We don’t propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded

and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere. — Lyndon Baines Johnson

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

putintrumpAll the deep brotherly air kisses and love between the old guy wearing a shedding rat as a hairpiece and the old KGB agent keeps bringing one thing up.  The old Soviet wants to destroy America.  Whatever the bloater has in mind, and his mind is one thing that could use a bit of chemical treatment, thinking Putin is going to make a favorable deal is nuts.

He is old enough to know how the Cold War went, and how it destroyed many countries around the world.  His business dealings also show he is stupid too.  The blowhard is being played by Putin and the Russian mob.  As he will not release his tax papers we can assume that he his more Russian than American.

Give me people who distrust the Communists. People who were not fooled when Putin said he was all for democracy, as long as he was elected.  People who have seen the real world and not one created in the vacuum of an orange covered cranium.

Hillary has seen much of the world, starting with her Republican youth.  I still cannot understand why the Republicans hate her so much.  Is it because she stood by her husband, unlike the fifty percent plus divorce rate of the Republican states?  Is it because she is smart? Maybe because she is everything they are not?

A side effect of being a Boomer is to have lived through the Cold War.  The constant propaganda of both sides.  How horrible the Russians/Soviets are compared to your average criminal.  Those godless people, how could we not hate them.  McCarthy assuring us that the Commies are everywhere and only he can protect us from them.

Today we have a McCarthy wanna be.  But more dangerous.  McCarthy drank too much and died before running for president.  The bloater does not drink, whether or not we can trust that as he lies about anything and everything, so lying about drinking does not rise above anything else he states.

The problem is nothing like Obama bringing an end to the most foolish of embargoes in history.  That Cuba is going to the world, actually Cuba went to the world decades ago, and America finally recognizes the problem of holding an embargo for Miami votes is nothing like taking the Soviets into America through the White House.

communist-star-hiNo sleeper cell is the bloater.  He admits to being under the influence of the Kremlin in his campaign word salad.  Having been in the U.S. military I was trained to be ready to fight in Europe against unnamed forces which probably had a big red star on their uniforms. Although I could not and would not mix up the Soviet star and the Macy’s star (yes there are people who do not shop at Macy’s because they think it is a Soviet store).

I do not trust Putin.  I do not like Putin and his minions.

More Posts by Blue Bronc


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Retired on Chesapeake Bay.

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8 years ago

I am blue

blue I am

I do not like that putin man

that naked man I do not like

his pal can also take a hike

and his pundits with a mike

8 years ago

speaking of the cold war and in re the emmys, tony, I really hoped “the americans” would get more recognition. but as it is with Hillary being a good, complex and intelligent piece of work gets you nowhere in today’s world when up against a clown show.

8 years ago

Great post Blue Bronc!  Perhaps the deal here is to heat up the old cold war in order for that pesky Military Industrial Complex to make a few more trillion?  I wonder what defense holdings the Trump has – oh wait – would that be in his tax returns?  I’m sure his 10-K has been scoured – probably nothing in there.

Alas, America is being played by a world class bullshit artist – and those smart enough to notice are defiled with name calling and rumors.  I sure wish we had an Ed Murrow or Walter Cronkite around these days!

And to the discussion being played out at the end of yesterday’s thread, I cannot see a Clinton Presidency as being any longer than 4 years.  And since we’re approaching the 25th anniversary of the public/media beating of Clinton (thank you Rushbo for kicking things off), how the hell is she going to get anything done?

Perhaps, and just thinking out loud, the best thing for America in the long run would be to put Trump in the White House for a few years.  Maybe Americans would then be able to see how ignorant they are – although “ignorantly informed” is certainly an oxymoron.  Maybe we have to hit rock bottom before recovery can begin.

8 years ago

Blue Bronc

Thanks you for another fine post. Thank you as well for continuing to expose Trump and his vile hate filled campaign, well all except for his “man love” of Putin.

White Voters Keep Trump’s
Hopes Alive in Must-Win Florida


As has been expected, Mrs. Clinton appears on track for a record-setting state performance among Florida’s Hispanic voters. She leads Mr. Trump by a 40-point margin, 61 percent to 21 percent, more than doubling the 18-point margin President Obama recorded four years ago, according to Upshot estimates. The result is a stronger one for Mrs. Clinton than those of some recent surveys.

