Jim Webb: On Rejecting Elitism

Jim Webb, George Washington University speech (Nov. 15, 2016):

Hopefully the results of this election will provide us an opportunity to reject a new form of elitism that has pervaded our societal mechanisms. This is not quite like anything that has faced us before in our history. It has many antecedents but the greatest barrier, even to discussing it, has come from how these elites were formed, largely beginning in the Vietnam era, and how their very structure has minimized the ability of the average American even to articulate clearly and to discuss vigorously, the reality that we all can see.

Part of it was the Vietnam war itself, the only war with mass casualties – 58,000 American dead and another 300,000 wounded – where our society’s elites felt morally comfortable in avoiding the draft and excusing themselves from serving. As I wrote of a Harvard educated character in my novel Fields of Fire, “Mark went to Canada. Goodrich went to Vietnam. Everybody else went to grad school.” This created, among our most well-educated and economically advantaged, a premise of entitlement that poured over into issues of economic fairness, and obligations to less-advantaged fellow citizens. Writer and lawyer Ben Stein wrote many years ago of his years at Yale Law School with Bill and Hillary Clinton, “that we were supermen, floating above history and precedent, the natural rulers of the universe. … The law did not apply to us.”

Part of it was the impact of the Immigration Act of 1965, which has dramatically changed the racial and ethnic makeup of the country while keeping in place a set of diversity policies in education and employment that were designed – under the Thirteenth Amendment – to “remove the badges of slavery” for African Americans. This policy designed for African Americans, which I have supported, was gradually expanded to include anyone who did not happen to be white, despite vast cultural and economic differences among whites themselves. More than 60 percent of immigrants from China and India have college degrees, while less than 20 percent of whites from areas such as Appalachia do. But to be white is, in the law and in so much of our misinformed debate, to be specially advantaged – privileged, as the slogan goes, while being a so-called minority is to be somehow disadvantaged.

Frankly, if you were a white family living in Clay County, Kentucky, one of the poorest counties in America, whose poverty rate is above 40 percent and whose population is 94 percent white, wouldn’t this concept kind of tick you off? Wouldn’t you see it as reverse discrimination? And wouldn’t you hope that someone in a position of political influence might also see this, and agree with you?

And part of it, finally, is that diversity programs, coupled with the international focus of our major educational institutions, have created a superstructure, partially global, that on the surface seems to be inclusive but in reality is the reverse of inclusive. Every racial and ethnic group has wildly successful people at the very top, and desperately poor people at the bottom. Using vague labels about race and ethnicity might satisfy the quotas of government programs, but they have very little to do with reality, whether it’s blacks in West Baltimore who have been ignored and left behind, or whites in the hollows of West Virginia. Behind the veneer of diversity masks an interlocking elite that has melded business, media and politics in a way we could never before imagine. Many of these people also hold a false belief that they understand a society with which they have very little contact. And nothing has so clearly shown how wrong they are, than the recent election of Donald Trump.

— Former U.S. Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)

Webb on Fox News (11/15/2016)

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

poohbah, will jim take a cabinet post when it’s offered? he certainly will be a safe choice for the transition team to consider when they deign to cross the aisle for the appearance of inclusion and bipartisanship.

I sure would rather have webb than sessions/guiliani at dod… or doj or dos or wherever ivanka and jared will be putting them.

8 years ago

“Logic, reason and common sense will always lose when in conflict with a person’s ideology.”

purp, very profound and very right on with regard to the election.

oh, you didn’t mean it that way? silly illogical, unreasonable and nonsensical me…. but what can you expect from one of those overly emotional/hormonal females who doesn’t know her place.  🙂

8 years ago

I’m curious if this speech has been picked up/discussed by outlets other than this forum. Or would other outlets be afraid specifically because of the points it makes?

Thanks to Senator Webb & Mr Crawford for posting it here.


8 years ago

alexandra petri: Give Steve Bannon a chance. It’s not like he’s literally Joseph Goebbels.

Listen, what proof do you have that this dead lizard wrapped in the Confederate flag will not make an excellent chief strategist and senior counselor to the president of the United States?

I, for one, believe that everyone deserves a chance.
We have no proof that he is threatening, other than his words and actions, the voices that he has given a platform to, and the ugly philosophy he has allowed to spread. We cannot possibly know what is in his heart. So, you know. Who knows.

