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8 years ago

Your post to god’s eye.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

boy howdy  glad to hear it  Mr Cracker doesn’t want to move to Nelson BC  too cold
soon to be former Senator Ron Johnson wants to start impeachment proceedings now because he won’t be there is Jan

8 years ago

Small injection of hope in case you missed Lawrence O’Donnell last night.

Hillary Takes 8 Point Lead in Early Voting in Florida

8 years ago

less like the fbi and more like the fSi, the federal sieve of investigation

the hill:

The FBI is investigating an alleged illegal donation scheme involving a wealthy Saudi family that supports Democratic Florida Senate candidate Patrick Murphy.
The Hill has found no evidence that Murphy himself was involved in, or even aware of, the alleged scheme. The Murphy campaign declined to say whether the candidate is aware of the FBI probe, but the campaign said neither Murphy nor his campaign staff is being investigated.
The FBI investigation, however, relates to Murphy’s first run for the House in the 2012 campaign cycle.
The allegation — originally submitted by a Republican super PAC run by a former top aide to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — is that Murphy’s high school friend and major political donor, Ibrahim Al-Rashid, coordinated a “straw donor” scheme to boost Murphy.
Al-Rashid didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment. And Murphy’s campaign declined to say whether Murphy’s attorneys had discussed the FBI investigation with Al-Rashid’s attorney.
A straw donor scheme occurs when a wealthy donor skirts legal limits on political donations by funneling money into campaigns using other people’s names.  
For any charges to be backed in the Al-Rashid investigation, the FBI must prove that the person or people running the scheme reimbursed donors without their permission. It would also be illegal to agree to be the named donors using somebody else’s money.
The FBI declined to respond to questions for this story.  
Kenneth Gross, one of Washington’s most experienced political lawyers, told The Hill the FBI customarily avoids taking actions within the period before elections so as not to influence the results.  
“Particularly when the candidate isn’t implicated,” added Gross, the former associate general counsel of the FEC.
The Senate Leadership Fund, which is spending tens of millions to help GOP Senate candidates including Rubio, has sought to directly implicate Murphy in the alleged scheme. 

8 years ago

Read last night’s thread – Hi Ping. If it helps, your candidate has a sizable New York State following any place north of NYC & about 110% of north-west-central Pennsylvanians. Overall not many votes to swing anything, but the sentiment remains.

Interestingly if you ask these citizens why they support their candidate the most popular answer: anyone but Hillary. Not a choice about issues, simply voting for someone because he/she isn’t the other. Most voters can’t tell you what candidate A says about issue X & I don’t think they care. The Year of Voting Dangerously wades in the shallow end. How the national totals break down next week will be fascinating. Really looking forward to this snapshot of who we choose to be.

8 years ago

ron johnson’s assumption is that HRC will be elected. He only drank half the koolaid.

8 years ago

Libertarian VP Candidate vouches for Clinton.  Be sure to play interview video.  Basically if you are in a battleground state:  Vote for Hillary.


Maddow Blog

8 years ago


I agree, the breakdown of next week’s vote will be fascinating. The amount of people voting for HRC or Trump that are just voting against the other is shocking. I run into people , especially the anti Hillary voters and they mostly are voting for Trump because they hate her.. Number one reason they say, “i don’t trust her” or “she lies” . If i dig deeper, most don’t really know the origin of their feelings against her.. HER, that’s so much of it..

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

for the die hard trump supporters — in case your subscription to the Crusader has lapsed — KKK front page endorsement of heir trump.

pong…it might be your hormones or perhaps a male menopause, but resorting to abortion porn and treating women like chattel really is a 20th century throwback.  I know we should be giving guns to children instead of dragging them to an adult abortion protest in the perfect alt right world.


8 years ago


This election is like high school. Guess who has fewer cooties wins.



Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Will the last deplorable heading back to the basket after the election, please pull the wool over the basket?

8 years ago

Louis C.K. Says Hillary Clinton Is A Tough Mom Who ‘Takes Care Of S**t’
“If you vote for Hillary you’re a grown-up. If you vote for Trump you’re a sucker.”
Chris DeAngelo

8 years ago

Two police officers shot and killed in Iowa.

Apparently the latest fashion trend is random shooting of police officers.

Suspect is a white male 46yrs old.



8 years ago

BW:  “Will the last deplorable heading back to the basket after the election, please pull the wool over the basket?”

