Democratic strategist and Trail Mix contributor David ‘Mudcat’ Saunders talks to SiriusXM host Matt Boyle on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily:
When Boyle asked for his theory of how Trump won the election, Saunders replied sarcastically, “You need to watch the news! The racists and the Russians got together and fixed the thing is what happened.”
“I was watching Rachel Maddow last night, and Jen Palmieri was on there saying all that, and Rachel – quite frankly I love the girl; she’s a fisherwoman and a good friend and a good chick – but I mean it’s ridiculous, some of these arguments that’s coming out about racism,” he said.
He told Boyle his old party was lost in the wilderness, in part because Donald Trump stole some of their strongest issues to defeat Hillary Clinton.
“Greed’s a powerful thing, and in a capitalistic society, greed over time is going to move to the front,” he said. “If you look, about every hundred years or so, the greed gets out of control. In the nineteenth century, it was Andrew Jackson that stepped up and fought it. In the early twentieth century, it was Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, who stepped up and fought it. Now you’ve got Donald Trump, and it is my greatest hope – I think the most important thing that he can do – is restore economic fairness. It doesn’t exist now in America.”
“I think the most important thing that he can do – is restore economic fairness.”
mudcat, well, with a cabinet like he’s proposing (with billionaires, exxon & ex-goldman sachs) if anyone is an expert on greed they sure are. guess they know best how to restore that economic fairness… since they are the 1% who benefit most.
ya really think he and they give a damn about the little guy?
business insider: The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn’t crack the top 10
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the results of its 2015 global rankings on student performance in mathematics, reading, and science, on the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA.
The PISA is a worldwide exam administered every three years that measures 15-year-olds in 72 countries. About 540,000 students took the exam in 2015.
The US saw an 11-point drop in average score for math, while remaining relatively flat in reading and science.
[above might prove another theory on why trump]
[above might prove another theory on why trump]
Our country has been behind in education for years. This is shameful. Education begins at home: planting the seed for learning has no price tag. Mom & Dad either raise responsible citizens or they don’t give a damn. And whether the child is born in or out of wedlock makes no difference on the responsibility issue. Your kid, you’re responsible.
Intimating that voters who voted for Candidate X are stupid is going to keep your Party on the losing end. Instead, ask these voters why & what can I do to bring them over to my candidate? The difference in vote numbers between these two Candidates was close in areas that counted – and every area counts. Dismissing anyone is foolish. The whole point is to win.
Samantha Powers attacks Russia over Aleppo
Schadenfreude time: Trump Tower prices slashed
I wouldn’t want to live in the same building with the gold plated trailer on top either.
SJWNY “hit the nail on the head” with education begins at home. I can already hear the hue and cry with my comment. Sorry ladies, children need their mother; at home!
Imagine being five years old and dragged out of bed at 5:00am; not to go to school but to get on over to day-care. For school, a child probably would get up at 6:30 or so and have breakfast with, at least, mom. This assuming there are two parents. But no, that’s too much for a child to expect. Mom is too busy getting ready to go to work so get your own breakfast of sugar coated cereal or a pop tart; that’ll liven you up. There is no conversation with mom or anyone else about your concerns; you are now just a nuisance because mom has to get going. So after being yelled at because you did not put your cereal bowl in the sink, you get dragged out to the car and mom is late for work and does not have time to talk because she is driving while trying to finish make-up and has to deal with texting. Finally, you have reached your refuge; day-care, where no one cares about your concerns nor do they love you. Get yourself on in there and join the other children, who at least, understand what you are going through.
How can anyone expect this child to care about an education when no one cares enough about them to NOT ship them off to a warehouse for unwanted children? Sorry ladies, but no one can love a child as a mother does.
No, this is not about me. I was lucky enough to have a mother who loved me enough to raise me.
I can hear you calling me a Luddite, an old goat, a know-nothing, a sexist, and other words I cannot spell but know the meanings; I admit to all of this and await your “hue and cry.”
I know about those who were raised in day-care and turned out “normal.” But, do you think it might have been nice to have a mommy who really loved you?
