Oyez! Oyez!

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Here come da judge, Here come da judge, Oyez.

With just two words, Neil Gorsuch assured his confirmation.  CNN: Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch told a US senator Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s tweets about the judiciary are “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”

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Shout out to our fellow Americans in Utah who did what every citizen should do: hold our Representatives accountable.

Blue Bronc

Although the 9th has put a block on the EO there are many options for it to be cleansed.  The most obvious is to rescind it and replace it with one which the 9th said might pass Constitutional muster.  But, Mr Peebody has set his marker and damned if it be changed.  He is too stupid to do what the court recommends.  Looking deeper at the situation requires us to acknowledge and accept that the floater is a dictator and what he says is the law.  The republicans so far have been quick to do so.  For the most part… Read more »


Interesting tidbit: David Brock is interested in creating a “Breitbart- style” media for the left. Keith Olbermann was the featured speaker at Mr. Brock’s recent retreat for Democratic bigwigs.

Not speculating. Just stating facts.



Can’t let this one go by without a tip of my topper to my beloved Sammy Davis, Jr.

I know to you I may look old, but I hope this statement ain’t too bold

Blonde Wino

A hardy morning glory to the trail.  A warm thought for those in the snow…we will reach eighty degrees today in southern New Mexico.  (Gray lady down, I am recovering from a tooth/bone infection, so catching-up on the trail.)

Missing Military Drone found in Colorado.  Flying the coop from Ft. Huachuca, AZ a drone with a mind of its own. The Shadow Drone was found in a tree, missing a wing.


so true….


Blonde Wino

patd…Ms. Bologna thought trump was full of baloney because of his intense dislike of the natural living world and Mother Nature (she is way past her prime).  This is a guy who thinks natural bathroom functions are disgusting.  Perhaps, we should rub his face into his own poop!  trump will poison us all and the innocents will suffer first.

Blonde Wino

tower trash family…sues for fortunes and sells china dirt for upscale prices.  Our flotus is a serial suer claims millions for her image.  What happened to the cyberbullying fight promise?  I doubt she will work for ‘free’ for the American people.  As empty as palin’s promise to work relentlessly for special needs children whether she was elected or not.

In my fantasy world, Michele Obama told melania there were ghosties in the WH…scared her from running into the bloated and bald derelict said to be roaming the WH halls.


patd…   did you give Brady an atta boy when he didn’t go to the Obama WH…

I don’t mix politics and sports….   it almost always leads to “don’t like this guy cuz he’s for so and so…   do like this guy cuz he’s for so and so”.   For me…  not everything is about politics.  When I watch sports it’s to see competition and good plays…  I applaud them even if done by the other team.



Sun shines on Puget Sound!

We return you to normal programming.


Travis, I hope that makes it a genuine feel-good day for you !


Too bad for drumpf that there weren’t 3 bad high school students on the panel.

“See you in Court.” He thought he was where exactly when his EO was being argued in the 9th Circuit COURT of Appeals? Washington’s solicitor general responds, “Yep, just did.”  BTW, is that what he meant by winning?  State of Washington must think so. But for drumpf, he’s lost in what, 8 of 9 courts that looked at the issue? (Fair warning – that number is a Wild Ass Guess).


Flatus – It was great for about 30 minutes. Now the cloud cover has come back and taken away the blue sky and sun. But it was joyous while it lasted. I’m hoarding the energy now to dole out in small bits.

The good news is that we’ve started looking at the logistics and finances of moving out of here down to Arizona to be closer the the folks. Preliminary time table is mid-2019 for the move. Sooner if we can swing it.



I couldn’t agree more. I’m sick of sports becoming such a political forum.

I would love to tell the sports and entire entertainment industry.

1) I don’t care what you think about anything.

2) I don’t care who you voted for.

3) I don’t care who you sleep with.

4) I pay for and want only one thing from you……to be ENTERTAINED……..

So please…..just shut up and do your job



sj – MSNBC was created to counter to Faux Noise.   That kind of came off the rails. I’m not sure an alt-left B’bart would even be possible, let alone necessary or desirable. Would it be fake news opposing the right?  Would it just be real, unbiased news?        Is there such a thing anymore, or, is everything editorialized? By the way, way to go Nordstrom’s! Dumping Ivanka worked wonders for their business.  Boycotting all things Trump might just send him over the edge. Like I said, not a hot pretzel from a street cart will the Trumps… Read more »

Blue Bronc

Something interesting is brewing in the drumpf swamp.  It could be Flynn could be tried for treason for violating the Logan Act.  And, he has implicated Pence in the action.  Any bets on a pardon from the prime stink water inhabitant?


4) I pay for and want only one thing from you……to be ENTERTAINED……..
So please…..just shut up and do your job

Jax…  if only that B movie actor from California and the original host of Celebrity Apprentice had followed your advice…


It wouldn’t be treason, however it would be a felony charge. sessions would crush it and the Fed Atty who made the charge. Double indemnity would then take effect.


The squishy soft Obama Admin failed to charge trump last summer, and 47 Senators back in ’15. Those were huge mistakes.


For those longing for some semblance of the “Good “ol Days” MTV is back.  MTV Classic is all music videos of the past 30 years or so.  Check your cable providers.  Comcast/Xfinity carries it which means I can watch on TV, Computer, kindle or phone  (shades of the now way too connected days).


I subscribe to the views of my learned collegue, Jax, as he so elegantly expressed them @ 1:25 pm.

Ms Renee, I agree, plus toss in  james janos (alias jesse ventura), jim ryun, and jack kemp.



Just got dad out of the hospital and he is getting his first real sleep for a week. Might not see him for a couple days. You know how those hospitals are.

Blue Bronc

Craig – That is good news.


Happy Dad Back !

The Good Ole VA.


Logan act prosecutions are extremely rare. In fact, the  only indictment ever brought under the act was in 1803. So what do you think the likelihood that Jeff “what me worry?” Sessions would possibly prosecute Michael Flynn under the Logan Act? I rate it at remote at best.

So, blue, you still think we’ll be a-ok under trump?


yep xrepup my friends and family are sick of listening to my ravings about our Orlando VA hospital. Which is how it should be put because it’s the only one I know. And it is one of the newest and best rated, so i cant speak to the rest of the system. But the level of care is phenomenal. And even superior in several ways to our very fine local private hospital where my mom was admitted many times.


Cbob was right, of course……..hell is coming to breakfast.


You exist to serve this ship.  Row well and live.


I think the Romans are currently at odds with the alt-barbarians……within the parameters of the current administration.


Craig – That’s great news about your dad. Sleep is always good medicine for what ails you.


Our country took in a lot of Romans during the Ellis Island “give me your tired” era………


Sleep, that knits the raveled sleeve of care…….



…”Gallic Supremicists”, let’s call them what they are.


And we’ve always had more than our share of alt-barbarians…….


“Our country took in a lot of Romans…”

-garlic supremicists.






“David Brock is interested in creating a “Breitbart- style” media for the left.”

There already is media for the left: it’s called “the news”.  Only conservatives want dedicated channels to feed them lies.


I’m going out on a high note!


We should never have named that arrowhead after King Clovis……


Breitbart zeitgeist is all the rage…….


[music note]. The zeitgeist’ll getcha if you don’t watch out……