8 years ago

Senator Webb is correct in the historical analysis of the “interlocking elite” of both major political parties. Their attitudes and actions have disconnected significant numbers of blacks and whites from the American Dream. Mr. Trump’s personal history, however, suggests that he is a member of that interlocking elite. The hope is that he is more than rhetoric, and will use the power of the Presidency to benefit all those left behind.

8 years ago

Laura Ingraham rumored as possible Press Secretary.  If this happens, we can expect an Alice In Wonderland account of current events direct from the Jaberwocky.

8 years ago

In line with above:  The Two Americas of 2016

For many Americans, it feels as if the 2016 election split the country in two.

To visualize this, we took the election results and created two new imaginary nations by slicing the country along the sharp divide between Republican and Democratic Americas.

8 years ago

“Mr. Trump’s personal history, however, suggests that he is a member of that interlocking elite.”

jones, yeah ironic isn’t it that he is considered a savior to the non-elite…. the 99%….when he is, will always be and has been his entire life one of the elitist, the 1%.  good comment and a hearty welcome aboard.

it’s beyond belief that the forgotten and ignored working/nonworking whites who live either pay check to pay check or on the dole would trust to work for them a rich man who lives opulently (to the point of maybe shunning too many nights at the white house as being beneath him) and who has reneged on paying his workers in the past.

8 years ago

boston globe:
Read the letter Elizabeth Warren says she sent to Donald Trump about his transition team
“The millions of Americans who voted for you—and the millions who didn’t—will all be watching you.”

8 years ago

wall st journal:
Dakota Pipeline Backers Ask Court to Order Final Approval by Corps
Government delayed OK to drill under Missouri River reservoir to consider tribe’s input

and la times:

A day after the Obama administration said it would continue to withhold a final permit for the Dakota Access pipeline, thousands of protesters across the country urged the administration to shut down construction for good.

The company building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, of Dallas, is fighting back, filing motions Tuesday in federal district court in Washington asking a judge to declare “that Dakota Access Pipeline has the legal right-of-way to build, complete and operate the Dakota Access Pipeline without any further action from the Army Corps of Engineers.”

8 years ago

Sorta the same ol story….or been there done that……a nice history read!





On November 7, 1811, a force of some 1,100 U.S. troops under William Henry Harrison fought off an assault by a Native American confederacy near the Tippecanoe River in Indiana. The battle itself isn’t widely remembered today, but it’s become famous for its influential role in Harrison’s 1840 run for the White House. By framing “Old Tippecanoe” Harrison as a folksy, hard cider-swilling war hero, the Whig Party cruised to victory in what has often been called the first modern presidential campaign.


8 years ago


Senator Warren and all us overly hormonal types can be uppity together.  Beware of low flying mansplainings.


8 years ago

Senator Webb – thank you for your speech. Everything you say is true, but these voters would do better for themselves by taking proposed policies into account when voting and leaving the culture wars behind. You are right to point out that the inhabitants of Baltimore are plagued by the same ills that affect KY voters, yet for years, conservatives have railed against welfare abuse and imposed heavy fines for crack users and dealers. Now that rural areas have seen massive job losses, hopeless inhabitants have turned to disability fraud to get by and meth and heroin usage is a huge problem. There is no difference to the impacts of job loss to these areas, but the country didn’t turn a sympathetic ear when inner cities were affected. There was never talk of government money for drug rehabilitation when crack was a big issue, but it was a major topic of the campaign. I think you are naive about the motivation behind some of these voters. Not all these voters are racist as some would suggest, but they all voted for a racist. Like Charles Blow said, how are minorities to know if they voted for Trump despite his racist beliefs or because of it?

Also, let me offer a defense of the “elite”. I am probably considered elite, yet like many in my position, I grew up extremely poor and was motivated to live the American dream. I would say the vast majority of “elites” that I know grew up lower or middle class and got ahead through hard work. Our voices are not less important and, unlike Trump and Republicans, we vote against our own economic interests. These voters should ask themselves how Republican polices like tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations (which already pay a historic low percentage thanks to loop holes), privatization of Medicare and opposition to minimum wage will benefit them. It is absurd.

8 years ago

jules, welcome aboard and thanks for the insight. couldn’t said it better.

8 years ago

Welcome to the blog jonesiii and jules.