8 years ago

“Maybe Americans would then be able to see how ignorant they are – although “ignorantly informed” is certainly an oxymoron.  Maybe we have to hit rock bottom before recovery can begin.”

dv, didn’t we already do that with dubya?  been there done that.

and don’t forget the fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me admonishment

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

this is my first election as a senior citizen…I will be eligible for Medicare in over 2 years…health care has nearly bankrupted me as it has many citizens.  the trend continues…so I thought this election might partly be about the large lump of baby boomers who are clogging the system with retirement after the great recession.  the cost of healthcare for retirement…but no?  I was looking forward to gray panthers asking tough questions.  Huh? It seems things have changed as this is the clash of the baby boomer titans, no one is retiring.  Old people still working for the biggest job in the land.   The younger citizens clearly want us off the stage and hurry-up and die.  In my heart, I feel Clinton will prevail, but the damage is done and the dems better start grooming and mentoring some younger candidates.

putie did well for his dictator elections….merkel?  Mired in migrants…putie’s hit job on her is showing.  he has given the plan to evil team trump on how to take down an old lady.  I know, so many cheering on the sidelines who want to kick the old lady…hopefully in the direction of the WH.  Sully everything especially if you continue to lose….the repugs mantra.

remember the supreme court in voting


8 years ago

Why I’m Proudly Voting FOR Hillary Clinton, Not Just AGAINST Donald Trump

by robbie medwed

Democratic Nominee Isn’t Perfect, but No One’s More Experienced or Qualified, and Her Policy Positions are Right Where I Want Them to Be

Sometime in the past few weeks, the presidential election conversation shifted away from “I’m voting for … ” to “I’m voting against … ”
While I’m all for anyone voting against GOP nominee Donald Trump for pretty much any reason — and wow, are there many — I want to shift the conversation back. I’m not just voting against Trump, I’m proudly voting for Hillary Clinton.
Before we go any further I should tell you that no, I’m not affilliated with the Clinton campaign. Yes, I’ve worked on Democratic campaigns and will probably work on others in the future, but so far, they’ve all been local or statewide races.
This is all me, and I’ll say it again: I’m proudly voting for Hillary Clinton. She’s not just the best candidate for the job in relation to the other possibilities, she’s the best we’ve seen in a long time.
Right away, more than a few commentors on Facebook are going to start off by saying, “But Hillary wasn’t even for same-sex marriage until a couple of years agoand only because public opinion changed!” Seriously, wait a few hours after this gets posted and go check NCRM’s Facebook page. At least one person’s going to say this.
Here’s my response: So what? She’s there now. There are lots of folks who were involved in the fight, whether on the ground or at a policy level, who gladly take wins however we can get them.
A win’s a win. She may not have been with us before, but she took the time to listen, learn and act. She’s there now and she’s gone even farther — she’s more pro-LGBT going into the election than any other major party candidate in history.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

fired foodtaster, chris, has been noshing on the seaside of NJ while concocting election lies…today the trial for Bridgegate begins.  Bridget Kelly had incredible parents…time travelers, foreshadowing her future by wisely naming her Bridget.  When chris needed a scapegoat?  Bridget!  Easy stuff for repug cover-up and pawn naming. These are the real crooks and murderers of the US of AA…but the dialog is so tainted by the repug poison.   perhaps the bombs in Elizabeth were set by repugs to have citizens fear terror instead trial watching…trump trash has pressure cooker instructions.   No matter, by the time it hits the local news?  Clinton looks like crap and has an enthusiasm problem…that is all you hear about her.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

to me trump is not a viable candidate, period.  seriously, what started as a joke has become a monster.

8 years ago


Yes, i feel the same about “The American’s” as well.. A terrific show and i def wished it received more attention last night.

Lol, yes, you are correct about Hillary, up against the clown show, well we have to hope the voters who want all their hopes and dreams fulfilled through Hillary or Trump come back down to earth. Voting is about voting for the candidate who most represents who you are and what kind of country you want to live in.. That straight white men are voting for Trump is no surprise. Their all around me here in Florida, ugh and i so hope they don’t get their way anymore..