It could be a Dad.
I’m not interested in living in the 1950’s or the 1850’s either.
KGC beat me to my immediate reaction. Why not dad? Even more important why the “Leave It To Beaver” lifestyle? The necessity for a family to have two incomes (or more) to sustain a middle class lifestyle finally caught up with the White demographic. Black families have been living with the necessity since the end of slavery or even worse for all women the loss of masculine presence and change over to single woman matriarchy. Strangely enough one of the first benefits of “Welfare” was so that women could stay home with their children. Now that idea of “being there” is derided as the “welfare queen”.
Pick your cause: Easy Divorce. Birth Control that allowed men to abdicate their role if she “got in trouble”. Women’s lib. Economic disruption as policies distributed more and more funds to the top 1% while ignoring necessary infrastructure, education, and job creation. It is all part of the upheaval that is reflected in the modern political turmoil.
I totally agree that the absolute best environment for a child is at least two people in the home with one or both of them having time to devote to the best interests of that child. I’m also in favor of Santa Claus, Leprechauns, and the Tooth Fairy. Life is what it is. You do your best to make it work. Modern life requires support outside of the family and an investment in children rather than dumping all of the costs on a single parent. That whole “It Takes A Village” meme.
Yeah – he’ll restore economic fairness alright with a Labor Secretary who opposes the minimum wage and thinks robots should replace humans in his businesses!
Good child care should instrumental in child development. I’m going to pull my Mom card -she was an education professor and she believed in child care outside the home. My parent’s style of parenting could best be called benign neglect – and all three of us turned out just fine.
December 14, 2016 at 9:55 am
Yeah – he’ll restore economic fairness alright with a Labor Secretary who opposes the minimum wage and thinks robots should replace humans in his businesses!
welcome and bingo
One thing for sure, the Trump cabinet does not look like America: All male, all white, all Christian.
Well there is Mrs. Mcconnell and that dreadful woman from Michigan
Not in the line of Succession. There’s 13 guys there and in the cabinet itself only one of them would be the Designated Survivor and that could be Dr. Ben Carson. Laughing to keep from sobbing.
Oh sure, sure… Trump will bring economic fairness. And how do we know… just look at his actions in the past. He stiffed the little guys (and gals) that worked on his projects by stating that they didn’t do a good job.
And the word “restore” implies that there ever was such a thing… sure, sure there was…
sjwny, not dissing or intimating that anyone is stupid…. more along the lines that no body cares about anything ‘cepting themselves. that mediocre showing of where we stand compared to the rest of the world in education indicates that we as a country seem to not value educating our youth whether schooled at home or by gov’t as much as a lot of other countries.
mnuchin is alleged to be a Jew, but I suspect that he’s actually a mammon worshiper like the deadbeat rapist.
Hi, Pilar ! I’m glad you’re here.
Re your comment, the mothers need to go to school. That will give their children the right attitudes.
Philippines President Duterte admits killing suspects
Another one of Donald Trump’s beloved dictators.
The mother’s need to afford to go to school. Anyone have a 48 hour day so she can work, raise children, keep house, go to school, and sleep in there somewhere. Oh and just why is all of this her job? Way to many men out there saying, “Don’t look at me”.
Speaking of old fashioned attitudes, but my father wasn’t exactly a marital prize but back in about 1964 he was shocked that I not only worked after having two children but that I gave my paycheck to my then husband rather than him giving his to me to run the household. lol
I propose 2 1/2 months of boot camp and 2 years of universal service, beginning at age 18. Youth who do not pass entrance tests may face up to 24 months of remedial schooling. Moms (or dads) would get to bring their children with them to the service. Shirkers would face prison terms, possibly including remedial schooling.
The program will build America’s unity, values, ethics, health, and economic capacity.
Besides that, it would screw up the ncaa, especially the programs that feed pro sports.
So glad you brought that up. I think the Democrats need to be more on the offense and they should start by bringing back the draft in combination with a non-military service option.