I agree that the Democrats have largely ignored the working class and are too cozy with Wall St. However, I agree with Jules that our Southern brothers and sisters should ask themselves what has the Republican party done for them.  Their governorships, most of their mayors, and state legislatures are all largely controlled by Republicans and have been for years.  I think that LBJ’s statement of “we’ve probably lost the south” upon the Civil Rights Act of 1965 still pertains to today.

The real anger that lost Clinton the election is in the north…  Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  I get why those people are angry.  I get why they’re mad at “the establishment”.  When I heard that Clinton hadn’t campaigned in Wisconsin, my first thought was wtf?!  I don’t believe that Trump will deliver some relief for these disaffected workers.  But then…  I hope I’m wrong.

As for Mr Webb’s conclusions about the elitism that was sown during the Vietnam War…  sure there was some of that.  What comes to mind is George W. Bush’s national guard duties and absence.  And of course…  Trump’s 5 deferments.  But he paints with too broad a brush.  By his definition that would make my agrarian and factory working of French Canadian descent husband an elitist because he got a college deferment to finish his English degree at a state college…  mean while John Kerry would not be considered an elitist because he served.  Again…  wtf?!

8 years ago

I knew enough officers from the ‘elite’ serving during the 60s. 70s, and 80s to discount much of what Jim is saying. I’ll cite one example, a young man named Mike Getlin who was in the class ahead of me at my small, Eastern prep school. Mike was a born leader. He captained the football team and guided new students in the lower grades as they joined our student body. His father was a senior vice president of Ford Motor.

After finishing college, Mike went into the Marine Corps. In 1967 he died in battle–a battle named in honor of him; “The Battle of Getlin’s Corner.” He died during the battle. but did manage to call in artillery and air strikes and fire his shotgun at the advancing enemy until its barrel melted—and then continued to fire it, despite wounds, until multiple hand grenades killed him. In so doing, he allowed troops under his command to withdraw to a more defensible position from which they were able to defeat the enemy. For his valor, Mike was awarded the Navy Cross posthumously. Two of his subordinates, who carried on the battle, were awarded Medals of Honor.

Mike came from an elite background. He knew that he was too elite not to serve.

8 years ago

While I generally subscribe to Mr Webb’s argument, I have difficulty with the timing. The rule by elites didn’t begin in 1965. It first began with the election of George Washington and lasted until the election of andrew jackson. The elites crept back into power, and the ‘Know Nothings’ formed to oppose them, especially targeting Masons. The Civil War and Lincoln then shook things up. The elites rose again with Civil Service, because they could read, write, and pass the exams.

Mr Webb credits ben stein’s bon mot about the Ivy Leaguers in 1965 thinking they were above the law. That reminds me of nixon’s antipathy for the Eastern Establishment. There wasn’t much empathy with the Appalachian Whites in nixon’s crew either. nixon’s administration acted as if they were above the law; as john ehrlichmann said, Whatever the president does is legal. As I remember it, ben stein had no objection to nixon and his non-Ivy League thugs.

8 years ago

I love that edit button.

8 years ago

Welcome, 7787 and Jules !

Saddle up, and ride with us to the end of the Trail. I hear that there’s a pot of gold there, just waiting for us. There’s a lake of stew and whiskey, too !

8 years ago

Jules…the elitism that Jim talked about has nothing to do with success or finances. “Intellectual elitism” is what he was referring to.

The perception for many out here in rural and small town USA is that we are being “force fed” by “intellectually elite” Democrats who think they’re smarter than we are and know what’s best for us…period. Our people think these people believe we’re dumb as oysters. That was reinforced by Hillary’s “deplorable” and “irredeemable” comments, plus the media focus on the “non-college educated” dummies which for many blue collar working whites seemed directed at them.

From what I’ve seen and heard, the Democrats’ brand problem among rural and working class voters is as simple as that.



8 years ago

eleetes shmeetes!  maybe there’s more to it than we’ve heard so far.  when will other stories like these come out of the closet and see the light of day.

excerpt from pittnews: Voter suppression helped decide presidential election

Milwaukee, the heart of Wisconsin’s Democratic Party, saw a drop in turnout of about 41,000 people, attributable almost wholly to increased voting obstacles introduced under the Republican legislature and administration, according to the city’s elections chief. Across the state, estimates show nearly 300,000 voters lacked the photo identification necessary to vote under the new voting regime. We may never know how much Trump’s message actually appealed to Wisconsinites, if only because so many of them were unable to speak through the ballot box. Among those silenced were many of the state’s minority voters who planned to vote for Clinton.

While Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes wouldn’t have been enough to change the eventual projected outcome in the Electoral College, other important states saw equally galling attempts at voter suppression. In North Carolina, the quintessential battleground state, black turnout during the early voting period declined by over 8 percent, amounting to over 60,000 fewer votes.

Here, even more so than elsewhere, the narrative of an uninspired electorate fails to explain the results. Black early voting turnout in most other Southern states saw a sharp uptick — as much as 18.5 percent in Louisiana. What was the important difference between North Carolina and similar southern states? The state’s Republican-controlled state legislature strictly cut back on both polling locations and hours for early voting.

Add to this the illegal, systematic purging of minority voters from registration lists in the state, and you have a formula for delivering North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes to the GOP. Similar purges removed over 200,000 registered voters in Ohio, while in Georgia, a Republican Secretary of State was accused of blocking thousands of minority voters from registration through an absurd system of “strict matching” of registration forms that was eight times more likely than the average to fail black applicants.

Vox writer German Lopez argued last week that voter suppression efforts alone couldn’t explain Clinton’s eventual loss in the Electoral College, in particular states like Pennsylvania where the Republican ticket won a plurality of the vote in the absence of new restrictions. But even in states like Michigan, where new identification laws weren’t in place, an uncounted number of voters were turned away at the polls with false information about voting requirements. And with both record-high interest levels among voters in general and the lowest turnout since 2000, it’s hard not to think that similarly unmeasurable disenfranchisement likely occurred across the country.

8 years ago

As i mentioned yesterday……the thinking is that Hillary is an Privileged  intellectual elite that does not understand the middle class……..nothing wrong with making money…a lot of it….I dont think that Warren Buffet would be considered as an intellectual elite….Obama would? (not picking on him again, just saying)


We also have dumb ass elites……lots of money and shit for brains….like Dick Cheney…….he and all of his crowd was a very privileged bunch…….

8 years ago


I tend to agree with your view that a high percentage intellectual elitism originates in the cloistered halls of our most venerated universities. Although I would argue that amount of education is not a clear or direct indicator of intelligence.

I have benefited from significantly from my years in college but I will also say that a significant percentage of my professors with doctorate degrees did not have the intelligence to come in out of the rain unless they see others doing it.

Academia (while certainly valuable) is also a haven for many lazy, mediocre, over educated do nothings. The other huge haven for these same individuals is gov’t service. They infest both parties’ bureaucrats.

I personally doubt that either of these institutions will be much affected by a Trump administration bent on reducing their influence.

Maybe….but I just don’t see it changing anytime soon.



8 years ago

Self-important idiots and lawless sociopaths are much more likely to be found in business than in academia or government. That’s my experience, based on who I’ve had to defend and who I’ve had to sue. In government, police officers seem more likely to be self-superior than clerks or number crunchers.

Also, I subscribe to Mudcat’s comments.

8 years ago

123,646,000 votes. 300,000 suppressed votes = 0.83%.

Ms Clinton’s success in the popular vote is greater than Kennedy’s winning margin in 1960 and nixon’s in 1968.

It’s also a M!LL!ON more than Gore’s winning margin in 2000.

8 years ago

Pardon me, but leftwingers like Bernie and O’Malley didn’t chase Jim Webb out of the race. That calumny plays right into the hands of the d.l.c. club members.

Jim Webb didn’t catch fire in blue collar NE IA (Dubuque & Davenport). Ms Clinton won those counties. In NH, another outsider, Vermin Supreme, beat Jim Webb handily.

8 years ago

A good candidate with a poor campaign can fail. A horrible candidate with an adequate campaign can win. In fact, that just happened. 
Ms Clinton demonstrated in the debates that she was in every way the superior candidate. However, her campaign had an inappropriate strategy for the political climate and the message they crafted failed to make the sale to poor and middle class Whites in the key states of OH, PA, NC, and FL. Throw in WI and MI, if you like.

Snake oil beats neglect every time.

The message that the CAMPAIGN CRAFTED failed to make that sale.

8 years ago

Reject Elitism, elect a billionaire.  Got it.