8 years ago

boss, response to two things you said last night:

1. So little positive about why Hillary should be elected, just that she’s not Trump. 

NOT being the drumpf is more than a little positive in itself. but how many times do experienced and respected folks have to publically point out that she’s the “most qualified ever” to be nominated prez?  how many more accomplishments working in the public interest documented?  how many more substantive stands does she have to issue and positive platforms pushed?

2. My concern is once she’s in and Trump is gone where’s the constituency for a presidential agenda, after a campaign that was only about him?

a defeat this time will be the haunting sound of potential death knell and cause gopers to wake up, hear the impending doom of their party and consider the value of constructive compromise, cooperation and compassion.  hopefully, mitch will be pitched too.

8 years ago

Too much of the mistrust in Hillary Clinton is plain sexism
Fabiolo Santiago

Polls place her in a tight race against the simplistic Trump, whose claim to fame is mainstreaming hate speech. His ideas favor no one but the very rich and tribalist. Yet Clinton is only trusted slightly more than Trump. Only 35 percent of people surveyed by an ABC/Washignton Post poll released Sunday found Clinton honest and trustworthy. An amazing 31 percent believe that Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy.
This is the man who even lies about lying and gets away without meaningful challenge, not just from right-leaning Fox News, but from NBC’s Matt Lauer.
There’s only one thing that explains the state of things: misogyny.
After I saw the first Republican debate, so low-budget in substance and know-how, I could picture no other scenario than Clinton coasting to the presidency. How gullible of me. I underestimated the ingrained nature of sexism in American culture and its ability to creep into the national conversation in ways both surreptitious and blatant.
The coverage of Clinton’s bout with pneumonia is the latter.
The condescending way an infection of the lungs in the middle of an exhaustive, competitive campaign is being portrayed is the last straw for me. Trump withholds his tax returns with no repercussions. She’s castigated at every turn as secretive for not revealing the pneumonia diagnosis right away. We’re talking a couple of days.
“Donald Trump Seizes Hillary Clinton’s Absence to Press His Case,” reads the headline in The New York Times.
Read that: Woman misses work, she’s weak!

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/fabiola-santiago/article101650072.html#storylink=cpy

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

trump elevates putie…and here is another reason WHY?  Where are all the women?– gender gap continues in phony democratic dictatorship.  trump should be asked about the sanctions against russia for invading Crimea — putie wants them gone as citizens personal economy is in the dumper, but his party still wins with over 76%.  this is about money and russia and taking oil…right-up trump’s alley.   there is an ugly saying (sorry Craig)…’I am going to shit in another alley to starve you out.’   if only we could do this with trump, but the media had too much fun and became lazy….taking swipes at HRC while retweeting garbage.  More ugly citizens who spend too much time on their cell phones instead of actually working and living life.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

thx, patd…funny stuff.  bush would have been a better candidate…the hate fest of trump, the turdnado is unsettling for most decent citizens.  the haters are in heaven…what happened to them to make them so?

8 years ago

America’s Cultural Civil War
Ron Brownstein

As the country’s ideological and demographic trends continue to favor Clinton, Trump’s blue-collar white backers become more isolated.

8 years ago

can’t we all just get along…. politely at least

New Rule: Bring Civility Back to Politics | Real Time with Bill Maher

8 years ago

but how many times do experienced and respected folks have to publicly point out that she’s the “most qualified ever” to be nominated prez?  how many more accomplishments working in the public interest documented?  how many more substantive stands does she have to issue and positive platforms pushed?


A good question. I think the answer is no matter how many times its pointed out it will never be enough when it comes to HRC. Why the difference when it comes to HRC and all the other candidates who have ever run for President, umm, what’s the difference? Lol, it hits you in the face, she’s a WOMAN!

8 years ago

BB, great post and GREAT picture.

So other than a quick check in here and reading the WaPo headlines I spend 5 days not really paying attention to politics and get to the NOLA airport yesterday and am confronted on the constantly looping CNN with Fatboy Slim and Reince “preponderance of the evidence” Priebus perpetuating the “Clinton raised the birther issue first” meme.  OK, she didn’t raise it and she told her staff to stop it in 2008 as I understand it.  Donald raised it in 2007 or ’08 and ran with it until Friday.  Dana Milbank had it right – the press was played again.  So long as the press acts as if the drool drivel that keeps dripping coming out of drumpf’s fat face is serious we will continue to be greeted by analysis of his BS.  Really?  WTF?  HOW many times do the press have to be fooled before they learned.  We’re at about 50k now and they haven’t learned a thing yet.