And would someone sane coming behind dig a very deep hole, throw in the basket and cover it with cement so they can never escape again.


8 years ago

I see Ping was at his trollish best last night. lol he does love to troll you folks.

The fascinating thing about Pings trolls for me was the language/voice  he used. It took me a while to place it as it goes back 30 yrs ago to an acquaintance who was bipolar. Charlie would speak exactly like Ping when he was out of control , drunk and arguing some off the wall conspiracy.

Not sayin’ that is Pings problem, but it does give you an idea of what it takes to defend Trump in a positive manner.



8 years ago

Legitimize What Can’t Be Proven: Comey’s ‘October Surprise’
A trip through time leading up to recent FBI release of old Bill Clinton documents.  One might suspect evil intent.


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

I have determined my best forensic guess on the future of comey — using my criminal investigative skills gathered over years of television watching — he will resign citing health reasons in the near future.

8 years ago


Given the toxic nature of the waste you are burying, make sure it is properly lined with a water impervious cap. don’t want any of that toxicity leaking out into the environment. It  would be a mojor super fund site.



8 years ago

I have no doubt that we will be saying President Elect Clinton come Nov. 9th.

The rest is just blah,blah….   BLAH!

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Obama did not have the baggage of Clinton and the repugs still obstructed him and attempted to de-legitimatize his presidency (birtherism).  We continue to have racial issues even with a Black president, in fact because of a Black president.  I certainly have recognized racism in myself (never proud to type that) and over a life time?  I have learned better.  I do owe Obama for that.  I imagine it will be the same with a woman…the misogyny!!  Certainly, the treatment of women has become front and center.  We will all learn something about out ourselves and how we view gender and equality.  Good on the dems for delivering such diverse candidates.

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
8 years ago


Hope is not a strategy.  This will be very interesting next week.  Any more surprises?

Hmm Thank you for the diagnosis!   Check with Craig as we have known each other for almost 50 years,  maybe I do need meds?   Not sure about the troll comment?

Now already back off to work to the evil free enterprise world.  I will check in, troll in later!

Would love to see a responsible response to the abortion question and if all agree with Hillary that late term abortions should be allowed beyond 20 weeks unless the life of the mother is an issue?

Also read the FBI statements from the summer,  If intent is documented based on communications Hillary is done!  Intent was discovered she just did a great job of skirting the issue. Craig – Can she invoke article II for herself as POTUS?



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Dear Ping

The answer is it should be between a woman and her doctor

you should have nothing to do with it you snoopy creepy person who wants to meddle in the medical affairs of others

how would you like it if someone interfered with your ED pills

Ping works in the medical field and is a shill for the criminal insurance business

You need rehab because you are filled with Trump lies
the FBI (soon to be unemployed Comey) said there was no intent you are deliberately stupid

8 years ago

tony, thank you for that louis c.k. vid.  hope a lot of young folks saw it.  good to see someone saying they’re voting “for” her with enthusiasm and good reasons rather than just voting against him because he’s more evil.

very, very funny about his why the 1st mom prez is better than just 1st woman prez

8 years ago

“Would love to see a responsible response to the abortion question…”

ping, how about this from an article originally published at huffpo in 2009 and updated last month entitled “The Inconvenient Truths (For Both Sides) About Late Term Abortions”

…one woman who, in the eighth month of pregnancy, found out that she had conjoined twins. One of the twins had died. And the other was unlikely to survive:



“At best only one child would survive the surgery to separate them and the survivor would more than likely live a brief and painful life filled with surgery and organ transplants. We were advised that our options were to deliver into the world a child who’s life would be filled with horrible pain and suffering or fly out to Wichita Kansas and to terminate the pregnancy under the direction of Dr. George Tiller.”




Another woman discovered that one of her twins had died and that delivering the other would likely have killed her; another twice opted for a “partial birth” abortions after learning the babies had “no faces, with no way to eat or breathe,” and would die almost immediately after birth. Andrew Sullivan has published a number of stories too.

…most of the stories are from women who desperately wanted their babies but were faced with horrible dilemmas of whether to give birth to a child that would suffer and then die. Some of the abortions were, in effect, mercy killings.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

it’s none of Ping’s business period

8 years ago

Hard to think anyone at this point hasn’t made up their mind about the candidates. Can see the pox on both their houses group choosing not to vote. Of course the down ballot races get hurt, which would be the long term effect, but doubt they care.