8 years ago

“also a haven for many lazy, mediocre, over educated do nothings….. is gov’t service”

jax, many of the gov’t servants i met over the years were just the opposite. they were caring dedicated highly qualified teachers, doctors, nurses, agriculture inspectors, wildlife officers, justice employees at all levels, public engineers, fema, social workers, scientists… hard at work for lot less money than their private sector counterparts made.  even came across a few legislators that one could be proud of…. tho most pols don’t usually work at governing that much let alone admit to being in or the gov’t. (now that I think of it, this congress really fits your description)

btw, some of our folks here on the trail are or once were in gov service. many had jobs that took a lot of heart a lot of courage and a lot of hard work.

8 years ago

Well, Mr. Crawford, i don’t think I could contrive a valid reason for dismissing any particular candidate based solely on their personal wealth, but I can identify the inherent hypocrisy in our contemporary debate concerning “intellectual elitism vs. working-class values”.


Without getting into the DNC power-struggle, with which I had nothing to do, I can remember Obama and the Dem-led congress squandering all of their political capital on Universal Healthcare- the idea that healthcare should be affordable to all and priced in a non-predatory manner so as not to bankrupt families with both unexpected AND astronomical fees.  This was vehemently rejected by the conservative politicians that claim to represent the American Average-Joe-and-Jane.


I also remember stimulus funds procured to revitalize a stagnant economy that almost failed completely (due to lack of regulation and oversight by a Republican led governement in the 2000’s) being used in rural and suburban areas for road repair and maintenence.  You might have seen the signs along our interstates- they said something like: “Your Tax Dollars at Work, Economic Stimulus Project”.  These were well-paying, blue-collar jobs repairing our “crumbling infrastructure” that conservatives so often like to bemoan.


I have yet to see any initiative from conservatives that actually addresses the needs of these “working-class” rural and suburban citizens they claim to represent.  Much easier for them is to play upon the darker forces of human nature, like xenophobia, contempt for each other, fear of the personal adaptation that progress implies… things of that nature.  Well, that’s what they did, and they got away with it because we have a culture where “education” is a dirty word and critical thinking is dismissed as “elitist”.  Color me “terrified”.

8 years ago

All’s I can say is you better start storing away the acorns because the Republicans are now leading the freak parade. They do it every time, just so they can buy up everybody’s stuff……

Took bush 7 yrs or so to put it in the dumpster, how long did it take Harding and Hoover…..

who they bullshittin’……


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

There will be deals –congress will trade Trump for infrastructure money with the end of social security and medicare

8 years ago

Is it not well-understood that what we call “Obamacare” is actually the Republican plan that was adopted by compromising Democrats after they had to abandon their original “single-payer” structure due to Republican and “Blue-Dog Democrat” obstructionism?  Yes, it was a foolish gambit.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Isn’t it Mittencare

8 years ago

He will hand off dominion to Russia while selling them arms to restore what was a “rusting” military into a legitimate global super-power.  China will take advantage of waning American influence and seize dominion over all of Asia, which India won’t like, so look for escalating tension there.   American hegemony will be over, and instead of Faustian bargains in the Middle-East, we will be forced to accept whatever power-structure the REAL international elite decide to impose.  You know, the elite that hoards trillions of dollars, controls public resources, persecutes dissidents, engages in genocide- fun stuff like that.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

The pejorative du jour “elite” is similar to sunshine, it can shine on all of us.  Deplorables though, that was interesting.  Nasty Woman, is one I will take with me to my grave!

No one has defined “elite” other than what the fat guy on blue pills says “pointy head intellectuals”.  To me “elites” are Republicans on Wall Street.  How that was turned around and made into people who graduated from college is beyond me.  Hopefully the slur dies out soon.

What is shaping up as a disaster is the transfer of power.  At least D.C. is cutting back on the viewing stands.  Let ’em stand if they want to show up.  Might as well shut down the Metro for some track work too.  Beck, the man of tears, has been making nice sounds.  I wonder if his people will show up and avoid the Yellow Line because nasty people ride it.

It is still funny to me that the floater’s people did not know the White House empties when he takes the oath of office.  Have they not watched West Wing Tomorrow?  Probably not on their prime time shows list.

Will the bloater actually run the country?  I am starting to doubt it, even more than I did yesterday.  He does not have the mental capacity to run anything.  Every little piece that comes out, even the Republican leaks make him sound like a six year old with a serious attention deficit disorder, and a personality defect.