Daughter Sue taught youngsters in a Montessori environment in LV back in the 80s. My favorite picture of Sue is of her with her class. I’ve not seen so much joy and love in a classroom–ever.
Despite that, she was not a substitute mother for her flock. I believe that, in a functional household/family, that the bond of child to mother is begun when that child is placed on the mothers chest shortly after birth and is renewed and reinforced every time they have skin-to-skin contact.
It’s a sorry father that doesn’t respect this special relationship through graciously picking up tasks where possible thereby allowing mother and child their special moments together.
Our girls were adopted when they were six-yo. Their environment changed totally when they came into our care. Their orphanage had provided a loving place to live. but, it was impoverished and the girls were barely nourished. As they had both been orphaned as infants, being a cherished family member was as new to them as being parents was to us. With the help of Dr Spock, and abundant love, they were soon thriving.
Did I abrogate my responsibilities as a father or deprive the kids of my love? Of course not. We developed a caring atmosphere within the family revolving about mom. By doing that, the group was able to cope well when I was called to leave on virtually no notice for months at a time.
And at school meetings, KumCho, a working mom, would constantly ask that the kids be given more homework that she could watch over.
Also Dems need to make sure infrastructure spending starts where it will do the most good employment wise. Over age 50 long term unemployed should be the target group.
Baron Trump is Donald’s cyber security advisor so nothing can be done until he is done with 6th grade in June 2017
Paying teachers a living wage would be a nice start.
Mrs. Voss thinks that teachers who think they should be paid a living wage are communists and products of government schools (known to you and me as public schools.)
Flatus…. nice story about Sue.
Craig…. I agree about teacher’s pay. But it is a local issue. It does affect local taxes. So how does one convince people who are already struggling to make ends meet to pay more in taxes to give someone else a raise. It seems to be a never ending conundrum.
I always vote yes for teachers’ raises and for the school budget… but then Rick and I are fortunate enough not to be struggling.
The infrastructure spending is a great place for Democrats to demonstrate there is no commitment to jobs but only spending money with Goopers and their friends. Trump has no friends but he has all those kids.
Actually the Feds could contribute more to primary and secondary education – certainly, the person purposed for the Education post believes federal money should go charter schools etc so why not to the public schools. The burden of funding shouldn’t fall on property or local sales tax it is outmoded funding and discriminates against poorer communities. The problem for many communities is not wanting to give up local control of the curriculum.
Other ways to look at school funding.
You can pay a higher teachers salary if they stopped rolling over sick days for retirement purposes……if they dont use “sick days” why are they getting paid for them?…..a higher salary…yes….abuse of the tax payers money no……
Pat, thanks for the chart…..what an eye opener…..ok, how do the Ds use that chart?……use it t when ever the subject comes up….what if the ds carry a brief case with nothing but these kinds of facts……from a to z…..or just the most important ones..not just talking points….but facts and studys to back them up……challenge us to go and find out the truth about any subject……..
While looking at that chart….it is a very good thing that very early on…the Chinese and others in that area decided to close themselves off from the rest of the world….they chose to follow old traditions….while we chose to follow science……look where they are now…..they are at the top of each field….if they had chosen science…..we would all be speaking Chinese…….and looking for Mexico….they are much worse…..the one %ers dont want the masses to be educated imo…if they were, they would not need to come across the border and clean toilets……..
I would be for a combination of home schooling and public schooling…….Math, Science, Pe,Music, civics, reading, pc, religion and evolution side by side…for the comparisons….Home schooling for History…not the bs history that is taught in schools….real history….Geography…and the rest….oh i would also teach, bring back teaching a trade in schools…..a class to understand Electricity, Carpentry, Auto repair, plumbing……you know…..things that people can actually use………What good does it do to study that Earl Flyn was a hero at the last custard stand……..revisionist history is such a great waste of time…….
Use charts…..use comparison….and challenge us to go and find out the truth….even provide a few sources, links like you all do here on the trail…….and make the other side prove what ever they are saying……this is the way out of the wilderness……for now im going out in the cold……sunny and cold….but need some solar and some fresh …..was going to say fresh air…..but i will settle for the co2 i guess……later
I think Mudcat should run for Congress, VA’s 9th District.