OK, take a breath.  I see the polls continue to tighten and the odds of Hillary winning (538.com has it at 61%) continue to drift toward the middle. She still holds a lead at the RCP election map of 35, with the no tossup map putting her at 293 electoral college votes despite a virtually even round of national polling. I still believe that she will win and that moving VA, PA and NC into the tossup column is simply wrong.

8 years ago

Excellent posting, BlueB!

OK…  I’m sitting here trying to come up with something clever to say about this election that hasn’t been said before…  and I’m coming up empty.  It’s still Clinton is super qualified and no one wants to believe it and Trump blah, blah, blah.

Time to go up to my studio and get lost in my work.

8 years ago

“I still believe that she will win…”

pogo, that’s it. let’s all start clapping…. believing…. tink won’t die and she’ll win the race!

the tinkerbell effect employed with enthusiasm!

but to be on the safe side, vote and make sure all your friends vote too.

8 years ago

raw story:

The Morning Joe host spoke to GQ magazine about his dream of staging the 2016 election as a musical extravaganza, enthusing that it will be like “Hamilton meets The Book of Mormon.”

“It’s Trump: The Musical,” Scarborough told GQ‘s Jason Zengerle, who wrote that at first he thought Scarborough was joking.

[….some lyrics….]

I’m just a simple man
Blessed with this orange tan
I’m simply titanic
Beloved by Hispanics and Jews
I’m huge
Losers don’t understand
The genius of my border plan
They call me a fool
Then they dare ridicule my huge hands

[….] …Scarborough appears to be attempting to strike back at Trump while carving out a second — or rather, third — career act for himself. He is considering, he confided, running for office again.

“I’ll just be really blunt. He actually does present an opening,” Scarborough told GQ. “When I ran [for Congress] in ’94, I ran as a conservative-slash-populist, and Republicans have been getting drubbed on the national level because they all talk like American Enterprise Institute policy wonks. Conservative-populists like myself have never been accepted in polite political society, but Donald Trump makes me look absolutely mainstream.”

8 years ago

marketpulse: Former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Prefers Clinton

Republican former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson told CNBC on Monday that Democrat Hillary Clinton has the “temperament” to find middle ground on the big issues facing the nation.

Saying he supports House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Paulson said on “Squawk Box” he cannot get behind GOP nominee Donald Trump.

8 years ago

If think you’re “stunned” now, wait ’til the Stooge is elected, then you’ll be “stunned”, royally.

8 years ago

Blue: Great post! Love the image! I’m definitely from the boomer gen and have vivid memories of Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table at the UN because he couldn’t go to Disneyland!!! I’m sure he and DT would have been buds and shared a few intimate horse rides too LOL!

dv..: Love that you brought up Ed Murrow & Walter Cronkite. I’ve actually been thinking a lot about them & Chet Huntley/David Brinkley lately. With the meely-mouthed pretenders we have now posing as journalists, old school (real) journalists must be rolling in their graves. If only we had someone with real integrity covering this election maybe the stupid people wouldn’t have a champion rising from the depths. It’s frightening to watch.

Tony: Love the articles! I also admire that HRC has the intelligence to change her mind after studying more information on issues. It’s called learning and growth! Much prefer that to someone who’s completely intractable in their views.

I’ve been worrying that some people will vote for Johnson because they don’t like the two main contenders. We can’t let that happen. It would be worse than 2000 when Nader had such a strong last minute push for an independent candidate that it cost Gore the election. Thoughts?

Jace: Just saw your Sunday post today. Amazing, mesmerizing! Aaahhhh…to be that flexible (and thin) 😉

8 years ago

editor of  einnews:

What would Donald Trump actually do if he woke the morning after the election to find that he is president of the United States? It’s hard for most of us to visualize such a morning, given that Trump has said so little of substance during the campaign and the meager menu he’s given us often changes between breakfast and lunch.

But let’s give it a try, based on what we know about his character and how he’s defined himself.