On a brighter note, next Tuesday is forecast to be 56F & sunny here. Hate the “bad weather” excusers.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Jack is rght ping is nothing but a troll now instead of a reasonable voice for the idiot right

8 years ago
8 years ago

For a November 8th forecast, America’s looking mighty good, patd.

No Excuses allowed 😉

Funny thing about the Republican Nominee saying people in certain states who voted early can change their votes. Perhaps they will …. maybe just not for him. Oops.

8 years ago

speaking of trolls

8 years ago

Jamie, thanks for alerting us to that maddow/weld interview.  wapo today printed the transcript in which was this tasty bit:

MADDOW: Given that, I’m gonna circle back to the question I asked before.  Somebody listening to you right now in N.C. — knowing that N.C. may decide who the next president of the U.S. is — hearing you, in terms of what you think of Donald Trump and that you fear for the country if he is elected.  Why wouldn’t it be — if those are the stakes, and that person is deciding well, I’m gonna vote against Donald Trump and you concede basically that you’re not gonna win — that you and Gary Johnson are not gonna win the presidency. Why would that person not weigh threat to the country, fear for the fate of the country against hope the libertarian party gets its five percent this year. Why would a person pick the Libertarian vote in that case if the stakes are that high between voting for Clinton and Trump?

WELD: Well, the person could very well decide not to do that, and for someone deciding not to do that, I have a lot to say about Mrs. Clinton that has not been said by others recently and that I think needs to be said. I mean I’ve known her for 40 years.  I worked with her, I know her well professionally. I know her well personally. I know her to be a person of high moral character. A reliable person and an honest person, however Mr. Trump may rant and rave to the contrary. So I’m happy to say that. People can make their own choices.

8 years ago

even more interesting from that same maddow/weld interview:

MADDOW: What do you think – what’s your reaction – I ask this in part because you were deputy attorney general…assistant attorney general?

WELD: Assistant attorney general in the criminal division.

MADDOW: That’s part of your background and you’ve had a varied life in public service – What is your reaction to the emergence of the FBI as a sort of wild card in these last days, what’s your reaction to what James Comey’s…

WELD: It’s incomprehensible, and I can’t see it – Mr. Comey’s got a good background but there’s nothing there, so far as it appears.  Nothing there.  So he wrote the letter to the eight Republican committee members copied to the Democrats saying ‘you know some emails have turned up, we’ve looked at a lot of emails now it turns out there are even more emails – we don’t know what’s there, so there’s absolutely no evidence whatsoever that could be of interest to anyone until we conduct our multi-week, multi-month investigation but I thought you’d all just like to know.  Now I don’t get that – that’s violating any number of Justice Dept. protocols and procedures.  Y’know he should have gone to the Public Integrity section and said ‘What do you folks think.’  It’s a little bit of an odd situation because he’s a former deputy attorney general as well as head of the FBI so he may have trouble keeping on only the investigator hat forgetting that he’s a former deputy attorney general.  So it’s not a good thing, it’s a distraction so I think we should just ignore it because there’s nothing there so get on with the business of  last week of the election.


MADDOW: Well, when you say there’s nothing there, the campaign of which you are a part put out this statement re: Clinton Investigation and they put it out over your photo, you and Gary Johnson, and it says “The newest revelations about Hillary Clinton demonstrate why America should be scared of both Clinton and Trump. We have a system that is so corrupted that parents all over have to apologize to their children for the leadership we are giving them.”  This was put out in response to what Jim Comey did and it sounds like you do not agree with this statement from your own campaign.

WELD: That’s correct.  That’s correct.

MADDOW: But they still kept it up over your photo.

WELD:  You know in fairness Gary and I have not agreed on a number of substantive issues in this campaign, tax policy, we’ve had some influence on each other, I think I’ve had some influence on him, on constructive engagement around the world, he’s had some influence on me in criminal justice reform issues.  We’re talking them through, I talk with Gary every other day, we’re on different coasts usually but we keep in touch and — yeah, no I do not agree with that release.

8 years ago

Just in case, I’m sending Bill Worerlee a plea for asylum in case Australia starts looking even better than it already does.  I can erect a tent near the kangaroo mob and he can wave at me on his morning jog.