Pat, almost out the door…..went back to see if Cuba was on that chart…….they are not…..??
Looking @ the top five in the chart, either they lived on smallish islands or had long winter nights.
Rachael Maddow is not a girl or a chick . I guess when you pimp for Trump condensation is a tool. Be sure to ask Rachael to head up Chicks for Mudcat Va-9
I’ve heard Debbie Dingell on the subject and I would like to hear Jennifer Granholm on why they lost Michigan.
So many threads to pull…which one to start with?
Let’s start with moms. Mrs. P sez that I was the mom and she was the dad. Of course we both went to work at about 8 o’clock, were able to work together to get the kid ready and out the door to school, where we dropped him off and where he stayed till the end of the school day and then either in the afterschool program, snacking, playing with his friends, doing a little bit homework and whatever until oh, 5-ish or he went to soccer, basketball, football etc. practice. aside from having his dad’s defective math gene, he’s an A student, works very hard on things that he does, and seems to be turning out all right.
Regarding trumps cabinet, of course his cabinet looks a lot like him, but with better hair. Of course that doesn’t apply to the generals, a draft dodging chickenshit doesn’t put generals on this cabinet because they look like him. Delusional aspirational picks I’d say.
Return to economic fairness? When was the US ever a place of economic fairness? People who worked menial tasks in unskilled jobs made menial wages, there was a skilled or educated middle class at one point which was considerably larger than it is now, and the rich guys made much more money than the poor guys. There seems to be more rich guys now, but I am hard-pressed to confirm that. I do acknowledge that the gap between the rich and the poor has grown considerably over the last two or three decades. But anyone who believes that Trump is going to change that has drunk the Kool-Aid, swallowed the lie, and is out of their damn mind.
Hey new guys, welcome aboard.
“Paying teachers a living wage would be a nice start.”
craig, here’s what was said last night on pbs newshour segment re our poor standing vs others
The U.S. spends markedly more money compared to other developed countries on education, but, by high school, American students fall behind. Schleicher says it’s not about how much a country spends on education, but how it spends the money. He says, in other countries, it’s all about teacher quality.
ANDREAS SCHLEICHER: And I’m not only talking about making teaching financially more attractive. I’m also talking about making teaching intellectually more attractive. And that’s probably where the United States is furthest away from some of the highest-performing education systems, where you really have a much greater investment in the quality of teaching.
perhaps not just paid better like “a living wage”, but respected as an essential part of the community, to be revered on a par with rock stars or well paid athletes and valued as much if not more than those celebs are.
Republicans think teachers should be fulfilled by teaching. It is still considered by many to be women’s work and therefore worth less.
It’s only upon retirement that teachers receive recognition for their value to society.
and the pay imo is upside down, those teaching in the lower grades should be the best quality and the best paid – not the college profs.
patd, I think you’re at least half right on teacher pay – more to K-3, less to 3-9, LOTS more to 10-12 (teaching and hormone management is a tough combination). College instructors and professors – their lifestyle should be pay enough.
All teachers deserve pay and benefits you can live on. A lot of college instructors are part time and not that well pay – and even tenured professors aren’t socializing with Bill and Melinda Gates. College administrators do seem to be doing rather well.
Teachers can use sick pay to buy down retirement. It is written into the contracts and is part of the pay packages. Abandoning the practice wouldn’t provide more money for salaries it would just be re arranging things. And taking away a tax benefit.
Solar: “Math, Science, Pe,Music, civics, reading, pc, religion and evolution side by side”
Throw in at least four languages, English, Creative Writing and a whole lot of bells and whistles and you have Los Angeles Schools 50s through 60s even in over crowded, poorer districts when they were number one in the nation. Unfortunately, the right wing took over the school boards mid 70s and everything has been down hill ever since straight to the bottom of the standings.
“more to 10-12 (teaching and hormone management is a tough combination)”
pogo, might consider convents, monasteries, long term survival camps for that age… in some cases only time helps 🙂
Oh boy. Yahoo had a different breach of a billion users.