For starters, I’d imagine Trump calling Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to the White House and delivering this kind of a message:

“I’m president now, okay. I’m in charge and when I give orders I expect people to take them. Just so we understand each other, I’ll let you know when I want something passed by Congress. Your job will be to pass it. And by the way, thanks for all the help you didn’t give me in the election. Don’t think I’ll forget it.”

Next I can visualize Trump meeting with his new attorney general.

“Those nuisance suits against me and my company floating around. Get rid of them, okay. And you know in my campaign I kept calling her “corrupt Hillary?” It wouldn’t look good if we didn’t indict her. Find something. And while you’re at it there must be something we can come up with against Obama. He had eight years to screw up. It’s got to be there, whatever it is.”

Maybe a phone call to his new press secretary:

“Tell me why we need to devote valuable White House space to a press room. Don’t they have their own offices? We’ll just send them things we want them to know. I’ve been thinking we might turn that space into a President Trump gift shop. Oh, and let the guys at the FCC know that from here on I’ll personally be reviewing renewals for all network and station broadcast licenses. They can come here, to the Oval Room, sit across this big desk from me and make their case for why we should let them stay in business. “

8 years ago

hmmm. sounds a lot like joe McCarthy’s “enemies from within” bit. what next, “purple pamphlets”?

foxnews: Trump calls for confronting ‘cancer from within’ amid terror attacks

Donald Trump revived his calls for tightening immigration following a rapid-fire succession of terror attacks involving foreign-born suspects spanning from Minnesota to New York and New Jersey, describing the threat as “cancer from within.”

8 years ago

…as opposed to a “cancer from without”?  What a friggin’ moron.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Huntley Brinkley

one is solemn the other twinkley


8 years ago

Time to start looking at the often predictive absentee ballot requests — Dem friend in Ohio tells me they’re running double the 2012 numbers in heavily Dem counties

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Double the number of Dem absentee ballots  I hope they are planning to vote for Clinton

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

they’ve arrested Roger Stone’s bomber

8 years ago

Good post, BB

At my uncles bday celebration Saturday evening some of the people in my ‘cluster’, some a little older, some younger than I, steered the conversation towards politics and the candidates. Expecting the worst, I proclaimed my strong support for Hillary, my absolute rejection of Donald, and why. To a person, they agreed with me. Even better, they pledged their best efforts to muster others to our cause.

The gathering itself was marvelous. Uncle Bill was in fine fettle engaging in animated conversation with each of us. His mind shows no evidence of his chronological age. He is adjusting as well as can be expected to the loss of my aunt, his wife. His daughters had a marvelous spread that arrived at just the appropriate time. Beautiful roast tenderloin and broiled salmon.

Best of all, despite the copious availability of booze and wine, I saw no one indulge inappropriately; we all played nicely with one another, Uncle Bill was thrilled with his custom c-note and the warmth of the entire happening.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago



Were you in Ohio?

8 years ago

for flatus

Kim Criswell and Audra McDonald

8 years ago

cbs: Hillary Clinton urges Americans to “choose resolve, not fear” after attacks

This threat is real, but so is our resolve. Americans will not cower; we will prevail,” Clinton told reporters on the airport tarmac in White Plains, New York. “We will defeat the evil, twisted ideology of the terrorists.”

This weekend’s events, Clinton said, underscore the need to ensure state and local law enforcement have “the resources, training and intelligence” to combat the threat.

“We should also launch an intelligence surge so that we identify and thwart attacks before they are carried out,” she said.


Clinton emphasized there are “millions of law-abiding, peaceful Muslims.” She also said that she is “absolutely in favor of and have long been an advocate of tough vetting” and added, “We need a better visa system.”

At the same time, she said people shouldn’t be sucked into accepting Trump’s rhetoric.

“Let’s not get diverted and distracted by the kind of campaign rhetoric coming from the other side,” she said. “This is a serious challenge.”

8 years ago

the guardian: Hillary Clinton: Trump’s rhetoric about terrorist attacks ‘gives Isis what it wants’

Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of “giving aid and comfort” to terrorist adversaries by seeking to exploit the manhunt gripping New York after a succession of weekend bombings.


As police captured an Afghan-born suspect they believe is linked to attacks in New York and New Jersey, the Democratic presidential nominee urged a targeted approach rather than Trump’s call for blanket immigration restrictions.

“We are going to have to go after the bad guys and we are going to get them, but we are not going to go after an entire religion and give Isis exactly what it is wanting,” Clinton told reporters at a press conference outside New York City.

