given up,
On such a hopeless case,
He scampered to the door then,
Panic etched upon his face.

At last we turned the corner,
With help from God above,
And looking back I realise why,
They call this Puppy Love.

More Posts by PatD

“I’m gonna send Trumpy the selfie my microwave just took of me while I was popping this corn.” (Corey)


Caption Contest Winner:

Dev and Donnie: Watch Out For That Cliff!

Our own Whskyjack says it best:

Ya know this is starting to feel like the time I worked at Juvie hall and the kids would try to defend each other and end up telling us way more than we really wanted to know.
Let me get this straight, Dev wanted to give a little cover to his buddy Donnie.  So he tells Donnie and all of us that there really was surveillance by one of our intelligence agencies.  It seems some Trump people were accidently recorded talking to a foreign agent but not Russia, some other country’s agent.
So what did we learn? Not only were the Trump people talking to the Russians but they also were talking to somebody that our intelligence service believe is bad ass enough to get a FISA warrant to spy on them.
Wow, that makes me more comfortable.
Really?, hey idiots quit digging.

Read More
The Hill: Intelligence chairman sparks storm with Trump briefing
The Atlantic: What Devin Nunes’s Bombshell Does and Doesn’t Say

More Whskyjack on Trail Mix

Random Thoughts: Comey Fallout

GOP not challenging Trump/Russia collusion, just mad we found out, threatening reporters.

GOPers who routinely leaked Benghazi probe are now blame shifting to media/leakers — like accusing someone of opening
their eyes during prayer.

Comey hearing done. Struck by how GOPers left themselves open to looking like they don’t give a crap Putin might own White House.

Spinning Spicer asserts officials found no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion but rejects their finding of no evidence Obama wiretapped.

Flip Flynn! Immunity could be worth getting the truth. Don’t need tea leaves in Comey hearing to see he’s at risk, a big target.

Question now hanging: will FBI question Trump about Russia ties? Order your impeachment tickets now.
A president faces an FBI investigation into whether his team joined forces with a hostile foreign govt to win. That’d be beyond Nixon.

[Cross-posted via The Huffington Post (3/20)]