Large cat likes canned dog food. This upsets the world balance. She is one third the size of the dog. The dog is a “large dog” according to her vet. Life is on the verge of collapse. Large cat just chased dog down the hall. I need to verify the new tilt of the Earth by watching something like The Secret Life of Pets.
Kremlin West seems to be settling in with the useful idiots of Congress admitting they too are Communists.
Patd, there are cases where something OTHER than Time will help?
BB, you REALLY keep me grinning. I had a brave dog once. He quit threatening the cat after she hooked into his nose with a claw and kinda hung there for a few seconds.
Craig: “Paying teachers a living wage would be a nice start.” Short and to the point! Too bad so many communities don’t value their teachers as much as they value their team sports! I agree with the comments from the PBS show. I would add that any of us who have lived in other countries have seen how much more seriously those communities take the education of the next generation.
…And don’t even get me started on working mothers!!!!!!!!! Blaming working mothers for everything just makes my blood boil. Still nursing a cold so I’ll let it pass for now :/
BB: Secret Life of Pets was very cute!
For hormone management you have to start around 5th grade and continue through 10th grade. Girls tend to start earlier and female athletes tend to finish last.
I don’t think Pilar was blaming working moms so much as saying that “for best results . . . .” If I am wrong in my interpretation, well ok. I’ve been wrong once before.
trump spokesman calls people concerned about russian influence in the election ‘leftists’ on The News Hour.
NBC News Exclusive: Putin personally involved in hack of U.S. election, intel officials say
New intelligence shows that Putin became personally involved in the computer breach and directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked, two senior U.S. officials say. Putin’s objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a ‘vendetta’ against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to discredit American politics, especially among foreign allies.
Pretty soon I expect the dear leader to let us know how he feels about Bolshevists.
America has fallen.
Hi, B1217S ! Glad you’re here. Saddle up; it’s a long ride to the elections in November 2017.
Feeling more than a little jealous of our Northern neighbors:
O Canada…..What a cabinet:Minister of Health is a doctor.Minister of Transport is an astronaut.Minister of National Defense is a Sikh Veteran.Minister of Youth is under the age of 45.Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food is a former farmer.Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness was a Scout.Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development was a financial analyst.Minister of Finance is a successful businessman.Minister of Justice was a crown prosecutor and is a First Nations leader.Minister of Sport, and Persons with Disabilities is a visually impaired Paralympian.Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard is Inuit.Minister of Science is a medical geographer with a PhD.New titles includeMinister of Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees was an Immigration critic.There are scientists in the cabinet, and it is made up of 50% women.
Jamie, I like Canada, but that math doesn’t begin to work when matching to the photo you linked yesterday. The sex count appears to be wrong and 50% of 15 = 7.5 and….
So I am a teacher – High School Social Studies / History. I have been teaching for 2 years (after a 30 year career in the corporate world). The depth of what is wrong with our educational system is way too involved to address in a single post. Once I get through this semester on Friday, I’ll post some thoughts as to what’s going on and what needs to be done. Things are a mess!
pilar & w1217s, a belated welcome aboard. thanks for the input. more facets make sparklier conversation.
which leads me to you, solar. enjoyed your comments and have a question for you and our other marines on the trail: what do you think is why so many are in drump’s cabinet choices? is it just a domino effect from 1st naming mattis who then gave the twit a list of those he could work with?* or does the twit harbor some secret fantasy?
*or use to work with (read Trump’s Cabinet is starting to look like the staff of one of the most storied units of the Iraq War at business insider)
bbronc, here’s some advice from one of many online on this subject: While an occasional nibble of your dog’s food won’t hurt your cat, long-term feeding of food formulated for dogs certainly can. For proper nutrition, feed your kitty only food specifically labeled for cats. Cats have different nutritional needs from dogs and become malnourished if fed a diet designed for canines according to nest. they also point out dogs are omnivores and cats are from mars…oops carnies.
in your particular case with gale, it could be a simple matter of male cat establishing alpha-dom over female dog.