“The kinds of rhetoric and language that Mr Trump has used is giving aid and comfort to our adversaries,” she added.

8 years ago

Flatus…  glad you had such a good time!

Ahhhh….   I feel good now that I’ve had a mornings work under my belt.

In honor of football season….

8 years ago

Anti-American terror groups would love a Trump presidency, as it would undermine U.S hegemony in ways low-level attacks can’t.  Expect more of this —- as they and other foreign antagonists try to influence our election.  Republicans have given them(Anti-American terror groups) the perfect opportunity to do so.

8 years ago

Katherine, yes I was in Ohio. Left here shortly afternoon on Friday, spent the night outside of Parkersburg WVa, then arrived in Pepper Pike on Cleveland’s east side around 1100-local. Was able to check-in immediately. Left Sunday morning at 0730 and arrived back in Columbia at 1630. Lots of rain yesterday along with Sunday drivers.

But, I know you really wanted to know about Dayton. They are making remarkable strides in revitalizing the I-77 corridor. If it is still there, I couldn’t see the Hoover factory, and I really looked. Perhaps they camouflaged it behind rows of recently planted green-stuff. Or, they might have refurbed it and made it a Huber factory.

8 years ago

Pat, thank you for searching-out the musical for me; I do miss Ohio but the things I miss are either gone or hopelessly altered.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Thanks for the update Flatus.   I don’t think you can see the Hoover plant from the Freeway and it is now apartments

8 years ago

Simplistically, and based on Trump’s own statements:

Trump presidency = weaker NATO

= weaker E.U.

= more politically unstable Europe(not very stable as itbis)

= stronger Russia

= more Russian influence in Turkey and Syria

= muddled and possibly genocidal policy in the Middle East

= escalation of conflicts in Middle East(already rather escalated)

= impetus for China to assert authority in Middle East and bolster Naval presence

= heightened tension in an already tense Asian-Pacific region

= a world I don’t want to see

8 years ago

Welcome Home, Flatus ! What a wonderful party  & family. Let’s all have family parties like yours.

8 years ago

So, Craig, in the last thread you complained that it was all about the deadbeat, even here on the trail. You noted, with an ever so slight exaggeration, that there weren’t positive statements about Ms Clinton. So cued, I gave four positives points in Clinton’s favor. Then you discounted half of the four, doubting that she would actually promote them.

Well, okay. So, what’s your point ? Were you signaling that you actually want an all day, all trump trail ?

Are you being beltway-cynical ? Or do you really think she’ll poop out on two of the four. If the latter, then which two of these four do you think she will push ?

1. Clinton wants more carbon neutral energy, and 2. wants it manufactured in the coal belt. 3. She says she wants to get the big money out of politics. 4. She wants tighter controls on who can purchase certain firearms.

8 years ago

Love that edit button.

8 years ago

another good thing out of ohio today

raw story: Kasich issues f*ck you to GOP chair: Trump and Priebus responsible for ‘potential national wipeout’

8 years ago

too bad those ny/nj bombs will become a smoke screen for these bombs in goperland

cbs: Kasich strategist rips into Reince Priebus over Trump

“(Kasich) will not be bullied by a Kenosha political operative that is unable to stand up for core principles or beliefs,” Weaver said in a statement referring to Priebus’ Wisconsin hometown. “In fact, Reince should be thanking the Governor for standing for an inclusive, conservative vision that can actually win a national election and improve our country.”


and foxnews: Kasich won’t be ‘bullied’ by RNC threat to nix White House bids over Trump snub, aide says

8 years ago

xr, yep our poobah sounded just like shields & brooks did complaining about  Hillary not having any positives about her.  where has everybody been in d.c. while she’s traversed the country for months talking about many many progressive plans and promised efforts to be made….in addition to whatever Bernie and lizzie wanted.  they must be deaf or a have reading disability or just so mesmerized by the 236 lb orange wigged elephant in the room that they’re ignoring everything she says…. unless it’s something that they deem “deplorable”.   what she’ll get done in the white house will depend a great deal on how bad the gopers get beat into redeeming themselves.

8 years ago

Just took a second look at that picture up at teh top of the thread.  What is that, a horse with 3 asses?