But, the thought of Pence running the country makes me consider what happened when Kingy decided to toss off the Pope and make his own version of religion the standard.

If the floater wants to register all Muslims in the U.S., besides the protests, he will get a whole lot of volunteers to sign up for that registry.  All I know about Muslims and christians is they share most of the same religion.  That is good enough for me to want to join in.

8 years ago

“Hard to say what his presidency accomplished other than being our first mixed race president that we know of.”


His legacy will be setting the stage for despotic rule.

8 years ago

“cynical compromise”-CC


“Cynical”?  What is cynical about compromise?  Is that not what good governance is, compromising one’s positions to address the needs and wants of disparate agendas?

8 years ago

Modern American political discourse is of the nature that, rather than trying to establish common ground, we attempt to completely undermine opposing philosophies so that they can be dismissed, wholesale.  Personally, I have a hard time participating in that environment.  I felt compelled to do so, today, out of consternation with Webb’s assertions, cited in the original post, that I feel are both duplicitous and apologetic for willful ignorance.  I’ll leave it there.

8 years ago

I don’t imagine trump will be anything but Republican.

But I, like everyone else, will wait and see…….

hell, I hope he turns into some kind of miraculous human being……not so miraculous perhaps that he grasps the title of Dictator for Life, but you know, I’ll settle for garden variety miraculous.

8 years ago

 “I would really prefer to witness actions”


You don’t need to wait, Mr. C, you can witness the consequences of despotic rule occuring right now, all over the world, in places like Russia, Turkey, the Phillipines, Syria, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela…

8 years ago

The nice part of all this will be watching President Trump worshipping the Great God, Necessity.

8 years ago

xrepub, an “inappropriate strategy for the political climate” hardly makes one the “superior candidate” -CC

That’s cherry-picking what I wrote. HRC’s superiority over the deadbeat was demonstrated in the ‘debates’.

There are only 3 campaign strategies : I’m better than Q, stay the course, and time for a change. In a huge anti-status quo year it was appropriate for Clinton to make the case that she and the Prez were the change, but blocked for 8 years by the repub insiders.


8 years ago

i feel like vomiting.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Well, OldSeaHag, allowing myself to read about what the bloater and his family are doing gives me the same sensation.

8 years ago

Interesting topic. It all has a familiar, same ol’ same ol’ ring to it. From what I’ve seen over the last umteen years, it someone doesn’t like the President he is at fault for everything that’s wrong in the country. If someone likes the President, Congress is at fault for everything that’s wrong with the country. There never seems to be much middle ground. It’s always one side or the other that’s to blame for it all.

trump is definitely the poster boy for the 1% but it would be ludicrous to think of him as the “intellectual elite”, that’s just laughable. He did accomplish one thing though. Over the next 4 years (or less) it will be very clear to all who is at fault for whatever disasters we have to look forward to. This week he’s tweeting all his rubbish just like he did all year…well since he first got a twitter account really. He’s tweeting while his underlings set up the government because he has no clue how to run a country.

I forget who posted the link to the works of the world’s cartoonists yesterday (I think) but there was one that really made me cringe. I think it was #6 and it was trump about to board Air Force One and everyone was saluting. I thought, wow what a head trip that is going to be for the world’s biggest egomaniac! Literally being saluted everywhere he goes. At some point he may opt to have them Sieg Heil!

8 years ago

By 2018 it should be perfectly clear that the t(rump)-party is out to impoverish and enslave non-B!LL!ONA!RE$ and kill off all the B!LL!ONA!RE$ who oppose the Beast of the Apocalypse.

8 years ago

He’s not the president yet.

8 years ago

Wasn’t it the deadbeat who insinuated that the ‘Hillary Problem’ could be solved by 2d Amendment aficionados ?

I don’t think I’ll be in the mood to give the deadbeat asshole a chance.

8 years ago

Edit: was a post about me leaving, again.

8 years ago

Goodbye, Bink. sniff.

8 years ago

Supposedly Ivanka & Chelsea are friends.  If that condition exists I’m waiting for when the conspiracy, tin foil, Bebe Frog idiots finally twig on a certain fact:  The Kushner & Mezvinski families aren’t exactly back bay Protestants.  Pass the popcorn.

8 years ago


Somewhere along the line you seem to have become very right wing rather than balanced.  Time for me to take a vacation.