8 years ago

Xrep at 1:37 & patd at 2:13…    🙂

Pogo…  LOL!… yup…

8 years ago

We’ve done this under the guise of reasons to vote FOR Hillary before.  Let me try this.

Like it or not, Hillary has always had a reputation for being strong on defense and willing to use the strength of our armed forces to protect our interests – more so than the typical lib/Dem is comfortable with.

Whether you agree with every decision she makes, she does her homework and makes decisions based upon facts, not upon some need to show that she has balls and they are bigger than anyone else’s.

She fundamentally believes in equal rights across the board now that she’s come to the conclusion that equal protection extends to all folks.

She believes that the Constitution and the decisions  of the Court demand respect, and that she can’t do the stupid shit that is being uttered by drumpf, regardless of any of those.

She won’t be putting RW nuts on SCOTUS, but aside from that I have seen or heard nothing to suggest she is litmus testing prospective jurists on specific issues to make sure they are going to try and promote any specific agenda.

Now, tell me something positive about drumpf so that I might consider changing my mind about him.  And PLEASE don’t give me the law and order b’it or any other crap that has no basis in fact to support it. I think it might be nice to apply the same standard to drumpf that is applied to Clinton – for a CHANGE.


8 years ago

mother goosed?

Ride a cocked-horse
To d.c. of course,
To see what donny can buy;
A penny white oaf,
A penny white flake,
And a two-bit pie-in-the-sky

8 years ago

“apply the same standard to drumpf that is applied to Clinton”

pogo, what heresy! you know only men (particularly white men) count. it’s apples and oranges for the rest of us.

story in the atlantic tries to explain about the double standard:
The Curse of Hillary Clinton’s Ambition
Some voters seem to believe the Democratic nominee cares too much about winning.
A 2010 study on backlash against female politicians found that “participants experienced feelings of moral outrage” such as contempt, anger, and disgust when women politicians were described as power-seeking. In contrast, “when participants saw male politicians as power-seeking, they also saw them as having greater agency (i.e., being more assertive, stronger, and tougher) and greater competence.”


…A number of participants in the focus group rated Donald Trump as more trustworthy than Clinton. Trump also leads Clinton on the question of trust in some national polls. That’s remarkable considering that the honesty of the candidates is not an abstract question, and evidence suggest that Clinton is in fact more trustworthy. According to PolitiFact, only fifteen percent of Trump’s statements are true or mostly true, compared to fifty percent of Clinton’s statements.


8 years ago

another example for reason to worry about the drumpf getting classified briefings, doesn’t care about causing panic in the streets:
Still, Mr. Trump, who drew criticism over the weekend for having declared that a bomb went off in New York, before the police had confirmed that fact, was unabashed about his lack of restraint on Monday. On Fox, Mr. Trump applauded himself for having been proven right about the blast.
“I should be a newscaster,” he said. “I called it before the news.”

8 years ago


8 years ago

The guy’s brain is on loudspeaker.  Whatever top secret info the Defense/CIA/NSA folks would tell a President trump, will come right out as soon as he sees a lectern and microphone. Believe me.

8 years ago

Voting Hillary because not to would be deplorable, at the very least.

not voting for trump because……because…….


ok, so I’m a wise-ass……

8 years ago

I recommend RAZOR GIRL, by one Carl Hiaasen……who-dunnit based in Key West.

also the first NEW book I’ve bought since 2007, thanks to our lovely little republican recession.

8 years ago

Ain’t dat a shame……..

8 years ago

Joe Scarborough, Donald Trump look to repair relations

by Dylan Byers
Joe Scarborough wants to make nice with Donald Trump.
Last week, Scarborough and his “Morning Joe” co-host, Mika Brzezinski, visited the Republican presidential nominee at Trump Tower to rekindle a once-rosy relationship that has turned bitter and adversarial, sources with knowledge of the meeting told CNNMoney.
The three also discussed the possibility of conducting an interview for “Morning Joe,” though nothing was decided or finalized, one of the sources said. Scarborough did not respond to a request for comment.

8 years ago

sturge, just finished “razor girl” which was a key west romp for real. always love Hiaasen for telling florida at its most florid.

also liked the flag cartoon and wonder about those who wear the flag on their bvds, bikinis and bandanas protesting against taking a knee.